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121 - 160 件 / 295件

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Asperger'sの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 295件

  • MIT's automated 'coach' helps with social interactions

    Social phobias affect about 15 million adults in the United States, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, and surveys show that public speaking is high on the list of such phobias. For some people, these fears of social situations can be especially acute: For example, individuals with Asperger's syndrome often have difficulty making eye contact and reacting appropriately to social

      MIT's automated 'coach' helps with social interactions
    • プロフェッサーマサルの1ポイント講座

      DSM−IV (American Psychiatric Association,1987,1994) これは、アメリカ精神医学会(APA)による精神障害の分類DSM−IVである。 DSM−IVは診断分類を以下の16種類に分けています。各分類は次の通りである。 1 通常、幼児期、小児期、または青年期に初めて診断される障害          (Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence) 1.1 精神遅滞Mental retardation                       317   軽度精神遅滞Mild Mental Retardation               318.0  中度[中等度]精神遅滞Moderate Mental Retardation        

      • Are Geeky Couples More Likely to Have Kids with Autism?

        Silicon Valley and other tech-savvy communities report exceptionally high rates of autism. These trends might reflect a link between genes that contribute to autism and genes behind technical aptitude. When two technical-minded individuals pair up, their children may inherit genes for useful cognitive skills, as well as genes involved in the development of autism. Furthermore, high levels of testo

          Are Geeky Couples More Likely to Have Kids with Autism?
        • High-functioning sociopath(高機能反社会的人間) シャーロックの哀しみ - Entre la poire et le fromage

          コナン・ドイルをはじめ、作家ではジョナサン・スウィフト、アンデルセン、メルヴィル、ルイス・キャロル、イェイツ、、ジョージ・オーウェル。 哲学者がスピノザ、カント、シモーヌ・ヴェイユ。 音楽家がモーツァルト、ベートーヴェン、サティ、バルトーク。 画家がゴッホ、L・S・ローリー、アンディー・ウォーホル ――以上に共通しているのは? 人と変わった作風で、ゆえに時代と国境を超えて魅力を放ち続ける「芸術」を作り上げた『天才』と呼ばれる人々。彼らは「性格・人格的に」「極端に変わっていて」「社会性に欠如し」「適応できなかった」という共通項が、英国で研究まとめされた本がある。テーマとしてはそれほど目新しいものではない。 『The Genesis of Artistic Creativity: Asperger's Syndrome and the Arts』Paperback – 18 May 2005 

            High-functioning sociopath(高機能反社会的人間) シャーロックの哀しみ - Entre la poire et le fromage 
          • Asperger's & Autism Community | Wrong Planet

            About Wrong Planet Wrong Planet is the web community designed for individuals (and parents / professionals of those) with Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, PDDs, and other neurological differences. We provide a discussion forum, where members communicate with each other, an article section, with exclusive articles and how-to guides, a blogging feature, and more.  Read More >

              Asperger's & Autism Community | Wrong Planet
            • Crime Times

              ASPERGER'S DISORDER: A POSSIBLE EXPLANATION FOR BEHAVIOR OF SUBGROUP OF SERIAL KILLERS? A series of papers by J. Arturo Silva and colleagues suggests that some serial killers擁ncluding Jeffrey Dahmer and Theodore Kaczynski (the "Unabomber")容xhibit evidence of Asperger's disorder (AD), a variant of autism. Autism is a neurological disorder that severely affects communication, social skills, behavior

              • 「自閉症」の定義 - Living, Loving, Thinking, Again

                BENEDICT CAREY “New Definition of Autism Will Exclude Many, Study Suggests” http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/20/health/research/new-autism-definition-would-exclude-many-study-suggests.html 米国精神医学会(American Psychiatric Association)ではDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(D. S. M.)の17年ぶりの改訂を進めている。その中で特に話題になっているのは「自閉症(autism)」の定義について。 (…) The revisions are about 90 percent complete and w

                  「自閉症」の定義 - Living, Loving, Thinking, Again
                • Frontiers | Decision-making in stimulant and opiate addicts in protracted abstinence: evidence from computational modeling with pure users

                  1Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, Virginia Tech, Roanoke, VA, USA 2Bulgarian Addictions Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria 3Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA 4Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 5Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 6Department o

                  • Holiday Issue #137 Contents

                    Features Fuminori Nakamura This young gun of Japanese hardboiled fiction is gaining international acclaim. by Tom Nolan The Question of the Collaborating Crime Writers E.J. Copperman and Jeff Cohen team up to write a new series featuring a detective with Asperger’s syndrome. by Cheryl Solimini Dilys Winn’s Magical Mystery Tour Even though he never took it, a “Mystery Readers’ Tour of Britain” led

                    • iPhone, iPad apps for children with learning difficulties

                      iPhone, iPad apps for children with learning difficulties How can technology be used to help children with learning difficulties? A review of iPad and iPhone apps currently available. If technology allows us to do one thing well, its to develop software and networks to increase levels of communication. Taking this as a starting point, some individuals and organisations have come up with a number o

                        iPhone, iPad apps for children with learning difficulties
                      • Can Science Predict Who Will Become Mass Shooters?

                        Published Jul 04, 2016 at 4:54 AM EDT Updated Jul 09, 2016 at 5:15 AM EDT Photos of the 49 people killed in the Orlando nightclub shooting fill the windows of the Human Rights Campaign office in Washington, D.C., June 17. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. The Orlando nightclub attack on June 12 was among the deadliest in Am

                          Can Science Predict Who Will Become Mass Shooters?
                        • robot wars extreme destruction download mac : vujywyla

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                            robot wars extreme destruction download mac : vujywyla
                          • California Autism Prevalence Trends from 1931 to 2014 and Comparison to National ASD Data from IDEA and ADDM - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

                            Time trends in U.S. autism prevalence from three ongoing datasets [Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, and California Department of Developmental Services (CDDS)] are calculated using two different methods: (1) constant-age tracking of 8 year-olds and (2) age-resolved snapshots. The data are consistent across methods in showing a s

                              California Autism Prevalence Trends from 1931 to 2014 and Comparison to National ASD Data from IDEA and ADDM - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
                            • ボスがサイコパスなんてことが大いにあり得る理由 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました

                              ところどころボロ訳でごめん。 でもさー、こういう人じゃないと社内政治に生き残れないよねー、と働いてきた経験からしみじみ思う。 「あんなことしてるとそのうち」とかよく言われるけど、中国経済崩壊の予言と一緒で、なかなか実現しないというか、滅多に実現することがない。 大体順調にするすると梯子を上って、さらに多くの人間を食い物にするものです。 うまいなー、すごいなー、よくやれるよなー、罪悪感ないって最強だよねー、と感心したことは一度や二度じゃありません。 というか、悪い人だから悪いことが起こったとか、良い人だから良い人が起こったという因果関係自体が存在しないんでしょうね。 感情的には「そんなことはあってはならない」んだろうけど、でも、だからなんだって話(笑)。 Why your boss could easily be a psychopath (ボスがサイコパスなんてことが大いにあり得る理由)

                                ボスがサイコパスなんてことが大いにあり得る理由 - 今日の覚書、集めてみました
                              • Illusory Memories of Emotionally Charged Words in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Further Evidence for Atypical Emotion Processing Outside the Social Domain - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

                                One may criticise our conclusions in this respect on the basis that we observed no Group × Emotion interaction in our analyses. It is important to note, however, that even if this interaction were significant, it would be irrelevant in relation to our predictions, since the main effect of Emotion may nevertheless be significant within each group (i.e. the effect could simply be larger in the Typic

                                  Illusory Memories of Emotionally Charged Words in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Further Evidence for Atypical Emotion Processing Outside the Social Domain - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
                                • Why shades of Asperger’s Syndrome are the secret to building a great tech company

                                  The individuals who have founded some of the most success tech companies are decidedly weird. Examine the founder of a truly innovative company and you’ll find a rebel without the usual regard for social customs. This begs the question, why? Why aren’t more “normal” people with refined social graces building tech companies that change the world? Why are only those on the periphery reaching great h

                                    Why shades of Asperger’s Syndrome are the secret to building a great tech company
                                  • Stimming - Wikipedia

                                    Feeling soft or otherwise enjoyable textures is a common form of stimming. Self-stimulatory behavior, also known as "stimming"[1] and self-stimulation,[2] is the repetition of physical movements, sounds, words, moving objects, or other behaviors. Such behaviors (also scientifically known as "stereotypies") are found to some degree in all people, especially those with developmental disabilities suc

                                      Stimming - Wikipedia
                                    • Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia

                                      On 23 September 2019, Thunberg attended the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City.[80][81] That day the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) hosted a press conference where Thunberg joined 15 other children, including Ayakha Melithafa, Alexandria Villaseñor, Catarina Lorenzo, and Carl Smith. Together, the group announced they had made an official complaint against five nations that were not

                                        Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia
                                      • 人間のトラブルの本を精神科医が改定する。 - Anno Job Log

                                        訳by AJ 人間のトラブルの本を精神科医が改定する。 この本は出版まで少なくともあと3年はかかるが、いくつかの精神疾患に関してはすでに熱い議論がまき起こっている。 強迫的な買い物は、精神的問題か?景色や音に後ずさりする子供は、感覚系の障害なのか、それとも単にさらなる注意が必要なだけか。フェティッシュは、ほかと同じく精神疾患とすべきか? 精神科医の委員会はこういった問題に対して、細かく議論をしている。そしてその結論は、精神疾患の診断・統計マニュアル第5判として発行され、その後の保険支払、研究、個人の心理的アイデンティティに影響を与える。 議論の過程は、このように社会的にも科学的にも論争をひきおこすものなので、出版元である米国精神医学会は、初めて、執筆陣に守秘義務の誓約をさせた。 その議論が特に強烈になる理由として、このマニュアルは医学的なガイドブックであると同時に社会的制度ともなりうるから

                                          人間のトラブルの本を精神科医が改定する。 - Anno Job Log
                                        • Asperger’s Syndrome Gets a Very Public Face (Published 2007)

                                          Heather Kuzmich has the neurological disorder known as Asperger’s syndrome. She is socially awkward, has trouble making eye contact and is sometimes the target of her roommates’ jokes. But what makes the 21-year-old Ms. Kuzmich different from others with Asperger’s is that for the past 11 weeks, her struggle to cope with her disability has played out on national television. She is one of 13 young

                                            Asperger’s Syndrome Gets a Very Public Face (Published 2007)
                                          • Uim Cdm Iostat Device_missing_alarm_active - lasopamarine

                                            The cdm probe monitors CPU. (EOL) Microsoft Visual C Redistributables in CA UIM 9.0.2. CA UIM 9.0.2 now uses Microsoft Visual C Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017. A new MCS template package cdmmcstemplate. (MCS) Added IOSTAT template. (MCS) Added QoS and alarms for Inode. PermalinkJoin GitHub todayGitHub is home to over 36 million developers working together to host and review code, manage pr

                                              Uim Cdm Iostat Device_missing_alarm_active - lasopamarine
                                            • Brief Report: Sex Differences in ASD Diagnosis—A Brief Report on Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behaviors - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

                                              American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th edn.). Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing. Book Google Scholar Attwood, T., Grandin, T., Bolick, T., Faherty, C., Iland, K., Myers, J. M., & Wroble, M. (2006). Asperger’s and girls. Texas: Future Horizons. Google Scholar Bodfish, J. W., Symons, F. W., & Lewis, M. H. (1999). The Repetitive B

                                                Brief Report: Sex Differences in ASD Diagnosis—A Brief Report on Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behaviors - Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
                                              • Point, Click, and Fire in Virtual Reality—With Just Your Eyes

                                                Point, Click, and Fire in Virtual Reality—With Just Your Eyes Kickstarter-funded startup Fove wants to be the first virtual-reality device controlled entirely by vision. It’s testament to the speed at which the current crop of virtual-reality headsets are evolving that newcomer Fove is able to make its competitors seem, if not outdated, then at least behind the curve. The Fove device is expected t

                                                • Specialized occupational therapy focuses on children with sensory issues

                                                  Specialized occupational therapy focuses on children with sensory issues WATERLOO — A Waterloo occupational therapist recently opened a specially designed room for a unique form of therapy to help children with sensory issues improve how their body processes sensations to do better in daily life. Called sensory integration therapy, this specialized type of occupational therapy is aimed at childre

                                                  • Opinion | Don’t Blame Autism for Newtown (Published 2012)

                                                    LAST Wednesday night I listened to Andrew Solomon, the author of the extraordinary new book “Far From the Tree,” talk about the frequency of filicide in families affected by autism. Two days later, I watched the news media attempt to explain a matricide and a horrific mass murder in terms of the killer’s supposed autism. It began as insinuation, but quickly flowered into outright declaration. Word

                                                      Opinion | Don’t Blame Autism for Newtown (Published 2012)
                                                    • Jacob Barnett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                                      Jacob L. "Jake" Barnett (born May 26, 1998) is an American physics student and child prodigy.[1] According to a memoir penned by his mother, he was diagnosed with autism when he was 2 years old and was taught privately by his parents.[2][3] He showed an interest in physics from a young age, and coauthored and published a physics research paper at the age of 13. In a review of Mrs. Barnett's memoir

                                                      • 高機能性アスペルガー症候群は発達障害どころか天才!16歳の環境活動家グレタさんのパワーはここから来ている! - 華麗に加齢!

                                                        気候変動への対策遅延を発信、地球温暖化対策を訴えるスウェーデンの16歳、グレタ・トゥーンベリさん。勇気ある行動に対する中傷記事も目立ち、とても残念。 これは、科学的データにしっかりと裏付けられた彼女の論理や行動力、デジタルを使った発信力に大人たちが当惑しているだけではなく、アスペルガー症候群についての知識欠如からくる大きな誤解が原因だと見ています。 国連の温暖化対策サミット、グレタさんのスピーチをご覧ください 心理療法士がみたアスペルガー症候群 アスペルガー症候群:興味の対象が一般人から見ると奇抜 アスペルガー症候群:抜群の記憶力 アスペルガー症候群:思い込んだら突進。慣習的な暗黙のルールが理解できない グレタさんの科学的根拠に則った議論を大人は無視できない 彼女が述べるデータが全てが正しいとは限りません グレタさん、Right Liveihood賞受賞決定! まとめ 国連の温暖化対策サミ

                                                          高機能性アスペルガー症候群は発達障害どころか天才!16歳の環境活動家グレタさんのパワーはここから来ている! - 華麗に加齢!
                                                        • Cleverer still

                                                          Cleverer stillGeniuses are getting brighter. And at genius levels of IQ, girls are not as far behind boys as they used to be SCIENCE has few more controversial topics than human intelligence—in particular, whether variations in it are a result of nature or nurture, and especially whether such variations differ between the sexes. The mines in this field can blow up an entire career, as Larry Summer

                                                            Cleverer still
                                                          • Autism signs 'present in first months' of life

                                                            An early indication of autism can be identified in babies under six months old, a study suggests. US researchers, writing in Nature, analysed how infants looked at faces from birth to the age of three. They found children later diagnosed with autism initially developed normally but showed diminished eye contact - a hallmark of autism - between two and six months of age. A UK expert said the findin

                                                              Autism signs 'present in first months' of life
                                                            • Mental Health Surveillance Among Children — United States, 2005–2011

                                                              Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov. Type 508 Accommodation and the title of the report in the subject line of e-mail. Ruth Perou, PhD1 Rebecca H. Bitsko, PhD1 Stephen J. Blumberg, PhD2 Patricia Pastor, PhD3 Reem M. Ghandour, DrPH4 Joseph C. Gfroerer5 Sarra L. Hedden, PhD5 Alex E. Crosby

                                                              • 【ASD】アスペルガー症候群の特徴的な症状、自閉症の原因について解説

                                                                アスペルガー症候群の人が苦手なこと ほかの自閉症スペクトラム障害と同様に、アスペルガー症候群の人は社会的な状況で困難な問題を抱えています。 例えば、人と目を合わせられなかったり、冗談を理解できなかったり、会話の続け方がわからなかったりします。 アスペルガーの人は、こうした非言語的な信号を理解したり、身振り手振りなどのボディランゲージを解読したりするのに苦労してしまうのです。 アスペルガーの人は、他人の視点を理解する能力に乏しいために、社会的な感情を相手に返したり、他人と喜びや苦しみを共有したりすることも難しかったりできなかったりします。 このせいで考えていることがよくわからない人だと思われ、子供の頃に友人関係を築くことができず、他の子供たちから “変な人 “や “不器用な人 “だと言われてしまうこともあります。 kruchoro.com アスペルガー症候群の人が得意なこと しかし一方で、ア

                                                                • 東京ディズニーリゾートに「アナと雪の女王」 2017年にオープンする新エリアとは?(画像)

                                                                  The Emotional Moment D.L. Hughley Realized His Son With Asperger's Syndrome Would 'Be All Right' 2015-04-27 11:47:42 19 One-Liners That Sum Up Parenthood Perfectly 2015-04-28 10:12:12 7 Netflix Documentaries That Are Definitely Worth A Watch 2015-04-28 09:08:56 I Drove The Internet Into A Frenzy Telling The Truth About Motherhood 2015-04-28 11:00:38 LISTEN: Bar Owner Defends 2-Way Mirror In Women'

                                                                    東京ディズニーリゾートに「アナと雪の女王」 2017年にオープンする新エリアとは?(画像)
                                                                  • The Abe Cabinet - An Ideological Breakdown

                                                                    The Abe Cabinet - An Ideological Breakdown 安倍内閣 所属団体を通してのイデオロギー的分析 Between 2012 and 2014 we posted a number of articles on contemporary affairs without giving them volume and issue numbers or dates. Often the date can be determined from internal evidence in the article, but sometimes not. We have decided retrospectively to list all of them as Volume 10, Issue 54 with a date of 2012 with the unders

                                                                    • Hacker Gary McKinnon loses appeal against extradition to US

                                                                      The British computer hacker Gary McKinnon failed today in his latest legal attempt to avoid extradition to the US where he could face a sentence of up to 60 years in a high-security prison. The high court dismissed two claims for judicial review, dismaying McKinnon's family and supporters. Janis Sharp, his mother, said: "We are heartbroken. If the law says it's fair to destroy someone's life in th

                                                                        Hacker Gary McKinnon loses appeal against extradition to US
                                                                      • Automated ‘coach’ could help with social interactions

                                                                        Social phobias affect about 15 million adults in the United States, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, and surveys show that public speaking is high on the list of such phobias. For some people, these fears of social situations can be especially acute: For example, individuals with Asperger’s syndrome often have difficulty making eye contact and reacting appropriately to social

                                                                          Automated ‘coach’ could help with social interactions
                                                                        • Changes in Prevalence of Parent-reported Autism Spectrum Disorder in School-aged U.S. Children: 2007 to 2011–2012.

                                                                          Number 65 n March 20, 2013 Changes in Prevalence of Parent-reported Autism Spectrum Disorder in School-aged U.S. Children: 2007 to 2011–2012 by Stephen J. Blumberg, Ph.D., Matthew D. Bramlett, Ph.D., National Center for Health Statistics; Michael D. Kogan, Ph.D., Maternal and Child Health Bureau; Laura A. Schieve, Ph.D., National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities; Jessica R. J

                                                                          • Peter Thiel on Stagnation, Innovation, and What Not To Name Your Company (Ep. 1 - Live at Mason)

                                                                            April 6, 2015 Peter Thiel on Stagnation, Innovation, and What Not To Name Your Company (Ep. 1 - Live at Mason) On stagnation, the Bible, company names, chess, favorite TV shows, and the “Straussian Christ.” In the first episode of this series, Peter Thiel talks with Tyler Cowen about stagnation, the Bible, company names, chess, favorite TV shows, and even the “Straussian Christ.” Watch the full co

                                                                              Peter Thiel on Stagnation, Innovation, and What Not To Name Your Company (Ep. 1 - Live at Mason)
                                                                            • Psychiatrists under fire in mental health battle

                                                                              There is no scientific evidence that psychiatric diagnoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are valid or useful, according to the leading body representing Britain's clinical psychologists. In a groundbreaking move that has already prompted a fierce backlash from psychiatrists, the British Psychological Society's division of clinical psychology (DCP) will on Monday issue a statement decl

                                                                                Psychiatrists under fire in mental health battle
                                                                              • How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's

                                                                                Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED

                                                                                  How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's
                                                                                • Suicidal ideation and suicide plans or attempts in adults with Asperger's syndrome attending a specialist diagnostic clinic: a clinical cohort study

                                                                                  If you don't remember your password, you can reset it by entering your email address and clicking the Reset Password button. You will then receive an email that contains a secure link for resetting your password

                                                                                    Suicidal ideation and suicide plans or attempts in adults with Asperger's syndrome attending a specialist diagnostic clinic: a clinical cohort study