Dependabot can fix vulnerable dependencies for you by raising pull requests with security updates.
Lists of supported secrets and the partners that GitHub works with to prevent fraudulent use of secrets that were committed accidentally. Secret scanning alerts for partners runs automatically on public repositories and public npm packages to notify service providers about leaked secrets on GitHub. Secret scanning alerts for users are available for public repositories for free. Organizations using
Note: Tasklists are in private beta and subject to change. We have currently paused onboarding to the beta. Creating tasklists in the UI You can use the Add tasklist button to quickly add a tasklist to your issue. The Add tasklist button is available when you view or edit an issue. Navigate to the issue you want to contain your new tasklist. You can also create a new issue. At the bottom of the is
About GitHub Copilot and JetBrains IDEs This guide demonstrates how to get coding suggestions from GitHub Copilot in a JetBrains IDE. To see instructions for other popular coding environments, use the tool switcher at the top of the page. The examples in this guide use Java, however other languages will work similarly. GitHub Copilot provides suggestions for numerous languages and a wide variety o
Dependency review lets you catch insecure dependencies before you introduce them to your environment, and provides information on license, dependents, and age of dependencies. Dependency review is enabled on public repositories. Dependency review is also available in private repositories owned by organizations that use GitHub Enterprise Cloud and have a license for GitHub Advanced Security. For mo
To return to the raw code view, above the file content, click Code. If you are viewing a Markdown file, above the file content, you can also click Preview to return to the view with Markdown formatting applied. Ignore commits in the blame view All revisions specified in the .git-blame-ignore-revs file, which must be in the root directory of your repository, are hidden from the blame view using Git
For each permission granted to a GitHub App, these are the REST API endpoints that the app can use.
Overview OpenID Connect (OIDC) allows your GitHub Actions workflows to access resources in Amazon Web Services (AWS), without needing to store the AWS credentials as long-lived GitHub secrets. This guide explains how to configure AWS to trust GitHub's OIDC as a federated identity, and includes a workflow example for the aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials that uses tokens to authenticate to AWS
Overview of OpenID Connect GitHub Actions workflows are often designed to access a cloud provider (such as AWS, Azure, GCP, or HashiCorp Vault) in order to deploy software or use the cloud's services. Before the workflow can access these resources, it will supply credentials, such as a password or token, to the cloud provider. These credentials are usually stored as a secret in GitHub, and the wor
About automatically generated release notes Automatically generated release notes provide an automated alternative to manually writing release notes for your GitHub releases. With automatically generated release notes, you can quickly generate an overview of the contents of a release. Automatically generated release notes include a list of merged pull requests, a list of contributors to the releas
With Enterprise Managed Users, you manage the lifecycle and authentication of your users on GitHub from an external identity management system, or IdP: Your IdP provisions new user accounts on GitHub, with access to your enterprise. Users must authenticate on your IdP to access your enterprise's resources on GitHub. You control usernames, profile data, organization membership, and repository acces
Overview Rather than copying and pasting from one workflow to another, you can make workflows reusable. You and anyone with access to the reusable workflow can then call the reusable workflow from another workflow. Reusing workflows avoids duplication. This makes workflows easier to maintain and allows you to create new workflows more quickly by building on the work of others, just as you do with
Introduction In this guide, you'll learn about the basic components needed to create and use a packaged composite action. To focus this guide on the components needed to package the action, the functionality of the action's code is minimal. The action prints "Hello World" and then "Goodbye", or if you provide a custom name, it prints "Hello [who-to-greet]" and then "Goodbye". The action also maps
About Dependabot and GitHub Actions Dependabot creates pull requests to keep your dependencies up to date, and you can use GitHub Actions to perform automated tasks when these pull requests are created. For example, fetch additional artifacts, add labels, run tests, or otherwise modifying the pull request. Responding to events Dependabot is able to trigger GitHub Actions workflows on its pull requ
Overview This guide explains how to configure security hardening for certain GitHub Actions features. If the GitHub Actions concepts are unfamiliar, see "Understanding GitHub Actions." Using secrets Sensitive values should never be stored as plaintext in workflow files, but rather as secrets. Secrets can be configured at the organization, repository, or environment level, and allow you to store se
You can personalize GitHub Codespaces by using a dotfiles repository on GitHub or by using Settings Sync. About personalizing Codespaces When using any development environment, customizing the settings and tools to your preferences and workflows is an important step. GitHub Codespaces allows for two main ways of personalizing your codespaces. Settings Sync - You can synchronize your Visual Studio
About repository templates You can create a template from an existing repository. Anyone with access to the template repository can create a new repository based on the template with the same directory structure, branches, and files. For more information about creation of a repository template, see "Creating a template repository." You can choose to include the directory structure and files from o
About Dependabot version updates Dependabot takes the effort out of maintaining your dependencies. You can use it to ensure that your repository automatically keeps up with the latest releases of the packages and applications it depends on. For information on the supported repositories and ecosystems, see "Dependabot supported ecosystems and repositories." You enable Dependabot version updates by
People with write permissions to a repository can customize advanced setup for code scanning. Code scanning is available for all public repositories on GitHub.com. Code scanning is also available for private repositories owned by organizations that use GitHub Enterprise Cloud and have a license for GitHub Advanced Security. For more information, see "About GitHub Advanced Security."
GitHub provides a token that you can use to authenticate on behalf of GitHub Actions. About the GITHUB_TOKEN secret At the start of each workflow job, GitHub automatically creates a unique GITHUB_TOKEN secret to use in your workflow. You can use the GITHUB_TOKEN to authenticate in the workflow job. When you enable GitHub Actions, GitHub installs a GitHub App on your repository. The GITHUB_TOKEN se
You can customize access to each repository in your organization by assigning granular roles, giving people access to the features and tasks they need. Repository roles for organizations You can give organization members, outside collaborators, and teams of people different levels of access to repositories owned by an organization by assigning them to roles. Choose the role that best fits each per
Overview If you need to share workflows and other GitHub Actions features with your team, then consider collaborating within a GitHub organization. An organization allows you to centrally store and manage secrets, artifacts, and self-hosted runners. You can also create workflow templates in the .github repository and share them with other users in your organization. Sharing workflows Your organiza
Create a codespace to start developing in a secure, configurable, and dedicated development environment that works how and where you want it to.
You can disable or configure GitHub Actions for a specific repository.
About the dependabot.yml file The Dependabot configuration file, dependabot.yml, uses YAML syntax. If you're new to YAML and want to learn more, see "Learn YAML in five minutes." You must store this file in the .github directory of your repository in the default branch. When you add or update the dependabot.yml file, this triggers an immediate check for version updates. For more information and an
Learn how you can create workflow templates to help people in your team add new workflows more easily. Overview Workflow templates allow everyone in your organization who has permission to create workflows to do so more quickly and easily. When you create a new workflow, you can choose a workflow template and some or all of the work of writing the workflow will be done for you. You can use workflo
GitHub scans repositories for known types of secrets, to prevent fraudulent use of secrets that were committed accidentally. Secret scanning alerts for partners runs automatically on public repositories and public npm packages to notify service providers about leaked secrets on GitHub. Secret scanning alerts for users are available for public repositories for free. Organizations using GitHub Enter
Maintaining ownership continuity of your personal account's repositories You can invite someone to manage your user owned repositories if you are not able to. About successors We recommend inviting another GitHub user to be your successor, to manage your user owned repositories if you cannot. As a successor, they will have permission to: Archive your public repositories. Transfer your public repos
You can use workflow commands when running shell commands in a workflow or in an action's code.
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