Database schema templates Collection of real world database schemas from open-source packages and real-world apps that you can use as inspiration when architecting your app.
だれもがスマホからウェブサイトを閲覧するようにになったいま、あらゆる端末からでも見やすいサイトづくりが当たり前になっています。 この時に必要になるのが、レスポンシブWebサイトの制作です。 しかし、デスクトップやタブレット、スマホ用のレイアウトを個別に調整するとなると、「Web制作に時間がかかってしまう」と悩んでしまうひとも多いかもしれません。 あらかじめデザインやレイアウトが施されたテンプレートを利用することで、Webサイト制作を効率的に進めることができます。 今回は、商用利用できて無料ダウンロードできるHTML・Figmaテンプレートを公開しているTemplates Jungleをご紹介します。 ライセンスについて 素材を公開しているTemplates Jungleでは、HTMLとFigma用でライセンスが異なるため、注意が必要です。 HTMLテンプレートは、フッターに表示してあるクレ
Cameron Balahan 31 July 2023 When you start a new project in Go, you might begin by cloning an existing project. That way, you can start with something that already works, making incremental changes instead of starting from scratch. For a long time now, we have heard from Go developers that getting started is often the hardest part. New developers coming from other languages expect guidance on a d
Create engaging presentations, faster Free templates for Google Slides, PowerPoint and Canva
📣 Stay tuned for significant updates to both the slides and repository.!!! 📣 In the meantime, Join our Discord ML Visuals is a new collaborative effort to help the machine learning community in improving science communication by providing free professional, compelling and adequate visuals and figures. Currently, we have over 100 figures (all open community contributions). You are free to use the
AWS News Blog New – AWS Proton Supports Terraform and Git Repositories to Manage Templates Today we are announcing the launch of two features for AWS Proton. First, the most requested one in the AWS Proton open roadmap, to define and provision infrastructure using Terraform. Second, the capability to manage AWS Proton templates directly from Git repositories. AWS Proton is a fully managed applicat
Regula is a tool that evaluates infrastructure as code files for potential AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes security and compliance violations prior to deployment. Regula supports the following file types: CloudFormation JSON/YAML templates Terraform source code Terraform JSON plans Kubernetes YAML manifests Azure Resource Manager (ARM) JSON templates (in preview) Regula includes a library
Uisual: Free Figma, Framer, & Tailwind CSS Components & Templates
AWS Developer Tools Blog Migrating CloudFormation templates to the AWS Cloud Development Kit AWS CloudFormation gives developers and systems administrators an easy way to create and manage a collection of related AWS resources, provisioning and updating them in an orderly and predictable fashion. You can use AWS CloudFormation’s sample templates or create your own templates to describe the AWS res
By the makers of Tailwind CSSModern website templates, crafted with Tailwind CSS. Visually-stunning, easy to customize site templates built with React and Next.js. The perfect starting point for your next project and the ultimate resource for learning how experts build real websites with Tailwind CSS.
2024-03-11In this blog post series I will compare the following JavaScript frameworks: Vue.js, React, Angular, and Svelte. In part 1 the focus will be on comparing JavaScript framework template languages. The template language of a JavaScript framework is used to define the HTML of the application / website. You can say that the main reason any of the JavaScript frameworks exists is the following:
最近はLangChain Templates[1]を使って、LangChainベースのアプリケーションを簡単に作れるようになっていますが、テンプレートのリストを何気なく見ていたら、GPT Researcher[2]を基にした研究アシスタント[3]のテンプレートがありました。仕事で似たような機能を作っていたこともあり、興味深い内容だったので、この記事ではLangChain Templatesを活用し、研究アシスタントを作成する方法を紹介します。 研究アシスタントの例。リサーチクエスチョンを入力すると、文書を検索し、レポートにまとめてくれる。 研究アシスタントのアーキテクチャは以下のとおりです。大きくは、ユーザーが入力したリサーチクエスチョンから検索クエリを生成し、各クエリで検索した情報を要約してから結合し、レポートを生成しています。要約を結合してからLLMに入力しているため、それなりに長いコ
Learn how you can create workflow templates to help people in your team add new workflows more easily. Overview Workflow templates allow everyone in your organization who has permission to create workflows to do so more quickly and easily. When you create a new workflow, you can choose a workflow template and some or all of the work of writing the workflow will be done for you. You can use workflo
Now I do! Below are all of my favorite templates and frameworks that I rely on. As a bonus, I asked the wonderful people of Twitter to share their favorites, from which I picked my favorites and included. Enjoy! ✍️ 1-pagers/PRDs My personal 1-pager template—How I start every project Kevin Yien’s PRD template (PM at Square)—Love this whole template, particularly the “Non-Goals” section and the step
The goal of these templates is to get you started quickly when doing an experiment or starting a brand-new app from scratch. They follow the new Architecture recommendations that we released recently, which are a summary of the official Architecture guide. These templates are not empty, they contain some opinions in the form of architectural patterns and used libraries: Room DatabaseDependency inj
Validate Cloud Environments with Policy-as-Code AWS CloudFormation Guard is an open-source general-purpose policy-as-code evaluation tool. It provides developers with a simple-to-use, yet powerful and expressive domain-specific language (DSL) to define policies and enables developers to validate JSON- or YAML- formatted structured data with those policies. The Guard 3.0 release introduces support
Front makes you look at things from a different perspectives. You can create a wide variety of diagrams for many different industries using with our extensive template library and vast shape libraries. Open a diagram: Click on a diagram image on this page to enlarge it in our online viewer. Click on the pencil in the viewer toolbar to open it in the editor. Learn more abou
At the end of each whirlwind year, it’s hard to decipher where the last 365 days went. Complete an annual review to pause and consider how you spent your past year –– the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Use this Todoist template to review all the important aspects of your life: work, productivity, health, finances, relationships, and learning. Tip: Use the task comments to add your ans
By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. View our Privacy Policy for more information. When you visit websites, they may store or retrieve data in your browser. This storage is often necessary for the basic functionality of the website. The storage may be used for market
In A Simple Approach To Templated SQL Queries In Python, I introduced the basics of SQL templates in Python using JinjaSql. This post further demonstrates the power of Jinja2 within JinjaSql templates using presets, loops, and custom functions. Let’s consider an everyday use case when we have a table with some dimensions and some numerical values, and we want to find some metrics for a given dimen
Maker Skill Trees are printable templates that can guide and track hands-on skill progression. Color in the boxes as you go and get inspired to try new things. This repository is always growing and aims to include a large variety of skills, see full list below. Everyone's journey is different and you can interpret the goals flexibly. Not everything needs to be completed. Print your own in A4 or A3
Download Free Premiere Pro Templates Up your video creation game by exploring our library of the best free video templates for Premiere Pro CC 2020. Download and use free motion graphics templates in your next video editing project with no attribution or sign up required. Find mogrts, projects, lower thirds and transitions to add to your YouTube videos, presentations or music videos. Enjoy unlimit