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281 - 320 件 / 3725件

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*tutorialの検索結果281 - 320 件 / 3725件

  • Web Site Design Tutorial: Wellknown.as Case

    Last month I met some guys that are working on a really nice project that involved an iPhone app. So they invited me to design the web site, called Wellknown.as. I loved the idea and started looking for references and inspiration so I could start the design itself. So in this tutorial I will show you a little bit of how I created it using Fireworks. Of course you can do the same thing in Photoshop

    • MongoDB Ruby Driver Tutorial

      MongoDB Ruby Driver Tutorial This tutorial gives many common examples of using MongoDB with the Ruby driver. If you're looking for information on data modeling, see MongoDB Data Modeling and Rails. Links to the various object mappers are listed on our object mappers page. Interested in GridFS? See GridFS in Ruby. As always, the latest source for the Ruby driver can be found on github. Installation

      • Theocacao: A Quick Objective-C 2.0 Tutorial

        A Quick Objective-C 2.0 Tutorial In the interest of getting started quickly, here's a quick tour of new features in Objective-C 2.0 which will probably affect about 80% of the work you do. We'll look at properties, dot syntax, fast enumeration, and garbage collection. Properties Properties are a generic way of declaring the data a class provides. In a Movie class, the properties would be things li

        • Illustrator Tutorial: iTune Icon

          The challenge of this tutorial is to use various Blending modes and blending techniques to replicate the iTune icon. This tutorial is a good exercise to master your Blend techniques. Download Source File Required: Illustrator 9+ 1. Basic Shapes Start making the basic shapes of the iTune icon. If you need help on how to trace from an image, visit my Tracing Photo tutorial. 2. Music Note Make a glos

          • Perl Tutorial: Variable, Array, Hashes with Programming Example

              Perl Tutorial: Variable, Array, Hashes with Programming Example
            • Tutorial: Displacement Water- Photoshopcontest.com

              PhotoshopContest.com Creative Contests. Real Prizes. Essential Resource. By: aliased Creating a realistic water surface in Photoshop is quite a challenge because it is the distorted reflection of the surroundings that makes the water look liquid. The displace filter is an excellent tool for making this distortion. The displace filter "shifts pixels" in an image according to the brightness values o

              • Using convolutional neural nets to detect facial keypoints tutorial — Daniel Nouri's Blog

                This is a hands-on tutorial on deep learning. Step by step, we'll go about building a solution for the Facial Keypoint Detection Kaggle challenge. The tutorial introduces Lasagne, a new library for building neural networks with Python and Theano. We'll use Lasagne to implement a couple of network architectures, talk about data augmentation, dropout, the importance of momentum, and pre-training. So

                • CSS Cursors - CSS tutorial

                  Microsoft Internet Explorer 4+ and Netscape 6+ supports customized cursors defined with CSS. Although the cursors will not have the customized look in other browsers it usually doesn't ruin anything. These browsers will simply show the normal arrow-cursor which would be same case as if you refrained from customizing cursors at all. So unless the page really doesn't work without the customized curs

                  • URLSession Tutorial: Getting Started

                    Whether an app retrieves application data from a server, updates your social media status or downloads remote files to disk, network requests are what make the magic happen. To help you with the many requirements for network requests, Apple provides URLSession, a complete networking API for uploading and downloading content. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build Half Tunes, an app that queri

                      URLSession Tutorial: Getting Started
                    • Gevent Tutorial

                      Introduction The structure of this tutorial assumes an intermediate level knowledge of Python but not much else. No knowledge of concurrency is expected. The goal is to give you the tools you need to get going with gevent, help you tame your existing concurrency problems and start writing asynchronous applications today. Contributors In chronological order of contribution: Stephen Diehl Jérémy Bet

                      • Rails Tutorialをやり終えた - light log

                        後半ペースが鈍ったけど、とりあえず一通りRails Tutorialをやり終えた。 Ruby on Rails チュートリアル:実例を使って Rails を学ぼう せっかくなので感想を残しておく。 取り掛かる前の状態 Rubyは少し触ったことがある 他のプログラミング言語はいくつかやったことがある 他のWebフレームワークは、NodeのExpressをほんの少し触ったことがあるだけ Railsは、「Ruby on Rails 4 アプリケーションプログラミング」を(ほぼ)一通りやった 上記の本を読んだあとに簡単な練習用のアプリを一個作った 黒い画面にはある程度慣れていて、特に抵抗ない Gitの基本的なコマンドは使える BDDフレームワークはNodeのMochaを少し触ったことがある あと、今回演習はほとんど飛ばした。 感想 Rails Tutorialをやる前に「Ruby on Rails

                          Rails Tutorialをやり終えた - light log
                        • Ajaxチュートリアルのランキングサイト「Ajax Tutorial Top List」:phpspot開発日誌

                          Ajax Tutorial Top List - Free tutorials, articles, examples for web 2.0 Ajaxチュートリアルのランキングサイト「Ajax Tutorial Top List」 Ajaxのチュートリアルがランキングで順に紹介されています。 1〜3位は次のような感じ。 1. Ajaxを使った道程名ドロップダウンリストをPHPで作る 2. Ajaxを使ったリアルタイムファイルアップロード 3. Ajax、MySQL、PHP によってフォームのバリデートを行う こうしたサンプルのリンク集を集めた上で、更にランキングにすることで利用率・便利度・ニーズの高いもの順に並べています。 これはなかなか便利かもしれませんね。 関連エントリ Ajax/CSS/PHP等のチュートリアルまとめ ZendFrameworkでAjaxを使ったチャットシステムを作

                          • Ruby on Rails Tutorial (3rd ed.) を一周終えた - #-

                            ぽちぽち続けてきてちょうど 40 日かかったが、Ruby on Rails Tutorial (3rd ed.)(原典)を一周終えることができた。カタチあるものをこうして作ることができ、達成感もひとしおである。 hashedhyphen/rails-tutorial hashedhyphen/toy_app hashedhyphen/sample_app Heroku に deploy できればいいのだが、SendGrid や AWS を動かすのにクレジットカード(無料の範囲内)が必要とのことなので、近いうちにクレカデビューしようと思う。 また、自機が Windows7 だったこともあり、環境構築やその他でつまづいた箇所がいくつかあったが、それらは Qiita にまとめてみた。Windows 機でチュートリアルを進める方の参考になれば幸いである。 hashedhyphen - Qiita

                              Ruby on Rails Tutorial (3rd ed.) を一周終えた - #-
                            • Tutorial – イラレラボ illustrator-labo

                              Text widget These widgets are displayed because you haven't added any widgets of your own yet. You can do so at Appearance > Widgets in the WordPress settings.

                              • Tutorial: How to Download from GitHub - Lumberjaph

                                How to Download from GitHub GitHub is founded on Git, a repository hosting service, but GitHub includes unique features and provides a web-based graphical interface, allowing for its users to interact through the use of graphical icons. With each task, it allows its users to use key features, such as bug tracking, wiki space, and a variety of other basic task management tools. It also provides the

                                  Tutorial: How to Download from GitHub - Lumberjaph
                                • Kinect Physics Tutorial for Processing

                                  In this hands-on tutorial I will walk you through the steps needed to turn YOU into an interactive virtual polygon. How awesome is that? To realise our creative end goal we will be using Processing and several of it's contributed libraries. Obviously I will not be covering all the aspects or possibilities of these libraries. Rather this tutorial focuses on the specific steps needed to reach our pr

                                    Kinect Physics Tutorial for Processing
                                  • The Java EE 7 Tutorial:The Java EE 7 Tutorial:Preface | Java EE Documentation | Java EE Documentation

                                    The Java EE 7 Tutorial Eric Jendrock Ricardo Cervera-Navarro Ian Evans Kim Haase William Markito Chinmayee Srivathsa

                                    • Juggling 教本 - Juggling Tutorial

                                      ジャグリング教本 † 文章・構成:池田洋介 イラスト 高橋さとみ ジャグリングを勉強しようと思っても、どうやって始めたらいいのかさっぱり分からない、ある程度の技は分かるけど次に何を練習したらいいのだろうか、そんな疑問に答えるべくこの教本を作り始めました。徐々に更新しています。目指すは どんな本よりも詳しく、どんなサイトよりも分かりやすいジャグリングの教本です。 2007年5月大幅改定しました。足りない文章やイラストを補い、より見やすく分かりやすいものになりました。このWeb教本が少しでもジャグリングを愛する皆様のお役に立つことを心より願っています。 ↑

                                      • 水滴-Lunacore Photoshop Training - Water Drops tutorial

                                        Open an image in Photoshop that needs one or more water drops. In my example I used the image of a leaf that you can download here (In Windows: right click, save target as). Add a new layer by clicking on the New Layer icon and make a circular selection with the Elliptical Marquee Tool . It doesn't have to be a perfect circle, as long as it looks like one. For this Photoshop tutorial try to make a

                                        • A Tutorial on Portable Makefiles

                                          In my first decade writing Makefiles, I developed the bad habit of liberally using GNU Make’s extensions. I didn’t know the line between GNU Make and the portable features guaranteed by POSIX. Usually it didn’t matter much, but it would become an annoyance when building on non-Linux systems, such as on the various BSDs. I’d have to specifically install GNU Make, then remember to invoke it (i.e. as

                                          • neue cc - F# TutorialをC#と比較しながらでF#を学ぶ

                                            F#はMicrosoft発の関数型言語で、Visual Studio 2010に標準搭載されます。Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2も出たことだし、話題の?新言語を少し勉強してみることにします。F#の新規プロジェクト一覧にTutorialというのが用意されているので、これの中身を、C#と比較しながら見ていきたいと思います。追記:Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 First Look Beta 2日本語版も公開されました。 基本 ```fsharp open System let int1 = 1 let int2 = int1 + 3 ``` using System; var int1 = 1; var int2 = int1 + 3; ```</p> 名前空間の利用の設定と基本的な変数の代入方法。といったところでしょうか。そのまんまだし、別にC#

                                            • Photoshop Tutorial - Electrifying Energy Beams

                                              Here's a great effect that will bring some energy to your subject. We'll be wrapping this singer's arm with a glowing beam of light, adding sparkles, and adjusting the colors to make it all seem magical. Firstly, create a new layer, then grab your Pen Tool (P) and draw out a spiraling path, as if you have a snake wrapped around the arm. Then select the Brush Tool (B) and set your diameter to 7px,

                                                Photoshop Tutorial - Electrifying Energy Beams
                                              • Capistrano 3 Tutorial

                                                Capistrano 3 Tutorial One of the most popular posts on this blog is on how to use Capistrano 2 to deploy Rails applications to a VPS, including the scenario when you want to run several different applications on the same server. Capistrano 3 has now been released and having upgraded several large production applications to use it, I've found there to be a lot of worthwhile improvements over v2. Th

                                                • zupko.info Papervision 2.0 Effects Tutorial

                                                  • My First Language Frontend with LLVM Tutorial — LLVM 20.0.0git documentation

                                                    Requirements: This tutorial assumes you know C++, but no previous compiler experience is necessary. Welcome to the “My First Language Frontend with LLVM” tutorial. Here we run through the implementation of a simple language, showing how fun and easy it can be. This tutorial will get you up and running fast and show a concrete example of something that uses LLVM to generate code. This tutorial intr

                                                    • Learn OpenGL, extensive tutorial resource for learning Modern OpenGL

                                                      If you're running AdBlock, please consider whitelisting this site if you'd like to support LearnOpenGL (it helps a lot); and no worries, I won't be mad if you don't :) Introduction Getting started Lighting Model Loading Advanced OpenGL Advanced Lighting Normal Mapping Parallax Mapping HDR Bloom Deferred Shading SSAO PBR In Practice Particles Postprocessing Powerups Audio Render text Final thoughts

                                                      • Blueprintcss Tutorial 和訳 - minorio のプログラミング・メモ

                                                        まだ日本語のドキュメントがないみたいなので、Tutorial - Blueprintcss - Google Code を日本語に翻訳してみます。 チュートリアル さあ Blueprint の使い方を解説しましょう。 このチュートリアル以外に、Blueflavor によるチュートリアル(BlueprintCSS 101)もいいですよ。 インストール Blueprint は、あなたのサイトの CSS ディレクトリに置く必要があります。それを済ませた後、以下の2行をあなたのページのヘッダー内に書き加えてください。href に正しいパスが指定されていることを確認してください。 <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/blueprint/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"> <link rel="s

                                                          Blueprintcss Tutorial 和訳 - minorio のプログラミング・メモ
                                                        • Web 2.0 Badge Photoshop Tutorial

                                                          Captcha security check ajaxlessons.com is for sale Please prove you're not a robot View Price Processing

                                                            Web 2.0 Badge Photoshop Tutorial
                                                          • Regex Tutorial - Unicode Characters and Properties

                                                            Unicode is a character set that aims to define all characters and glyphs from all human languages, living and dead. With more and more software being required to support multiple languages, or even just any language, Unicode has been strongly gaining popularity in recent years. Using different character sets for different languages is simply too cumbersome for programmers and users. Unfortunately,

                                                            • Style2Paints V4 Tutorial | style2paints.github.io

                                                              English Deutsch 日本语 简体中文 Style2Paints V45 Tutorial Most important things! Please do not leave too much blank space in your canvas. Please crop your images after importing. Please do not put too much hint points. The less hint points the better. Please try as much as possible color styles (on the left) before you begin to put hint points. If you are not professional color artists, please use the co

                                                              • Rails Envy: Ruby on Rails Rake Tutorial (aka. How rake turned me into an alchoholic)

                                                                • CSS tutorial - Using borders to produce angled shapes

                                                                  This is a suppliment to the tutorial, and is here only for illustrative purposes. It is not part of the main tutorial. These examples will not work in Netscape 4 or WebTV, because they do not allow you to define individual borders, or Escape because it does not handle borders correctly. Internet explorer 4 and 5 may have trouble with some of the examples due to their problems with the box model. N

                                                                  • Alleba Blog » Photoshop Tutorial: How to Make a Web 2.0-Style Logo

                                                                    • MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference

                                                                      (Deutsch: MathJax: LaTeX Basic Tutorial und Referenz) To see how any formula was written in any question or answer, including this one, right-click on the expression and choose "Show Math As > TeX Commands". (When you do this, the '$' will not display. Make sure you add these: see the next point. There are also other ways to view the code for the formula or the whole post.) To try formatting, visi

                                                                        MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference
                                                                      • Space Lighting Effects in 10 Steps - Photoshop Tutorial

                                                                        Abduzeedo means abducted in portuguese, the spelling is not exactly that, it should be abduzido. But the whole idea for the Abduzeedo's design is the space. I'm really fan of playing with this subject because we are sort of free to create whatever we want, and using Photoshop that really means everything. So in this Photoshop tutorial I will show you how to create a space scene with some nice Ligh

                                                                        • Google Maps API for Flash - Flash CS3 Tutorial - Google Maps API for Flash - Google Code

                                                                          This tutorial assumes you have purchased and installed the Flash CS3 application. More on the Flash authoring application is available at http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/. Development within Flash CS3 does not require understanding of Flex. If instead, you wish to develop a Flash application using the Flex framework, consult either the FlexBuilder Tutorial or the Flex SDK Tutorial. Setting

                                                                          • Google Earth KML Tutorial

                                                                            Send feedback KML Tutorial Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth. KML uses a tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes and is based on the XML standard. All tags are case-sensitive and must appear exactly as they are listed in the KML Referenc

                                                                              Google Earth KML Tutorial
                                                                            • 30 Black Websites - tutorial blog

                                                                              • Ruby on Rails on Oracle: A Simple Tutorial

                                                                                by Richard Monson-Haefel (with mods for Rails 2.3 and ActiveRecord Oracle enhanced adapter by Jesse Hu) Rails is an easy framework to work with, but like any technology it takes time to master. Updated April 2009 Comments about this article? Visit the Ruby/RoR Discussion Forum You may have already heard about Ruby on Rails, the new application framework that seems to be taking the Web development

                                                                                • Google App Engine - Python Tutorial を和訳してみた - Qiita

                                                                                  Google App EngineのPython TutorialのIntroductionを和訳しました。 誤訳・誤植の修正はご遠慮なく編集リクエストを送りつけてください。 原文ページ はじめに 原文ページはこちら ようこそ Google App Engine へ! App Engine アプリを作るのは簡単で,数分しか掛かりません。そして自由に初められますし,アップロードしたアプリはすぐにユーザと共有できて,無償で契約も必要ありません。 Google App Engine アプリケーションは Python2.7,Java,Go,PHP のいずれかのプログラミング言語で書けます。このチュートリアルは Python 2.7 が対象です。もし Java や Go,PHP でアプリケーションを組みたい場合は,Java や Go,PHP のガイドを見てください。 このチュートリアルで次の方法が学

                                                                                    Google App Engine - Python Tutorial を和訳してみた - Qiita