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441 - 480 件 / 1699件

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cross-platformの検索結果441 - 480 件 / 1699件

  • Making Sense of The Audio Stack On Unix

    Audio on Unix is a little zoo, there are so many acronyms for projects and APIs that it’s easy to get lost. Let’s tackle that issue! Most articles are confusing because they either use audio technical jargon, or because they barely scratch the surface and leave people clueless. A little knowledge can be dangerous. In this article I’ll try to bridge the gap by not requiring any prerequisite knowled

      Making Sense of The Audio Stack On Unix
    • GitHub - abhimanyu003/sttr: cross-platform, cli app to perform various operations on string

      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

        GitHub - abhimanyu003/sttr: cross-platform, cli app to perform various operations on string
      • What's new in .NET 5 - .NET

        .NET 5 is the next major release of .NET Core following 3.1. This release was named .NET 5 instead of .NET Core 4 for two reasons: Version numbers 4.x were skipped to avoid confusion with .NET Framework 4.x. "Core" was dropped from the name to emphasize that this is the main implementation of .NET going forward. .NET 5 supports more types of apps and more platforms than .NET Core or .NET Framework

          What's new in .NET 5 - .NET
        • Distributing WebAssembly modules using OCI registries

          WebAssembly (WASM) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. In familiar terms, WASM is used as a compilation target for various programming languages (C, C++, Rust, or Golang, for example), generating a compact binary with a known format. Mozilla Developer Network describes WebAssembly as having huge implications for the web platform — it provides a way to run code written

            Distributing WebAssembly modules using OCI registries
          • Ladybird

            Announcement | July 1st 2024 Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative Hello friends! Today I want to share with you our plans for the next chapter of Ladybird, the truly independent, open source web browser we’ve been developing from scratch for the past few years. Ladybird uses a brand new engine based on web standards, without borrowing any code from other browsers. It started as a humble HTML

            • Sony Publishes An Official Linux Driver For PlayStation 5 DualSense Controllers - Phoronix

              Sony Publishes An Official Linux Driver For PlayStation 5 DualSense Controllers Written by Michael Larabel in Hardware on 24 December 2020 at 12:48 PM EST. 36 Comments Well here is a pleasant Christmas surprise... Sony has published a new "hid-playstation" Linux kernel driver for bringing up the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller and will also be used for supporting other PlayStation hardware on L

                Sony Publishes An Official Linux Driver For PlayStation 5 DualSense Controllers - Phoronix
              • "react-strict-dom", why it's so great?

                Introduction Last week Meta open-sourced a new library called react-strict-dom, its goal is to improve and standardize the way of writing React components for Web and Native. In this article, I'd like to go through the historical background of building a universal codebase that shares components between Web and Native, and how react-strict-dom changes the way we can do it. Historical background As

                  "react-strict-dom", why it's so great?
                • Interview with designers: Émilie Gillet (Mutable Instruments)

                  *English version of the interview follows. 世界中のユーロラックメーカーの中でも、デジタルの利点を駆使したアイディアや、回路やコードをオープンにする開発スタイルの先駆けとして登場し、たちまち大人気になったMutable Instruments。代表のÉmilie Gillet氏にeメールの往復でインタビューを行いました。メーカーを始めた経緯やデザインポリシー、Mutableやユーロラックの将来についてなど、かなりディープな話題が中心になりましたが、氏の考えが良くわかるインタビューになったと思います。それではどうぞ! Mutable Instrumentsがどのようにして始まったか教えてもらえますか?Mutableを始める前は何をしていましたか? Mutable Instruments (M.I)を始める前、自分は信号処理(特にテンポを抽出したり、ジ

                    Interview with designers: Émilie Gillet (Mutable Instruments)
                  • Announcing Hyperdrive v10

                    For the past year, we've been working hard on the v10 release of Hyperdrive. After a long period of beta testing, we're excited to announce that it's ready for general use! Hyperdrive is a peer-to-peer filesystem that's designed to help you share files quickly and safely, directly from your computer. Hyperdrive v9, along with many other modules prefixed by 'hyper', has served as the backbone for D

                      Announcing Hyperdrive v10
                    • Canonical enables Linux desktop app support with Flutter | Snapcraft

                      Canonical enables Linux desktop app support with Flutter by Canonical on 8 July 2020 By Chris Sells (Google) & Ken VanDine (Canonical) Google’s goal for Flutter has always been to provide a portable framework for building beautiful UIs that run at native speeds no matter what platform you target. To validate this capability, we started by focusing on the mobile platforms, Android and iOS, where we

                        Canonical enables Linux desktop app support with Flutter | Snapcraft
                      • Rust GUI library via Flutter, done simple

                        Background #Rust has been “the most desired programming language” for 8 years (by StackOverflow and GitHub 1 2), and many people want to write programs with a GUI in Rust. Therefore, in this blog, I will share an approach by utilizing Flutter and the https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge I made. To have a try, please visit the GitHub repo or the demo folder at the end of this article. Pro

                        • 2022-12-13のJS: Bun 0.3.0、SWR 2.0、Civet(CoffeeScript of TypeScript)

                          JSer.info #622 - Bun 0.3.0がリリースされました。 Bun v0.3.0 Release Bun v0.3.0 · oven-sh/bun 高負荷時メモリ消費量の改善、GCでのクラッシュを修正など安定性が向上しています。 Node.js互換性として、child_processモジュール、Error.captureStackTrace() APIなどを追加しています。 そのほかには、consoleをAsyncIterableに変更、importしてるモジュールを自動的にnpmからインストールするようになっています。 また、Next.jsライクなルーティングをファイルシステムに対して行うFileSystemRouter APIの追加、expect()のmatchersの追加なども行われています。 React向けのデータ取得ライブラリであるSWR 2.0がリリースされてい

                            2022-12-13のJS: Bun 0.3.0、SWR 2.0、Civet(CoffeeScript of TypeScript)
                          • Ray Tracing Gems II Available Today as Free Digital Download | NVIDIA Technical Blog

                            Ray Tracing Gems II is now available to download for free via Apress. This Open Access book is a must-have for anyone interested in real-time rendering. Ray tracing is the holy grail of gaming graphics, simulating the physical behavior of light to bring real-time, cinematic-quality rendering to even the most visually intense games. Ray tracing is also a fundamental algorithm used for architecture

                              Ray Tracing Gems II Available Today as Free Digital Download | NVIDIA Technical Blog
                            • Stable Diffusion with C#

                              Inference Stable Diffusion with C# and ONNX Runtime In this tutorial we will learn how to do inferencing for the popular Stable Diffusion deep learning model in C#. Stable Diffusion models take a text prompt and create an image that represents the text. See the example below: Contents Prerequisites Use Hugging Face to download the Stable Diffusion models Understanding the model in Python with Diff

                                Stable Diffusion with C#
                              • Toward Hermes being the Default · React Native

                                2024React Native 0.75 - Support for Percentage Values in Layout, New Architecture Stabilization, Template & init Updates, and moreUse a framework to build React Native appsReact Native 0.74 - Yoga 3.0, Bridgeless New Architecture, and more2023React Native 0.73 - Debugging Improvements, Stable Symlink Support, and moreReact Native 0.72 - Symlink Support, Better Errors, and morePackage Exports Suppo

                                  Toward Hermes being the Default · React Native
                                • Flutter is no longer a cross-platform framework

                                  Hi I am Luke and I am software developer. Since I’ve chosen a very bold title I need to elaborate a bit more on it. FYI I do think technically Flutter is a cross-platform framework. But bear with me... Since the release of Flutter 2.0, I began to see the hype going a little bit too far. Don’t get me wrong I am a big fan of Flutter and I will forever be an advocate for it. I use Flutter in my daily

                                    Flutter is no longer a cross-platform framework
                                  • Amazon Interactive Video ServiceのプレーヤーSDKを使ってサクッとブログにライブストリーミング動画を埋め込んでみた | DevelopersIO

                                    何の休みだかよく分からないけど四連休嬉しいな!と思っていたのがもう先週の事だと思うと、時間の流れがとても早く感じます。 ▲ 「光陰矢の如し」のイラストは無かった!勝った! 10月の祝日が消えた事に困惑を隠せないAWS事業本部のShirotaです。そもそも体育の日がスポーツの日に改名されていた事すら知りませんでした。 先日の四連休は趣味の動画編集に打ち込んでいたのですが、AWSでも久々に動画周りで嬉しいリリースがあった事を思い出しました。 今回は、それに関する事をお話しします。 Amazon Interactive Video Serviceがやってきた! つい2週間ほど前となる2020年7月16日、簡単にライブストリーミング環境が構築できるマネージドサービスである「Amazon Interactive Video Service(以下Amazon IVS)」が新たに登場しました。 それこそ

                                      Amazon Interactive Video ServiceのプレーヤーSDKを使ってサクッとブログにライブストリーミング動画を埋め込んでみた | DevelopersIO
                                    • Vulkan is coming to Raspberry Pi: first triangle - Raspberry Pi

                                      Following on from our recent announcement that Raspberry Pi 4 is OpenGL ES 3.1 conformant, we have some more news to share on the graphics front. We have started work on a much requested feature: an open-source Vulkan driver! Standards body Khronos describes Vulkan as “a new generation graphics and compute API that provides high-efficiency, cross-platform access to modern GPUs”. The Vulkan API has

                                        Vulkan is coming to Raspberry Pi: first triangle - Raspberry Pi
                                      • 2024-04-07: AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET, .NET 7 EoS, grpc-dotnet 2.62.0 - WeekRef.NET

                                        2024-04-07: AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET, .NET 7 EoS, grpc-dotnet 2.62.0 トピックス Introducing the AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET (Preview) | Amazon Web Services https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/developer/introducing-the-aws-message-processing-framework-for-net-preview/ AWS Message Processing Framework for .NET のプレビューが公開された。 .NET で AWS の SQS や EventBridge を使用してメッセージ処理を行うためのフレームワ

                                        • All my favorite tracing tools: eBPF, QEMU, Perfetto, new ones I built and more - Tristan Hume

                                          Ever wanted more different ways to understand what’s going on in a program? Here I catalogue a huge variety of tracing methods you can use for varying types of problems. Tracing has been such a long-standing interest (and job) of mine that some of these will novel and interesting to anyone who reads this. I’ll guarantee it by including 2 novel tracing tools I’ve made and haven’t shared before (loo

                                          • Next.js vs. Nuxt.js: Ultimate guide - LogRocket Blog

                                            Jude Miracle I'm a software developer passionate about the Web3 ecosystem and love to spend time learning and tinkering with new tools and technologies. Editor’s note: This post was reviewed for accuracy on 21 March 2024 by Oyinkansola Awosan to reflect the current versions of each framework — Next.js 14.1.4 and Nuxt.js 3.11.1 — as well as to specify use cases for each and summarize their similari

                                              Next.js vs. Nuxt.js: Ultimate guide - LogRocket Blog
                                            • Qiling Framework

                                              Introduction Cross platform and multi arch ultra lightweight emulator. Supported OS: Linux, MacOS, Windows, FreeBSD, DOS and UEFI. Support Arch: x86(16/32/64), ARM(64) MIPS, EVM and WASM. 2023-08-04

                                              • Mac/Windowsのクロスプラットフォームに対応したSVGアイコン管理アプリ「Iconset」がリリース。

                                                Mac/Windowsのクロスプラットフォームに対応したSVGアイコン管理アプリ「Iconset」がリリースされています。詳細は以下から。 IconsetはIconset Creativeが昨年末からBeta版を開発&公開していたアイコン管理アプリで、IconJarなどと同様にSVGアイコンをドラッグ&ドロップで追加しカテゴリーごとにまとめ(Set)たり、タグ付し管理することが可能です。 Free, cross-platform and fast SVG icon manager for designers and teams. Available for macOS and Windows. Free SVG icon organizer for Mac and Windows – Iconset また、IconsetはElectron製でMac/Windowsのクロスプラットフォームに

                                                • GitHub - floooh/sokol: minimal cross-platform standalone C headers

                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                    GitHub - floooh/sokol: minimal cross-platform standalone C headers
                                                  • Why React Native is the Future?

                                                    What makes React Native the Future? A clear advantage of using React Native is it can help you build a native application without having to understand things like Objective-C, JavaScript, Kotlin or Swift. Apps can be developed for platforms such as iOS, Windows Phone, Virtual Reality headsets and helmets, and Android. React Native is a project of Facebook. Technology biggies like Tesla, Airbnb, Sa

                                                      Why React Native is the Future?
                                                    • WindowsのXAMPPを使えばLaravel環境構築は簡単 | アールエフェクト

                                                      XAMPPのインストール XAMPPとは XAMPPは、Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P)を表しています。XAMPPをインストールすることでApache, MariaDB, PHP, Perlが利用できる環境を構築することができます。 XAMPPはフリーでオープンのソフトウェアで主にWindows上でのWebサーバの開発用に利用されます。PHPでWebサーバを構築する書籍などでは必ずXAMPPのインストールが紹介されています。 XAMPPのインストール XAMPPインストールサイトにアクセスして、赤線で囲まれたWindows向けXAMPPをクリックします。 XAMPPインストール画面 クリックすると自動でダウンロードが開始されます。ダウンロードが完了するとデスクトップにxamppのアイコンが作成

                                                        WindowsのXAMPPを使えばLaravel環境構築は簡単 | アールエフェクト
                                                      • Why Flutter is the most popular cross-platform mobile SDK - Stack Overflow

                                                        Life revolves around our mobile devices and applications. Worldwide, there are currently more than six billion smartphone subscriptions. In addition, between the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, there are nearly five million mobile applications available for download. Although the mobile application market is increasingly competitive, this is where many startups and developers focus thei

                                                          Why Flutter is the most popular cross-platform mobile SDK - Stack Overflow
                                                        • .NET 5 Networking Improvements - .NET Blog

                                                          With .NET 5 released in November, it’s a good time to talk about some of the many improvements in the networking stack. This includes improvements around HTTP, Sockets, networking-related security, and other networking primitives. In this post, I will highlight some of the more impactful and interesting changes in the release. HTTP Better Error Handling In the year since .NET Core 3.1 was released

                                                            .NET 5 Networking Improvements - .NET Blog
                                                          • Adobe製デザインシステム「React Spectrum」がすごいので紹介したい - Qiita

                                                            🚀 Super excited to announce: ♿️ React Aria — Accessible UI primitives for your design system. 👑 React Stately — State and core logic for your design system. 🌈 React Spectrum — Adobe’s design system. Learn more: https://t.co/ucVguh3rqp Github: https://t.co/e8aOfLgCVK — Devon Govett (@devongovett) July 15, 2020 7月15日にAdobeのデザインシステム react-spectrum がリリースされました。 デザイン製も優れていますが、他の部分でのクォリティーが個人的にショックだった

                                                              Adobe製デザインシステム「React Spectrum」がすごいので紹介したい - Qiita
                                                            • Microsoft finds new elevation of privilege Linux vulnerability, Nimbuspwn | Microsoft Security Blog

                                                              Microsoft has discovered several vulnerabilities, collectively referred to as Nimbuspwn, that could allow an attacker to elevate privileges to root on many Linux desktop endpoints. The vulnerabilities can be chained together to gain root privileges on Linux systems, allowing attackers to deploy payloads, like a root backdoor, and perform other malicious actions via arbitrary root code execution. M

                                                                Microsoft finds new elevation of privilege Linux vulnerability, Nimbuspwn | Microsoft Security Blog
                                                              • モバイルアプリ の クロスプラットフォーム 開発:Flutter vs. React Nativeを徹底比較

                                                                1.1. Flutter(フラッター) FlutterはDartを使用します。これについては、シリーズの最初の投稿で詳しく説明しました。 Dartはかなり新しいものですが、この言語の学習曲線は、特にC#とJavaに精通した経験豊富な開発者にとってはそれほど急ではありません。 FlutterはSkiaライブラリを利用して2Dグラフィックスのレンダリング処理を実装します。ネイティブコンポネントを使用せず、自らのウィジェットを作ります。ネイティブコンポネントと似たようなウィジェットを作るために、Material(Androidアプリ用)とCupertino(iOSアプリ用)の2つのテーマを提供しています。 また、 React Native はブリッジを利用してOEMウィジェットにアクセスします。ウィジェットへのアクセス頻度が高い場合(アニメーション、映像を取り扱う時には60回/秒まで)、性能問題

                                                                  モバイルアプリ の クロスプラットフォーム 開発:Flutter vs. React Nativeを徹底比較
                                                                • Open Source Kanban Tools

                                                                  There are still many open source kanban tools available, contrary to open source projects for Scrum tools that have mostly ended being transformed in a limited offer that supports a main commercial product. The simplicity of the Kanban approach has allowed open source software developers to create and maintain Kanban tools based on various platforms. This article lists pure Kanban open source tool

                                                                    Open Source Kanban Tools
                                                                  • How Big Technical Changes Happen at Slack - Slack Engineering

                                                                    Most new things in technology turn out to be fads: patterns of talking and doing that come and go without leaving a permanent mark. Microkernels; EPIC architectures like IA-64; object request brokers; and 1990s’-style neural nets are gone, and will not return. Sorry for the deep throwbacks; only time proves which things are fads, so for uncontroversial examples we have to reach pretty far back. Wh

                                                                      How Big Technical Changes Happen at Slack - Slack Engineering
                                                                    • Mindustry on Steam

                                                                      About This Game Mindustry is a factory-building game with tower defense and RTS elements. Create elaborate supply chains to feed ammo into your turrets, produce materials to use for building, and construct units. Command units to capture enemy bases, and expand your production. Defend your core from waves of enemies. Play through the campaign alone or with with your friends in cross-platform multi

                                                                        Mindustry on Steam
                                                                      • Rubyスクリプトをcross-platformなstandaloneバイナリにしようとして諦めた

                                                                        やりたいことgem は自由に使いたいなんなら ffi も使いたいRuby で書いて macOS / Windows で動作させたいRuby そのもののインストールの手間を掛けさせたくないきっかけは「GitHub Actions で Windows CI が使えるから、なんかいろいろゴニョゴニョすれば Windows で使う道具を作れるのでは?」 数年前に https://github.com/hone/mruby-cli も話題にあがったみたいなんだけど、確かに mruby 自体はプラットフォームを選ばないが gem 使いたいので除外した。 まとめGo をクロスプラットフォームで動く Ruby のように扱えないかなと思ったけど、やはりかなり厳しそうなので、2019年の今なら Ruby スクリプトをクロスプラットフォームで動かすなんてワケないのでは?と探したけど何度目かの挫折をして諦めた話。

                                                                        • Beekeeper Studio - 多彩なデータベースに対応したデータベース管理アプリ MOONGIFT

                                                                          データベースはずっとシステムの根底に存在しています。フロント部分の技術スタックは時代に合わせて変化していますが、データベースは殆ど変化せず、不要になることもありません。それだけに、管理するUIはどんどん便利になって欲しいと思うことでしょう。 今回紹介するBeekeeper Studioはデータベース管理のUIとして最新のソフトウェアになります。ローカルアプリケーションであり、多彩なデータベースをサポートしています。 Beekeeper Studioの使い方 まず接続設定です。対応しているデータベースは次の通りです。 SQLite MySQL MariaDB Postgres SQL Server Amazon Redshift SSHトンネルでの接続も行えます。 接続しました。テーブルが一覧表示されています。 データの閲覧も可能です。編集は行えませんでした。 簡易的な絞り込みも行えます。

                                                                            Beekeeper Studio - 多彩なデータベースに対応したデータベース管理アプリ MOONGIFT
                                                                          • The Wails Project | Wails

                                                                            Wails v2 turns what used to be tedious and painful into a delightfully simple process. Use the tools you know to create cross-platform desktop apps. Everyone wins!— Brian Ketelsen Co-author of "Go In Action"

                                                                            • The modern Linux CLI stack

                                                                              This post is about the awesome Rust-based cross-platform CLI ecosystem which I’ve discovered recently. Meet the main characters: shell: nushell prompt: starship terminal multiplexer: zellijversus my old stack: shell: zsh plugin manager: oh-my-zsh / antigen prompt: powerlevel10k terminal multiplexer: tmuxwhich is a basic and very common CLI stack to be found at /r/unixporn subreddit (at this point

                                                                                The modern Linux CLI stack
                                                                              • Using Tailscale on Windows to network more easily with WSL2 and Visual Studio Code

                                                                                Tailscale is a zero config mesh "VPN" that runs atop other networks and effectively "flattens" networks and allows users/services to more easily (and securely) communicate with each other. For example, I've written extensively on how to SSH into WSL2 on Windows 10 from another machine and you'll note that there is not only a ton of steps but there's more than one way to do it! I have talked about

                                                                                  Using Tailscale on Windows to network more easily with WSL2 and Visual Studio Code
                                                                                • Announcing .NET 5 Preview 1 - .NET Blog

                                                                                  At the end of last year, we shipped .NET Core 3.0 and 3.1. These versions added the desktop app models Windows Forms (WinForms) and WPF, ASP.NET Blazor for building single page applications and gRPC for cross-platform, contract-based messaging. We also added templates for building services, rich generation of client code for talking to gRPC, REST API services, and a lot more. We’re excited to see

                                                                                    Announcing .NET 5 Preview 1 - .NET Blog