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  • 弥助関連史料とその英訳 / English translated historical documents related to Yasuke - 打越眠主主義人民共和国

    はじめに Introduction 筆者の連絡先 How to contact me 信長公記 The Chronicle of Nobunaga 池田家本『信長公記』Shinchoko-ki Ikeda-hon 尊経閣本『信長公記』Sonkeikaku-bunko manuscript 尊経閣本の信頼性に関する議論 Discussion of the reliability 天正9年のイエズス会史料 Jesuit Documents in 1581 天正9年3月11日の書簡 Letter of April 14, 1581 天正9年9月11日の書簡 Letter of October 8, 1581 家忠日記 Ietada Diary 弥助に関する最後の記録 Last record of Yasuke 天正10年10月20日の書簡 Letter of November 5, 1582 書

      弥助関連史料とその英訳 / English translated historical documents related to Yasuke - 打越眠主主義人民共和国
    • YubiKeys are vulnerable to cloning attacks thanks to newly discovered side channel

      The YubiKey 5, the most widely used hardware token for two-factor authentication based on the FIDO standard, contains a cryptographic flaw that makes the finger-size device vulnerable to cloning when an attacker gains temporary physical access to it, researchers said Tuesday. The cryptographic flaw, known as a side channel, resides in a small microcontroller used in a large number of other authent

        YubiKeys are vulnerable to cloning attacks thanks to newly discovered side channel
      • コーヒーを飲むと座りがちなライフスタイルの死亡リスクを軽減できる可能性

        デスクワークをしていたりインドアな趣味を持っていたりすると、どうしても1日のうち座っている時間が長くなってしまいますが、座りがちなライフスタイルは糖尿病や心臓病、認知症、がんなどの慢性疾患のリスクを高めることがわかっています。中国の研究チームが実施した調査では、「コーヒーをよく飲む人は座りがちなライフスタイルによる死亡リスクが低い」という結果が示されました。 Association of daily sitting time and coffee consumption with the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality among US adults | BMC Public Health | Full Text https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles

        • A bit rich

          Calculating the real value to society of different professions Pay matters. How much you earn can determine your lifestyle, where you can afford to live, and your aspirations and status. But to what extent does what we get paid confer ​‘worth’? Beyond a narrow notion of productivity, what impact does our work have on the rest of society, and do the financial rewards we receive correspond to this?

            A bit rich
          • Lincoln 'keyboard warrior' jailed for part in UK disorder

            Wayne O’Rourke posted misinformation about the killing of three young girls in Southport "instigating" unrest, a court heard A man who posted material on social media to stir up racial hatred during recent unrest across the UK has been jailed for three years. Wayne O’Rourke, who had more than 90,000 followers to his X account, posted misinformation about the killing of three young girls in Southpo

              Lincoln 'keyboard warrior' jailed for part in UK disorder
            • 人気ローグライクポーカー『Balatro』無料アプデで『ウィッチャー3』『デイヴ・ザ・ダイバー』『Vampire Survivors』『Among Us』とのコラボスキンが一気に実装。贅沢サプライズアプデ - AUTOMATON

              パブリッシャーのPlaystackは8月28日、ローグライクデッキ構築ポーカーゲーム『Balatro』の無料アップデート「Friends of Jimbo」をサプライズで配信開始した。このアップデートは『ウィッチャー3』、『デイヴ・ザ・ダイバー』、『Vampire Survivors』、『Among Us』のコラボレーションスキンを追加するものとなっている。 『Balatro』はトランプのポーカーを題材にしたデッキ構築型ローグライクゲームだ。開発はLocalThunk氏が手がけている。本作ではデッキからカードを8枚引き、そこから5枚選択してポーカーの役を作る。役やカードの種類によってスコアを得られ、規定ラウンド数以内でステージクリアに必要なスコアを稼ぐこととなる。ジョーカーカードやタロットカードといった、スコアを高めるための要素が存在しており、シナジー効果をどんどん高めて膨大なスコアを稼ぐ

                人気ローグライクポーカー『Balatro』無料アプデで『ウィッチャー3』『デイヴ・ザ・ダイバー』『Vampire Survivors』『Among Us』とのコラボスキンが一気に実装。贅沢サプライズアプデ - AUTOMATON
              • Artists Score Major Win in Copyright Case Against AI Art Generators

                Artists suing generative artificial intelligence art generators have cleared a major hurdle in a first-of-its-kind lawsuit over the uncompensated and unauthorized use of billions of images downloaded from the internet to train AI systems, with a federal judge allowing key claims to move forward. U.S. District Judge William Orrick on Monday advanced all copyright infringement and trademark claims i

                  Artists Score Major Win in Copyright Case Against AI Art Generators
                • The Katsuification of Britain

                  Good morning and welcome to Vittles. Each Monday we publish a different piece of writing related to food, whether it’s an essay, a dispatch, a polemic, a review, or even poetry. This week, Tim Anderson writes about the phenomenon of katsuification — the process under which everything in Britain has become katsu curry — and how this can be explained by the cyclical history of the dish. If you wish

                    The Katsuification of Britain
                  • Captured Custom Properties

                    Current music:toe — 風と記憶Current drink:Yunnan teaTable of Contents Introduction In a few of my latest experiments and articles (“Fit-to-Width Text: A New Technique” and “Querying the Color Scheme”), I used one naming pattern for registered custom properties that I think worth highlighting in a separate blog post. Registered custom properties are invaluable, as they unlock many things previously not

                    • Range Over Function Types - The Go Programming Language

                      The Go Blog Range Over Function Types Ian Lance Taylor 20 August 2024 Introduction This is the blog post version of my talk at GopherCon 2024. Range over function types is a new language feature in the Go 1.23 release. This blog post will explain why we are adding this new feature, what exactly it is, and how to use it. Why? Since Go 1.18 we’ve had the ability to write new generic container types

                        Range Over Function Types - The Go Programming Language
                      • 『インターネットのなおしかた』:メタクソ化との戦い | p2ptk[.]org

                        以下の文章は、電子フロンティア財団(EFF)の「Podcast Episode: Fighting Enshittification」という記事を翻訳したものである。本稿はEFFのポッドキャストシリーズ「How to Fix the Internet」のエピソードの書き起こし記事である。 Electronic Frontier Foundation 初期のインターネットには「技術的自己決定」が数多く存在していた。つまり、必要なものだけを選択したり、プライバシーを保護したり、自分の体験をコントロールできた。問題は、その自己決定を行使するには相応の技術的スキルを必要としたことだった。しかし、もしそのスキルが必要なくなったらどうだろう? オンラインのプライバシー、セキュリティ、相互運用性、言論の自由がもたらす恩恵が、すべてのインターネットユーザに平等に分配されるとしたら? %3Ciframe%2

                          『インターネットのなおしかた』:メタクソ化との戦い | p2ptk[.]org
                        • Interview Of Google's Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, On The August Core Update

                          Home / Google News / Google SEO / My Interview Of Google's Search Liaison On The August 2024 Core Update My Interview Of Google's Search Liaison On The August 2024 Core Update This week, I interviewed Danny Sullivan, Google's Search Liaison, with the goal of better understanding where Google Search quality is at right now, where it is going in the future, and what we, as content creators and searc

                            Interview Of Google's Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, On The August Core Update
                          • Can Solar Costs Keep Shrinking?

                            Thank you John Arnold, Casey Handmer, and Austin Vernon for having a look at this article. You can check out Austin’s two articles that inspired mine here and here. I’ve shared this graph before: The price of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels has been shrinking around 12% per year for decades. That decline is because of this: We’ve been installing more and more solar panels. They’re now the lion’s sh

                              Can Solar Costs Keep Shrinking?
                            • Is Tokyo an Affordable City to Live in? | HelpGoAbroad

                              Home / Blog / Is Tokyo an Affordable City to Live in? From ultramodern bustling urban landscapes to serene natural scenery, Japan offers a visual feast for all. Yet, Tokyo is impossible to overlook in terms of business and career opportunities. As the most populous city globally, Tokyo also boasts the world's largest urban economy by GDP, making it a likely destination for anyone planning a move t

                              • 100M Token Context Windows

                                100M Token Context WindowsResearch update on ultra-long context models, our partnership with Google Cloud, and new funding. There are currently two ways for AI models to learn things: training, and in-context during inference. Until now, training has dominated, because contexts are relatively short. But ultra-long context could change that. Instead of relying on fuzzy memorization, our LTM (Long-T

                                  100M Token Context Windows
                                • Add macOS to your continuous integration pipelines with AWS CodeBuild | Amazon Web Services

                                  AWS News Blog Add macOS to your continuous integration pipelines with AWS CodeBuild Starting today, you can build applications on macOS with AWS CodeBuild. You can now build artifacts on managed Apple M2 machines that run on macOS 14 Sonoma. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces ready-to-deploy software packages. Buildin

                                    Add macOS to your continuous integration pipelines with AWS CodeBuild | Amazon Web Services
                                  • 普段手描きでマンガを描いている一般人男性が、LongWriterとClaude3.5Sonnetと画像生成でAIマンガを作る話|Focus On The Interaction Magazine

                                    普段手描きでマンガを描いている一般人男性が、LongWriterとClaude3.5Sonnetと画像生成でAIマンガを作る話 こんなAIマンガができました✍️クソデカコンテクストを出力できるLongWriterと、Claude3.5Sonnetを使ってAIマンガを作る実験を行いました。 手描きでマンガを描いたことが無い人が、生成AIだけでAIマンガを作る、という想定で実験しています。 今回やったことLongWriterを使ってストーリーを生成 Clade3.5Sonnetを使って、翻訳+シナリオ形式に変換 Clade3.5Sonnetを使って、キャラクター設定を生成 Clade3.5Sonnetを使って、各シーンの演出(画像生成用のプロンプト)を生成 DALL-E3とniji・journeyを使って、各シーンの画像を生成 Googleスライドを使って、ネームを作成 Googleスライドを

                                      普段手描きでマンガを描いている一般人男性が、LongWriterとClaude3.5Sonnetと画像生成でAIマンガを作る話|Focus On The Interaction Magazine
                                    • Brand New Performance Features in Chrome DevTools | DebugBear

                                      This guide covers some modern web performance features of Chrome DevTools, with a focus on the new Performance Panel features which helps you optimize Core Web Vitals and improve your general web performance. What We'll Cover​ In this guide, we'll dive deep into the new Performance Panel features in Chrome DevTools. We'll explore what the new features are, how to access it, and how to use it effec

                                        Brand New Performance Features in Chrome DevTools | DebugBear