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BLAME!の検索結果681 - 720 件 / 800件

  • ロシアでなく欧州を潰してる

    2023年7月10日 田中 宇 ウクライナ戦争が始まって500日が過ぎた。この戦争は、ロシアを潰す策として米国が起こしたが、実際は欧州を潰している。フランスは暴動が拡大して内戦になっている。 米諜報界が中東で育成したイスラム過激派が、自由で素晴らしい(笑)移民政策に乗ってフランスに入り込んで破壊してきた。仏内戦は、20年以上前から断続しつつ激化してきた長期戦であり、今後もずっと続く。 (Most French blame liberal immigration rules for riots) (French Gun Control Failed, Leaving Law-Abiding Citizens Helpless As Nation Burned) EUは市場統合されて越境自由だから、EU全体が内戦傾向になる。独などEUは、露石油ガスの喪失とインフレで経済も壊滅。左右エリート政党

    • A better `git blame` with `--ignore-rev`

      One of the biggest arguments against running automatic formatters against a codebase is that we lose the benefits that git blame gives us. Fortunately as of v2.23, git gained the ability to ignore specific revisions. This allows us to run our automatic formatters without losing any information: If the blame for any single line resolves to the ignored commit, it will be skipped and the previous com

      • Combating COVID-19 | The White House

        The American people deserve an urgent, robust, and professional response to the growing public health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. President Biden believes that the federal government must act swiftly and aggressively to help protect and support our families, small businesses, first responders, and caregivers essential to help us face this challenge, those who

          Combating COVID-19 | The White House
        • Translating Against World Literature | Los Angeles Review of Books

          IN A 1977 short story called “The Railroad Storytellers — A Dream,” Turkish author Oğuz Atay depicted the lives of three writers of short stories under the semi-employ of a provincial railroad station. Narrated by one of the writers, the story follows the three of them as they spend their days writing stories on an old typewriter and their nights competing with food vendors to peddle these composi

            Translating Against World Literature | Los Angeles Review of Books
          • コミットハッシュからプルリクエストを特定する - ESM アジャイル事業部 開発者ブログ

            Dolce Gustoを買ってからコーヒーを飲みすぎてしまっている wat-aro です。 開発をしていると書かれているコードの意図がわからないことがあります。 そういうときは git blame で該当コミットを確認しますが、コミットを確認しても意図がわからない場合にはプルリクエストを確認したくなります。 ここではプルリクエストを確認しやすくするためにコミットハッシュからプルリクエストを特定する方法を2点紹介します。 Merge pull request コミットから特定する まずは コミットハッシュ プルリクエスト 検索 などで検索すると見つかるやり方*1です。 GitHub でプルリクエストをマージすると Merge pull request #ISSUE_NUMBER from OWNER/BRANCH のようなコミットメッセージがついたコミットが作成されます。 指定したコミットハ

              コミットハッシュからプルリクエストを特定する - ESM アジャイル事業部 開発者ブログ
            • 『機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ』公式、日本アニメ初のネイティブ ドルビーアトモス作品『BLAME!』を無かったことに

              『機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ』のサンライズ小形尚弘プロデューサーは、日本アニメ初のネイティブ ドルビーアトモス作品『BLAME!』を無かったことにするようです。

                『機動戦士ガンダム 閃光のハサウェイ』公式、日本アニメ初のネイティブ ドルビーアトモス作品『BLAME!』を無かったことに
              • Driving etcd Stability and Kubernetes Success

                The latest news from Google on open source releases, major projects, events, and student outreach programs. Introduction: The Critical Role of etcd in Cloud-Native Infrastructure Imagine a cloud-native world without Kubernetes. It's hard, right? But have you ever considered the unsung hero that makes Kubernetes tick? Enter etcd, the distributed key-value store that serves as the central nervous sy

                  Driving etcd Stability and Kubernetes Success
                • Japanese Job Interviews: Common Interview Questions and Answers

                  Changing a job in Japan or moving to Japan for a job, and wish to know about a job interview in Japan? Applying for a job is easy! And getting an interview invitation is exciting! However, preparing for the job interview and attending it is stressful. Reason? A job interview is not just about our knowledge and presentation skills. Unlike a normal meeting, we know someone is trying to evaluate us f

                    Japanese Job Interviews: Common Interview Questions and Answers
                  • ‘A necessary war’: reporting on the Ukraine ‘disagreement’ outside the west

                    But for the Venezuelan pundit Alberto Aranguibel, Putin’s 24 February invasion was “la guerra necesaria” – the necessary war. The Chinese academic Wang Shuo saw it as “a US-created crisis”. “The strategic selfishness of the US has brought more disasters to the world,” Wang grumbled on Wednesday in the state-run Global Times, blaming Washington’s “selfish and short-sighted action” for plunging Ukra

                      ‘A necessary war’: reporting on the Ukraine ‘disagreement’ outside the west
                    • Making a fast website is SUPER EASY 😏

                      Kasper Andreassen for Enterspeed Posted on Sep 19, 2022 • Originally published at enterspeed.com That's right, I said it. Making a fast website is super easy, barely an inconvenience. I've built a website that gets a perfect score in Google Lighthouse and that can be deployed right to the edge. It's built completely in a high-performant, battle-tested language that will last for ages. Want to see

                        Making a fast website is SUPER EASY 😏
                      • Analyzing the Limits of Connection Scalability in Postgres

                        One common challenge with Postgres for those of you who manage busy Postgres databases, and those of you who foresee being in that situation, is that Postgres does not handle large numbers of connections particularly well. While it is possible to have a few thousand established connections without running into problems, there are some real and hard-to-avoid problems. Since joining Microsoft last y

                          Analyzing the Limits of Connection Scalability in Postgres
                        • Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer試験対策マニュアル - G-gen Tech Blog

                          G-gen の杉村です。 Google Cloud (旧称 GCP) の認定資格の一つである Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer 試験の対策や出題傾向について解説します。合格の助けになれば幸いです。 Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer 基本的な情報 Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer とは Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer の難易度 試験対策方法 出題範囲・出題傾向 Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 原理・原則 インシデント対応 SLI / SLO / Error Budget ポストモーテム トイルの削減 オブザーバビリティ Cloud Monitoring Cloud Logging OpenTelemetry /

                            Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer試験対策マニュアル - G-gen Tech Blog
                          • She moved countries for her husband. She didn’t return home alive | CNN

                            Trinh met her murderer through a matchmaker. She was 29 years old and her future husband was in his 50s, court documents show. She only spoke Vietnamese, he spoke Korean. Despite the communication barrier, the union went ahead. On November 4, 2018 – a day after they met – they were married in front of her family in Vietnam. Seven months later, Trinh – a name CNN has chosen to use as her real name

                              She moved countries for her husband. She didn’t return home alive | CNN
                            • Death of pregnant woman ignites debate about abortion ban in Poland

                              WARSAW, Nov 5 (Reuters) - The death of a pregnant Polish woman has reignited debate over abortion in one of Europe's most devoutly Catholic countries, with activists saying she could still be alive if it were not for a near total ban on terminating pregnancies. Tens of thousands of Poles took to the streets to protest in January this year when a Constitutional Tribunal ruling from October 2020 tha

                                Death of pregnant woman ignites debate about abortion ban in Poland
                              • Ukrainians Were Likely Behind Kremlin Drone Attack, U.S. Officials Say (Published 2023)

                                Ukrainians Were Likely Behind Kremlin Drone Attack, U.S. Officials Say American spy agencies do not know exactly who carried out the attack this month, but suggest it was part of a series of covert operations orchestrated by Ukraine’s security services. The Senate Palace within the Kremlin wall in Moscow in May, after two drones exploded near its dome in the early hours of the morning.Credit...Yur

                                  Ukrainians Were Likely Behind Kremlin Drone Attack, U.S. Officials Say (Published 2023)
                                • The Weakness of the Despot

                                  “The shock is that so much has changed, and yet we’re still seeing this pattern that they can’t escape from,” the Russia expert Stephen Kotkin says. Stephen Kotkin is one of our most profound and prodigious scholars of Russian history. His masterwork is a biography of Joseph Stalin. So far he has published two volumes—“Paradoxes of Power, 1878-1928,” which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, an

                                    The Weakness of the Despot
                                  • Order Zoltan 100mg Online. Order Generic Zoltan Online No Prescription - Cars and Car Parts Answers

                                    Keep a tablet under your tongue until it dissolves. Sildenafil Citrate Step three: Start using a basic exercise which will cater both girth and length instead of separate ones. zoltan Zoltan You will not get this perfected right out of the gate. This means they will attempt to use a hanging device or some extension contraption that they make on their own. Once you are aware of the these causes, th

                                    • EPL Live- Crystal Palace vs Bournemouth Live FrEe Crystal Palace Bournemouth England. Premier League 03.12.2019 Official Stream Live television HDTV , Crystal Palace - Bournemouth #Crystal Palace vs Bournemouth Live Update #Crystal Palace vs Bournemouth

                                      Burnley’s topsy-turvy season took another twist on Saturday as they were beaten 2-0 at home to Crystal Palace, bringing them crashing back down to earth after back-to-back 3-0 wins over West Ham and Watford in November. We’re confident that Feyenoord will win and over 2.5 goals will be produced in Sunday’s clash and we have predicted a final scoreline of 3-1. Feyenoord head into the game as the fa

                                      • dead mark enterprise(デッドマークエンタープライズ) - バントーのブログ ~V-pedia~

                                        いろいろなV系バンドのメンバーの歴史や売上などを調べています。パチンコライターをしているので、時々パチンコの情報や、温泉情報などもあり。 結成 2005年1月  解散 2005年10月29日(大塚RED ZONE) メンバー ツクモ … Vocal → Loop → 蒼空 → Gro⇔Milky(サポート) → Giglle → dead mark enterprise カイエ … Guitar → Material Slave → Romance for~(八神戒依) → WITH SEXY(Gt./戒依) → HYSTERIC BLAME(Ba./戒依) → Vasalla(Gt./kaie) → ゲノ → Cryella(戒依) → dead mark enterprise(カイエ) → Red Carpet(サポートBa./長谷川幸司)→ Red Carpet(Gt./長谷川幸司)

                                        • Progressive Delivery

                                          [Note: this transcript might contain strong language] Transcript Governor: Good morning, everyone. It's great to be here. QCon is a great conference. I’ve been a few times. It's very much a practitioner conference. I think one of the things I like about it is, it may be run by Americans but it's got a very sort of European flavor. I think that's important. So often we're worshipping at the altar o

                                            Progressive Delivery
                                          • How to make Rust leak memory (also: how to make it stop)

                                            How to make Rust leak memory (also: how to make it stop) Author Name Amos Wenger Image by Annie Ruygt This is a post about fixing a memory leak in our Rust-based proxy, fly-proxy. That’s the code that gets your users’ requests to the nearest VM that can fulfill them, on one of our servers in one of 21 regions worldwide. Take it for a spin by deploying an app in mere minutes. We have a Rust-based p

                                              How to make Rust leak memory (also: how to make it stop)
                                            • 岩浪美和③ 吉浦康裕監督の才能に驚いた『アイの歌声を聴かせて』 | Febri

                                              音響監督・岩浪美和に、自身のキャリアの中でとくに印象深い作品について聞くインタビュー連載。最終回は、2021年に公開された吉浦康裕監督の『アイの歌声を聴かせて』。ミュージカル映画として、セリフと歌をシームレスにつなぐことにこだわったと語る本作では、吉浦監督の画作りに驚いたという。 ――最後は、昨年公開された劇場アニメ『アイの歌声を聴かせて(以下、アイ歌)』です。 岩浪 僕にとって初めてのミュージカル映画でした。邦画における歌の処理については長年思うところがあって、『アイ歌』でいろいろチャレンジできましたし、おそらくはうまくいっただろうという意味でも印象深い作品ですね。なによりも、吉浦康裕監督との出会いが大きいです。 ――吉浦さんとの映像制作は初めてですよね。 岩浪 それまでの作品は一観客として見ていたのですが、一緒に作業してみて「この人はすごいな」と。とにかく画作りがうまいんです。ひとつの

                                                岩浪美和③ 吉浦康裕監督の才能に驚いた『アイの歌声を聴かせて』 | Febri
                                              • 「シドニアの騎士 あいつむぐほし」もっと人の胸を打つ作品を──吉平“Tady”直弘監督&岩浪美和音響監督が語る、シリーズ完結作で辿り着いた表現の地平 - コミックナタリー 特集・インタビュー

                                                ナタリー コミック 特集・インタビュー 「シドニアの騎士 あいつむぐほし」もっと人の胸を打つ作品を──吉平“Tady”直弘監督&岩浪美和音響監督が語る、シリーズ完結作で辿り着いた表現の地平 「シドニアの騎士 あいつむぐほし」 PR 2021年12月27日 弐瓶勉が築いたSFロボットアクションの金字塔「シドニアの騎士」。2014年のTVアニメ化から約7年、シリーズ完結作となる「シドニアの騎士 あいつむぐほし」が今年6月に公開された。未知の生命体・ガウナと人類の戦いはもちろん、主人公でエースパイロットの谷風長道、人とガウナから生み出された少女・白羽衣つむぎら少年少女のドラマの結末が、ポリゴン・ピクチュアズによるハイクオリティな3DCGでしっかりと描き切られた。 コミックナタリーでは「シドニアの騎士 あいつむぐほし」のBlu-ray発売を記念し、吉平“Tady”直弘監督と岩浪美和音響監督にインタ

                                                  「シドニアの騎士 あいつむぐほし」もっと人の胸を打つ作品を──吉平“Tady”直弘監督&岩浪美和音響監督が語る、シリーズ完結作で辿り着いた表現の地平 - コミックナタリー 特集・インタビュー
                                                • Meet the Japanese Kurds

                                                  In a classroom in Warabi, north of Tokyo, an 11-year-old boy chatters in Japanese as he practises writing the characters for “river” and “tree”. The scene is unremarkable, save for the fact that the boy, Boran, is not Japanese but Kurdish. Warabi and the surrounding area are home to around 2,000 Turkish Kurds, a number that has quadrupled in a decade. Kebab shops line the streets and instructions

                                                    Meet the Japanese Kurds
                                                  • Visual Studio Code October 2023

                                                    Version 1.92 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from July. October 2023 (version 1.84) Update 1.84.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.84.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the October 2023 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version

                                                      Visual Studio Code October 2023
                                                    • Science | AAAS

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                                                      • 'God Spoke Through Me,' Khamenei Claims, Stirring Controversy

                                                        Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei during a meeting in Tehran 'God Spoke Through Me,' Khamenei Claims, Stirring Controversy Iran’s 84-year-old ruler Ali Khamenei’s recent claim that God once spoke through him has led to sharp criticism and ridicule in the Iranian social media space. On December 31, Khamenei was meeting with the family of former IRGC operative Qasem Soleimani, when he suddenly clai

                                                          'God Spoke Through Me,' Khamenei Claims, Stirring Controversy
                                                        • 中央銀行家の力、哲学、およびヒロイズム - himaginary’s diary

                                                          OMFIF*1を率いるDavid Marsh*2が、表題(原題は「Power, philosophy and heroism of central bankers」)の書評で以下の本を取り上げている(H/T Mostly Economics)。 The Money Minders: The Parables, Trade-offs and Lags of Central Banking (English Edition) 作者:Chadha, JagjitCambridge University PressAmazon以下はその冒頭。 Who will prevail in the struggle to apportion guilt as some larger industrial countries teeter towards stagflation? The answer wi

                                                            中央銀行家の力、哲学、およびヒロイズム - himaginary’s diary
                                                          • Rasputitsa - Wikipedia

                                                            Spring thaw and huge puddles in Komi Republic, March 2015 Rasputitsa (from Russian: распу́тица [rɐsˈputʲɪtsə]; literally "season of bad roads"[1]), also called bezdorizhzhia (from Ukrainian: бездорі́жжя; pronunciationⓘ),[2] is the mud season that occurs in various rural areas of Eastern Europe,[2] when the rapid snowmelt or thawing of frozen ground combined with wet weather in spring, or heavy rai

                                                              Rasputitsa - Wikipedia
                                                            • Product vs Feature Teams | Silicon Valley Product Group

                                                              Product vs Feature Teams This article is certain to upset many people. I’m sorry for that, but the degree of ongoing noise and confusion surrounding the role of product at tech companies is only getting worse.  Moreover, I see the issues and problematic behaviors getting institutionalized in conference talks, training programs and so-called certification programs for product people. I have talked

                                                                Product vs Feature Teams | Silicon Valley Product Group
                                                              • PyTorch is dead. Long live JAX. | Neel Gupta

                                                                PyTorch is dead. Long live JAX.The future of Deep Learning frameworks July 19, 2024 · 24 min read Assumed audience: ML researchers who frequently work with PyTorch, but are interested in trying out JAX or have yet to be convinced. IntroductionUsually, people start these ‘critiques’ with a disclaimer that they are not trying to trash the framework, and talk about how it’s a tradeoff. However, this

                                                                • The Flashing Warning of QAnon

                                                                  The embrace of apocalyptic memes is a symptom of hyperconnected societies in distress. We live in strange times, and they grew stranger still in August, when the President of the United States publicly supported the fringe political ideology known as QAnon. Trump then doubled down during an interview with Laura Ingraham, on Fox News, repeating QAnon talking points, such as how “rich people” were b

                                                                    The Flashing Warning of QAnon
                                                                  • Apple Cardの問題はどこにある? なぜ男女間で与信枠に差があるのか

                                                                    “クレジットカードの再発明”とも言われるApple Card。その審査手法にいま疑問の目が向けられている。 出典:アップル 2019年夏から一般提供が開始され、これまでクレジットカードを持つのが難しかったような人でも利用が容易になり、新しい使い方の提案が行われていることで話題になった「Apple Card」が、一部ユーザーの報告をきっかけに炎上している。 これは著名なエンジニアで著述家のDavid Heinemeier Hansson氏がTwitter上で11月7日に投稿したもので、夫婦でApple Cardを申し込んだところ、婦人には同氏の20分の1程度の与信枠しか与えられなかったとして、そのスクリーンショットを公開している。 同氏はこの状況についてクレームを入れたカスタマーサポートの返信内容にも憤っており、「われわれの審査の結果、あなたの婦人には20分の1のクレジット枠しか与えられない

                                                                      Apple Cardの問題はどこにある? なぜ男女間で与信枠に差があるのか
                                                                    • AITOW/README.md at master · rayfrankenstein/AITOW

                                                                      #AgileKillsKittens (or Agile In Their Own Words: The Problem With Agile & Scrum) A curated list of negative developer comments about Agile and Scrum on social media (Please note that while the word “Scrum” has been kept intact in the quoted comments, the reader should make no distinction between Scrum and Agile. The corporate world makes no distrinction, and we should not give others the defense o

                                                                        AITOW/README.md at master · rayfrankenstein/AITOW
                                                                      • GPT-4 vs. ChatGPT: An Exploration of Training, Performance, Capabilities, and Limitations

                                                                        Image created by the author.OpenAI stunned the world when it dropped ChatGPT in late 2022. The new generative language model is expected to totally transform entire industries, including media, education, law, and tech. In short, ChatGPT threatens to disrupt just about everything. And even before we had time to truly envision a post-ChatGPT world, OpenAI dropped GPT-4. In recent months, the speed

                                                                          GPT-4 vs. ChatGPT: An Exploration of Training, Performance, Capabilities, and Limitations
                                                                        • Online Ativan. bikalm rezeptfrei kaufen - Honda - Auto Forum - autokult.de

                                                                          Lieber Besucher, herzlich willkommen bei: Auto Forum - autokult.de. Falls dies dein erster Besuch auf dieser Seite ist, lies bitte die Hilfe durch. Dort wird dir die Bedienung dieser Seite näher erläutert. Darüber hinaus solltest du dich registrieren, um alle Funktionen dieser Seite nutzen zu können. Benutze das Registrierungsformular, um dich zu registrieren oder informiere dich ausführlich über

                                                                          • Google Docs will now use canvas based rendering | Hacker News

                                                                            Speaking as one of the original three authors of Google Docs (Writely), but zero involvement in this project (I left Google in 2010): I'm seeing a lot of comments asking how JavaScript-on-Canvas could possibly outperform the highly optimized native code built into the browser engines. It's been a long time since I've really been involved in browser coding, but having written both Writely and, fart

                                                                            • Close Look at CSRF Tokens

                                                                              Cross-site request foregery is one of many techniques an attacker might use to pwn a web application. In this article we take a close look at how exactly CSRF tokens work from the context of the Phoenix Web Framework. I set out to understand how CSRF tokens are generated and validated. I did it by tracing the flow of function calls through a Phoenix web applciation. It was a process that led me do

                                                                              • order Viagra. Apotheekmerk Viagra | onze11.nl

                                                                                Dit onderwerp bevat 0 reacties, heeft 1 stem, en is het laatst gewijzigd door  Doug 3 weken geleden. Europese apotheek order Viagra Klik hier – http://url-qr.tk/Viagra – ga naar de apotheek – Lage prijs voor kwaliteitsgeneesmiddelen – Snelle levering en volledige privacy – Bonuspillen en grote kortingen voor elke bestelling – Uw volledige tevredenheid is gegarandeerd of uw geld wordt geretourneerd

                                                                                • Opinion | America’s Dirty Secret in East Asia (Published 2019)

                                                                                  A sculpture honoring victims of sexual slavery during World War II at Memorial Park of Sharing House in Gwangju, South Korea, in August.Credit...Seung-il Ryu/NurPhoto, via Getty Images For several months, Japan and South Korea, America’s main allies in East Asia, have been going at each other. Japan stripped South Korea of trading privileges; then South Korea removed Japan from a list of favored t

                                                                                    Opinion | America’s Dirty Secret in East Asia (Published 2019)