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Complaintsの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 397件

  • » Lode Runner The Digital Antiquarian

    It’s always been a bit of a balancing act to decide which games I write about in detail here — a matter of balancing my level of personal interest in each candidate against its historical importance. In the early years of this project especially, when I still saw it as focusing almost exclusively on narrative-oriented games, I passed over some worthy candidates because I considered them somewhat o

    • The Era of Visual Studio Code

      The most important thing I look for when choosing which tools to use is longevity. Learning software is an investment, and if you have to switch to another application later, you lose some of that investment. In most software categories, choosing the software with longevity is easy, the most popular tools are usually the ones that have been around the longest. Microsoft Excel and Adobe Illustrator

        The Era of Visual Studio Code
      • IBM's 18-month company-wide email system migration has been a disaster, sources say

        IBM's 18-month company-wide email system migration has been a disaster, sources say IBM's planned company-wide email migration has gone off the rails, leaving many employees unable to use email or schedule calendar events. And this has been going on for several days. Current and former IBMers have confirmed to The Register that the migration, 18 months in the making, has been a disaster. "I feel b

          IBM's 18-month company-wide email system migration has been a disaster, sources say
        • Why Rust mutexes look like they do - Cliffle

          2022-03-31 Mutexes in C Mutexes in Rust Variations of the Rust mutex API and their problems Moving guarded data outside the mutex Unlock is unsafe. Conclusions One of the common complaints I hear from systems programmers who try Rust is about mutexes, and specifically about the Rust Mutex API. The complaints usually go something like this: They don’t want the mutex to contain data, just a lock. Th

          • WHO Director in Asia Accused of Racism, Abuse Put on Leave

            FILE – World Health Organization Regional Director for Western Pacific Takeshi Kasai addresses the media at the start of the five-day annual session, Oct. 7, 2019, in Manila, Philippines. London — The World Health Organization’s top director in the Western Pacific, Dr. Takeshi Kasai, has been indefinitely removed from his post, according to internal correspondence obtained by The Associated Press.

              WHO Director in Asia Accused of Racism, Abuse Put on Leave
            • The Best GPUs for Deep Learning in 2023 — An In-depth Analysis

              OverviewThis blog post is structured in the following way. First, I will explain what makes a GPU fast. I will discuss CPUs vs GPUs, Tensor Cores, memory bandwidth, and the memory hierarchy of GPUs and how these relate to deep learning performance. These explanations might help you get a more intuitive sense of what to look for in a GPU. I discuss the unique features of the new NVIDIA RTX 40 Amper

                The Best GPUs for Deep Learning in 2023 — An In-depth Analysis
              • Suicide Mission

                A Boeing Dreamlifter sits on the tarmac at their campus in North Charleston, South Carolina, May 30, 2023. John Barnett had one of those bosses who seemed to spend most of his waking hours scheming to inflict humiliation upon him. He mocked him in weekly meetings whenever he dared contribute a thought, assigned a fellow manager to spy on him and spread rumors that he did not play nicely with other

                  Suicide Mission
                • Dislosure - Arjun Sharma

                  Disclosure Information (updated 0n 15/08/22) The following information provides you with an important overview of Arjun Sharma, my duties to you, fees and how complaints are managed. Licence Status and Conditions Arjun Sharma, FSP771511, is a licensed Financial Adviser that gives advice on behalf of Fundagroup Insurance Brokers who is a licensed Financial Advice Provider by the Financial Market Au

                  • Dislosure - Payal Sharma

                    Disclosure Information (updated 0n 15/08/22) The following information provides you with an important overview of Payal Sharma, my duties to you, fees and how complaints are managed. Licence Status and Conditions Payal Sharma, FSP252205, is a licensed Financial Adviser that gives advice on behalf of Fundagroup Insurance Brokers who is a licensed Financial Advice Provider by the Financial Market Au

                    • Blogged Answers: Why React Context is Not a "State Management" Tool (and Why It Doesn't Replace Redux)

                      Home Definitive answers and clarification on the purpose and use cases for Context and Redux Introduction 🔗︎ "Context vs Redux" has been one of the most widely debated topics within the React community ever since the current React Context API was released. Sadly, most of this "debate" stems from confusion over the purpose and use cases for these two tools. I've answered various questions about Co

                        Blogged Answers: Why React Context is Not a "State Management" Tool (and Why It Doesn't Replace Redux)
                      • WebAssembly Troubles part 1: WebAssembly Is Not a Stack Machine

                        WebAssembly Troubles part 1: WebAssembly Is Not a Stack Machine Preamble This is part 1 of a 4-part miniseries on issues with WebAssembly and proposals to fix them. Part 2 here, part 3 here, part 4 here. This article assumes some familiarity with virtual machines, compilers and WebAssembly, but I’ll try to link to relevant information where necessary so even if you’re not you can follow along. Als

                        • Dislosure - Bhaavan Sharma

                          Disclosure Information (updated 0n 15/08/22) The following information provides you with an important overview of Bhaavan Sharma, my duties to you, fees and how complaints are managed. Licence Status and Conditions Bhaavan Sharma, FSP92441, is a licensed Financial Adviser that gives advice on behalf of Fundagroup Insurance Brokers who is a licensed Financial Advice Provider by the Financial Market

                          • 時差時短で時間休を使うのは悪いこと?(6/22追記) - 大阪在住OLの旅とグルメと日常。

                            正直、この場で愚痴りたくはなかったのですが、 どうしても納得いかないので愚痴らせて下さい😭 miyugurumetabi.hatenablog.com コロナの影響で、超昭和な中小企業のうちの会社も、 時差時短出勤とテレワークな体制に一時期はなってました。 しかし今週からついに、時差時短出勤はしてもいいけれど、 基本は1日8時間労働。 時短にする場合は有給を使いなさいと指令が出ました。 普段は8時半から17時半勤務のところを、 ここ最近はずっと9時から16時にしてたのですが、 注文が半分以下に減ってるのもあり、 午前中でほぼ仕事が片付いてしまっている状態でした。 そして、指令が出てから1日目の出勤は、 8時半から16時半勤務の1時間時間休をとって様子を見ることに。 人込みが怖くて電車には乗りたくないし、 ダイエットがてら30分ほど自宅から歩いて通勤しているのですが、 8時に家を出るともの

                              時差時短で時間休を使うのは悪いこと?(6/22追記) - 大阪在住OLの旅とグルメと日常。
                            • ダークパターン - Wikipedia

                              ダークパターン(英語: Dark pattern)は、主にウェブサイトなどで、ユーザーを騙すために慎重に作られたユーザインタフェースのことである[1][2][3]。認知バイアスを利用して、ユーザーが思っているよりも多くの時間やお金を使わせる。または注意を払うように設計されている[4]。 例としては、購入時に保険に入会させたり、何かを定期購入させるなどの特定の行動をユーザーに促すものがある。また、「『購入ボタン』よりも『定期購入ボタン』の方が目立つ配色や大きさになっている」や「登録は簡単なのに退会が非常に面倒である」などの例もある。特に悪質なものが多いとされる例の1つは、利益が関わるショッピングサイトなどで、有名なウェブサイトほどダークパターンを利用しやすい傾向がある[5]。ダークパターンには、プライバシー侵害や人々の判断力低下など複数の問題点が指摘されている[5]。 ダークパターンという新

                              • Dropshipping journalism

                                Since the publication of this article, Newsweek has told CJR that it was not afforded an opportunity to respond to the substance of the article. Though CJR disagrees with that characterization, we have attached a response from Newsweek below. CJR stands by its story. On March 20, Nancy Cooper, the editor in chief of Newsweek, sent an email to her editorial staff. The subject was “What is a Newswee

                                  Dropshipping journalism
                                • President Eisgruber's message to community on removal of Woodrow Wilson name from public policy school and Wilson College

                                  President Eisgruber's message to community on removal of Woodrow Wilson name from public policy school and Wilson College Board of Trustees concludes that Wilson’s racist views and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for the School of Public and International Affairs and residential college Dear Members of the Princeton Community, When I wrote to you on Monday morning, June 22, I noted tha

                                    President Eisgruber's message to community on removal of Woodrow Wilson name from public policy school and Wilson College
                                  • Algebraic Effects for React Developers

                                    It’s in words that the magic is—Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the rest—but the magic words in one story aren’t magical in the next. The real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick is to learn the trick. - John Barth, Chimera It’s been quite some time since Hooks were officially stabilized in React 16.8, and with them came a fundamentally different way of underst

                                      Algebraic Effects for React Developers
                                    • 女の愚痴は面倒で解決策がなくても許されるが男の愚痴はうざいだけ

                                      女性は基本的に「男の愚痴はうざい」と思っているので、言うべきではありませんね ただ、関係性や言い方次第では、男性も多少は愚痴を言っても大丈夫ですよ

                                      • Loudness Penalty

                                        Loudness Penalty is now available as a plugin (AAX, AU, VST). Click here for more information... Find out if your music will be turned down by YouTube, Spotify, TIDAL, Apple Music and more. Discover your music's Loudness Penalty score, for free. Drag and drop an audio file hereChoose an audio fileMP3 or WAVselect a fileYour file will not be uploaded, stored or shared, meaning this process is secur

                                          Loudness Penalty
                                        • Against SQL

                                          TLDR The relational model is great: A shared universal data model allows cooperation between programs written in many different languages, running on different machines and with different lifespans. Normalization allows updating data without worrying about forgetting to update derived data. Physical data independence allows changing data-structures and query plans without having to change all of y

                                          • ESLint v9.10.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter

                                            Highlights Types now included We’ve been receiving complaints about the @types/eslint package not being updated after the v9 release. While we did do an initial update to the package for v9, it quickly became apparent that regular updates to that package could not be accomplished in a timely manner. Ultimately, we decided that the only way for us to provide the type of experience we want for ESLin

                                              ESLint v9.10.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter
                                            • Bucket full of secrets – Terraform exfiltration | Mercari Engineering

                                              Background At Mercari, we utilize many microservices developed across multiple different teams. Each team has ownership over not only their code, but also the infrastructure necessary to run their services. To allow developers to take ownership of their infrastructure we use HashiCorp Terraform to define the infrastructure as code. Developers can use Terraform native resources or custom modules pr

                                              • iPhone 15シリーズは充電中や長時間使用時にオーバーヒートする問題が複数ユーザーから報告される

                                                2023年9月に発売されたiPhone 15・iPhone 15 Plus・iPhone 15 Pro・iPhone 15 Pro Max(iPhone 15シリーズ)では、iPhone 15 Proは従来よりも背面ガラスが割れやすくなっているなどの問題が指摘されています。新たに、iPhone 15シリーズでは充電時や長時間使用時に本体が異様に発熱するという問題が複数ユーザーから報告されています。 iPhone 15 series overheating issues crop up for early adopters https://www.androidauthority.com/iphone-15-series-heating-issue-3367654/ Severe Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max thermal throttling reported as A

                                                  iPhone 15シリーズは充電中や長時間使用時にオーバーヒートする問題が複数ユーザーから報告される
                                                • イーロン・マスクを批判した2人の従業員を不法に解雇したとしてテスラが訴えられる

                                                  電気自動車メーカー・テスラの創設者であり、Twitterを買収したことでも話題となっているイーロン・マスク氏を公に批判する組織的な取り組みに参加したというテスラ社員が、会社から不法に解雇されたとして、アメリカの労使関係を担当する行政機関である全米労働関係委員会(NLRB)に苦情を申し立てました。 Tesla, Inc. | National Labor Relations Board https://www.nlrb.gov/case/32-CA-309010 Tesla (TSLA) Illegally Fired Workers for Criticizing Elon Musk, Complaints Claim - Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-19/tesla-tsla-illegally-fi

                                                  • Hard Mode Rust

                                                    Hard Mode Rust Oct 6, 2022 This post is a case study of writing a Rust application using only minimal, artificially constrained API (eg, no dynamic memory allocation). It assumes a fair bit of familiarity with the language. The back story here is a particular criticism of Rust and C++ from hard-core C programmers. This criticism is aimed at RAII — the language-defining feature of C++, which was wh

                                                    • Rescue Your Amazon Dash Buttons – Chris Mullins

                                                      Earlier this year, Amazon announced that they’ll discontinue Dash Buttons. I don’t know how successful Dash Buttons were for their intended use, but Home Automation hackers have loved (mis-)using them for everything from warming up their coffee pot to keeping track of bodily functions. Unfortunately for us hackers, Amazon is an unforgiving god. Not only have they stopped selling Dash Buttons, but

                                                      • The state of HTTP clients, or why you should use httpx · honeyryder

                                                        The state of HTTP clients, or why you should use httpx 15 Oct 2023 TL;DR most http clients you’ve been using since the ruby heyday are either broken, unmaintained, or stale, and you should be using httpx nowadays. Every year, a few articles come out with a title similar to “the best ruby http clients of the year of our lord 20xx”. Most of the community dismisses them as clickbait, either because o

                                                        • The Great CoffeeScript to Typescript Migration of 2017

                                                          Editor’s preface: When I first joined Dropbox in May 2017, we were at the tail end of our CoffeeScript to TypeScript migration. If you wanted to make changes to a CoffeeScript file, it was considered common courtesy to convert it to TypeScript while you were at it. Parts of our codebase were still using react-dom-factories and we had a custom flux implementation predating Redux. I knew our web pla

                                                            The Great CoffeeScript to Typescript Migration of 2017
                                                          • Opinion | Why MAGA Wants to Betray Ukraine

                                                            So the federal government wasn’t shut down over the weekend, although we may have to go through this whole drama again in six weeks. Kevin McCarthy, the speaker of the House, ended up doing the obvious: bringing a funding bill to the floor that could pass only with Democratic votes, because the hard-liners in his own party wouldn’t agree to anything feasible. And the bill didn’t include any of the

                                                              Opinion | Why MAGA Wants to Betray Ukraine
                                                            • フランスでトコジラミが大量発生してパリ市が虫対策の国家特別委員会設置を求める事態に

                                                              フランスの公共交通機関や映画館、病院などでトコジラミ(ナンキンムシ)が大量発生して被害が出ている件で、いよいよ政府が対策に乗り出すと報じられています。 French government launches battle plan against bedbug invasion https://www.france24.com/en/france/20230929-french-government-launches-battle-plan-against-bedbug-invasion Bedbug crisis sparks political row in Paris as insect ‘scourge’ continues | Paris | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/29/bedbug-cris

                                                              • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                                Consumer protection groups around the European Union have filed coordinated complaints against Temu, accusing the Chinese-owned ultra low-cost e-commerce platform of a raft of breaches related to the bloc’s Digital…

                                                                  TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                                • React Production Performance Monitoring

                                                                  React Production Performance MonitoringMarch 16th, 2020 — 4 min read We should always ship fast experiences to our users, but sometimes something slips through our PR review process and our users start having a slow experience. Unless they complain to us, we often have no way of knowing that things are going so slow for them. User complaints is not a great policy for quality control. Because we ca

                                                                    React Production Performance Monitoring
                                                                  • 脇坂先生 注射剤製造における異物低減方法及び改善事例

                                                                    注射剤製造における異物低減方法及び改善事例 2021年2月19日 脇坂盛雄 1 注射剤の異物低減方法 評価系を確立する ・目視で見える異物だけでなく小さな異物も ・客観性を高める 製造工程を評価する ・サンプリングで汚染させない ・異物混入のポイントを理解する 不溶性異物と不溶性微粒子に関する正しい理解 ・マネイジメント層が理解していない ・担当者に任せず、マネイジメント層の責任 2 1.注射剤の異物対策の難しさ 1) 欧米の異物検査と日本薬局方の異物検査の違い 2) たやすく/明らかに検出できる異物の大きさとは (17局の改訂) 3) 官能検査の観点から検査員のバラツキと評価 4) なぜ、海外の製造所では 注射剤の異物が問題にならないか 5) 異物検出の確率と母不良率との関係 6) 自動異物検査機検出力と目視検出力との関係 7) 自動異物検査機検出力と目視検出力との関係 8) 不溶性異物

                                                                    • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                                      Consumer protection groups around the European Union have filed coordinated complaints against Temu, accusing the Chinese-owned ultra low-cost e-commerce platform of a raft of breaches related to the bloc’s Digital…

                                                                        TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                                      • Cloudflare + Remote Browser Isolation

                                                                        This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Deutsch, Français and Español, . Cloudflare announced today that it has purchased S2 Systems Corporation, a Seattle-area startup that has built an innovative remote browser isolation solution unlike any other currently in the market. The majority of endpoint compromises involve web browsers — by putting space between users’ devices and where web code execu

                                                                        • The Bizarre Story Behind Shinzo Abe’s Assassination - The Atlantic

                                                                          This article was featured in One Story to Read Today, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a single must-read from The Atlantic, Monday through Friday. Sign up for it here. On the last morning of his life, Shinzo Abe arrived in the Japanese city of Nara, famous for its ancient pagodas and sacred deer. His destination was more prosaic: a broad urban intersection across from the city’s main t

                                                                            The Bizarre Story Behind Shinzo Abe’s Assassination - The Atlantic
                                                                          • David Heinemeier Hansson - CoRecursive Podcast

                                                                            00:00 - Intro 01:22 - Why Did Rails Succeed? 07:52 - Why Ruby? 10:44 - The Benefits of Obscure Technology 14:49 - Fighting the Monoculture 22:23 - Ruby VS OCAML 26:10 - Coding as Writing, Not Math 27:22 - Enterprise Java People 31:01 - Does Speed Matter? 32:03 - Stop Copying Google 36:13 - Micro Services Are a Mistake 39:51 - React And Single Page Apps Are a Worse Mistake 44:33 - Test Driven Devel

                                                                              David Heinemeier Hansson - CoRecursive Podcast
                                                                            • systemd, 10 years later: a historical and technical retrospective

                                                                              systemd, 10 years later: a historical and technical retrospective by V.R. I am not sure I am such a big fan of reimplementing NetworkManager… – Lennart Poettering’s famous last words, March 2011 10 years ago, systemd was announced and swiftly rose to become one of the most persistently controversial and polarizing pieces of software in recent history, and especially in the GNU/Linux world. The qua

                                                                              • Twitter Officially Bans All Third-Party Apps [Update]

                                                                                Twitter this week confirmed that it is no longer permitting third-party developers to create Twitter clients, with the information quietly shared in an updated developer agreement that was spotted by Engadget. A new clause under Restrictions says that developers are not able to "create a substitute or similar service or product to the Twitter Applications." This wording effectively bans all third-

                                                                                  Twitter Officially Bans All Third-Party Apps [Update]
                                                                                • Java 12から17までのエキサイトな6つの機能!

                                                                                  Java 15 でプレビューされ、Java 17 で正式に追加された Sealed Classes は、継承に関するルールを適用する新しい手段です。キーワード sealed をクラスまたはインターフェースの定義に追加すると、それを拡張 (extend) または実装 (implement) することができるクラスのリストも追加されます。たとえば、次のように定義されたクラスを作成した場合: public abstract sealed class Color permits Red, Blue, Yellow その場合、Red、Blue と Yellow のクラスだけが拡張できます。事前に定義されたもの以外はコンパイルに失敗します。 キーワード permits を完全に省略して、すべてのシールドクラス定義をクラス自体と同じファイルに次のように保持することもできます: public abstra

                                                                                    Java 12から17までのエキサイトな6つの機能!