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Forthの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 1048件

  • What is asynchronous communication? Plus, how to implement it

    What the heck is asynchronous communication anyway? And what you can do to start implementing it, whether you're an individual contributor or a team leader. Illustration by Yin WeihungStudy after study after study into remote work has clarified that remote workers are more productive than their office-bound counterparts. What’s not entirely clear is why. Yes, people gain back time (and sanity) by

      What is asynchronous communication? Plus, how to implement it
    • Announcing support for gRPC

      Today we're excited to announce beta support for proxying gRPC, a next-generation protocol that allows you to build APIs at scale. With gRPC on Cloudflare, you get access to the security, reliability and performance features that you're used to having at your fingertips for traditional APIs. Sign up for the beta today in the Network tab of the Cloudflare dashboard. gRPC has proven itself to be a p

        Announcing support for gRPC
      • IPAmj明朝フォント | 一般社団法人 文字情報技術促進協議会

        符号化対象外の文字を含めすべてのMJ文字図形をフォントファイルに格納しております。フォントファイル中、postテーブルのnamesの欄には各文字図形に対応するMJ文字図形名を格納してあります。 IPAmj明朝フォントVer.005.01からの変更点については、 リリースノートをご覧ください。 IPA Font License Agreement v1.0 日本語/Japanese English IPAフォントライセンスV1.0 許諾者は、この使用許諾(以下「本契約」といいます。)に定める条件の下で、許諾プログラム(1条に定義するところによります。)を提供します。受領者(1条に定義するところによります。)が、許諾プログラムを使用し、複製し、または頒布する行為、その他、本契約に定める権利の利用を行った場合、受領者は本契約に同意したものと見なします。 第1条 用語の定義 本契約において、次の各

        • So, What's So Special About The Mill Scala Build Tool?

          So, What's So Special About The Mill Scala Build Tool? Mill is a Scala build tool that offers an alternative to the venerable SBT toolchain. Mill aims for simplicity by reusing concepts you are already familiar with, borrowing ideas from Functional Programming and modern tools like Bazel. Feedback from users of Mill is often surprisingly positive, with people saying it is "intuitive" or feels "jus

          • Understanding the Heap - a beautiful mess

            In this blog, I am going to explain the important concepts of Heap and use the ptmalloc in the Glibc 2.31 library as an example. The heap is a beautiful mess :) I really like the saying shown above. The word Heap we always use refers to the dynamically allocated segment in the virtual memory space of a process, but it actually stands for the implementation of the memory pool(the dynamic memory all

            • 鳥インフルエンザはヒトに感染する? 世界各地で起こる哺乳類の異変(倉原優) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース

              アメリカでは鳥インフルエンザによる家きん(肉・卵・羽毛を利用するため飼育する鳥)の殺処分が過去最多になっており、日本でも毎日のように鳥インフルエンザのニュースが流れるようになりました。「基本的に哺乳類への感染は起こりにくい」が定説ですが、それを覆すような報告が増えてきました。 鳥インフルエンザに変化?感染症法で2類感染症になっているのはH5N1(高病原性)およびH7N9(低病原性)の2つの鳥インフルエンザで、これ以外の亜型の4類感染症となっています。 2020年以降H7N9のヒト感染例は報告されておらず、もっぱらH5N1が話題になっているため、こちらを中心に書かせていただきます。 さて、これまで夏に収束することの多かった鳥インフルエンザが、季節性を失って、野鳥などに年がら年中感染する状況が続いています。 問題は、いくつかの哺乳類に鳥インフルエンザ(H5N1)の感染事例が複数報告されているこ

                鳥インフルエンザはヒトに感染する? 世界各地で起こる哺乳類の異変(倉原優) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース
              • Bringing eBPF and Cilium to Google Kubernetes Engine | Google Cloud Blog

                New GKE Dataplane V2 increases security and visibility for containers Editor’s note: As of May 10, 2021, GKE Dataplane V2 is generally available starting with GKE version 1.20.6-gke.700. We’re also using Dataplane V2 to make Kubernetes Network Policy logging generally available on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). One of Kubernetes’ true superpowers is its developer-first networking model. It provid

                  Bringing eBPF and Cilium to Google Kubernetes Engine | Google Cloud Blog
                • The React Cheatsheet for 2020 (+ real-world examples)

                  I've put together for you an entire visual cheatsheet of all of the concepts and skills you need to master React in 2020. But don't let the label 'cheatsheet' fool you. This is more than a mere summary of React's features. My aim here was to clearly and concisely put forth the knowledge and patterns I've gained through working with React as a professional developer. Each part is designed to be imm

                    The React Cheatsheet for 2020 (+ real-world examples)
                  • 疫病の名前や特徴について詳しく紹介!大河ドラマ『光る君へ 第15話』 - AKIRAの映画・ドラマブログ

                    引用:https://artexhibition.jp/topics/news/20231124-AEJ1713544/ 大河ドラマ『光る君へ 15第話』では、疫病が流行りだしてしまって、大いなる問題に発展していきました。 そこで、平安時代の疫病は、どのような病名や特徴だったのか?詳しく紹介しましょう。 大河ドラマ『光る君へ 第15話』のキャスト 脚本&演出 登場人物&俳優 紫式部の一族や身近な者たち 大河ドラマ『光る君へ 第15話』のストーリー 『疫病の名前や特徴について詳しく紹介』 大河ドラマ『光る君へ 第15話』の見所とまとめ 大河ドラマ『光る君へ 第15話』のキャスト 光る君へ 第話は、2024年1月7日から放送開始されました。 脚本&演出 脚本:大石静 演出:中島由貴&佐々木善春&中泉慧&黛りんたろう 登場人物&俳優 紫式部の一族や身近な者たち 紫式部-まひろ(演:吉高由里子)平

                      疫病の名前や特徴について詳しく紹介!大河ドラマ『光る君へ 第15話』 - AKIRAの映画・ドラマブログ
                    • Personas

                      Roles vs personas Personas describe the ideal target for GitLab. They help us define our messaging and marketing delivery. They are theoretical people to target. By defining their concerns and where they go for information, we can best spend our marketing dollars and sales efforts by focusing on this ideal target. Roles are distinct job titles. These are the real people you will encounter while se

                      • Twitter Engineer Fired On Twitter Calls Musk’s Team ‘A Bunch Of Cowards’

                        That Twitter’s new CEO is firing veteran rank-and-file engineers on a whim, in public, is indicative of the horse-in-a-hospital approach that Musk has taken to running the company. In the few weeks since Musk bought Twitter, he has summarily fired the previous executive team, and laid off an estimated 50 percent of the company’s workforce. He has instituted a botched plan to have users pay $8 for

                          Twitter Engineer Fired On Twitter Calls Musk’s Team ‘A Bunch Of Cowards’
                        • Full accessibility tree in Chrome DevTools  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                          Chrome DevTools is launching a full accessibility tree making it easier for developers to get an overview of the whole tree. In this post find out how this tree is created and how to use it in your work. What is the accessibility tree? Assistive technology such as screen readers use Chromium’s accessibility API to interact with web content. The underlying model of this API is the accessibility tre

                          • The Grug Brained Developer

                            The Grug Brained Developer A layman's guide to thinking like the self-aware smol brained Introduction this collection of thoughts on software development gathered by grug brain developer grug brain developer not so smart, but grug brain developer program many long year and learn some things although mostly still confused grug brain developer try collect learns into small, easily digestible and fun

                            • The balance has shifted away from SPAs

                              21 May The balance has shifted away from SPAs Posted May 21, 2022 by Nolan Lawson in Web. Tagged: spas. 24 Comments There’s a feeling in the air. A zeitgeist. SPAs are no longer the cool kids they once were 10 years ago. Hip new frameworks like Astro, Qwik, and Elder.js are touting their MPA capabilities with “0kB JavaScript by default.” Blog posts are making the rounds listing all the challenges

                                The balance has shifted away from SPAs
                              • GitHub - zevv/zForth: zForth: tiny, embeddable, flexible, compact Forth scripting language for embedded systems

                                From Wikipedia: A Forth environment combines the compiler with an interactive shell, where the user defines and runs subroutines called words. Words can be tested, redefined, and debugged as the source is entered without recompiling or restarting the whole program. All syntactic elements, including variables and basic operators are defined as words. Forth environments vary in how the resulting pro

                                  GitHub - zevv/zForth: zForth: tiny, embeddable, flexible, compact Forth scripting language for embedded systems
                                • Why not use GraphQL?

                                  Are you looking for an Open Source Graph Manager? Cosmo is the most complete solution including Schema Registry, Router, Studio, Metrics, Analytics, Distributed Tracing, Breaking Change detection and more. I think GraphQL will change the world. There will be a future where you can query any system in the world using GraphQL. I'm building this future. So why would I argue against using GraphQL? My

                                    Why not use GraphQL?
                                  • Introducing PHPStan Pro – Save Your Keystrokes and Get More Productive!

                                    Menu Introducing PHPStan Pro—Save Your Keystrokes and Get More Productive! September 29, 2020 · 6 min read I’m really excited to show everyone what I’ve been working on for the past 9 months. It’s a new product aimed to enhance user experience when using PHPStan. I want to challenge a common presumption that developer tools like PHPStan are usually constrained to CLI, limiting their visual side, a

                                      Introducing PHPStan Pro – Save Your Keystrokes and Get More Productive!
                                    • ソフトウェアエンジニアが仕事で使う英語フレーズ集

                                      ソフトウェアエンジニアに特有のフレーズかどうかはわからないけど 自分が使っている&会議で耳にするフレーズをまとめてみた。 ビデオ会議編 会議が始まる前 We see some people joining, let’s wait another minute. Let’s give folks another minute. 会議の時間ちょうどに全員集まることはあまりない(時間になるとちらほら接続してくるはず)ので、「みんな揃うまでちょっと待ちましょう」的なことを言うときに使います。 会議を始める Let's kick off the meeting Let's get started. 会議の参加者が揃ったら会議を始めましょう。 Let me present my screen. スライドなど画面共有する時に言います。 Can you hear me properly? Can you

                                      • I Installed Quickbooks For Mac

                                        Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 7977 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 19 Pros. Well-designed UI. Advanced features. Ample accounting reports. Double-entry accounting. Mac-based. Install and set up QuickBooks Mac Desktop. This article refers to QuickBooks Online. If you have more than one user license, you may set up QuickBooks in multi-user mode to ensure all users can access the file at the s

                                          I Installed Quickbooks For Mac
                                        • Anytrans For Cloud (macos Review Cloud Management For Mac

                                          Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 5988 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 17 Anytrans For Cloud (macos Review Cloud Management For Mac MacAnytrans For Cloud (macos Review Cloud Management For Mac ProAnyTrans for Cloud is an online cloud-based storage management system available for Windows PC, Mac and on the web. You can use this FREE cloud manager for managing your important files across multiple

                                            Anytrans For Cloud (macos Review Cloud Management For Mac
                                          • GitHub - moonrepo/moon: A task runner and repo management tool for the web ecosystem, written in Rust.

                                            Working in the JavaScript ecosystem can be very involved, especially when it comes to managing a repository effectively. Which package manager to use? Which Node.js version to use? How to import node modules? How to build packages? So on and so forth. moon aims to streamline this entire process and provide a first-class developer experience. Increased productivity - With Rust as our foundation, we

                                              GitHub - moonrepo/moon: A task runner and repo management tool for the web ecosystem, written in Rust.
                                            • On the ‹dl›

                                              Introduction The <dl>, or description list, element is underrated. It's used to represent a list of name–value pairs. This is a common UI pattern that, at the same time, is incredibly versatile. For instance, you've probably seen these layouts out in the wild… Each of these examples shows a list (or lists!) of name–value pairs. You might have also seen lists of name–value pairs to describe lodging

                                                On the ‹dl›
                                              • Ice Cream Cone Car

                                                Claim:   A flavor of ice cream being transported affects a car's performance: every time vanilla is the driver's choice, the car stalls. This is a weird but true story ... A complaint was received by the Pontiac Division of General Motors: This is the second time I have written you, and I don't blame you for not answering me, because I kind of sounded crazy, but it is a fact that we have a traditi

                                                  Ice Cream Cone Car
                                                • Keurig Not Brewing A Full Cup Visio For Mac

                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4798 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 19 I bought the brewing descaling solutions and spent all day AND HALF the night running 2nd rinses through MY Keurig 2.0. OUT of desperation I found this sight and tried the small PAPER CLIP TRICK, AND SHAZAM, I GOT a healthy stream of WATER and YOU should've seen all the coffee grounds that came out,even AFTER I took IT ap

                                                    Keurig Not Brewing A Full Cup Visio For Mac
                                                  • 繰り返される「教育勅語にはいいことが書いてある」という擁護論のデマ : 脱「愛国カルト」のススメ

                                                    <ざっくり言うと> ネットで出回っている教育勅語の「12の徳目」を以って「教育勅語は正しい」と主張するやつは、絶対に本当の教育勅語を読んだことがない。「12の徳目」は教育勅語の全体の1/3にすぎない上に、現代語訳も原文からかけ離れた嘘っぱちである。残り2/3の部分に、神話的国家観や主権在君の考えが書かれており、問題視されているのは主にこの部分である。元の教育勅語には「緊急事態の際には、皇室国家の為にその身を捧げ」て「永久に続く皇室の繁栄をお助けしろ」という内容が書かれている。これが皇室国家の為にその身を捧げる神風特攻などに繋がっていったことは疑うべくもない。実際の教育勅語を読むこともなく、ネットで出回ってる画像を脳みそ停止して鵜呑みにして称賛しているバカを絶対に信頼してはいけない。 ↑断言するが、ツイッター上で「教育勅語の12の徳目」なる画像を貼り付けて教育勅語を称賛している人間は、絶対に

                                                      繰り返される「教育勅語にはいいことが書いてある」という擁護論のデマ : 脱「愛国カルト」のススメ
                                                    • Kafka Without ZooKeeper: A Sneak Peek At the Simplest Kafka Yet

                                                      At the heart of Apache Kafka® sits the log—a simple data structure that uses sequential operations that work symbiotically with the underlying hardware. Efficient disk buffering and CPU cache usage, prefetch, zero-copy data transfers, and many other benefits arise from the log-centric design, leading to the high efficiency and throughput that it is known for. For those new to Kafka, the topic—and

                                                        Kafka Without ZooKeeper: A Sneak Peek At the Simplest Kafka Yet
                                                      • Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity | The White House

                                                        By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.  Policy.  The United States faces persistent and increasingly sophisticated malicious cyber campaigns that threaten the public sector, the private sector, and ultimately the American people’s security and privacy.  The Federal Government must impr

                                                          Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity | The White House
                                                        • Ciafil order no rx. Generic Ciafil Made In Canada - ask me/اسالني

                                                          Ciafil order no rx. Generic Ciafil Made In Canada Buy Ciafil Safely - Best Price for Tadalafil available online! Buying Ciafil Pills, What States Can You Buy Ciafil, Where To Buy Ciafil Glasgow BUY Ciafil (Tadalafil) ONLINE! - CLICK HERE! Keep showers short and warm to avoid this. They think that a penis at least 8 inches long with at least 7 inches girth is ideal when it comes to love-making. Cia

                                                          • Sorted integers compression with Elias-Fano encoding

                                                            January 6, 2018 compression elias-fano data structures In the previous post we discovered how to compress a set of integers by representing it as a bitmap and then compressing the latter using a succinct representation. This post instead is about compression of monotone non-decreasing integers lists by using Elias-Fano encoding. It may sound like a niche algorithm, something that solves such an in

                                                              Sorted integers compression with Elias-Fano encoding
                                                            • Canon I990 Drivers For Mac

                                                              Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 4344 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 16 Canon PIXMA i990 Printer driver download. We are here to help you to find complete information about full features driver and software. Select the correct driver that compatible with your operating system. Canon PIXMA i990 driver Downloads for Microsoft Windows 32-bit – 64-bit and Macintosh Operating System. Edge. A white

                                                                Canon I990 Drivers For Mac
                                                              • Blogged Answers: My Experience Modernizing Packages to ESM

                                                                Random musings on React, Redux, and more, by Redux maintainer Mark "acemarke" Erikson This is a post in the Blogged Answers series. Details on the painful experiences and hard-earned lessons I've learned migrating the Redux packages to ESM Table of Contents 🔗︎ Introduction Redux Packages Background Packages and Configurations Issue History Early Attempts Migrating to Vitest Initial Alpha Testing

                                                                  Blogged Answers: My Experience Modernizing Packages to ESM
                                                                • Faster JavaScript Builds with Metro

                                                                  How Airbnb migrated from Webpack to Metro and made the development feedback loop nearly instantaneous, the largest production build 50% faster, with marginal end-user runtime improvements. By: Rae Liu IntroductionIn 2018, the frontend Airbnb infrastructure relied on Webpack for JavaScript bundling which had served us well up until then; however, with our codebase almost having quadrupled in the pr

                                                                    Faster JavaScript Builds with Metro
                                                                  • Cognition

                                                                    Lisp programmers claim that their system of s-expression code in addition to its featureful macro system makes it a metaprogrammable and generalized system. This is of course true, but there's something very broken with lisp: metaprogramming and programming aren't the same thing, meaning there will always be rigid syntax within lisp (its parentheses or the fact that it needs to have characters tha

                                                                    • AdoptOpenJDK to join the Eclipse Foundation | AdoptOpenJDK

                                                                      Since early 2017 Java™ developers, vendors, Fortune 500™ companies, end-users, hobbyists, and a multitude of other folks from the Java ecosystem have all come together at AdoptOpenJDK to solve an industry challenge of Providing the Java community with rock-solid runtimes and associated tools that can be used free of charge, without usage restrictions on a wide range of platforms. AdoptOpenJDK has

                                                                        AdoptOpenJDK to join the Eclipse Foundation | AdoptOpenJDK
                                                                      • React at 60fps: improving scrolling comments in Figma | Figma Blog

                                                                        We recently improved FPS performance three-fold for scrolling comments in the Figma canvas. Kiko shares the technical details: how she investigated slow performance, prevented unnecessary re-rendering, and optimized component transformation. Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed that comment pins started scrolling more smoothly as you pan around the canvas. We’ve recently improved frame ra

                                                                          React at 60fps: improving scrolling comments in Figma | Figma Blog
                                                                        • Splitting Surround Sound Into Separate Channels For Mac

                                                                          Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 5268 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 17 Splitting Surround Sound Into Separate Channels For Mac TvSplitting Surround Sound Into Separate Channels For MacbookA subset of the Dolby AC-3 sound playback standard (a.k.a Dolby Digital), and the specific format sound data is in that corresponds to that standard. This is the current state of the art home theater surrou

                                                                            Splitting Surround Sound Into Separate Channels For Mac
                                                                          • The Tao of Programming

                                                                            Translated by Geoffrey James Note: I copied this from http://misspiggy.gsfc.nasa.gov/tao.html and stripped out all of the IMHO extraneous formatting. ---Alex BOOK 1 The Silent Void Thus spake the Master Programmer: "When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave." 1.1 Something mysterious is formed, born in the silent void. waiting alone and un

                                                                            • Announcing the new Amazon S3 Express One Zone high performance storage class | Amazon Web Services

                                                                              AWS News Blog Announcing the new Amazon S3 Express One Zone high performance storage class The new Amazon S3 Express One Zone storage class is designed to deliver up to 10x better performance than the S3 Standard storage class while handling hundreds of thousands of requests per second with consistent single-digit millisecond latency, making it a great fit for your most frequently accessed data an

                                                                                Announcing the new Amazon S3 Express One Zone high performance storage class | Amazon Web Services
                                                                              • The Top 7 Slack Etiquette Tips for Remote Teams

                                                                                Misusing Slack can easily lead to frustration and decreased productivity for your team. Here are some Slack Etiquette tips for your workplace. Slack boasts several features that have made it the preferred messaging app in the modern workplace, including third-party integrations, rich media support, and customization options, to name a few. However, it all comes down to how you use Slack. When used

                                                                                  The Top 7 Slack Etiquette Tips for Remote Teams
                                                                                • Dell P1500 Drivers For Mac

                                                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 6821 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 18 Recently, I reformatted my Dell 4550 Desktop. Everything is working properly except for the Dell P1500 Printer. I tried to install the drivers from the original install disc and failed. Then I tried to install the drivers from the Dell website. I was able to get the drivers but the printer hasn't worked. For example, dell

                                                                                    Dell P1500 Drivers For Mac