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1 - 40 件 / 111件

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Writingの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 111件

  • ZigでWriting an OS in 1,000 Linesをやる

    ZigでWriting an OS in 1,000 Linesをやる #2023-11-21 自作 OS で学ぶマイクロカーネルの設計と実装(通称エナガ本)の補足資料として公開されているWriting an OS in 1,000 Linesを、できるだけZigでやってみることにした。 目次成果物 #repositoryは以下。 さいしょに #エナガ本は一通り読んでいたのだが、機能に対していくつかのOSの実装を眺める。という構成になっており、個人的には「同じような難易度でRV32を対象に 0->1 でシンプルなOSを作る書籍があるといいなあ」と思いながら読んでいたのだが、まさに欲していたものが公開されたので大喜びで実装を開始した。 自分はそのまま写経してしまうと頭に入らないため、異なる言語で書いてみたり、何らかの制約を課して実施することが多い。今回はZigで書いてみることにした。 概ね問

      ZigでWriting an OS in 1,000 Linesをやる
    • 最新デスク環境公開:2024年2月版#作業環境 - Ordinary coterie writing

      どうもこんにちは、皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。2024年2月、2回目の更新です。最近はオンオフ非常に忙しい日々を送っているという点は変わりないのですが、体調がしっちゃかめっちゃかになりスケジュールを見直したりしていました。降雪に伴い体調がえらいことになりかけていたときに、湊先生やしいたけ先生の言葉がよぎり「休まないと! そしていろいろな人に一回相談だ!」となれて成長したな……となっていたとかいないとか。 まぁどう見ても「中の人大丈夫?」となる前置きはさておき、今回は現在の作業・デスク環境2024年2月版をお送りできたらと思います。前回のエントリー以来、実はこれまたいろいろとデスク環境が変わったと言いますか、よりスッキリしました。今回も現在使用しているガジェットやアプリなどをご紹介したいと思います。それではいってみましょう。 1、現在のデスク環境 2、デスク・椅子・照明 ①flexispo

        最新デスク環境公開:2024年2月版#作業環境 - Ordinary coterie writing
      • Writing a TrueType font renderer

        This post was discussed further on Hacker News. 09 Jan, 2024: There was an issue with newsletter signups. If you tried to sign up, please try again! You should see a success message. Text is the medium of digital interaction, and text rendering has an outsized impact on the overall fit and finish of any system. It therefore pains me that axle has for years relied on a low-resolution 8x8 bitmap fon

        • GitHub - oxc-project/javascript-parser-in-rust: Tutorial on writing a JavaScript Parser in Rust

          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

            GitHub - oxc-project/javascript-parser-in-rust: Tutorial on writing a JavaScript Parser in Rust
          • CSS vertical writing mode for form control elements  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

            Rolling out from Chrome 119 to 123 is a new international CSS feature from CSS Writing Modes Level 4. Vertical writing mode for form control elements means that these elements can be displayed in vertical writing modes. By Chrome 123 the feature will be enabled for all users, this post explains the feature. Vertical writing mode for text-based form control elements Once this feature is fully enabl

            • Writing an OS in 1,000 Lines を Rust でやってみた

              1000行でOSをつくってみる Writing an OS in 1,000 Lines という1000行前後でOSをつくれるコンテンツがあります。 このコンテンツ自体はC言語を前提としているのですが、Rustでもシステムプログラミングが可能なので、今回はRustで挑戦してみました。 Rust で Writing an OS in 1,000 Lines をやってみるときのポイントをまとめておきます。 RISC-V このコンテンツでは RISC-V をターゲットアーキテクチャとしていて、RISC-V のOSを開発します。 RISC-V はオープンソースのRISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) のISA (命令セットアーキテクチャ) です。 詳しい説明は、RISC-V で検索すれば数多くヒットします。 この RISC-V 関連で、参考にした主な情報源は

                Writing an OS in 1,000 Lines を Rust でやってみた
              • Grazie: AI writing companion for people in tech

                Streamline non-coding tasks by integrating generative AI into your JetBrains IDEs, browser, and other tools.

                • Why am I writing a Rust compiler in C?

                  To bootstrap Rust, no cost is too great. Perceptive Rustaceans may have noticed my activity has gone down as of late. There are a handful of different reasons for this. I’ve been the subject of a truly apocalyptic series of life events, including the death of a relative that rattled me to my core. I’ve had more responsibilities at work, leaving me with less time and energy to contribute. Maybe I’v

                    Why am I writing a Rust compiler in C?
                  • tomoya ishidaさん「Writing Weird Code」 ~RubyKaigi 2024 1日目キーノート | gihyo.jp

                    RubyKaigi 2024 キーノートレポート tomoya ishidaさん「Writing Weird Code」 ~RubyKaigi 2024 1日目キーノート 2024年5月15日から3日間、沖縄県那覇市の那覇文化芸術劇場なはーとにてRubyKaigi 2024が開催されました。 その一日目はtompngさん、あるいはペンさんことtomoya ishidaさんによる「Writing Weird Code」と題されたキーノートからスタートしました(発表スライド⁠)⁠。 tomoya ishida(tompng)さん TRICKと奇妙なコード IRBやRelineのメンテナとして活躍されているtompngさんは、TRICK 2022 Gold Medalistという肩書も持っています。 TRICK(Transcendental Ruby Imbroglio Contest for

                      tomoya ishidaさん「Writing Weird Code」 ~RubyKaigi 2024 1日目キーノート | gihyo.jp
                    • How to spend less time writing Django tests

                      Autogenerating django integration tests using Kolo and trace inversion Kolo test generation in action I don’t enjoy writing tests I have a confession to make: I don’t enjoy writing tests. I really enjoy writing code, really enjoy bringing a feature to life and getting it out there, but writing tests is probably my least favourite part. I do appreciate the tests that already exist, the ones that ma

                      • Key Guidelines for Writing Instructions for Custom GPTs | OpenAI Help Center

                        • Writing a scheduler for Linux in Rust that runs in user-space

                          Overview I’ve decided to start a series of blog posts to cover some details about scx_rustland, my little Linux scheduler written in Rust that runs in user-space. This project started for fun over the Christmas break, mostly because I wanted to learn more about sched-ext and I also needed some motivation to keep practicing Rust (that I’m still learning). In this series of articles I would like to

                          • Writing Documentation for Your House

                            Have you considered writing technical documentation for your house? As a first time homeowner, there have been numerous times where I wish I had some documentation to reference for a whole slew of scenarios. As an engineer, I write documentation all the time to answer these questions and build up a knowledge base other team members can refer to. I think this should apply to housing. Motivation As

                            • RubyKaigi 2024 - Writing Weird Code (Day1) - Techouse Developers Blog

                              こんにちは、2024年に新卒で入社し、クラウドハウス労務事業部でバックエンドエンジニアをしているdaiki_fujiokaです。 本記事では、1日目のTomoya Ishida(@tompng)さんによるKeynote、Writing Weird Codeについて紹介させていただきます。 セッションについて 本セッションでは文字通りWeired(奇妙)なコードを通じて、 Ruby 言語の特徴やプログラミングの面白さについて紹介しています。 セッションで紹介されたtompngさんのコードがこちらになります。 こちらはRubyKaigi 2022で行われたイベント Transcendental Ruby Imbroglio Contest for rubyKaigi でtompngさんが金賞を受賞したコードになります。 一見ただの数字の羅列に見えますがこのコードは Ruby で実行可能であり、

                                RubyKaigi 2024 - Writing Weird Code (Day1) - Techouse Developers Blog
                              • Product-Writing

                                SmartHR社内で2023年下期に開講した、第1期プロダクトライディング講座の初回講義のスライドです。 【更新情報】 2004年3月8日:第2期プロダクトライティング講座の内容に差し替え

                                • [EN] Writing a Compiler is Surprisingly Easy (part 1)

                                  Part 1: expressions, arithmetic Part 2: statements, control flow Ever since I was a teenager I wanted to create my own systems programming language. Such a programming language would certainly have to be compiled to native code, which meant I'd have to write a compiler. Even though I managed to write several half-working parsers, I'd always fail at the stage of generating assembly code, as the tas

                                  • 着工後にしれっと「当初の予定と異なる設備」に変更されそうになった話 | hana writing office-不動産専門のライティング事務所

                                    内装の打ち合わせが終わり、スケジュール通りに工事が進むと思っていましたが…。着工後に新たな問題が発生してしまいました(泣) 今回は、着工後にしれっと「当初の予定と異なる設備」に変更されそうになった(一部、変更された)話をご紹介します。

                                      着工後にしれっと「当初の予定と異なる設備」に変更されそうになった話 | hana writing office-不動産専門のライティング事務所
                                    • Writing GNOME Apps with Swift

                                      Swift is well-suited for creating user interfaces thanks to the clean syntax, static typing, and special features making code easier to write. Result builders, combined with Swift’s closure expression syntax, can significantly enhance code readability. Adwaita for Swift leverages these Swift features to provide an intuitive interface for developing applications for the GNOME platform. GNOME is a p

                                        Writing GNOME Apps with Swift
                                      • Writerside - a new technical writing environment from JetBrains.

                                        Writerside is a new technical authoring and publishing environment from JetBrains.

                                          Writerside - a new technical writing environment from JetBrains.
                                        • 【書評】技術ブログの書き方を教えてくれる本を読んでみた -Writing for Developers- - give IT a try

                                          はじめに 洋書ですが、"Writing for Developers"という技術ブログの書き方を教えてくれる本を読んでみました。 www.manning.com 以下は公式ページにあった概要の翻訳です(ChatGPTで翻訳)。 「Writing for Developers」は、優れた技術的洞察を素晴らしいブログや記事に変える手助けをします。著者のピョートル・サルナとシンシア・ダンロップは、エンジニアとプロのライターという異なる視点を組み合わせ、説得力のある作品を書くためのサポートを提供します。この本は一般的な執筆ガイドではなく、技術的なトピック、執筆者、読者に特化して焦点を当てています。 楽しい例やユーモラスなイラスト、たくさんのジョークを通して学べます!この本は、アイデアの生成と優先順位付けから、計画、執筆、改訂の際に考慮すべきこと、成功したブログ投稿をさらなる機会への足がかりとして活

                                            【書評】技術ブログの書き方を教えてくれる本を読んでみた -Writing for Developers- - give IT a try
                                          • Writing GUI apps for Windows is painful | Samuel Tulach

                                            Jun 29, 2024 Samuel Tulach Jun 29, 2024 Samuel Tulach Edit 7/1/2024: I feel like I should edit this article and clarify a few things since someone posted this article on Hacker News, and it appears it has received over 440 comments. This means it has left the typical reader base of this blog (four and a half people). This whole article was written because I was trying to write a companion program

                                            • How I'm Writing CSS in 2024

                                              CSS in 2024 is amazing. Cross-browser support for nesting, :has(), container queries, and more¹ Powerful and fast new CSS tools Many frameworks and compilers to help optimize CSS loading performance This post will be a collection of my notes and thoughts about the CSS ecosystem and the tools I'm currently using. Design Constraints User Experience What does a great experience look like loading styl

                                                How I'm Writing CSS in 2024
                                              • Writing a system call tracer using eBPF

                                                Pre-RequisitesSystem calls, eBPF, C, basics of low-level programming. IntroductioneBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter) is a technology that allows users to run custom programs within the kernel. BPF / or cBPF (classic BPF), the predecessor of eBPF provided a simple and efficient way to filter packets based on predefined rules. eBPF programs offer enhanced safety, portability, and maintainability

                                                  Writing a system call tracer using eBPF
                                                • Writing a Unix clone in about a month

                                                  I needed a bit of a break from “real work” recently, so I started a new programming project that was low-stakes and purely recreational. On April 21st, I set out to see how much of a Unix-like operating system for x86_64 targets that I could put together in about a month. The result is Bunnix. Not including days I didn’t work on Bunnix for one reason or another, I spent 27 days on this project. He

                                                  • 新築アパートに導入した「ライバル物件との差別化設備」とは!? | hana writing office-不動産専門のライティング事務所

                                                    差別化設備①キッチンの天板を人造大理石に アパートに設置されるキッチンの天板はシルバーのステンレスが一般的ですが、今回は白色の人造大理石に変更してみました。 白色の人造大理石に変更して良かったことの一つが、おしゃれな見た目になったこと。 そして、人造大理石は凹凸がないので掃除がしやすく水垢が目立ちにくい特徴があることから、使い心地も良くなります。 もちろんステンレスはさびに強く臭いが付きにくい、人造大理石よりも価格を安く抑えやすいといったメリットはあります。 しかし、今回のライバル物件がステンレスばかりだったことから、差別化として人造大理石を採用しました。 差別化設備②洗面台をフロートタイプ→バックカウンター仕様の三面鏡に バックカウンター仕様の三面鏡 今回新築したアパートがあるエリアは、フロートタイプの洗面台がほとんどでした。 戸建てなどでも使用されているフロートタイプは見た目がおしゃれ

                                                      新築アパートに導入した「ライバル物件との差別化設備」とは!? | hana writing office-不動産専門のライティング事務所
                                                    • Using Make – writing less Makefile

                                                      • Using Make – writing less Makefile | Hacker News

                                                        Make is the grilling of the hacker world. You just want to light up some quality lumpwood charcoal and get a nice smokey crust on some steaks, cook up some hamburgers, and crisp up some chicken for your guests over the course of an afternoon……but oh no there is a constant stream of inquisitive folk coming over, beer in hand, suggesting cool adjustments / hacks / “improvements” to your setup. With

                                                        • Best Practices for Writing Step Functions Terraform Projects | Amazon Web Services

                                                          AWS DevOps Blog Best Practices for Writing Step Functions Terraform Projects Terraform by HashiCorp is one of the most popular infrastructure-as-code (IaC) platforms. AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service that helps developers use AWS services to build distributed applications, automate processes, orchestrate microservices, and create data and machine learning (ML) pipelines. In this blo

                                                            Best Practices for Writing Step Functions Terraform Projects | Amazon Web Services
                                                          • Writing a task scheduler in Zig

                                                            I'm working on an application that needs the ability to schedule tasks. Many applications have a similar need, but requirements can vary greatly. Advanced cases might require persistence and distribution, typically depending on external systems (like a database or queue) to do much of the heavy lifting. My needs are simpler: I don't have a huge variety of tasks or a high number of them. Thread-Per

                                                            • GitHub - apbendi/bitsyspec: Bitsy: The best language to implement when writing your first compiler or interpreter

                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                GitHub - apbendi/bitsyspec: Bitsy: The best language to implement when writing your first compiler or interpreter
                                                              • Writing a C Compiler

                                                                Compilers are at the heart of everything programmers do, yet even experienced developers find them intimidating. For those eager to truly grasp how compilers work, Writing a C Compiler dispels the mystery. This book guides you through a fun and engaging project where you’ll learn what it takes to compile a real-world programming language to actual assembly code. Writing a C Compiler will take you

                                                                  Writing a C Compiler
                                                                • Reading and writing Node.js streams

                                                                  Working with large datasets in Node.js applications can be a double-edged sword. The ability to handle massive amounts of data is extremely handy, but can also lead to performance bottlenecks and memory exhaustion. Traditionally, developers tackled this challenge by reading the entire dataset into memory at once. This approach, while intuitive for smaller datasets, becomes inefficient and resource

                                                                    Reading and writing Node.js streams
                                                                  • Writing an Infinitely Long Essay Using State Pattern in Python | HackerNoon

                                                                    Too Long; Didn't ReadState design pattern is state machines in object-oriented code. We use the pattern to create an essay/sentence generator.

                                                                      Writing an Infinitely Long Essay Using State Pattern in Python | HackerNoon
                                                                    • The API database architecture - Stop writing HTTP-GET endpoints

                                                                      The API database architecture - Stop writing HTTP-GET endpoints Table of contents Introduction Data retrieval via PostgREST, data modification in the existing backend Compatibility with REST, CQRS and GraphQL Strategies for adapting existing architectures Adapting a monolithic system with a single backend Adapting (domain-driven) microservices with one or more databases Benefits of the API databas

                                                                      • Writing Truly Memory Safe JIT Compilers

                                                                        Last month the V8 team published an excellent blog post on what they call the V8 Sandbox. This isn’t a sandbox for your JavaScript code — it’s intended to mitigate browser exploits caused by bugs in the JIT compiler itself. That’s important work because they report that most Chrome exploits start with a V8 memory safety bug. V8 is written in C++, so it may seem like these are the sort of bugs you’

                                                                          Writing Truly Memory Safe JIT Compilers
                                                                        • How to think in writing

                                                                          The reason I've spent so long establishing this rather obvious point [that writing helps you refine your thinking] is that it leads to another that many people will find shocking. If writing down your ideas always makes them more precise and more complete, then no one who hasn't written about a topic has fully formed ideas about it. And someone who never writes has no fully formed ideas about anyt

                                                                            How to think in writing
                                                                          • Writing useful terminal TUI on Linux with dialog and jq - Fedora Magazine

                                                                            Why a Text User Interface? Many use the terminal on a daily basis. A Text User Interface (TUI) is a tool that will minimize user errors and allow you to become more productive with the terminal interface. Let me give you an example: I connect on a daily basis from my home computer into my Physical PC, using Linux. All remote networking is protected using a private VPN. After a while it was irritat

                                                                              Writing useful terminal TUI on Linux with dialog and jq - Fedora Magazine
                                                                            • Nao Tokui / 徳井直生 on X: "こういう論文好きだな. ChatGPTのようなツールが、co-writing, co-creationの相手としていかに「使えない」か、こうしたツールに依存することがいかに危険かというポジション・ペーパー。記号接地問題などを絡めているあたりは秀逸と思って読み進めた。…"

                                                                              • How To Improve Your Microcopy: UX Writing Tips For Non-UX Writers — Smashing Magazine

                                                                                Not all companies can afford to hire a full-time UX writer (or are mature enough to consider it yet). As a result, UX writing is often outsourced to team members who may not have sufficient expertise in working with text, such as UX designers and product managers, or to the content or marketing team, who may lack expertise in UX. Meanwhile, interface copy plays a crucial role in the overall user e

                                                                                  How To Improve Your Microcopy: UX Writing Tips For Non-UX Writers — Smashing Magazine
                                                                                • GitHub - saoudrizwan/claude-dev: Autonomous software engineer right in your IDE, capable of reading/writing files, executing commands, and more with your permission every step of the way.

                                                                                  Thanks to Claude 3.5 Sonnet's agentic coding capabilities Claude Dev can handle complex software development tasks step-by-step. With tools that let him read & write files, create entire projects from scratch, and execute terminal commands (after you grant permission), he can assist you in ways that go beyond simple code completion or tech support. Claude Dev bridges the gap between complex python

                                                                                    GitHub - saoudrizwan/claude-dev: Autonomous software engineer right in your IDE, capable of reading/writing files, executing commands, and more with your permission every step of the way.