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Elon_Muskの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 161件

  • Elon Musk は Twitter で何をしようとしているのか - The Decisive Strike

    まだ Twitter の一斉解雇をめぐる混乱は続いているようですが、この解雇を通じて見えてくる Elon Musk の意図を考えてみたいと思います。これは公開されている情報に基づく長山個人の推測に基づいた分析であって、正しさはいっさい保証されていません。 個人的な所感としては以下です。 まず第一に、Musk は、Twitter をメディア企業からエンジニアリング企業へと変質させようとしているんじゃないかと考えています。これは、「どの部署がレイオフ対象になったか」から見えてくることです。TechCrunch の記事によれば、米国でレイオフ対象になった主要なチームは、アクセシビリティ、機械学習倫理 (META: ML Ethics, Transparency & Accountability)、人権、キュレーション、PR (Comms)、SRE (Site Reliability Eng) な

      Elon Musk は Twitter で何をしようとしているのか - The Decisive Strike
    • Elon Musk on Twitter: "Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll."

        Elon Musk on Twitter: "Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll."
      • Elon Musk on Twitter: "Hey you … Yeah you Queen … You’re gonna make it! 💕💕 https://t.co/LrqdIrbIyd"

        Hey you … Yeah you Queen … You’re gonna make it! 💕💕 https://t.co/LrqdIrbIyd

          Elon Musk on Twitter: "Hey you … Yeah you Queen … You’re gonna make it! 💕💕 https://t.co/LrqdIrbIyd"
        • Elon Musk’s X is throttling traffic to websites he dislikes

          The site formerly known as Twitter added a five-second delay when a user clicked on a shortened link to the New York Times, Facebook and other sites Musk commonly attacks, a Washington Post analysis found

            Elon Musk’s X is throttling traffic to websites he dislikes
          • Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.

            Elon Musk and company took over the @X handle as part of the Twitter rebrand. The user who registered it more than 16 years ago received nothing for it. Credit: Omar Marques/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Elon Musk took his next big step in fully turning Twitter into X on Tuesday night: The @Twitter handle officially changed to @X. But, what about its original owner? Mashable interviewed

              Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.
            • 現代最高の経営者の1人イーロン・マスク(Elon Musk)が語る起業家が成功のために必要なこと:「起業家は地獄のように(普通の人の2.5倍)働くべき」

              イーロン・マスク(Elon Musk)はこれまでにPaypal, SpaceX, Tesla Motorsを次々に成功させてきた、現代最高の起業家/経営者の1人です。そんなイーロン・マスクがインタビューで「起業家にアドバイスをして欲しいのですが、どうアドバイスしますか?」と聞かれて、答えていた内容が良くて翻訳(例によって超テキトー翻訳ですが)しましたので、短いのでよかったらどうぞ。 どうやって僕が提供出来るアドバイスの中で最も役に立つかを考えて、最も可能性のある答えを出そうと思ったんだけど。 まず、他人にとって自分が高い価値を出せると自信がある領域にフォーカスすることが重要で、その評価をちゃんとすることまで戻ってみることだ。なぜなら、人間というのは希望的観測で考えてしまうものだからね。 だから、起業家にとっての挑戦となるのは、自分が本気で信じていてハマっていることと、決して実現することのな

                現代最高の経営者の1人イーロン・マスク(Elon Musk)が語る起業家が成功のために必要なこと:「起業家は地獄のように(普通の人の2.5倍)働くべき」
              • OpenAI and Elon Musk

                The mission of OpenAI is to ensure AGI benefits all of humanity, which means both building safe and beneficial AGI and helping create broadly distributed benefits. We are now sharing what we've learned about achieving our mission, and some facts about our relationship with Elon. We intend to move to dismiss all of Elon’s claims. Elon said we should announce an initial $1B funding commitment to Ope

                  OpenAI and Elon Musk
                • Inside Elon Musk’s first meeting with Twitter employees

                  A week after ordering mass layoffs, Musk took questions from Twitter’s remaining staff for nearly an hour. Here’s everything he said. By Alex Heath, a deputy editor and author of the Command Line newsletter. He’s covered the tech industry for over a decade at The Information and other outlets.

                    Inside Elon Musk’s first meeting with Twitter employees
                  • Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg agree to hold cage fight

                    Earlier this month, Meta showed staff plans for a text-based social network designed to compete with Twitter.

                      Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg agree to hold cage fight
                    • Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme

                      Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme The platform is paying high-profile creators, including Andrew Tate, thousands of dollars for posting to the app

                        Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme
                      • ウマ娘三冠サークル【さいげ牧場】 - Elon_Musk_True’s blog

                        はじめに この度、私の所属している【さいげ牧場】は目標であったサークルランキング三冠を達成し有終の美を飾ることができました。協力してくださった各方面の皆様方、サークルメンバーには感謝してもしきれません、本当にありがとうございました。 ただ解散してしまうだけではもったいないと思い、初月から所属していた私が代表して設立から解散までの記録や雑感を記事にしてみました。 かなりの長文となってしまいましたが、三冠サークルの全容や界隈全体の歴史が書いてあるので最後まで読んで頂ければ幸いです。 はじめに サークル設立 環境整備 3月 他サークルとの差 ファン活 モチベーションの差 4月 ノルマの設定 環境の改善 メンバーの入れ替え サブサークルの設立 尊師、ご乱心 5月 24時間企画 勝ちを確信 サボり癖 6月 自動化ツール使用疑惑 さいげ牧場解散決定 サボり癖2 7月 設備投資 移転先サークル設立 10

                          ウマ娘三冠サークル【さいげ牧場】 - Elon_Musk_True’s blog
                        • Tesla Elon Musk Tweet Lifts Stock of Japan Toy, Game Maker Bandai Namco - Bloomberg

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                          • Elon Musk just axed key Twitter teams like human rights, accessibility, AI ethics and curation | TechCrunch

                            Elon Musk just axed key Twitter teams like human rights, accessibility, AI ethics and curation Elon Musk is wasting no time making extremely deep cuts at Twitter, calving off many teams doing essential work at the company in the process. News of layoffs swept the platform on Friday, showing that Twitter’s billionaire owner is painting in broad strokes when it comes to trimming down the team by hal

                              Elon Musk just axed key Twitter teams like human rights, accessibility, AI ethics and curation | TechCrunch
                            • Hundreds of employees opt out of Elon Musk’s ‘extremely hardcore’ Twitter

                              Hundreds of employees opt out of Elon Musk’s ‘extremely hardcore’ Twitter Musk gave Twitter staff a deadline to say if they are staying for his cultural reset of the company. Right on time, farewell emojis started pouring into Twitter’s Slack.

                                Hundreds of employees opt out of Elon Musk’s ‘extremely hardcore’ Twitter
                              • Twitter temporarily restricts tweets users can see, Elon Musk announces

                                Elon Musk says verified accounts can read up to 10,000 posts a day while unverified ones are limited to 1,000.

                                  Twitter temporarily restricts tweets users can see, Elon Musk announces
                                • Elon Musk on Twitter: "Reinstate former President Trump"

                                  Reinstate former President Trump

                                    Elon Musk on Twitter: "Reinstate former President Trump"
                                  • Elon Musk takes over ‘valuable’ @x Twitter username – without paying

                                    Elon Musk has taken over the @x Twitter account without paying its owner as part of the social network’s ongoing rebrand. Gene X Hwang, a photographer in San Francisco, was behind the social network’s “@x” handle until Tuesday night when it was changed to the official account for X, Mr Musk’s new name for Twitter. Mr Hwang had said he had been willing to entertain a sale of the @x account, which w

                                      Elon Musk takes over ‘valuable’ @x Twitter username – without paying
                                    • Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule

                                      “We are living off his good graces,” a Pentagon official said of Musk’s role in the war in Ukraine. “That sucks.”Photo illustration by Matt Chase; Source photographs from Getty; Shutterstock Last October, Colin Kahl, then the Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy at the Pentagon, sat in a hotel in Paris and prepared to make a call to avert disaster in Ukraine. A staffer handed him an iPhone—in par

                                        Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule
                                      • Elon Musk on Twitter: "The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself. The public deserves to know what really happened …"

                                        The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself. The public deserves to know what really happened …

                                          Elon Musk on Twitter: "The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself. The public deserves to know what really happened …"
                                        • Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count

                                          For weeks now, Elon Musk has been preoccupied with worries about how many people are seeing his tweets. Last week, the Twitter CEO took his Twitter account private for a day to test whether that might boost the size of his audience. The move came after several prominent right-wing accounts that Musk interacts with complained that recent changes to Twitter had reduced their reach. On Tuesday, Musk

                                            Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count
                                          • SFに感化された少年が大人になって実現しつつあるSF的な人生 Elon Musk

                                            邦訳版 作者:Walter Isaacson Publisher ‏ : ‎ Simon & Schuster September 12, 2023 Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 688 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1982181281 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1982181284 対象年齢:一般(PG15) 読みやすさレベル:7 ジャンル:伝記 キーワード:イーロン・マスク、スペースX、テスラ、X(Twitter) ウォルター・アイザックソン著のイーロン・マスクの伝記は発売直後に読んだのだけれど、レビューを書くのに1ヶ月近くかかってしまった。 読んでいる間に思ったことは数多いのだが、それらを全部書き留めることはできないし、まとまりがつかない。そこで、しばらく考えようと思っているうちに1ヶ月が経ってしまったのだ。 読了から1ヶ月経っても強く印象に残っているのは、マ

                                              SFに感化された少年が大人になって実現しつつあるSF的な人生 Elon Musk
                                            • Elon Musk suggests Twitter could open source its algorithm 'next week' | TechCrunch

                                              Elon Musk suggests Twitter could open source its algorithm ‘next week’ Update: File this one under things Elon said but didn’t happen. Update 2, 3/17/23: Elon Musk is now saying Twitter will open source all code used to recommend tweets on March 31st. Let’s see what happens… Original story below: A new tweet by Twitter owner Elon Musk suggests the company is preparing to open source its algorithm

                                                Elon Musk suggests Twitter could open source its algorithm 'next week' | TechCrunch
                                              • Elon Musk「It’s worth considering deleting your blocks. What’s the worst that can happen? Words & emojis …」

                                                • Elon Musk Signs Open Letter Urging AI Labs to Pump the Brakes

                                                  An open letter with signatures from hundreds of the biggest names in tech, including Elon Musk, has urged the world’s leading artificial intelligence labs to pause the training of new super-powerful systems for six months, saying that recent advances in AI present “profound risks to society and humanity.” The letter comes just two weeks after the public release of OpenAI’s GPT-4, the most powerful

                                                    Elon Musk Signs Open Letter Urging AI Labs to Pump the Brakes
                                                  • Elon Musk on Twitter: "To address extreme levels of data scraping & system manipulation, we’ve applied the following temporary limits: - Verified accounts are limited to reading 6000 posts/day - Unverified accounts to 600 posts/day - New unverified ac

                                                    • Starbase Tour with Elon Musk [PART 1 // Summer 2021]

                                                      Join me as I take a tour of SpaceX's Starbase facility with Elon Musk as our tour guide! This is part 1 of 3, so stay tuned, there's a lot more coming! If you need some notes on this video with key points, check out our article - https://everydayastronaut.com/starbase-tour-and-interview-with-elon-musk/ Need a rundown on Starship? I've got you covered with our "Complete Guide to Starship" https:/

                                                        Starbase Tour with Elon Musk [PART 1 // Summer 2021]
                                                      • Elon Musk tweeted the "Idol Master" Koshimizu Sachiko, no one knows why - Paudal

                                                        Recently, international news kept reporting that the total assets of Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk surpassed Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to become the world’s richest man, regardless Online speeches are the focus of the whole world. However, today (13), a Twitter post by Musk has received great attention from many Japanese netizens and ACG fans. He posted a picture of Yumizu Sachiko from “The I

                                                          Elon Musk tweeted the "Idol Master" Koshimizu Sachiko, no one knows why - Paudal
                                                        • At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars

                                                          Reuters documented at least 600 previously unreported workplace injuries at Musk’s rocket company: crushed limbs, amputations, electrocutions, head and eye wounds and one death. SpaceX employees say they’re paying the price for the billionaire’s push to colonize space at breakneck speed. One windy night at Elon Musk’s SpaceX facility in McGregor, Texas, Lonnie LeBlanc and his co-workers realized t

                                                            At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars
                                                          • Twitter loses payroll department, other financial employees as part of mass resignation under Elon Musk

                                                            An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

                                                              Twitter loses payroll department, other financial employees as part of mass resignation under Elon Musk
                                                            • Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leaders at Tesla and SpaceX

                                                              This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order multiple copies, please contact Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit www.djreprints.com. https://www.wsj.com/business/elon-musk-illegal-drugs-e826a9e1 Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leader

                                                                Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leaders at Tesla and SpaceX
                                                              • Elon Musk says X will charge users 'a small monthly payment' to use its service | TechCrunch

                                                                Elon Musk says X will charge users ‘a small monthly payment’ to use its service X owner Elon Musk today floated the idea that the social network formerly known as Twitter may no longer be a free site. In a live-streamed conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, Musk said the company was “moving to a small monthly payment” for the use of the X system. He suggested that

                                                                  Elon Musk says X will charge users 'a small monthly payment' to use its service | TechCrunch
                                                                • Elon Musk - Wikipedia

                                                                  Elon Reeve Musk (/ˈiːlɒn/; born June 28, 1971) is a businessman and investor known for his key roles in space company SpaceX and automotive company Tesla, Inc. Other involvements include ownership of X Corp., formerly Twitter, and his role in the founding of The Boring Company, xAI, Neuralink and OpenAI. He is one of the wealthiest people in the world; as of July 2024, Forbes estimates his net wor

                                                                    Elon Musk - Wikipedia
                                                                  • Elon Musk on Twitter: "https://t.co/kGncG7Hs3M"


                                                                      Elon Musk on Twitter: "https://t.co/kGncG7Hs3M"
                                                                    • Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos: For Each, a Vastly Different 2018 (60 Second Video)

                                                                      current + (offset * this.skip)) }, prev() { this.to((current, offset) => current - (offset * this.skip)) }, to(strategy) { let slider = this.$refs.slider let current = slider.scrollLeft let offset = slider.firstElementChild.getBoundingClientRect().width slider.scrollTo({ left: strategy(current, offset), behavior: 'smooth' }) }, disableNextAndPreviousButtons: { 'x-intersect:enter.threshold.05'() {

                                                                        Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos: For Each, a Vastly Different 2018 (60 Second Video)
                                                                      • Elon Musk on Twitter: "Noodles in Shinjuku http://t.co/MWztTqByuA"

                                                                        Noodles in Shinjuku http://t.co/MWztTqByuA

                                                                          Elon Musk on Twitter: "Noodles in Shinjuku http://t.co/MWztTqByuA"
                                                                        • The secret history of Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and OpenAI | Semafor

                                                                          But in 2018, there was no reason to think that either the impulsive Musk or quirky, quiet Altman would become so central to the Silicon Valley narrative, even if they were already among its most prominent names. Musk, for one, had other headaches. Tesla was struggling to keep up with production goals of its Model 3 sedan and the stock was tanking, threatening the company’s future. Greg Brockman, a

                                                                            The secret history of Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and OpenAI | Semafor
                                                                          • Elon Musk told Twitter staff to expect 80-hour work weeks and fewer office perks, report says

                                                                            An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

                                                                              Elon Musk told Twitter staff to expect 80-hour work weeks and fewer office perks, report says
                                                                            • Looming Twitter interest payment leaves Elon Musk with unpalatable options | Financial Times

                                                                              What is included in my trial? During your trial you will have complete digital access to FT.com with everything in both of our Standard Digital and Premium Digital packages. Standard Digital includes access to a wealth of global news, analysis and expert opinion. Premium Digital includes access to our premier business column, Lex, as well as 15 curated newsletters covering key business themes with

                                                                              • Where is Starman? Track Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster in Space! · Where is Starman?

                                                                                Where is Starman? Track Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster in Space! On February 6, 2018, at 2045 UTC, the first Falcon Heavy was launched into space. It contained a very special payload- a Tesla Roadster with Starman. But where is this vehicle? The current location is LOADING miles (LOADING km, LOADING AU, LOADING light minutes) from Earth, moving toward Earth at a speed of LOADING mi/h (LOADING km/h, LO

                                                                                  Where is Starman? Track Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster in Space! · Where is Starman?
                                                                                • Elon Musk on Twitter: "Tesla & Bitcoin https://t.co/YSswJmVZhP"

                                                                                  Tesla & Bitcoin https://t.co/YSswJmVZhP

                                                                                    Elon Musk on Twitter: "Tesla & Bitcoin https://t.co/YSswJmVZhP"