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  • GitHub - fontplus/web-typography-glossary: Webタイポグラフィの基礎知識と実践

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

      GitHub - fontplus/web-typography-glossary: Webタイポグラフィの基礎知識と実践
    • The Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes

      Welcome to the Math Mistakes Website http://www.mathmistakes.com By Paul Cox A site dedicated to the listing of mathematical mistakes made over and over by advertisers, the media, reporters, politicians, activists, and in general many non-math people. Any suggestions for better examples and new topics can be e-mailed to me by clicking here Select one of the buttons to the left to begin.

      • C++ Glossary

        このページについて C++関係の話に出てくる言葉で、「読んで字の如し」 とはいかない難解語の簡単な解説を並べてみました。Glossaryというより、 むしろ略語辞典になってしまいました。巷で見かけた単語を並べているだけなので、 実際の所ほとんど使われない略語もあったりするかもしれません。 ちゃんとした用語集は Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Glossary などをご覧になることをオススメします。 用語集 ADL (Argument Dependent name Lookup) 引数に依存した名前の探索。 Argument Based Lookup, Koenig Lookup とも呼ばれる。 #include <iostream> #include <string> ... std::string s; std::cout << s << std::endl; // os

        • Apture: A Glossary for the Web

          Apture is Joining Google! Since 2007, all of us here at Apture have worked hard to add new dimensions to the web. We've always believed that by transforming flat web pages into interactive multimedia experiences, we could enable readers to see, hear and truly experience the ideas on the page. After enhancing more than a billion pages with our products, we think now is the best time to expand our e

          • HTTP Status Codes Glossary

            HTTP status codes are three-digit numbers that are returned by servers to indicate the status of a client’s request. When a client (such as a web browser) makes a request to a server, the server will respond with a status code and a message indicating whether the request was successful or not. There are five classes of HTTP status codes, each identified by the first digit of the three-digit status

            • Glossary of mathematical symbols - Wikipedia

              A mathematical symbol is a figure or a combination of figures that is used to represent a mathematical object, an action on mathematical objects, a relation between mathematical objects, or for structuring the other symbols that occur in a formula. As formulas are entirely constituted with symbols of various types, many symbols are needed for expressing all mathematics. The most basic symbols are

              • Computer Glossary, Computer Terms - Technology Definitions and Cheat Sheets from WhatIs.com - The Tech Dictionary and IT Encyclopedia

                7 effects of social media on mental health Social media is linked to mental health issues, such as anxiety and body image distortion. Setting limits, taking breaks and engaging in offline activities can foster healthier habits. 10 top AI jobs in 2025 Heading into 2025, companies are looking for AI expertise backed by experience. Learn about 10 of the top AI jobs, the skills they require and the in

                • Machine Learning Glossary  |  Google for Developers

                  Send feedback Machine Learning Glossary Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This glossary defines general machine learning terms, plus terms specific to TensorFlow. A ablation A technique for evaluating the importance of a feature or component by temporarily removing it from a model. You then retrain the model without that feature or component, an

                    Machine Learning Glossary  |  Google for Developers
                  • Math Glossary Index

                    Make 12 monthly payments Pay 0% interest Start using the domain today. See details

                      Math Glossary Index
                    • WIDE GLOSSARY WIDE 用語集 by Susumu Sano

                      WIDE用語集 第2.2版 はじめに この用語集は WIDEプロジェクトの 研究メンバーである WIDE人および, その周囲で用いられている言葉のなかで, 一般の人が利用しない言葉,意味の違う言葉を集めました. ここには,WIDE人固有の言葉もあれば,WIDE人の属する組織で用いられている言葉, コンピュータ関係者で広く用いられている言葉などが含まれています. この用語集の目的は次の3つです. WIDE人の話を理解する一助とする. WIDE人として話す一助とする. WIDE人が普通の人と普通に話す際の一助とする. 注意 WIDEプロジェクトのメンバが, すべてこのような言葉を話しているわけでは ありませんし,プロジェクトとして, このような言葉の使用を推奨しているわけでもありません. 再配布に関して 変更を行わない限り,ネットワークによる配布は特に制限しません. 編者代表: 佐野 晋 sa

                      • Typographic terms, fonts glossary | Adobe Type

                        このページでは、アドビの書体をつくっているフォントメーカーや Adobe Type に関する一般的な情報と、フォントおよびフォント技術に関する一般的な情報をご覧いただけます。 高度な訓練を受けたアドビのスタッフが、すべての文字の作成時に分析およびテストしています。これにより、オリジナルの書体は専門スタッフの手によって丹念に作成され、また世界的に有名なライブラリから変換された書体は、フォントメーカーのデザインが忠実に再現されます。Adobe Type は、書体の品質関する深い見識を備え、質の高い字体を求めるグラフィックデザイナーや印刷会社に使用されている業界の標準です。 Adobe Type には、次のメリットがあります。 最高レベルの品質:フォントのアウトラインの細部に細心の注意を払い、各文字の細かい点を可能な限りシャープかつ正確に画像化しています。これにより、モニター、プリンター、イメー

                        • HTML5 - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms | MDN

                          The term HTML5 is essentially a buzzword that refers to a set of modern web technologies. This includes the HTML Living Standard, along with JavaScript APIs to enhance storage, multimedia, and hardware access. You may sometimes hear about "new HTML5 elements", or find HTML5 described as a new version of HTML. HTML5 was the successor to previous HTML versions and introduced new elements and capabil

                            HTML5 - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms | MDN
                          • Mathematical Programming Glossary

                            Myths and Counterexamples in Mathematical Programming by Harvey Greenberg Last Updated: February 20, 2010. Myths and Counterexamples in Mathematical Programming - the entire collection Myths and Counterexamples in Mathematical Programming - the entire collection in 12pt font, recommended for viewing on screen Myths and Counterexamples in Mathematical Programming - myths new to this edition Myth

                            • IT Glossary by broadband

                              その他 2024.6.26 Wed 23:20 水まで白い水冷Mod PC!スマホが便利なカメラに!…台湾で出会った面白アイテムたち

                                IT Glossary by broadband
                              • Apple Localization Terms Glossary

                                An unofficial Apple localization terms glossary that allows you to search for standard localization texts provided by the Apple platform.

                                  Apple Localization Terms Glossary
                                • Fanfiction Glossary

                                  Fanfictionとは、ある既存の作品をもとにファンが作る小説などの二次創作の総称です。イラストなど視覚的なものであればFanartと呼ばれます。 日本のように同人誌という形を取ることは少なく、ネット上での発表が主な手段。自分でサイトを作る人もいますが、サイトを持っていなくても、Fanfiction.net に代表される数ある投稿型サイト(archiveと呼ばれる)に作品を置くことができます。 ジャンルの違いや言語の壁もあってか、海外のファンフィクションは日本ではハリポタ以後ポピュラーになってきたという感じを受けますが、日本のオタク文化は既に世界中に広まっていて、yaoi, yuri, shonen-ai, doujinshi, seme/uke などの用語は既に国際語化しています。恐るべし。 でも、初めて英語圏のやおい、slashを見つけた時にはびっくりしました。海の向こうに同志が!(

                                  • crypto-currency-glossary.com

                                    This domain may be for sale!

                                    • glossary - 『東京都青少年の健全な育成に関する条例』 問題点、賛成派、反対派主張、よく使われる用語のまとめ

                                      『東京都青少年の健全な育成に関する条例』 問題点、賛成派、反対派主張、よく使われる用語のまとめ 2010.04.11~ 管理人  用語◆xIzFwJsmAg 第156号議案「東京都青少年の健全な育成に関する条例の一部を改正する条例」 2010年12月15日午後、東京都議会の本会議で可決。付帯決議をつける。 本条例は2011年7月1日に施行される。 2011年4月1日 発行・販売業者が自主的に区分陳列を求めるようにする規定。 2011年7月1日 都が「不健全図書」に指定して区分陳列を義務付ける規定。 サイトの文章表現は改正案の文言に合うよう一部を追加変更及び、6月議会をまとめて別ページとし、配置を変更しました。 今回の改正問題について多くのサイト、ブログで『何故この条例改正案に反対なのか』を、文章で理論的に言葉を尽くして語られています。 しかし、言葉を尽くすがゆえに引用する資料に限りがあった

                                      • Internet Security Glossary

                                        English インターネットセキュリティ小辞典 (Internet Security Glossary) このメモの位置づけ このメモは、インターネットコミュニティに情報提供するものです。これは、いかなるインターネット標準をも定めるものではありません。このメモの配布には制限はありません。 著作権表記 Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved. 要旨 この小辞典 (191ページの定義と 13ページの参考文献)は、情報システムセキュリティ用語法について、略語、説明および推奨事項を提供します。この意図は、インターネットセキュリティを扱う記述の理解しやすさ(特に 「インターネット標準文書」の理解しやすさ)を向上することにあります。混乱を避けるため、インターネット標準文書は、同じコンセプト(概念)が述べられていると

                                        • Browse the Glossary - S - WhatIs

                                          New & Updated Definitions What is first call resolution (FCR)? First call resolution (FCR) is when contact center agents properly address a customer's needs the first time they call so there is no need for the customer to follow up with a second call. See More. What is a data architect? What is inventory management? What is the law of diminishing returns? What is computer-aided software engineerin

                                          • Glossary + Explain Like I'm Five · reactwg/react-18 · Discussion #46

                                            tl;dr This thread contains plain English and explain-like-I'm-five definitions of the terms and concepts used throughout other discussions. Scroll to comments to find (or add) a term and explanations connected to it ✨ First of all, thank you for amazing discussions and articles shared here so far. It has been an amazing reading adventure 💕 As has been pointed out in another thread, complicated te

                                              Glossary + Explain Like I'm Five · reactwg/react-18 · Discussion #46
                                            • Mac OS X Glossary

                                              「Mac OS X Glossary(以下「当サイト」と表記します)」におけるプライバシーポリシーを以下の通りに定めています(内容は定期的に見直しを行い、必要に応じて随時に改定しています)。続きを読む

                                                Mac OS X Glossary
                                              • HotSpot Glossary of Terms

                                                A work in progress, especially as the HotSpot VM evolves. But a place to put definitions of things so we only have to define them once. There are empty entries (marked TBD for "to be defined") because we think of things that we need to define faster than we think of good definitions. adaptive spinning An optimization technique whereby a thread spins waiting for a change-of-state to occur (typicall

                                                • Glossary

                                                  Glossary¶ >>>¶The default Python prompt of the interactive shell. Often seen for code examples which can be executed interactively in the interpreter. ...¶Can refer to: The default Python prompt of the interactive shell when entering the code for an indented code block, when within a pair of matching left and right delimiters (parentheses, square brackets, curly braces or triple quotes), or after

                                                  • [Glossary] 110+ SEO Terms & Definitions | Break The Web

                                                    Primary Link Building/SEO Terms301 Redirect301 redirect is a directive on Apache(Linux) based servers that designate that a webpage/URL has been moved permanently to a new location. 301 redirects are often used by search engine marketers to redirect search engine spiders to a new webpage when one has been removed. 404A server response code indicating that the requested page was “Not Found.” Above

                                                      [Glossary] 110+ SEO Terms & Definitions | Break The Web
                                                    • Glossary - Glossary - Redmine

                                                      English Redmine 用語集プラグインダウンロードドキュメントコンタクト Redmine 用語集プラグイン¶ Redmine(プロジェクト管理システム)に用語集の機能を追加するプラグインです。 以下のような用途に使えます。 業務分析工程での専門用語の管理、社内辞書 対訳表 用語とデータ型(クラス名)との変換辞書 コーディング時の略名の付け方の方針管理 部署を移動したり、新しい分野のお客様のシステムを開発したりする場合、まず専門用語(term)の壁にぶつかるといったことはよくあります。また、長く開発しているプロジェクトでも使っている用語の意味が個人個人で微妙に違っていて混乱するといったこともありえます。そんなときのための用語集を Redmine で作成できるようにするプラグインです。 用語集を Redmine で作るので、プロジェクトメンバ全員で編集、閲覧が出来ますし、 フィルター

                                                      • JAXA Abbreviation Glossary

                                                        • A JavaScript glossary: ECMAScript, TC39, etc.

                                                          This blog post explains the difference between JavaScript and ECMAScript. And the differences between ECMAScript.next, ECMAScript 6 and ECMAScript Harmony. A little ECMAScript glossary You should know the following terms related to the standardization of JavaScript. ECMAScript: Sun (now Oracle) had a trademark on the name “Java” and therefore also on the name “JavaScript”. That led to Microsoft ca

                                                          • Glossary

                                                            algebraic data type A type defined by providing several alternatives, each of which comes with its own constructor. It usually comes with a way to decompose the type through pattern matching. The concept is found in specification languages and functional programming languages. Algebraic data types can be emulated in Scala with case classes. alternative A branch of a match expression. It has the fo

                                                            • A Glossary of Gestures for Critical Discussion

                                                              The Critical Whirl. ‘I’ve read too much Marx and I can’t get my words out’ Circle hand clockwise in a small but rapid motion towards the audience. Accelerate and repeat until idea unpacked. The Backhand Slap. ‘I know I’ve said it before but I will say it again’ Slap dominant hand into non-dominant hand. Use as a reinforcing gesture when critical opponent seems unresponsive. The Point. Extend foref

                                                                A Glossary of Gestures for Critical Discussion
                                                              • A Visual Glossary of Religious Symbols : Alternative Religions

                                                                Alternative Religions Discover articles and resources covering non-mainstream world religions, including alternative belief systems, rituals, ethics, and common controversies and misconceptions.

                                                                  A Visual Glossary of Religious Symbols : Alternative Religions
                                                                • Glossary of anime and manga - Wikipedia

                                                                  The following is a glossary of terms that are specific to anime and manga. Anime includes animated series, films and videos, while manga includes graphic novels, drawings and related artwork. Note: Japanese words that are used in general (e.g. oniisan, kawaii and senpai) are not included on this list, unless a description with a reference for notability can be provided that shows how they relate.

                                                                    Glossary of anime and manga - Wikipedia
                                                                  • Apache Cassandra Glossary

                                                                    This is the glossary of terms that are important to understand when working with Apache Cassandra. There's a lot of really good material at http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra. But the first time you read the available Cassandra documentation or attempt to follow a thread on the user list can be tricky, as each new term seems to be explained only with other terms that are new too. Many of these conce

                                                                    • Glossary of Modern JavaScript Concepts: Part 1

                                                                      JavaScriptGlossary of Modern JavaScript Concepts: Part 1Learn the fundamentals of functional programming, reactive programming, and functional reactive programming in JavaScript. In the first part of the Glossary of Modern JS Concepts series, we'll gain an understanding of functional programming, reactive programming, and functional reactive programming. To do so, we'll learn about purity, statefu

                                                                        Glossary of Modern JavaScript Concepts: Part 1
                                                                      • SEO Glossary: 200+ Terms & Definitions You Need to Know

                                                                        GUIDE How To Meet The Challenges of Modern Search Marketing Get your copy and clear away the noise of a crowded search marketing world. Stand out and boost your visibility for your ideal audience. Download Now Webinar Cracking Open The SEO Bucket: Proven Local Marketing Strategies Explore the core areas of discovery, relevance, experience, engagement, and conversions, with actionable takeaways to

                                                                          SEO Glossary: 200+ Terms & Definitions You Need to Know
                                                                        • Glossary of mathematical jargon - Wikipedia

                                                                          The language of mathematics has a wide vocabulary of specialist and technical terms. It also has a certain amount of jargon: commonly used phrases which are part of the culture of mathematics, rather than of the subject. Jargon often appears in lectures, and sometimes in print, as informal shorthand for rigorous arguments or precise ideas. Much of this uses common English words, but with a specifi

                                                                          • A Statistical Learning/Pattern Recognition Glossary

                                                                            Your browser does not support frames. Click <a href="glossary.html">here</a> for the no-frames version.

                                                                            • Glossary - MongoDB Manual

                                                                              For terms related to MongoDB Atlas, the fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud, see Glossary in the Atlas documentation. _idA field required in every MongoDB document. The _id field must have a unique value. You can think of the _id field as the document's primary key. If you create a new document without an _id field, MongoDB automatically creates the field and assigns a uniqu

                                                                                Glossary - MongoDB Manual
                                                                              • Glossary of owarai terms - Wikipedia

                                                                                This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Glossary of owarai terms" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (February 2024) (Learn how and when to remove this message) The following glossary of words and terms (generally of Japanese origin

                                                                                • Glossary of Japanese words of Portuguese origin - Wikipedia

                                                                                  Many Japanese words of Portuguese origin entered the Japanese language when Portuguese Jesuit priests and traders introduced Christian ideas, Western science, technology and new products to the Japanese during the Muromachi period (15th and 16th centuries). The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach Japan and the first to establish direct trade between Japan and Europe, in 1543. During the 1