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  • Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes

    Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes Dennis Yurichev Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes Dennis Yurichev May 18, 2023 Contents 1 Unsorted parts 1 1.1 Fencepost error / off-by-one error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 GCD and LCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1

    • A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R - Cédric Scherer

      Introductory Words I don’t care, just show me the content! Back in 2016, I had to prepare my PhD introductory talk and I started using {ggplot2} to visualize my data. I never liked the syntax and style of base plots in R, so I was quickly in love with ggplot. Especially useful was its faceting utility. But because I was short on time, I plotted these figures by trial and error and with the help of

        A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R - Cédric Scherer
      • 2画像間のホモグラフィー行列の計算 - Daily Tech Blog

        ということで,下記の魚眼カメラのキャリブレーションエントリからの「スピンオフ?」としてホモグラフィー行列の計算エントリを書き残します. daily-tech.hatenablog.com 0.ホモグラフィー行列とは何か? 平面を撮影した2つの画像は射影変換と呼ばれる関係で結ばれます.って,これだけ書くと意味わかんないんで図を書いてみます. 射影変換とホモグラフィー行列 3年前に画像処理を勉強し始めて本を読んだ時には,「で,それがなんなの?」と思ってたんですが,これって結構役に立ちます.大事なことは上述の「ホモグラフィー行列Hがわかっていれば,カメラAに写っているキャリブボードと同一平面上にある点のカメラBでの座標を計算できる」というところで,自動車に搭載されているアラウンドビューモニタなんかもこれを使ってます.(ちなみに,”同一平面に”というのがポイントで,同一平面上にない点は変なところに

          2画像間のホモグラフィー行列の計算 - Daily Tech Blog
        • Man Who Built The Retweet: “We Handed A Loaded Weapon To 4-Year-Olds”

          The Man Who Built The Retweet: “We Handed A Loaded Weapon To 4-Year-Olds”The button that ruined the internet — and how to fix it. Developer Chris Wetherell built Twitter’s retweet button. And he regrets what he did to this day. “We might have just handed a 4-year-old a loaded weapon,” Wetherell recalled thinking as he watched the first Twitter mob use the tool he created. “That’s what I think we a

            Man Who Built The Retweet: “We Handed A Loaded Weapon To 4-Year-Olds”
          • Introducing the 2022 State of Crypto Report - a16z crypto

            *NEW*: State of Crypto 2023 is now live. Check out the report — or explore web3 adoption, DeFi and NFT activity, and more in our new interactive index. A lot has changed in the state of crypto since we started investing in the area nearly a decade ago. This report is the first of what will be an annual overview of trends in the crypto industry, shared through the a16z crypto vantage point of both

              Introducing the 2022 State of Crypto Report - a16z crypto
            • Self-Organising Textures

              This article is part of the Differentiable Self-organizing Systems Thread, an experimental format collecting invited short articles delving into differentiable self-organizing systems, interspersed with critical commentary from several experts in adjacent fields. Self-classifying MNIST Digits Adversarial Reprogramming of Neural Cellular Automata Neural Cellular Automata (NCA We use NCA to refer to

                Self-Organising Textures
              • text-underline-offset - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN

                CSS チュートリアル CSS の基本 CSS の第一歩 CSS の第一歩の概要 CSS とは何か CSS 入門 CSS の全体像 CSS の働き 評価課題: 経歴ページのスタイル設定 CSS の構成要素 CSS の構成要素の概要 CSS セレクター Type, class, and ID selectors Attribute selectors Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements Combinators カスケードと継承 Cascade layers ボックスモデル 背景と境界 書字方向の操作 内容のはみ出し CSS の値と単位 CSS における大きさの指定 画像、メディア、フォームの要素 表のスタイル付け CSS のデバッグ CSS の整理 評価課題: CSS の基本的な理解度 評価課題: 素敵なレターヘッドの便箋の作成 評価課題: かっこいいボック

                  text-underline-offset - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN
                • dbs-002.dvi

                  Foundations and Trends R � in Databases Vol. 1, No. 2 (2007) 141–259 c � 2007 J. M. Hellerstein, M. Stonebraker and J. Hamilton DOI: 10.1561/1900000002 Architecture of a Database System Joseph M. Hellerstein1 , Michael Stonebraker2 and James Hamilton3 1 University of California, Berkeley, USA, hellerstein@cs.berkeley.edu 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 3 Microsoft Research, USA Abstra

                  • Preparing to ship the Privacy Sandbox relevance and measurement APIs  |  Google for Developers

                    Preparing to ship the Privacy Sandbox relevance and measurement APIs Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The Privacy Sandbox project is gearing up to ship the relevance and measurement APIs to Chrome Stable. On the project timeline for the web, we show general availability (GA) starts in Q3 2023. Specifically, we intend to target Chrome Stable 115

                      Preparing to ship the Privacy Sandbox relevance and measurement APIs  |  Google for Developers
                    • Frontier Model Forum

                      The following is a joint announcement and effort with Anthropic, Google, and Microsoft. Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI are launching the Frontier Model Forum, an industry body focused on ensuring safe and responsible development of frontier AI models. The Forum aims to help (i) advance AI safety research to promote responsible development of frontier models and minimize potential risks,

                        Frontier Model Forum
                      • Rust detection using machine learning on AWS | Amazon Web Services

                        AWS Machine Learning Blog Rust detection using machine learning on AWS Visual inspection of industrial environments is a common requirement across heavy industries, such as transportation, construction, and shipbuilding, and typically requires qualified experts to perform the inspection. Inspection locations can often be remote or in adverse environments that put humans at risk, such as bridges, s

                          Rust detection using machine learning on AWS | Amazon Web Services
                        • Design Systems 101

                          Summary: A design system is a set of standards to manage design at scale by reducing redundancy while creating a shared language and visual consistency across different pages and channels. As UI design has evolved over the years, the scale and speed at which UI screens must be created has also increased. Not only are there millions of applications and billions of websites (with more created each y

                            Design Systems 101
                          • SpringShell RCE vulnerability: Guidance for protecting against and detecting CVE-2022-22965 | Microsoft Security Blog

                            April 11, 2022 update – Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) customers with Regional WAF with Azure Application Gateway now has enhanced protection for critical Spring vulnerabilities – CVE-2022-22963, CVE-2022-22965, and CVE-2022-22947. See Detect and protect with Azure Web Application Firewall (Azure WAF) section for details. On March 31, 2022, vulnerabilities in the Spring Framework for Java we

                              SpringShell RCE vulnerability: Guidance for protecting against and detecting CVE-2022-22965 | Microsoft Security Blog
                            • Open Source Security (OpenSSF) and OpenJS Foundations Issue Alert for Social Engineering Takeovers of Open Source Projects | OpenJS Foundation

                              Community Open Source Security (OpenSSF) and OpenJS Foundations Issue Alert for Social Engineering Takeovers of Open Source ProjectsXZ Utils cyberattack likely not an isolated incident By: Robin Bender Ginn, Executive Director, OpenJS Foundation; and Omkhar Arasaratnam, General Manager, Open Source Security Foundation The recent attempted XZ Utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094) may not be an isolated in

                                Open Source Security (OpenSSF) and OpenJS Foundations Issue Alert for Social Engineering Takeovers of Open Source Projects | OpenJS Foundation
                              • >>>>WWE•!!FREE-LIVE!! 2020 WrestleMania 36 (Livestream) — FREE™, TV channel>>>>2020

                                >>>>WWE•!!FREE-LIVE!! 2020 WrestleMania 36 (Livestream) — FREE™, TV channel>>>>2020 >>>>WWE•!!FREE-LIVE!! 2020 WrestleMania 36 (Livestream) — FREE™, TV channel>>>>2020 Watch Wrestlemania 36 Live Stream Online : The right place to guide on how to watch Wrestlemania 36 live streaming online coverage exclusively on wwe networks. Wrestlemania 36 the yearly event organized by WWE will include matches,e

                                  >>>>WWE•!!FREE-LIVE!! 2020 WrestleMania 36 (Livestream) — FREE™, TV channel>>>>2020
                                • Rustenstein 3D: Game programming like it's 1992 - NextRoll

                                  Twice a year, NextRoll celebrates Hack Week, where employees get to work for a week on a project of their choice. It’s an excellent opportunity to experiment, learn new technologies and team up with people from across the company. You can learn all about Hack Week here. As NextRoll increasingly adopts the Rust programming language, it’s common for engineers to use Hack Week as an opportunity to ga

                                    Rustenstein 3D: Game programming like it's 1992 - NextRoll
                                  • Mental Health in Open Source

                                    [[toc]] TL;DR: I am doing great and not going anywhere. Having some pressure but still holding up and trying to improve. Thank you and don't worry! This is the 4th year since I have started doing Open Source. To be completely honest, I began to feel things were getting out of my capacity more and more often. I am still not sure if I have ever been through actual burnout or not, but I surely have e

                                      Mental Health in Open Source
                                    • Microsoft finds new elevation of privilege Linux vulnerability, Nimbuspwn | Microsoft Security Blog

                                      Microsoft has discovered several vulnerabilities, collectively referred to as Nimbuspwn, that could allow an attacker to elevate privileges to root on many Linux desktop endpoints. The vulnerabilities can be chained together to gain root privileges on Linux systems, allowing attackers to deploy payloads, like a root backdoor, and perform other malicious actions via arbitrary root code execution. M

                                        Microsoft finds new elevation of privilege Linux vulnerability, Nimbuspwn | Microsoft Security Blog
                                      • Mindustry on Steam

                                        About This Game Mindustry is a factory-building game with tower defense and RTS elements. Create elaborate supply chains to feed ammo into your turrets, produce materials to use for building, and construct units. Command units to capture enemy bases, and expand your production. Defend your core from waves of enemies. Play through the campaign alone or with with your friends in cross-platform multi

                                          Mindustry on Steam
                                        • Interior mutability patterns

                                          Rusts type system requires that there only ever is one mutable reference to a value or one or more shared references. What happens when you need multiple references to some value, but also need to mutate through them? We use a trick called interor mutability: to the outside world you act like a value is immutable so multiple references are allowed. But internally the type is actually mutable. All

                                          • Opinion | No Single Player Can Win This Board Game. It’s Called Pandemic. (Published 2020)

                                            Our new reality became very immediate for my wife Donna and me in late February, when she came down with nasty, flulike symptoms and couldn’t get tested for the coronavirus for four long weeks. When she finally did, we were relieved the test came back negative. But this felt personal in more ways than one: Donna was the inspiration for Pandemic, a board game that was originally released in 2008. I

                                              Opinion | No Single Player Can Win This Board Game. It’s Called Pandemic. (Published 2020)
                                            • Prediction Framework, a time saver for Data Science prediction projects

                                              Prediction Framework, a time saver for Data Science prediction projects Posted by Álvaro Lamas, Héctor Parra, Jaime Martínez, Julia Hernández, Miguel Fernandes, Pablo Gil Acquiring high value customers using predicted Lifetime Value, taking specific actions on high propensity of churn users, generating and activating audiences based on machine learning processed signals…All of those marketing scen

                                                Prediction Framework, a time saver for Data Science prediction projects
                                              • CSS 封じ込め - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN

                                                CSS チュートリアル CSS の基本 CSS の第一歩 CSS の第一歩の概要 CSS とは何か CSS 入門 CSS の全体像 CSS の働き 評価課題: 経歴ページのスタイル設定 CSS の構成要素 CSS の構成要素の概要 CSS セレクター Type, class, and ID selectors Attribute selectors Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements Combinators カスケードと継承 Cascade layers ボックスモデル 背景と境界 書字方向の操作 内容のはみ出し CSS の値と単位 CSS における大きさの指定 画像、メディア、フォームの要素 表のスタイル付け CSS のデバッグ CSS の整理 評価課題: CSS の基本的な理解度 評価課題: 素敵なレターヘッドの便箋の作成 評価課題: かっこいいボック

                                                  CSS 封じ込め - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN
                                                • Color.js: Let’s get serious about color • Color.js

                                                  Fully color space aware Each color belongs to a color space; operations are color space agnostic. Modules for a wide variety of color spaces, including Lab/LCh, OKLab/OKLCh, sRGB and friends (HSL/HSV/HWB), Display P3, Jzazbz, REC.2100 and many more. Doesn't gloss over color science Actual gamut mapping instead of naïve clipping, multiple DeltaE methods (76, CMC, 2000, Jz), multiple chromatic adapt

                                                  • Using callback URLs for approval emails with AWS Step Functions | Amazon Web Services

                                                    AWS News Blog Using callback URLs for approval emails with AWS Step Functions Guest post by Cloud Robotics Research Scientist at iRobot and AWS Serverless Hero, Ben Kehoe AWS Step Functions is a serverless workflow orchestration service that lets you coordinate processes using the declarative Amazon States Language. When you have a Step Functions task that takes more than fifteen minutes, you can’

                                                      Using callback URLs for approval emails with AWS Step Functions | Amazon Web Services
                                                    • An Introduction To Real-Time Subsurface Scattering

                                                      A little while ago I was doing some research into the state-of-the-art for approximating subsurface scattering effects in real-time (mainly for skin rendering), and I had taken a bunch of loose notes to help me keep all of the details straight. I thought it might be useful to turn those notes into a full blog post, in case anyone else out there needs an overview of what’s commonly used to shade sk

                                                        An Introduction To Real-Time Subsurface Scattering
                                                      • Tailscale Funnel now available in beta

                                                        Tailscale Funnel, a tool that lets you share a web server on your private tailnet with the public internet, is now available as a beta feature for all users. With Funnel enabled, you can share access to a local development server, test a webhook, or even host a blog. We got nerdsniped into simulating our logo going through a funnel. Funnel provides a DNS name tied to your node that becomes publicl

                                                          Tailscale Funnel now available in beta
                                                        • scikit-learnで求めたLassoの解パスとCVの結果を可視化する | DevelopersIO

                                                          データアナリティクス事業本部の鈴木です。 Lassoは、例えばscikit-learnを使うと簡単にクロスバリデーション(以降CV)で正則化パラメータとそのときの回帰係数を推定できます。一方で、単にCVで最適なモデルを求めるだけではなく、解パス図を描いて回帰係数の変化を詳しくみたり、CVで求めた値を使ってより簡単なモデルを選択したりしたいと思ったので、scikit-learnの関数を使って試してみました。 Lassoとは Lassoは線形回帰モデルの回帰係数の推定法の一つで、係数の推定時にいくつかの係数を0にすることで変数選択を行える手法です。 以下のように回帰係数のL1ノルムを正則化項として誤差二乗和に付けた関数を、回帰係数について最小化することで回帰係数を推定します。 ただし、L1ノルムは以下です。 例えば2変数の場合、以下の斜線部に誤差二乗和部分(第1項目)の解βLSが入る場合にその

                                                            scikit-learnで求めたLassoの解パスとCVの結果を可視化する | DevelopersIO
                                                          • Defining the web3 stack

                                                            Defining the web3 stackWant to build on web3? Nader Dabit identifies the building blocks of the web3 technology stack in an introductory guide. In this next segment of Building on web3, Edge & Node developer relations engineer Nader Dabit expands upon the web3 stack and how developers can conceptualize the various facets of building on web3. I transitioned into web3 in April 2021 after being a tra

                                                              Defining the web3 stack
                                                            • Microsoft Office 2011 14.2.2 And Office 2008 12.3.3 For Mac

                                                              Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 5117 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 93 KB Articles: Security bulletins:. This update fixes critical issues and also helps to improve security. It includes fixes for vulnerabilities that an attacker can use to overwrite the contents of your computer's memory with malicious code. For more information about this update, please visit the. Microsoft Office 2011 14.

                                                                Microsoft Office 2011 14.2.2 And Office 2008 12.3.3 For Mac
                                                              • ChatGPT APIを使ってモデルコースを生成するWebアプリケーションを開発した話 - Qiita

                                                                はじめに 旅行自体は楽しいけれど、計画立てるのが面倒臭すぎる!!! 計画を立てるハードルをどうにかして下げることはできないだろうか。。。 そんなふうに考えていた頃、世間ではちょうどChatGPTなる技術が注目され始めていました。 これを使えば、いい感じの旅行計画を手軽に作成できる(してもらえる)のでは?! そのような思いが、モデルコース生成アプリ『excirouteR』を開発するきっかけとなりました。 ChatGPT APIを使って、観光やデートのモデルコースを作成する ”excirouteR” をβリリースしました🎉 無料で利用できるので、ぜひお試しください!! URL -> https://t.co/hBL3lKUBur#ChatGPT pic.twitter.com/K03rCR2uJo — Kotaro (@rorosawa255) April 8, 2023 ChatGPTのA

                                                                  ChatGPT APIを使ってモデルコースを生成するWebアプリケーションを開発した話 - Qiita
                                                                • The Modern Guide For Making CSS Shapes — Smashing Magazine

                                                                  Creating shapes using CSS is, without any doubt, a classic exercise. In many cases, we try to use hacky code and workarounds, but CSS has evolved, and we have modern ways to create CSS Shapes with clean, reusable code. In this comprehensive guide, Temani Afif explores different techniques for creating common shapes with the smallest and most flexible code possible. You have for sure googled “how t

                                                                    The Modern Guide For Making CSS Shapes — Smashing Magazine
                                                                  • The Future of Work is Not Corporate — It's DAOs and Crypto Networks - a16z crypto

                                                                    In the future, it’s likely that the average person will not work for a company. Instead, people will earn income in non-traditional ways by taking actions such as playing games, learning new skills, creating art, or curating content. This kind of shift in how we work is not unusual or unexpected — the idea that most people would be employed by large corporations would have seemed crazy to someone

                                                                      The Future of Work is Not Corporate — It's DAOs and Crypto Networks - a16z crypto
                                                                    • SVGcode: a PWA to convert raster images to SVG vector graphics

                                                                      SVGcode: a PWA to convert raster images to SVG vector graphics SVGcode is a Progressive Web App that lets you convert raster images like JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP, AVIF, etc. to vector graphics in SVG format. It uses the File System Access API, the Async Clipboard API, the File Handling API, and Window Controls Overlay customization. (If you prefer watching over reading, this article is also available a

                                                                        SVGcode: a PWA to convert raster images to SVG vector graphics
                                                                      • https://deeplearningtheory.com/PDLT.pdf

                                                                        The Principles of Deep Learning Theory An Effective Theory Approach to Understanding Neural Networks Daniel A. Roberts and Sho Yaida based on research in collaboration with Boris Hanin drob@mit.edu, shoyaida@fb.com ii Contents Preface vii 0 Initialization 1 0.1 An Effective Theory Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0.2 The Theoretical Minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                        • Kubernetes README

                                                                          Kubernetes READMEPlease submit for books, tutorials, or other assets that would be useful to folks using Kubernetes. PHIPPY AND FRIENDSBy: Matt Butcher, Karen Chu & Bailey Beougher The characters Phippy, Captain Kube, Goldie, and Zee and the two books are owned by The Linux Foundation, on behalf of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (

                                                                          • 愛犬と逆にリンクコーデしてみた

                                                                            いま、相方とファッションの一部を同じにする、リンクコーデってのが流行っているらしい。あらまぁ。 となると、犬好きとしては、我が愛犬とやっておくべきであろう。 ならば、我々のコンビ感をよりアピールするためにも今回は、愛犬と「逆に」リンクコードをやってみたいと思うッ!(一体どういうことなのか、とりあえずキモくなったよ。) 多摩在住のイラストライター。諸メディアにおいて、フマジメなイラストや文章を描くことを専門としながらも、昼は某出版社でマジメな雑誌の編集長をしたりするなど、波乱の人生を送った後に、新たなるありのままの世界へ。そんなデイリーポータルZでのありのままの業務内容はコチラを!(動画インタビュー) 前の記事:超絶眼鏡漫画「メガネ君」 > 個人サイト ヨシダプロホムーページ リンクコーデ。たとえば親子やカップルが、服のアイテムの一部をリンクさせた(揃えた)コーディネイトをして、 画的にもコ

                                                                            • Distributed transaction patterns for microservices compared | Red Hat Developer

                                                                              As a consulting architect at Red Hat, I've had the privilege of working on legions of customer projects. Every customer brings their own challenges but I've found some commonalities. One thing most customers want to know is how to coordinate writes to more than one system of record. Answering this question typically involves a long explanation of dual writes, distributed transactions, modern alter

                                                                                Distributed transaction patterns for microservices compared | Red Hat Developer
                                                                              • scroll-padding-top - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN

                                                                                CSS チュートリアル CSS の基本 CSS の第一歩 CSS の第一歩の概要 CSS とは何か CSS 入門 CSS の全体像 CSS の働き 評価課題: 経歴ページのスタイル設定 CSS の構成要素 CSS の構成要素の概要 CSS セレクター Type, class, and ID selectors Attribute selectors Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements Combinators カスケードと継承 Cascade layers ボックスモデル 背景と境界 書字方向の操作 内容のはみ出し CSS の値と単位 CSS における大きさの指定 画像、メディア、フォームの要素 表のスタイル付け CSS のデバッグ CSS の整理 評価課題: CSS の基本的な理解度 評価課題: 素敵なレターヘッドの便箋の作成 評価課題: かっこいいボック

                                                                                  scroll-padding-top - CSS: カスケーディングスタイルシート | MDN
                                                                                • Reinforcement learning is supervised learning on optimized data

                                                                                  Finding good data and a good policy correspond to optimizing the lower bound, $F(\theta, q)$, with respect to the policy parameters and the experience. One common approach for maximizing the lower bound is to perform coordinate ascent on its arguments, alternating between optimizing the data distribution and the policy.1 Optimizing the Policy When optimizing the lower bound with respect to the pol

                                                                                    Reinforcement learning is supervised learning on optimized data