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Austria,の検索結果1281 - 1320 件 / 9901件

  • R-Uni (A List of 100 Free R Tutorials and Resources in University webpages)

    R-Uni (A List of 100 Free R Tutorials and Resources in University webpages) Free 100 Online tutorials for R programming, Statistics and Graphics Here is a list of FREE R tutorials hosted in official website of universities around the world. The tutorials are listed  in no particular order, actually based on when I have discovered it. They will be categorised soon. Please kindly suggest me other un

      R-Uni (A List of 100 Free R Tutorials and Resources in University webpages)
    • Concolic testing - Wikipedia

      Concolic testing (a portmanteau of concrete and symbolic, also known as dynamic symbolic execution) is a hybrid software verification technique that performs symbolic execution, a classical technique that treats program variables as symbolic variables, along a concrete execution (testing on particular inputs) path. Symbolic execution is used in conjunction with an automated theorem prover or const

        Concolic testing - Wikipedia
      • Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        The Industrial Revolution, sometimes divided into the First Industrial Revolution and Second Industrial Revolution, was a period of global transition of the human economy towards more widespread, efficient and stable manufacturing processes that succeeded the Agricultural Revolution. Beginning in Great Britain, the Industrial Revolution spread to continental Europe and the United States, during th

          Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
        • Andrew McAfee / The Impact of Information Technology (IT) on Businesses and their Leaders

          September 23, 2008 Should Knowledge Workers Have Enterprise 2.0 Ratings? Imagine that an organization has deployed a full suite of emergent social software platforms (ESSPs) for its members— blogs, wikis, discussion / Q&A forums, upload facilities for photos and videos and etc., Digg-like utilities to flag and vote on digital content, prediction markets, some kind of enterprise Twitter, and whate

          • I Have No Words & I Must Design

            This article was published in 1994 in Interactive Fantasy #2, a British roleplaying journal. Page down to read, or click on the links below to jump to a particular section. What Is a Game, Anyhow? It's Not a Puzzle It's Not a Toy It's Not a Story It Demands Participation So What Is a Game? Decision Making Goals Opposition Managing Resources Game Tokens Information Other Things That Strengthen Game

            • Tablets Strattera. Buy Strattera American Express Online - Furums

              №1 US Reliable Pharmacy - Buy Strattera American Express Online -- Click here to buy Strattera. Tablets Strattera - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - 100% legal products. - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Our prices are 70% less than your local pharmacy - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - Fast delivery and complete

              • Gameplay - Wikipedia

                Gameplay is the specific way in which players interact with a game,[1][2] and in particular with video games.[3][4] Gameplay is the pattern defined through the game rules,[2][5] connection between player and the game,[6] challenges[7] and overcoming them,[8] plot[9] and player's connection with it.[6] Video game gameplay is distinct from graphics[9][10] and audio elements.[9] In card games, the eq

                • Journey of a lifetime

                  In everyone's life, there are moments that they know will change their future forever. I had such a moment thirty years ago today but at the time I could never have imagined the magnitude of the impact. That was the day my family first arrived in the United States. The journey to get here was challenging. Just applying to leave the Soviet Union branded us with a scarlet letter -- my father lost hi


                    Hi! I'm Erik Bont - an austrian based photographer & art director, located in Feldkirch, Vorarlberg. I love to travel and I'm operating internationally for business and private clients since nearly 20 years - from Vienna via Stuttgart, Munich, Hamburg and Berlin to Zurich, Bern, Basel, Milan and beyond. My specialization is in fine art advertising, fashion and portrait photography, but I'm also co

                    • Language Log » The directed graph of stereotypical incomprehensibility

                      « previous post | next post » Yuval Pinter writes: When an English speaker doesn't understand a word one says, it's "Greek to me". When a Hebrew speaker encounters this difficulty, it "sounds like Chinese". I've been told the Korean equivalent is "sounds like Hebrew". Has there been a study of this phrase phenomenon, relating different languages on some kind of Directed Graph? Well, there's a Wiki

                      • ID管理モデルとしてのセクトラル方式、日本向けにアレンジできるか - Manaboo 電子政府・電子申請コラム

                        ツイッターで、ID管理モデルの一つである「セクトラルモデル」についてやり取りをしました。良い機会なので、政府が検討している案とも比較しながら、その特徴について整理したいと思います。かなりマニアックなので、そのつもりでご覧ください。 セクトラルモデルの定義は、それほど明確ではありません。オーストリア政府が新しいID管理モデルとして開発したのが始まりと思いますが、ベルギー(中央機関で対応表を持つ方式)もセクトラルモデルの一つとする考え方もあるようです。 セクトラルモデルをオーストリア方式に限定しない場合、次のような説明が考えられます。 ・行政機関または分野ごとに異なる番号を使用する ・番号間に関連性がある ・行政機関または分野を超えて相互にデータ連携(交換、問合せ等)できる ・機関または分野横断的な検索はできない(芋づる式につながらない) ●オーストリアのセクトラルモデル 「セクトラルモデル」

                          ID管理モデルとしてのセクトラル方式、日本向けにアレンジできるか - Manaboo 電子政府・電子申請コラム 
                        • LLaMAを動かすまで (推論結果付き) - Qiita

                          Metaが公開したLLaMAのモデルをダウンロードして動かすところまでやってみたのでその紹介をします。 申請 GitHubレポジトリのREADMEを読むとGoogle Formへのリンクが見つかると思うので、そこから申請します。いろいろ聞かれると思いますが、一番大事なのはメールアドレスを記入するところで、大学のメールアドレス持ってる人はそれを使った方が良いです。 モデルのダウンロード Metaから下図のようなメールが送られてくるので、URLをクリックして開くのではなくアドレスをコピーします。 あとはGitHubレポジトリのREADMEに書いてある通りに進めてください。 Linuxの人はそのままで大丈夫なのですが、Windowsだとそうもいかないので、Ubuntu on Windowsとか使いました。TARGET_FOLDERを/mnt/c/[path to dir]とか指定してあげることで

                            LLaMAを動かすまで (推論結果付き) - Qiita
                          • ß - Wikipedia

                            This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. For the distinction between [ ], / / and ⟨ ⟩, see IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters. In German orthography, the letter ß, called Eszett (IPA: [ɛsˈtsɛt]) or scharfes S (IPA: [ˌʃaʁfəs ˈʔɛs], "sharp S"), represents the /s/ phoneme in Standard Ge

                              ß - Wikipedia
                            • Overseas Chinese - Wikipedia

                              Overseas Chinese people are those of Chinese birth or ethnicity who reside outside mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.[25] As of 2011, there were over 40.3 million overseas Chinese.[9] Overall, China has a low percent of population living overseas. Typical grocery store on 8th Avenue in one of the Brooklyn Chinatowns (布魯克林華埠) in New York City, New York, US. Multiple Chinatowns in Manhatta

                                Overseas Chinese - Wikipedia
                              • Coronavirus

                                Trending: Cosafa Cup to go ahead despite South Africa plans on Covid-19 - Destombes The tournament will run from July 6 to 18 and will see Eswatini and Lesotho kicking off the action at Nelson Mandela Bay 2021-06-28T11:38:47Z Happy Birthday PT Usha: Netizens pour in wishes for the Queen of Indian track and field PT Usha was nicknamed Payoli Express as she was born in Payoli village in Kozhikode di

                                • ホーム

                                  Vector Austria GmbH Millennium Tower, Etage 41 Handelskai 94-96 1200 Vienna オーストリア

                                  • Acknowledgements

                                    Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. © 2006-2012 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection, database right protection and other intellectual property rights owned by TomTom or its suppliers. The use of this material is subject to the t

                                    • Chernobyl 15 years on: Health information still suppressed | WISE

                                      To mark the 15th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, this issue of the WISE News Communique gives special attention to the ongoing effects of the disaster. Although many in the West heaved a sigh of relief after the closure of the last operating reactor (no. 3) at Chernobyl on 15 December 2000, the 1986 disaster continues to have major consequences for the daily lives of the region's inhabitant

                                      • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG): Creating High-End 2D Graphics Using XML

                                        Gerald Bauer (Chairmain, CEO, CFO and CTO of Me, Myself & I, Inc.) Java User Group (JUG) Austria Talk, November 2002 Who is this guy? Gerald Bauer independent Java, XML and Web consultant and open-source advocate open-sourced Rachel (Resource Loading Toolkit for Web Start/JNLP) and Luxor (Java XML User Interface Toolkit) develops Venus Application Publisher (Vamp) for Java Web Start/JNLP tool suit

                                        • 人身売買実態報告2009年版(米国国務省作成)雑感 - 誰かの妄想・はてな版

                                          こんな記事がありました。 日本の人身売買対策は二流、外国人女性が犠牲…米国務省 【ワシントン=本間圭一】米国務省は16日、世界約170か国での人身売買の状況をまとめた2009年の年次報告書を発表した。 政府の対策の程度に応じ、各国を4段階に分類している。評価が最高の「1」には欧州主要国が並び、日本は上から2番目の「2」にランクされた。北朝鮮やイランは、「2監視リスト」の下で最低評価の「3」とされた。 日本については、人身売買の犠牲者の多くが外国人女性であると指摘。仕事を求めて入国したが、渡航費用などで最高5万ドル(約500万円)の借金を背負わされ、性産業に従事させられるケースを紹介し、「ヤクザ」が売買に介入していると批判した。日本政府に法整備の強化を求めた。 北朝鮮に関しては、経済的に貧しい中国国境付近で、職があると誘われて脱北した女性が、売春に従事させられたり、中国人男性と強制的に結婚さ

                                            人身売買実態報告2009年版(米国国務省作成)雑感 - 誰かの妄想・はてな版
                                          • レパントの海戦 - Wikipedia

                                            レパントの海戦(レパントのかいせん)は、1571年10月7日に起こった、ギリシャのコリント湾口のレパント沖での、オスマン帝国海軍と、教皇領・スペイン帝国・ヴェネツィア共和国の連合海軍による海戦である[3]。 オスマン帝国の東地中海への進出に対してそれまで消極的な対応をしていたスペイン王国は、旧グラナダ王国での隠れイスラム教徒が生活条件の悪化により反乱を起こし(アルプハーラスの反乱)、オスマン帝国への支援を求めた事で自国の安全保障上看過できなくなった。そこで支配下のジェノヴァやイタリアの諸都市、マルタ騎士団等から最大限の戦力を集めた。また、教皇領の海軍にはスイス傭兵やフランスからの志願騎士も参加した。 一方、元々海運国ではなかったオスマン側は北アフリカの海賊の頭目をアレクサンドリアやアルジェ、チュニスといった土地のパシャ(総督)に任命し、海戦の度に召集していた。 この海戦は西ヨーロッパ史にお

                                              レパントの海戦 - Wikipedia
                                            • THE MAD DRUMMER

                                              SEEN BY OVER 50 MILLION PEOPLE THANKS TO A VIRAL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE Remember that crazy drummer on YouTube wearing the gold sparkle jacket??? You should!!! He’s been seen by over 50 million people in the viral video “This Drummer Is At The Wrong Gig!!!” Perhaps you remember the epic drum battle on NBC’s “The Office???” If not, you may remember seeing a drummer going crazy in a recent Advil Commercia

                                              • Best PS3 Themes – The #1 spot for Playstation themes!

                                                Shop for your gaming gear – for yourself or or family or friends or gaming partners. Shop early to get it delivered in time for the holidays. Ready to shop some of Amazon’s best early holiday deals? Prime Big Deal Days kicks off October 10 at 3 a.m. EDT and runs through October 11. Prime members will have access to deep discounts across a wide selection of products for 48 hours straight. With new

                                                • List of monarchs by nickname - Wikipedia

                                                  This is a list of monarchs (and other royalty and nobility) sorted by nickname. This list is divided into two parts: Cognomens: Also called cognomina. These are names which are appended before or after the person's name, like the epitheton necessarium, or Roman victory titles. Examples are "William the Conqueror" for William I of England, and "Frederick Barbarossa" for Frederick I, Holy Roman Empe

                                                  • Multiculturalism - Wikipedia

                                                    The term multiculturalism has a range of meanings within the contexts of sociology, political philosophy, and colloquial use. In sociology and in everyday usage, it is a synonym for ethnic pluralism, with the two terms often used interchangeably, and for cultural pluralism[1] in which various ethnic and cultural groups exist in a single society. It can describe a mixed ethnic community area where

                                                      Multiculturalism - Wikipedia
                                                    • XoTool™ LiveCat™

                                                      山 (141台) 中部 (141台) Chubu (141台) 砂浜 (131台) 都会 (127台) オーストリア (126台) Austria (126台) 船 (115台) 港 (115台) 円卓 (114台) 赤 (113台) コカ・コーラ (111台) コインランドリー (111台) Netherlands (111台) オランダ (111台) 哺乳類 (110台) UK (110台) Kinki (110台) 近畿 (110台) イギリス (110台) 風景 (106台) 洗濯機 (105台) 乾燥機 (104台) Spain (104台) スペイン (104台) 青 (102台) 洗浄 (101台) WASHハウス (101台) Norway (100台) ノルウェー (100台) 広場 (99台) 遠映 (98台) ホテル (97台) ボート (94台) パソコン (93台

                                                      • Great power - Wikipedia

                                                        A great power is a sovereign state that is recognized as having the ability and expertise to exert its influence on a global scale. Great powers characteristically possess military and economic strength, as well as diplomatic and soft power influence, which may cause middle or small powers to consider the great powers' opinions before taking actions of their own. International relations theorists

                                                          Great power - Wikipedia
                                                        • 10 Amazing Viewing Platforms

                                                          Collection of the most spectacular lookouts, observation decks, and viewing platforms from all over the world. Top of Tyrol Beautiful viewing platform located 3,000 m above sea level at the Stubai Glacier in Tyrol, Austria. Iguazu Viewing Platform Spiral viewing platform located over Iguazu waterfall in Brazil. Dachstein Skywalk Located 2.700 m above sea level, this cool skywalk is one of the most

                                                          • 新型コロナワクチン接種のデジタル証明書「EUグリーンパス」のQRコードには一体何が書かれているのか?

                                                            EUが、新型コロナウイルスの検査結果やワクチン接種の情報をまとめたデジタル証明書「EU Digital COVID Certificate」、通称「EUグリーンパス」の制度を2021年7月1日から施行します。このEUグリーンパスはQRコードか紙を利用して情報を提示する予定となっています。実際にどんな情報がどのようにしてQRコードに格納されているのかについて、オーストリア在住のエンジニアであるTobias Girstmair氏がブログで解説しています。 gir.st - What's Inside the EU Green Pass QR Code? https://gir.st/blog/greenpass.html EUグリーンパスの技術仕様を策定したeHealth Networkの担当部署は、GitHubにQRコードの仕様を公開しています。 hcert-spec/README.md a

                                                            • インフルエンザ | 病原体ミニ辞典 | 感染と予防 | サラヤ業務用製品情報 PRO SARAYA

                                                              インフルエンザに感染したかな?と思ったら 職場での対応について インフルエンザによる出席停止期間 インフルエンザウイルスの特徴 インフルエンザの予防方法 2023~24シーズンのワクチン株 インフルエンザの流行はどこから? インフルエンザの流行は児童からスタート、そこから家族内で感染伝播がおこり、やがて社会全体に拡がりをみせるのが一般的。職場全体に感染が拡大しないためにも、早期に対策を講じましょう。 ※スーパースプレッダーとは インフルエンザに感染したかな?と思ったら インフルエンザと風邪との違い インフルエンザ(流行性感冒)と風邪(普通感冒)は異なるものですが、初期症状では区別がつきにくいものです。 インフルエンザはインフルエンザウイルスによって引き起こされる疾患で、A型・B型は感染力が強く、大きな流行を起こします。典型的なインフルエンザは、ウイルスの感染を受けてから1~3日間の短い潜伏

                                                                インフルエンザ | 病原体ミニ辞典 | 感染と予防 | サラヤ業務用製品情報 PRO SARAYA
                                                              • Watch Attack on Titan | Netflix

                                                                '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                                  Watch Attack on Titan | Netflix
                                                                • All you need to know about hyphenation in CSS

                                                                  This post has been updated to reflect the situation as of January 2023. Changes include additional support in Chrome, along with the regression for support in Edge, which used to support all the hyphenation properties (the only browser to do so) but lost this capability with its switch to Blink in 2020 (Edge version 80 onwards). Earlier this month I was invited to give an evening lecture at the Ty

                                                                    All you need to know about hyphenation in CSS
                                                                  • List of cities by GDP - Wikipedia

                                                                    ^ "The Global Financial Centres Index 35". Long Finance. 21 March 2024. Retrieved 26 March 2024. ^ Laura Bratton (28 September 2023). "Sorry, London — New York Is Still the Financial Capital of the World". The Messenger. Archived from the original on 11 October 2023. Retrieved 26 March 2024. The GDP of the New York City metropolitan area is larger than the country of South Korea...New York City wa

                                                                      List of cities by GDP - Wikipedia
                                                                    • Aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami - Wikipedia

                                                                      A convoy of fire engines in the tsunami zone The aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami included both a humanitarian crisis and massive economic impacts. The tsunami created over 300,000 refugees in the Tōhoku region of Japan, and resulted in shortages of food, water, shelter, medicine and fuel for survivors. 15,900 deaths have been confirmed. In response to the crisis, the Japanese g

                                                                        Aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami - Wikipedia
                                                                      • Rainbow - Kill The King (Live in Munich 1977) | Stages

                                                                        Watch GIGS on Samsung TV Plus: https://www.samsungtvplus.com?action=play&target_tab=discover&target_id=GBBD3000004VR&target_type=1 Rainbow - Kill The King (Live in Munich 1977) DVD: http://smarturl.it/RainbowLiveGerdvd 2CD: http://smarturl.it/RainbowGer2cd 2LP: http://smarturl.it/RainbowGerVinyl Itunes Audio: http://smarturl.it/RainbowGerDigiAud Rainbow was formed by Ritchie Blackmore in 1975 af

                                                                          Rainbow - Kill The King (Live in Munich 1977) | Stages
                                                                        • 【MAZDA】マツダミュージアム|企業

                                                                          Mazda Austria Gesellschaft m. b. H. T: 43-463-38880 Ernst Diez Strasse 3, 9020 Klagenfurt, Österreich

                                                                          • #F1CultHeroes

                                                                            Latest News / Feature #F1CultHeroes 07 Feb 2016 Share Larger than life heroes; chain-smoking mavericks; laconic Finns; and famous victims of fortune - Formula One racing has produced a plethora of unusual stars whose reputation extended far past what they achieved on track. Ahead of the 2016 FIA Formula One World Championship, we take a look at some of the sport's most iconic cult stars. All-time

                                                                            • dapoxetina farmacia ) online di notte. Comprare il Ora. | My Czech Republic Message Boards

                                                                              dapoxetina farmacia ) online di notte. Comprare il Ora. Farmacia europea dapoxetina farmacia - http://url-qr.tk/pharmacy - Fai clic qui - Vai in farmacia - Prodotti legali al 100%. - Qualità e dosaggio farmaceutico. - Consegna veloce garantita. - Diversi metodi di pagamento: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin Comprare il Ora Assunta farmacia tempo sicure farmaci caldo più on , il che di s

                                                                                dapoxetina farmacia ) online di notte. Comprare il Ora. | My Czech Republic Message Boards
                                                                              • Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary

                                                                                A Question of Evidence presents work by a selection of artists and cultural practitioners that engages with or comments upon the difficulty of creating, collecting, and disseminating evidence-based material around issues such as identity politics, the suppression of human rights, democratic reform, and attempts to restrict free expression and representation. As “narrations of urgency”, the works i

                                                                                • Michael Jackson - Love Never Felt So Good (audio)

                                                                                  Pre-order Xscape on iTunes Now: http://smarturl.it/xscape?IQid=youtube Pre-order Xscape on Amazon Now: http://smarturl.it/xscape-amazonmp3 Audio stream also available now at Music Unlimited XSCAPE is an album of previously unreleased Michael Jackson songs. The album is produced and curated by Epic Records Chairman and CEO L.A. Reid, who retooled the production to add a fresh, contemporary sound th