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Meaningに関するエントリは18件あります。 言語英語機械学習 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『JavaScript: What is the meaning of this?  |  Articles  |  web.dev』などがあります。
  • JavaScript: What is the meaning of this?  |  Articles  |  web.dev

    JavaScript: What is the meaning of this? Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Figuring out the value of this can be tricky in JavaScript, here's how to do it… JavaScript's this is the butt of many jokes, and that's because, well, it's pretty complicated. However, I've seen developers do much-more-complicated and domain-specific things to avoid deal

    • ますみ🇺🇦 on Twitter: "ニューヨークタイムズの人のおかげで「誤解を招く表現だった」を英語でどう言うのか勉強になった。 It was a poor choice of words with unintended meaning."

      ニューヨークタイムズの人のおかげで「誤解を招く表現だった」を英語でどう言うのか勉強になった。 It was a poor choice of words with unintended meaning.

        ますみ🇺🇦 on Twitter: "ニューヨークタイムズの人のおかげで「誤解を招く表現だった」を英語でどう言うのか勉強になった。 It was a poor choice of words with unintended meaning."
      • juliana barbassa on Twitter: "@tariqpanja I've deleted a reply to this tweet. It was a poor choice of words with unintended meaning."

        @tariqpanja I've deleted a reply to this tweet. It was a poor choice of words with unintended meaning.

          juliana barbassa on Twitter: "@tariqpanja I've deleted a reply to this tweet. It was a poor choice of words with unintended meaning."
        • How to get meaning from text with language model BERT | AI Explained

          In this video, we give a step-by-step walkthrough of self-attention, the mechanism powering the deep learning model BERT, and other state-of-the-art transformer models for natural language processing (NLP). More on attention and BERT: https://bit.ly/38vpOyW How to solve a text classification problem with BERT with this tutorial: https://bit.ly/2Ij6tGa 0:00 Introduction of NLP 0:39 Text tokenizati

            How to get meaning from text with language model BERT | AI Explained
          • The Meaning of the Mittens: Five Possibilities

            The Meaning of the Mittens: Five Possibilities The symbolic power of Bernie’s old pair of mittens was the work of the “us” in “not me, us.” Attendees including Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., listen during the 59th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on Jan. 20, 2021. Photo: Caroline Brehman/Pool/AP Pity the art directors, the stylists, and the stage managers. So much effort,

              The Meaning of the Mittens: Five Possibilities
            • Go Ando / PREDUCTS / THE GUILD on Twitter: "VAIOのロゴデザインの由来は後世に残したい The Sony Vaio Logo – The Meaning Behind Sony’s Laptop Logo Designed by Teiyu Goto… https://t.co/RAnUrRX2c3"

              VAIOのロゴデザインの由来は後世に残したい The Sony Vaio Logo – The Meaning Behind Sony’s Laptop Logo Designed by Teiyu Goto… https://t.co/RAnUrRX2c3

                Go Ando / PREDUCTS / THE GUILD on Twitter: "VAIOのロゴデザインの由来は後世に残したい The Sony Vaio Logo – The Meaning Behind Sony’s Laptop Logo Designed by Teiyu Goto… https://t.co/RAnUrRX2c3"
              • 【正義のYoutube広告 あべりょう】今すぐ配信停止すべき理由 - well-being meaning

                正義のYoutube広告 「正義のYoutube広告 あべりょう」 動画の内容 動画の中でいじめ被害者と加害者の実名を東京オリンピック当日Youtube広告で公表すると予告。 動画の冒頭部分で二組のいじめ加害者と被害者の名前が出てくるがこれは流石に実名ではないと思われる。 恐らく実名公表はされない(できない)と思うが・・・ スウェーデンの中学教科書に「いじめを目撃したら匿名で公表しなさい」という部分がある事をこの動画の根拠としており、「いじめていた奴らの人生なんか知ったことじゃない」という歌詞があるが、全世界にYoutubeで実名をさらされる事は、社会から抹殺されるに等しい。 いじめ問題を根深くしているのは、いじめの線引きが難しい事と、加害者と被害者が突然入れ替わるなど、間近で毎日接していても、誤った判断をし易いという点にある。 ましてや全く当事者性の無い第三者が十分な情報も無く一方的に加

                  【正義のYoutube広告 あべりょう】今すぐ配信停止すべき理由 - well-being meaning 
                • The deeper meaning behind Japan’s unique UX design culture

                  I can’t believe I am writing this, but… as UX designers, we must understand the users. Shocker! However, is this enough when we design international products? Perhaps not. I believe only interviewing users doesn’t give you a full understanding. You get an idea of the user’s behaviour but not the causes of these very behaviours. Multicultural UX design is complex. To get a profound comprehension of

                    The deeper meaning behind Japan’s unique UX design culture
                  • is meaning of the this What word | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                    単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル7)「is meaning of the this What word」「この単語の意味は何ですか。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                      is meaning of the this What word | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
                    • What is the meaning of the axes in t-SNE?

                      I'm currently trying to wrap my head around the t-SNE math. Unfortunately, there is still one question I can't answer satisfactorily: What is the actual meaning of the axes in a t-SNE graph? If I were to give a presentation on this topic or include it in any publication: How would I label the axes appropriately? P.S: I read this Reddit question but the answers given there (such as "it depends on i

                        What is the meaning of the axes in t-SNE?
                      • GitHub - arunsupe/semantic-grep: grep for words with similar meaning to the query

                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                          GitHub - arunsupe/semantic-grep: grep for words with similar meaning to the query
                        • 11➡ルシファー/11 Number Meaning - sun777s blog

                          【全国初】「コオロギ」が高校の給食に… コロッケに練りこまれたその味は? 地元ベンチャーと高校がコラボ 生徒からは「エビみたい」の声も 食糧問題の救世主となるか 【関西テレビ・報道ランナー】 - YouTube ブロックファイ、破産申請──FTX破綻から連鎖(CoinDesk Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース ハワイで世界最大の活火山噴火 38年ぶり、住民に注意喚起(AFP=時事) - Yahoo!ニュース さて、、、 おさらいを含めて、、、 もう一度、 記載する、、、 11 カバラ的には、 桁変換は自由なので、、、 例えば、101。1100。10001、、、 これ等も、11として、集約できる。 さて、、、 ここから、サタンの僕達の、 "悪知恵"を、曝露していく、、、 彼等は、この変換方法を使用して、 色々な、数字、記号へと、 形を変え、同じ意味として、表示している、、、 然し、一般

                            11➡ルシファー/11 Number Meaning - sun777s blog
                          • What's the real meaning of "You suck"? - TOEIC900点を達成したオレの雑録゛

                            You suck! 何故「下手くそ=吸う」なのか? その理由はこれ! おまけ:She can really sing 深夜の2時間DTM 15回目「夏の終わりをイメージした儚げ・悲しげな曲」 16回目「オルガンのグリッサンド奏法を用いた曲」 You suck! TOEIC にはまず出てこない単語のお話。 後ろにいつもの2時間DTMを貼っていますが、サブブログに書いたとおり、作っている途中では、元WWEのプロレスラー、カート・アングルのテーマ曲 “Medal” の一部分を使っていました。(完成前に削除w) WWE公式動画です。(公式とは思えぬ手抜き加減w) この曲、単純っちゃ単純なんだけど、めちゃめちゃカッコいい。ほんと米国の人は、この手の国威発揚系の曲を作るのが巧いわ。(米国人が書いた曲かどうか知らんけど) このカート・アングルは、アトランタ五輪のレスリング金メダリストです。全米選手権者に

                              What's the real meaning of "You suck"? - TOEIC900点を達成したオレの雑録゛
                            • 200+ Common Proverbs in English [with Meaning and Example] | Lemon Grad

                              Proverbs and sayings are popular nuggets of wisdom, often in circulation for centuries and even millenniums. This post covers more than 200 common proverbs, each of which is followed by meaning and use in an example sentence. If you’re looking for more proverbs and sayings, you can find plenty of them in the resource below. It contains proverbs on topics such as life, family, friends, love, health

                                200+ Common Proverbs in English [with Meaning and Example] | Lemon Grad
                              • Kanji Meaning "See": 見 (Mi)

                                The Japanese kanji meaning “to see” or “look at” is 見. The kun’yomi (Japanese reading) pronunciation of the Kanji 見 is “mi” (み), as in words “mi-ru” (み-る) meaning “see,” “mi-seru” (み-せる) meaning “can see,” and “mi-eru” (み-える) meaning “to show.” The on’yomi (Chinese reading) pronunciation of 見 is “ken” (ケン). The Kanji 見 is constructed with 7 strokes. 見 is part of the JLPT N5 syllabus (please check

                                  Kanji Meaning "See": 見 (Mi)
                                • Kanji Meaning "Learn" or "Study": 学 (Mana-bu)

                                  The Japanese kanji 学 means “study” or “to learn“. The pronunciation of the Kanji 学 is “mana-bu” (まな-ぶ) in its kun’yomi (Japanese reading) and “gaku” (ガク) in its on’yomi (Chinese reading). The Kanji 学 is constructed with 8 strokes. It is a part of the JLPT N5 syllabus (please check the JLPT N5 Kanji list), and is taught in grade 1 in Japanese schools. Origin of the Shape of the Kanji 学 to Denote Le

                                    Kanji Meaning "Learn" or "Study": 学 (Mana-bu)
                                  • blown engine meaning. no prescription & - Furums

                                    It is currently November 24th, 2020, 3:25 am All times are UTC-05:00 №1 US Reliable Pharmacy - no prescription -- Click here for more info - blown engine meaning - Quality and pharmaceutical dosage. - Fast delivery guaranteed. - 100% legal products. - Bonus pills and big discounts for every order - Various payment methods: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - Our prices are 70% less than

                                    • Meaning of プロ驚き屋 (“Professional Surprised Man”) in Japanese Slang 2023 - Takashi's Japanese Dictionary

                                      a person who excitedly shares state-of-the-art tools/technologies like ChatGPT on social media with hyperbole and also with hallucination/overstatement at times based on a few cherry-picked examples (usually to become an “influencer”) Additional Info This is a brand new slang term that has been gradually getting popular on Twitter since Mar 2023, following the proliferation of those people who exc

                                        Meaning of プロ驚き屋 (“Professional Surprised Man”) in Japanese Slang 2023 - Takashi's Japanese Dictionary
