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  • A Haskell bookshelf

    My favourite scheme implementation is scheme48, which takes its name from its being initially implemented in 48 hours by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees in August 1986. They used Common Lisp on a Symbolics 3600 and Maclisp on a PDP-10. Now, thanks to Jonathan Tang’s tutorial, you can write yourself a scheme in 48 hours, but using Haskell instead of Lisp. The tutorial is intended as an introductio

      A Haskell bookshelf
    • Thrrum Cameraphone Search

      Thrrum Cameraphone Search - Mobile visual search for camera phonesChecking out a book? Curious about the product on a billboard? Want to learn more about a wine while at the grocery store? Point your phone at any text, click, and the information you need is displayed right on your phone. With Thrrum Cameraphone Search, any text that you see around you becomes a hyperlink that can be "clicked

      • KS2009: How Google uses Linux

        There may be no single organization which runs more Linux systems than Google. But the kernel development community knows little about how Google uses Linux and what sort of problems are encountered there. Google's Mike Waychison traveled to Tokyo to help shed some light on this situation; the result was an interesting view on what it takes to run Linux in this extremely demanding setting. Mike st

        • What’s New in Microsoft Edge in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

          Today, we’re beginning to roll out the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update to Windows 10 customers around the world. This release upgrades Microsoft Edge to EdgeHTML 16, the best version of Microsoft Edge yet. The Fall Creators Update also includes new enhancements like improved favorites management and pinned sites, new developer APIs like CSS Grid Layout and WebVR 1.1, and better-than-ever reliabili

            What’s New in Microsoft Edge in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
          • HiDPI support, HTML5 notifications, Parallel JS, asm.js and more – Firefox Development Highlights – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

            thinsoldier Any idea when flexbox wrapping will be available? April 25th, 2013 at 14:10 WulfTheSaxon It should be “near-ish term” per dholbert earlier today: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=702508#c15 April 25th, 2013 at 19:18 Daniel Holbert thinsoldier: hard to say; hopefully within a few firefox versions, probably somewhere in the mid-20’s. You can follow along at https://bugzilla.m

              HiDPI support, HTML5 notifications, Parallel JS, asm.js and more – Firefox Development Highlights – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
            • Real Time Multiplayer in HTML5 - Build New Games

              Multiplayer and browsers When you consider making multiplayer games, there are many methods available for creating a game that friends can play online. There is a good variety of multiplayer game types - take for example a card game you play synchronously with friends. Turns are made, information is exchanged in (semi) real time and the game progresses in discrete steps. Another example, Chess, ca

              • Business Logs » Blog Archive » My 5 CSS Tips

                Helping companies communicate better with their customers through the use of weblogs and smart user interface design. After reading “5 Steps To CSS Heaven” over at pingmag.jp, and disagreeing with some of what was said I thought that writing this would be appropriate. I’ve been writing CSS professionally now for about 2.5 years so here are 5 quick tips that help me out in my day to day work. I wou

                • Sahil Lavingia - Optimize your website for iPhone in 10 minutes.

                  I just finished doing the first iteration of iPhone layouts for Crate (invite code “iphone” if you want in). Mobile browser usage continues to grow and it’s a great idea to have a mobile component of your site, especially because after a few times it doesn’t take long at all. Step 1. Add this line to your <head>: <meta name = "viewport" content = "initial-scale = 1.0, user-scalable = no"> This wi

                  • Beyond HTML5: Database APIs and the Road to IndexedDB – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                    Thanks! Please check your inbox to confirm your subscription. If you haven’t previously confirmed a subscription to a Mozilla-related newsletter you may have to do so. Please check your inbox or your spam filter for an email from us. […] Older Article […] June 1st, 2010 at 11:44 anon FYI: Your link http://hacks.mozilla.org/2010/05/comparing-indexeddb-and-webdatabase should be http://hacks.mozilla.

                      Beyond HTML5: Database APIs and the Road to IndexedDB – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                    • 世界の建築ブログトップ100 » Top 100 Architecture Blogs

                      Top 100 Architecture Blogs Posted in Features on October 17, 2007 If Modernism was the twentieth-century architectural trend that developed a new way of thinking, then Urbanism appears to be the twenty-first century architectural mindset. This trend is breeding urban explorers (urbex), the greening of major metropolitan areas, and a focus on merging habitats and commercial structures with politics

                      • sunamandalaのブックマーク - はてなブックマーク

                        街を点検していたパトロール隊員は、壊れた車の中に一匹の犬を発見しました。 その犬は疲れ切っていて、割れたガラスの上でそのまま眠っていました。 パトロール隊員は犬を獣医に連れて行き、そのうちの一人がその犬を飼うことにしました。 Oriannalyla 🇺🇦 @Lyla_lilas A story from #Bucha with a happy ending While inspecting the city, patrolmen saw a dog in one of the broken cars. The dog was so exhausted that she slept right on the broken glass. Patrolmen took the dog to the vet, and then one of them decided to keep the d

                        • 【Right-on × 方言彼女。】アイドルの撮影現場に女装して乗り込んでみた。その2 | 株式会社LIG(リグ)|DX支援・システム開発・Web制作

                          前回までのあらすじ 方言彼女。の座を賭けて、現役アイドル「渕上彩夏」との勝負に挑む中国人デザイナーの王くん。 女装した上に絵心対決で敗北をした為、ここはもう後がない。 「マシュマロを何個、口の中に詰め込めるか対決」に意地でも勝たなければ… 王くん、負けないで!できる限りたくさんのマシュマロを口に詰め込むのよ! 人物紹介:王美(おうみ) LIGで働くデザイナー。アイドルに強い憧れを抱く中国人。 登場人物:渕上 彩夏(アヤカ) 熊本出身の方言アイドル。【Right-on × 方言彼女。】コラボムービー「ケータイ」の主人公。 『てゆーか、マシュマロ対決だかなんだか知らないけど、どうして私がそんな事に付き合わないといけないの?』 『ははーん。負けるのが怖いのか? アイドルっていうのも大したことないね。』 『むかむかっ! 何よそれ。アンタなんかに負けるわけないでしょ。熊本県民の年間のマシュマロ消費量

                            【Right-on × 方言彼女。】アイドルの撮影現場に女装して乗り込んでみた。その2 | 株式会社LIG(リグ)|DX支援・システム開発・Web制作
                          • Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide

                            With Smash Bros. Ultimate right on the horizon, I am experiencing my usual case of wondering if it’s way too late for me to get on that ship. I sat down with Kotaku’s Maddy Myers to figure out if now is the time for me to start playing Smash or if I should just be ok with being the little sibling who gets an unplugged…

                              Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide
                            • ‎Carcassonne on the App Store

                              Famous boardgame and great iOS experience, with expansions as in-app purchases. "iPhone Game of the Year", iTunes Rewind Germany. "The single best board game experience in the App Store", gamezebo "Carcassonne does just about everything right on the iPhone", ars technica "It is quite simply one of the most polished games on the platform", wired.com "There's nothing like a sneaky farmer to push you

                                ‎Carcassonne on the App Store
                              • Simple Swipe With Vanilla JavaScript | CSS-Tricks

                                Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. I used to think implementing swipe gestures had to be very difficult, but I have recently found myself in a situation where I had to do it and discovered the reality is nowhere near as gloomy as I had imagined. This article is going to take you, step by step, through the implementation with the lea

                                  Simple Swipe With Vanilla JavaScript | CSS-Tricks
                                • Scaniverse - Free 3D Scanner - Gaussian Splatting for iOS and Android

                                  The fast, easy, captivating way to make and share 3D scans of the places and objects that matter to you. Free to download, use, and share. (Mapping features currently only on iOS.) Gaussian Splats are the latest in 3D computer graphics. Fully immersive 3D scenes capture light and detail better than ever—processed right on your phone in a minute or two.

                                    Scaniverse - Free 3D Scanner - Gaussian Splatting for iOS and Android
                                  • ライトオン オンラインショップ|ジーンズセレクトショップ ライトオン

                                    ジーンズセレクトショップのライトオンが運営する通販サイト。リーバイス(Levi's)、エドウィン(EDWIN)、ジースター(G-Star RAW)、リー(Lee)、チャンピオン(Champion)など有名ブランドや、ライトオンオリジナルのBACK NUMBERなど、人気ブランドを多数取り揃えています。専門店ならではの品揃えの中からお気に入りのアイテムを見つけてください。

                                    • tompeters! management consulting leadership training development project management

                                      Serial entrepreneur and founder of many successful businesses Norm Brodsky writes the monthly Street Smarts column for Inc. magazine with editor-at-large Bo Burlingham. Together they have also written The Knack: How Street-Smart Entrepreneurs Learn to Handle Whatever Comes Up. Erik talks with Norm Brodsky about The Knack for our latest Cool Friends interview. View our Archives for past interviews.

                                      • 100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real | Web Designer Depot

                                        Concept designers are also referred to as “visual futurists”.These concept designs may not be on the market yet, but they can still inspire you to create something just as futuristic and exciting online.The designs may be impractical in some cases, but the idea is to put the concept out to the world to see how […] Concept designers are also referred to as “visual futurists”. These concept designs

                                          100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real | Web Designer Depot
                                        • Label Placement in Forms :: UXmatters

                                          In using eyetracking to evaluate the usability of search forms for my previous article for UXmatters, “Evaluating the Usability of Search Forms Using Eyetracking: A Practical Approach,” we discovered much interesting data. I’ll provide an in-depth analysis of that data here. Please note that our ad-hoc test setup didn’t resemble real-world conditions. Since I had to properly measure saccadic activ

                                          • Nodejs vs Play for Front-End Apps

                                            Nodejs vs Play for Front-End AppsFriday, March 25, 2011 I’m resuccitating this old artile to support some inbound traffic. Mar 29, 2011: The source used for these tests is now available at https://github.com/s3u/ebay-srp-nodejs and https://github.com/s3u/ebay-srp-play. Mar 27, 2011: I updated the charts based on new runs and some feedback. If you have any tips for improving numbers for either Node

                                            • The 60+ Best Ecommerce Websites - Top Ecommerce Website Designs

                                              Home » Articles » 25+ Best Ecommerce Website Designs for Inspiration (2024) 25+ Best Ecommerce Website Designs for Inspiration (2024) The list of top 50 ecommerce website designs in 2024 If you subscribe to a service from a link on this page, Reeves and Sons Limited may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. For any business that wants to sell online, having a well-designed website is vitall

                                                The 60+ Best Ecommerce Websites - Top Ecommerce Website Designs
                                              • 2016年ベスト 50枚 〜音楽編〜 - maplecat-eve’s blog

                                                2016年はこの一枚こそ今年を代表する一枚!といえる圧倒的な一枚があったというより、全体的にどれも恐ろしく刺激的でハイレベルなポップミュージックに溢れていたと思う。いろんな方が言っていますが、いまポップミュージックはめちゃくちゃ面白いです。しかもその面白さは年々いろんなところに拡大・波及していると思う。特にブラックミュージック!年間ベスト級の作品ばかりでした。1位は誰も選ばなそうだけど、個人の体験としてとても大事にしていた音楽なのでこの一択でした。この記事を書く準備の時間がまったく足りてないのだけど、来年に持ち越すとテンション落ちて絶対書かなくなると思うので(笑)、記録として残しておきます。 以下、私の50枚。 1.Oh Wonder『Oh Wonder』 Oh Wonder アーティスト: Oh Wonder出版社/メーカー: Republic発売日: 2015/09/04メディア: C

                                                  2016年ベスト 50枚 〜音楽編〜 - maplecat-eve’s blog
                                                • Bootstrap 2.0.2 released

                                                  A new version of Bootstrap is out today with a ton of bug fixes (over 100 closed issues), documentation improvements, and a few new features. Here’s a curated list with some details where appropriate. Download the latest from the Bootstrap docs. Before we begin, I want to note that you’ll have to upgrade to the LESS 1.3 to compile 2.0.2. For those using LESS.js, download the latest. For those usin

                                                    Bootstrap 2.0.2 released
                                                  • Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide

                                                    With Smash Bros. Ultimate right on the horizon, I am experiencing my usual case of wondering if it’s way too late for me to get on that ship. I sat down with Kotaku’s Maddy Myers to figure out if now is the time for me to start playing Smash or if I should just be ok with being the little sibling who gets an unplugged…

                                                      Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide
                                                    • Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop (Offical Music Video)

                                                      Watch the music video for "Can't Stop" now! By The Way available here: http://smarturl.it/getrhcpbytheway "Can't Stop" is a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers from their 2002 album, By the Way. It is the third single released from the album. This song is a playable track in the game Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades. http://redhotchilipeppers.com http://instagram.com/chilipeppers https://facebook.

                                                        Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop (Offical Music Video)
                                                      • 実践的なパターン: テストの容易性を高める設計

                                                        Although these types seem distinct in theory, the differences become more blurred in practice. For that reason, I think it makes sense to think of test doubles as inhabiting a continuum, as illustrated in Figure 2. At the one extreme you'll find dummies with absolutely no implementation, and at the other end are full production implementations. Dummies and production implementations are both well-

                                                          実践的なパターン: テストの容易性を高める設計
                                                        • Swift is Open Source - Swift Blog

                                                          Swift is now open source. For the latest news, visit the Swift open source blog Swift is now open source. Today Apple launched the open source Swift community, as well as amazing new tools and resources including: Swift.org – a site dedicated to the open source Swift communityPublic source code repositories at github.com/appleA new Swift package manager project for easily sharing and building code

                                                            Swift is Open Source - Swift Blog
                                                          • Galen Framework | Automated testing of responsive design

                                                            Automated testing of look and feel for your responsive websites Download 2.4.4 The Idea... Layout testing seemed always a complex task. Galen Framework offers a simple solution: test location of objects relatively to each other on page. Using a special syntax and comprehensive rules you can describe any layout you can imagine Runs in Selenium Grid Galen Framework runs well in Selenium Grid. You ca

                                                            • 12 Tips For Designing an Excellent Checkout Process — Smashing Magazine

                                                              Looking around for that checkout link, having to fill out registration forms and then being told the product is out of stock isn’t going to make your day. Spend a little bit of time fine tuning your checkout process and polishing off the user experience and you’ll be rewarded with happier customers and more sales. Here are 12 useful tips to help you do just that. Shopping online can be a great exp

                                                              • || サウンドクリエイター Ryu☆ 公式ホームページ - Ryu☆RADIO ||

                                                                starmine 2020 : Mare Nectaris / Ryu☆ JACKET DESIGN: Kiyoshi Tanada (Motion Combat) PCCA-04931  ¥3,500(本体)+税 2020/4/29 ON SALE Ryu☆「starmine」から20年。 デビュー20周年を記念したアルバムをCD2枚組でリリース! 代表曲「starmine」を2020ver.にアップデート! 音楽ゲームBEMANIシリーズの最新人気楽曲「CoMAAAAAAA」「Lagrangian Point Ø」「Couleur=Blanche」等を初ロングVer.化! さらにDisc2は"神楽 Disc"! 「神楽」名義「Mare Nectaris」の初ロングVer.や、 kors k、かめりあ、BlackYによる「Mare Nectaris」のRemixを収録!! (C)PONY

                                                                • The new responsive: Web design in a component-driven world  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                  Responsive Design Today Today, when using the term: "responsive design", you are most likely thinking about using media queries to change layout when resizing a design from mobile size, to tablet size, through to desktop size. But soon, this perception of responsive design may be considered as outdated as using tables for page layout. Viewport-based media queries give you some powerful tools, but

                                                                  • 10 Lessons William Klein Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM

                                                                    10 Lessons William Klein Has Taught Me About Street Photography © William Klein William Klein is one of my favorite street photographers of all time. I think one of the things that I love most about him is his “I don’t give a fuck” attitude about the way he approached street photography how he did things his own way. He rebelled against many of the contemporary styles of photography during his tim

                                                                      10 Lessons William Klein Has Taught Me About Street Photography – ERIC KIM
                                                                    • Labs/Ubiquity/Commands In The Wild - MozillaWiki

                                                                      Back to Labs/Ubiquity. LEGAL NOTICE: Mozilla is providing links to these third-party Ubiquity commands as a courtesy, and makes no representations regarding the commands or any information related there to. Any questions, complaints or claims regarding the commands must be directed to the appropriate developer or software vendor. Commands in the Wild Please note that the main way we'd like command

                                                                      • [HP] Custom Sign Generator

                                                                        Interactive humor to brighten your day (comedy for a cause).We offer thousands of free dynamic JPEG, GIF & PNG image creators (you can make FREE logos, blog headers, parody photos, buttons, banners, email sigs, comics, signs, blinkies/glitters, avatars, support ribbons, wallpapers, labels, celeb spoofs, animations, MySpace/TagWorld clipart, fancy 3D text, presentation clip art, magazine covers

                                                                        • Considerations For Styling A Modal | CSS-Tricks

                                                                          Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. A modal. A small box that pops up to tell you something important. How hard can it be? Wellllll. Medium hard, I’d say. There’s quite a few considerations and a few tricky things to get just right. Let us count the ways. Where in the DOM? I typically plop a modal’s HTML before the closing </body> ta

                                                                            Considerations For Styling A Modal | CSS-Tricks
                                                                          • エステナードリフティはどこが安い?楽天・Amazon・公式サイトでどこが一番安いのか調べてみた

                                                                            Nobody loves the audiophile hobby more than the Japanese. They clamor for big-muscle from American audiophile components, and in some cases actually keep some of those high-end-niche companies in business. Our goal here is to take a look back at some of the most important audiophile components in the history of the audiophile business. There are so many. We will add more as time allows but this is

                                                                            • エンダースキーマ、ライトオンのワールドカーゴ、サンサーフ・・・季節の移ろいと共に湧き上がる物欲! - YMのメンズファッションリサーチ

                                                                              目次 年始に「今年狙っているもの」の記事を書いたくせに・・・ ①サンサーフのアロハシャツ ②ライトオン・バックナンバーのワールドカーゴ ③エンダースキーマ アトリエスリッパ まとめ 年始に「今年狙っているもの」の記事を書いたくせに・・・ ymfresearch.info 年始に、こちらの記事を書きました。 レッドウィングのポストマンやハミルトンのカーキフィールドなどを挙げましたが・・・。 そのうちいくつかは既に入手済み! ymfresearch.info ymfresearch.info しかし、時間がたてば気分は変わるもの(笑) 勿論ポストマンもカーキも虎視眈々と狙っていますが、今回は新たに現在欲しいものをピックアップしてみたいと思います。 ①サンサーフのアロハシャツ 今年の私は唐突もなく「アロハシャツな気分」なのです。 大体、定期的に派手目と地味目の波が交互に繰り返す性質をもった人間な

                                                                                エンダースキーマ、ライトオンのワールドカーゴ、サンサーフ・・・季節の移ろいと共に湧き上がる物欲! - YMのメンズファッションリサーチ
                                                                              • Teams

                                                                                Download our app Read the newest magazine issue right on your phone

                                                                                • World Cup 2010: Denmark v Japan - as it happened | Simon Burnton | Football | guardian.co.uk

                                                                                  Japanese fans watching outside the Danish embassy in Tokyo (cruel, really) react to their second goal. Photograph: Itsuo Inouye/AP Japanese fans watching outside the Danish embassy in Tokyo (cruel, really) react to their second goal. Photograph: Itsuo Inouye/AP So, in brief: Denmark must win. Japan can draw. In a bit more depth: Denmark were disappointing against Holland, and then poor again again

                                                                                    World Cup 2010: Denmark v Japan - as it happened | Simon Burnton | Football | guardian.co.uk