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Interfaceの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 2285件

  • JavaScript(AJAX)サンプル集 Yahoo! User Interface Library(YUI) - Drag and Drop Utility

    スポンサードリンク Yahoo! User Interface Library - Drag and Drop Utility Drag and Drop Utilityとは ドラッグ&ドロップ可能な要素を作るためのユーティリティーです。ドラッグやドロップのイベントハンドラーを間単に作成することが可能なフレームワークが用意されています。 詳しくはhttp://developer.yahoo.com/yui/dragdrop/のオリジナルを読まれるのがよいと思います。 Drag and Drop Utilityを使う前準備 必要なのは4つのファイルです。もちろんインストールは済ませておく必要があります。 <script type="text/javascript" src="your install path/yahoo-min.js"></script> <script type="tex

    • Interface: iPhoneでアプリのインターフェイスがデザインできる!アプリ開発者・プロデューサ必見!3660 | AppBank

      InterfaceはiPhoneアプリのモックアップ(模型)がつくれるアプリです。 このアプリを使えばiPhoneを手に持ちながら各要素を画面上に配置・設定できます。 iPhone上ですべての作業が行え、すぐにインターフェイスが試せるので「使いやすいアプリとは何なのか」を模索しながら、インターフェイスの成熟度を上げていけます。 作成したモックアップはXcodeのプロジェクトファイルとして書き出すことも可能です。 今までは実機で動くモックアップを作成するにも、iPhone上で動かすには年会費1万円のiPhone Developer Programに参加する必要がありました。 しかし、このInterfaceを使えば、このアプリの購入費だけで実機上でインターフェイスの使い心地を試せるので、開発には携わらないプロデューサの方にもオススメです。 詳しくご紹介します。

      • Manage caches in your Actions workflows from Web Interface · GitHub Changelog

        AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be

          Manage caches in your Actions workflows from Web Interface · GitHub Changelog
        • 歴史的遺物callback interfaceの紹介 - Qiita

          Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article?

            歴史的遺物callback interfaceの紹介 - Qiita
          • OWIN - Open Web Interface for .NET を使う — Kyrt Blog

            OWIN(Open Web Interface for .NET)は、.NET Framework の WebサーバとWebアプリケーション接続するためのインタフェースであり、新しい HTTP Serverのプログラミング抽象化レイヤーを定義するものだ。2010年の終わりのころにBenjamin van der Veen 氏が始め、Draft 7 12 July 2012では、Author: OWIN working group となっている。参照:http://owin.org/spec/history-1.0.html .NETでは、HTTP Serverのプログラミング抽象化レイヤーは、ASP.NETの初期のことに構築されてその後ほぼ変らずに今まで来た、An Overview of Project Katana August 30, 2013 Howard Dierkingに、初めの

              OWIN - Open Web Interface for .NET を使う — Kyrt Blog
            • sivel/speedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                sivel/speedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net
              • User Interface Customization in iOS 6

                Note from Ray: This is the fifth iOS 6 tutorial in the iOS 6 Feast! In this tutorial, we’re updating one of our older tutorials to iOS 6 so it’s fully up-to-date with the latest features like the new UIKit controls that can be customized in iOS 6. Parts of this tutorial come from Steve Baranski and Adam Burkepile’s chapters in iOS 5 and iOS 6 by Tutorials, although the book covers a lot more than

                • Get Into This > Image Gallery using jQuery, Interface & Reflections

                  • 8 rules to help you design a better card user interface

                    Cards have exploded in popularity over the last decade due to the proliferation of online media and mobile apps. Unfortunately, user experience issues arise regularly from poor card design. A card is a user interface component that provides a summary and an entry point to additional information. Elements of a card component include media objects, titles, subheadings, metadata, summary text, and ac

                      8 rules to help you design a better card user interface
                    • PHP研究所 PHP INTERFACE

                      松下幸之助創設者は、「素直な心」を次のように定義しています。 「素直な心とは、寛容にして私心なき心、広く人の教えを受ける心、分を楽しむ心であります。また、静にして動、動にして静の働きのある心、真理に通ずる心であります」。 お互い人間が最も好ましい生き方を実現していくには、それにふさわしい考え方や行動をすることが大切で、その根底になくてはならないものが「素直な心」であるというわけです。 ここでは、松下幸之助著『素直な心になるために』(PHP研究所刊) の中から一部を抜粋編集し、「素直な心」の有様について、さまざまな角度からご紹介していていきます。

                      • 40 Exceptional jQuery Interface Techniques and Tutorials

                        President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. With the advent of JavaScript/web appl

                          40 Exceptional jQuery Interface Techniques and Tutorials
                        • Interface Sketch

                          If you're designing a website or app, these simple templates are designed to help you sketch your ideas on paper. The templates are in PDF. Simply download a template, print out the pages you need and start sketching. You can print in colour or black-and-white; on laser or inkjet printer. Some of the templates contain a grid of dots to help with alignment when you sketch. These dots do not represe

                          • Export This: Interface Design Patterns for Node.js Modules

                            When you require a module in Node, what are you getting back? When you write a module, what options do you have for designing its interface? When I was first learning to work in Node I found the sheer number of ways to do things to be a bit overwhelming. JavaScript is extremely flexible and the community of developers contributing to open source seem to have different styles for implementing the s

                            • Functioning Form - Google vs. Yahoo! Interface Design

                              Google vs. Yahoo! Interface Design by Luke Wroblewski June 5, 2005 As Google and Yahoo! continue their volley of product offerings, I thought it would be useful to compare the interface design solutions each company employed to solve similar user needs. In other words: how does Yahoo’s version of a product (Maps, Local Search, Image Search, etc.) compare to Google’s? Though some product offerings

                                Functioning Form - Google vs. Yahoo! Interface Design
                              • Interface builderでカスタムViewのライブレンダリング - Qiita

                                Main.storyboardを見るとライブレンダリングに対応していることが確認できます。 ライブレンダリングに対応する 使うマクロは、IB_DESIGNABLEとIBInspectableのふたつです。 IB_DESIGNABLEはクラスの宣言の前に記述して、IBにレンダリングに対応しているカスタムViewであることを伝えます。 IBInspectableはPropertyの定義の中、ちょうどIBOutletと同じ位置に記述します。 UIKit標準のView(UIButtonなど)と同じようにカスタムViewのPropertyもIB上で設定することができます。 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> IB_DESIGNABLE @interface HRButton : UIControl @property (nonatomic, strong) IBInspectable U

                                  Interface builderでカスタムViewのライブレンダリング - Qiita
                                • Aral Balkan: Historical Archive — User Interface Design Principles for Web Applications

                                  Do not track! Better is a privacy tool for Safari on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It protects you from behavioural ads and the companies that track you on the web. Historical content: I wrote this article over 10 years ago on 2006-08-13. You are viewing an archived post from my old WordPress blog. The archive contains over 1,600 articles written over a ten year period. The formatting and contents of the

                                  • Martin Karásek – One-man show user interface and icon designer

                                    Notificant IPHONE APP DESIGN iPhone application UI for notification application synced with desktop app.� I’ve designed UI and application icon. Created for Tapmates Icons4Coffee CUSTOM ICON SET Pixel perfect icon set for web UI's. Set contains 250 16px's icons that came with matching vector glyph set. Collaboration with @osilly. Personal project – Buy it! OpenBrand ILLUSTRATION & UI DESIGN Digita

                                    • on the fly @ minimum interface

                                      Verify to continue To continue, please confirm that you're a human (and not a spambot).

                                        on the fly @ minimum interface
                                      • mod_ssl: The Apache Interface to OpenSSL

                                        ``mod_ssl combines the flexibility of Apache with the security of OpenSSL.'' This module provides strong cryptography for the Apache 1.3 webserver via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/ v3 ) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols by the help of the Open Source SSL/TLS toolkit OpenSSL, which is based on SSLeay from Eric A. Young and Tim J. Hudson. The mod_ssl package was created in April 19

                                        • User Interface Design - 12 Useful Techniques — Smashing Magazine

                                          Last week, we presented 10 Useful Web Application Interface Techniques, the first part of our review of useful design trends in modern Web applications. Among other things, we highlighted embedded video blocks, specialized controls and context-sensitive navigation. We also encouraged designers to disable pressed buttons, use shadows around modal windows and link to the sign-up page from the log-in

                                            User Interface Design - 12 Useful Techniques — Smashing Magazine
                                          • GitHub - SonyWWS/LevelEditor: The ATF LevelEditor is a powerful tool for constructing and assembling game levels. It provides a WYSIWYG interface and allows you to place objects, edit properties, edit terrain, and build game levels.

                                            The LevelEditor is a software tool used to design levels (maps, campaigns, and virtual worlds) for a video game. A level editor is used by a game designer. The standalone LevelEditor is a fully functional modern level editor. Using the LevelEditor, you can design a game world for any video game engine. You can create and lay out terrain, place static game objects in the world (such as rocks, plant

                                              GitHub - SonyWWS/LevelEditor: The ATF LevelEditor is a powerful tool for constructing and assembling game levels. It provides a WYSIWYG interface and allows you to place objects, edit properties, edit terrain, and build game levels.
                                            • Pttrns - Mobile User Interface Patterns

                                              Paper – stories from F... Photos Paper – stories from F... Profiles Paper – stories from F... Walkthroughs Paper – stories from F... Walkthroughs Paper – stories from F... Walkthroughs Paper – stories from F... Navigations Paper – stories from F... Coach Marks Paper – stories from F... Coach Marks Paper – stories from F... Coach Marks Paper – stories from F... Coach Marks Paper – stories from F...

                                              • [PDF] Graphical User Interface UsingFlutter in Embedded Systems

                                                • Weblogs.Com XML-RPC interface

                                                  Simple cross-platform distributed computing, based on the standards of the Internet. Sun, Sep 30, 2001; by Dave Winer. What is Weblogs.Com?  Weblogs.Com is a Web application that tracks changes to news-oriented websites. It was launched in late 1999, when XML-RPC was quite young and there weren't many weblogs. Today XML-RPC is widely deployed, and the weblog community has grown from a few hundr

                                                  • 45 iPad iOS Interface Showcase | favbulous

                                                    Posted March 28, 2012 by Kevin & filed under Mobile Apps & Design, Tech. 32,711 views Apple released the new ipad few weeks ago and within a week, it reached 3 million sales! That’s a staggering amount of iPad being sold. With such a huge consumer based, it’s no brainer to say that the iOS apps demand will certainly increase dramatically. However, there are already over 500,000 apps (and still cou

                                                      45 iPad iOS Interface Showcase | favbulous
                                                    • Free Exclusive Vector Icon Pack: Web User Interface

                                                      President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. The Web User Interface vector icon pac

                                                        Free Exclusive Vector Icon Pack: Web User Interface
                                                      • interface,extend,implementのちがい

                                                        バラバラに理解してもしょうがないッス。 まず、 (1)interface と implements (2)class と extends が対応しているわけっす。 JavaはC++と違って、比較的言語仕様を「簡単」にしたので「多重継承」という 概念がないです。 多重継承っていうのは、複数のクラスを親クラスにして継承するってことですね。 たとえば、 「TextFieldクラス」と「Japaneseクラス」を多重継承すると、 「JTextFieldクラス」ができるっていうのが自然な考え方でしょう? まぁ、例えば、日本語クラスであれば、getStringLength()メソッドなどが あったほうが良いでしょうか。 このgetStringLength()メソッドは、2バイト文字も1バイト文字も「1文字」 と数えてくれると言う点で、まさに、日本語クラス用のメソッドだと言えるでしょう。 例えば、Jav

                                                        • Goのstructとinterface - oinume journal

                                                          社内でGo勉強会をやったのでその時に自分が発表した時の内容。オブジェクト指向的なことをGoでどう実現するのか、どの辺を諦めなくてはいけないのかをまとめてみた。 Goでのオブジェクト指向 Goでは基本的にオブジェクト指向プログラミングはできないと思ったほうが良い。できるのはstructを定義して関数を追加していくことだけである。 http://play.golang.org/p/7w9nbHDec1 package main import "fmt" type User struct { Id int Name string } // 文字列化する関数 func (u *User) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%s", u.Id, u.Name) } func main() { var user *User = &User{1, "oin

                                                            Goのstructとinterface - oinume journal
                                                          • Free WebFTP service - FTP Interface in english, espanol, francais, deutsch, ...

                                                            Web2FTP deactivated !!! Sorry, but we had to deactivate our free service Web2FTP. We have introduced new security functions as logging User actions, Ip-Numbers and blocking whole IP-Ranges from Asian and African networks, but some users continued to upload Phishing sites. We are working on a new solution for registered user. Leverkusen, 03.07.2008

                                                            • セクハラ・インターフェース(喘ぐ大根) / Sekuhara Interface

                                                              "Sekuhara Interface" is a device generates sexy voice from raw Japanese radish with your touch. 大根を撫でると艶かしく喘ぐデバイス。 静電容量式タッチセンサで大根への接触をセンシングしています。 敏感で繊細なリアクションにこだわり、タッチストロークの長さに合わせて音声の長さを補正。また、快楽のボルテージをスライダーで設定する事ができ、嫌悪感→恥じらい→快楽→絶頂の順に音声が変化していきます。 パフォーマンスに特化したデバイスとして作成したため、喘ぎ声と音楽/喘ぎ声と映像の連動も可能です。 sekuhara-interface.com Etsuko Ichihara:http://etsuko-ichihara.com/ Taiki Watai Yutaro Keino

                                                                セクハラ・インターフェース(喘ぐ大根) / Sekuhara Interface
                                                              • Mobile Interface Development: Ultimate GUI Toolbox for Android, iPhone, iPad, Palm Pre | Coding |...

                                                                The moments after your phone gets wet are crucial. Follow these steps to improve your chances of saving your device. … Read more

                                                                  Mobile Interface Development: Ultimate GUI Toolbox for Android, iPhone, iPad, Palm Pre | Coding |...
                                                                • GitHub - roo-rb/roo: Roo provides an interface to spreadsheets of several sorts.

                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                    GitHub - roo-rb/roo: Roo provides an interface to spreadsheets of several sorts.
                                                                  • Human Interface Devices (HID) Specifications and Tools | USB-IF

                                                                    HID USB Device Class Definition The Device Class Definition for HID 1.11 is intended to supplement the USB Specification and provide HID manufacturers with the information necessary to build USB-compatible devices. It also specifies how the HID class driver should extract data from USB devices. The primary and underlying goals of the HID class definition are to: be as compact as possible to save d

                                                                    • Interface elements for jQuery - Download Interface

                                                                      Configure your download: click on the elements you want to use in your application. select all select none download your selection building your download

                                                                      • Graphical User Interface Timeline

                                                                        This timeline lists all of the graphical user interface environments that I have been able to find information about through my own research and on the Internet. I want to be as historically accurate as I can, however due to limited available information there may be some mistakes. See my notes section at the end for known inaccuracies. If you see an error and have additional information about it

                                                                        • fluent interface呼び出し書式を正しくeclipse3.6でフォーマットする方法 - 達人プログラマーを目指して

                                                                          Java言語のコードの書式のひとつとして、fluent interface(流れるような*1インターフェース)という書き方が知られています。 http://capsctrl.que.jp/kdmsnr/wiki/bliki/?FluentInterface 構文的にはSmalltalkのようにメソッドの戻り値にメッセージ送信対象のオブジェクトを返却することで、一文で複数のメソッド呼び出しを行うという書き方です。以前、多くの日本人がオブジェクト指向プログラミングを苦手とするのは英語アレルギーだからか? - 達人プログラマーを目指してで書いたように、英語脳になってないと必ずしもうれしくないこともありますが、英語の得意な外国人にとっては自然言語のように分かりやすく簡潔に記述できることもあり、最近のAPIでは結構流行しているようです。厳密にはFluentではないかもしれませんが、形式上チェーンで呼

                                                                            fluent interface呼び出し書式を正しくeclipse3.6でフォーマットする方法 - 達人プログラマーを目指して
                                                                          • Rich Brown. Freelance Interaction Designer. Interface Designer. Digital Creative. Web Designer. F...


                                                                              Rich Brown. Freelance Interaction Designer. Interface Designer. Digital Creative. Web Designer. F...
                                                                            • tkinter — Python interface to Tcl/Tk

                                                                              tkinter — Python interface to Tcl/Tk¶ Source code: Lib/tkinter/__init__.py The tkinter package (“Tk interface”) is the standard Python interface to the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit. Both Tk and tkinter are available on most Unix platforms, including macOS, as well as on Windows systems. Running python -m tkinter from the command line should open a window demonstrating a simple Tk interface, letting you know

                                                                                tkinter — Python interface to Tcl/Tk
                                                                              • GitHub - tensorflow/skflow: Simplified interface for TensorFlow (mimicking Scikit Learn) for Deep Learning

                                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                  GitHub - tensorflow/skflow: Simplified interface for TensorFlow (mimicking Scikit Learn) for Deep Learning
                                                                                • RerankEverything: A Reranking Interface for Exploring Search Results Flexibly

                                                                                  Abstract RerankEverything enables users to rerank search results in any search service, such as a Web search engine, an e-commerce site, a hotel reservation site and so on. RerankEverything is implemented as an extension to the Mozilla Firefox. Demo Movie Features You can flexibly rerank search results by simply selecting an interesting part of a search result. You can also sort search results acc