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  • HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack

    HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack10/10/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français and Español. Starting on Aug 25, 2023, we started to notice some unusually big HTTP attacks hitting many of our customers. These attacks were detected and mitigated by our automated DDoS system. It was not long however, before they started to reach record b

      HTTP/2 Rapid Reset: deconstructing the record-breaking attack
    • サイトマップやDOM構造など、階層構造のツリービューをリスト要素で実装するスタイルシートのテクニック

      サイトマップやDOM構造や家系図のように親ノードから複数の子ノードに接続線で繋げ、階層構造を明示するツリービューをHTMLとCSSで実装するテクニックを紹介します。 HTMLはul要素でシンプルに実装されており、接続線のカラーや幅や間隔などは自由にカスタマイズできます。 Tree view from unordered list まずは、実際のデモをご覧ください。 See the Pen Tree view from unordered list by Ross Angus (@ross-angus) on CodePen. 1つ目の「DOM構造」と2つ目の「サイトマップ」の実装は、基本的には同じです。順番に見てましょう。 DOM構造のツリービュー HTML 1つのul要素で3階層分まで、4階層目からは新たにul要素が必要となります。矩形は「DOM構造」では<code>、「サイトマップ」で

      • Embedded SRE at Mercari | Mercari Engineering

        Author:@deeeeeeet, Engineering manager of Microservices SRE The Microservices SRE team is one of the Developer Productivity Engineering Camp teams. The team provides embedded SRE service to the product team. By working with/inside the product team, we improve the service reliability and share SRE practices with the team so that the team can maintain its reliability without SRE members. We rotate e

          Embedded SRE at Mercari | Mercari Engineering
        • When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think

          When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think07/26/2022 This post is also available in 简体中文 and 繁體中文. Over the years I've been lurking around the Linux kernel and have investigated the TCP code many times. But when recently we were working on Optimizing TCP for high WAN throughput while preserving low latency, I realized I have gaps in my knowledge about how Linux

            When the window is not fully open, your TCP stack is doing more than you think
          • What developers need to know about generative AI

            EngineeringEnterpriseOpen SourceWhat developers need to know about generative AIGenerative AI has been dominating the news lately—but what exactly is it? Here’s what you need to know, and what it means for developers. By now, you’ve heard of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and GitHub Copilot, among others. They’re gaining widespread interest thanks to the fact t

              What developers need to know about generative AI
            • PlantUML使い方メモ - Qiita

              長くなるので、図の書き方はクラス図とシーケンス図だけで。 その他の図については 続・PlantUML使い方メモ #PlantUML - Qiita を参照。 PlantUML とは テキストで UML 図を記述できる DSL の一種(たぶん) 本体は Java で書かれていて、単一の jar ファイルを落としてきてコマンドラインから実行できる plantuml/plantuml: Generate UML diagram from textual description ただし、実際に使うときは Visual Studio Code とかのプラグインを入れて実行することが多いと思う ライセンスは GPL v3 plantuml/license.txt at master · plantuml/plantuml 環境構築 OS は Windows10。 Java > java --versi

                PlantUML使い方メモ - Qiita
              • Text Editor: Data Structures

                The first step in building my text editor is to implement the core API. If you’re wondering why I want to do this, the original article is here. I researched several data types, and I tried to be language agnostic. I wanted my decision to not be influenced by any particular language, and first see if there was a “best way” out there, solely based on operations. Of course, a “best way” rarely exist

                • Designing accessible color systems

                  Color contrast is an important aspect of accessibility. Good contrast makes it easier for people with visual impairments to use products, and helps in imperfect conditions like low-light environments or older screens. With this in mind, we recently updated the colors in our user interfaces to be more accessible. Text and icon colors now reliably have legible contrast throughout the Stripe Dashboar

                    Designing accessible color systems
                  • Scaling Kubernetes Tenant Management with Hierarchical Namespaces Controller | メルカリエンジニアリング

                    Scaling Kubernetes Tenant Management with Hierarchical Namespaces Controller Author: @deeeeeeeet from Platform Developer Experience Team Three years ago, we took the decision to break our monolithic API into microservices, and move from the physical machine deployment on-premise to container deployment on GCP by using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). We architected our Kubernetes cluster with multi

                      Scaling Kubernetes Tenant Management with Hierarchical Namespaces Controller | メルカリエンジニアリング
                    • Commits are snapshots, not diffs

                      EngineeringCommits are snapshots, not diffsGit has a reputation for being confusing. Users stumble over terminology and phrasing that misguides their expectations. This is most apparent in commands that "rewrite history" such as git cherry-pick or git rebase. In my experience,… Git has a reputation for being confusing. Users stumble over terminology and phrasing that misguides their expectations.

                        Commits are snapshots, not diffs
                      • Sparkplug — a non-optimizing JavaScript compiler · V8

                        Show navigation Writing a high-performance JavaScript engine takes more than just having a highly optimising compiler like TurboFan. Particularly for short-lived sessions, like loading websites or command line tools, there’s a lot of work that happens before the optimising compiler even has a chance to start optimising, let alone having time to generate the optimised code. This is the reason why,

                        • Workload Discovery on AWS | AWS Solutions | AWS Solutions Library

                          Maintain an inventory of the AWS resources across your accounts and AWS Regions Workload Discovery on AWS (formerly called AWS Perspective) is a tool to visualize AWS Cloud workloads. Use this AWS Solution to build, customize, and share detailed architecture diagrams of your workloads based on live data from AWS. The solution maintains an inventory of the AWS resources across your accounts and AWS

                            Workload Discovery on AWS | AWS Solutions | AWS Solutions Library
                          • 図解力を高める!LLMとmermaidで楽しむテキストベースの図作成術

                            どうも、株式会社ナレッジワークのざわきんといいます。 最近よく mermaid というテキストベースの図作成ツールを使っていて、ChatGPTやGitHub CopilotのようなLLMを活用したツールとめちゃくちゃ親和性が高いなと思い、居ても立っても居られないので記事にしました。 TL;DR LLM(Large Language Model)の普及により、テキストベースの図作成ツール(例:mermaid)はますます普及していくと思うので、ガンガン使っていこうぜ!という記事です。 はじめに 言葉によるコミュニケーションの難しさ 突然ですが、言葉によるコミュニケーションって難しいですよね。 頭の中にある構造を言葉だけで相手に正確に伝えることって、なかなか難しいです。 例えば、インフラ構成を説明する場合 例えば、インフラ構成を他の人に説明する場合を考えてみましょう。 ChatGPT に出力して

                            • 【2023年版】デザインに使えるAIツールまとめ(レビュー付き)|Goodpatch Blog グッドパッチブログ

                              ジェネレーティブAI技術の進歩などによって、デザインに活用できるAIツールが次々と誕生しています。AIを業務に組み込むことで、今後デザイナーの働き方も大きく変わっていくでしょう。 そこで本記事では、さまざまなAIツールの中からデザイン業務に活用できそうなものをピックアップし、ワークフローのシーン別にご紹介します。主要なツールについては使ってみた感想(レビュー)も記載したので、デザイナー観点でAI活用をどう感じたかをお伝えできれば嬉しいです。 はじめに:AIデザインツールの原理 そもそもデザインに使えるAIツールとはなんでしょうか?AIの分野で重要な役割を果たす3つのキーワードについて、簡単に解説します。 ニューラルネットワーク クリエイティブな仕事をサポートまたは代替してくれるAI技術は、数十年にわたる技術開発の上に成り立っています。その基本的な仕組みの1つとして挙げられるのがニューラルネ

                                【2023年版】デザインに使えるAIツールまとめ(レビュー付き)|Goodpatch Blog グッドパッチブログ
                              • PlantUMLのレイアウトのコツと指定方法についてのまとめ

                                PlantUMLで図を描いていて、こんな感じの図になってしまいテンションが下がってしまうことがあるのではないでしょうか。 このような残念な図にならないためのコツを書いてみようと思います。 クラス図を例に説明しますが、ユースケース図も基本的に同じです。 -- と - を使い分ける 図で表現したい領域において、関連性の高いものは - で結び、高くないもの(以降「普通の関連」と表記します)は -- で結ぶ。 同じアルファベットで始まる要素が関連性の高い要素で、A1, B1, C1を普通の関連 -- で結んだ例:

                                • Hawkins: Diving into the Reasoning Behind our Design System

                                  Stranger Things imagery showcasing the inspiration for the Hawkins Design Systemby Hawkins team member Joshua Godi; with cover art from Martin Bekerman and additional imagery from Wiki Chaves Hawkins may be the name of a fictional town in Indiana, most widely known as the backdrop for one of Netflix’s most popular TV series “Stranger Things,” but the name is so much more. Hawkins is the namesake t

                                    Hawkins: Diving into the Reasoning Behind our Design System
                                  • Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot

                                    EngineeringProductInside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub CopilotDevelopers behind GitHub Copilot discuss what it was like to work with OpenAI’s large language model and how it informed the development of Copilot as we know it today. The first time that engineers at GitHub worked with one of OpenAI’s large language models (LLM), they were equal parts excited and astonished. Alireza Goud

                                      Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot
                                    • GameBoy CPU Manual

                                      Sources by: Pan of Anthrox, GABY, Marat Fayzullin, Pascal Felber, Paul Robson, Martin Korth, kOOPa, Bowser Contents: Assembly Language Commands, Timings and Opcodes, and everything you always wanted to know about GB but were afraid to ask. THIS DOCUMENT IS PRINTED ON DIN A5 SIZE PAPER (148mm x 210mm)! Note: Game BoyTM , Game Boy PocketTM , Super Game BoyTM and Game Boy ColorTM are registered trade

                                      • iOS 15 iCloud Private Relay Vulnerability Identified

                                        Apple’s new iCloud Private Relay service allows users to hide their IP addresses and DNS requests from websites and network service providers. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how this security feature can be circumvented and discuss what users can do to prevent their data from being leaked. You’ll need to turn on iCloud Private Relay to test the vulnerability. At the moment iCloud Private Relay

                                          iOS 15 iCloud Private Relay Vulnerability Identified
                                        • Make your monorepo feel small with Git’s sparse index

                                          EngineeringOpen SourceMake your monorepo feel small with Git’s sparse indexThe new sparse index feature makes it feel like you are working in a small repository when working in a focused portion of a monorepo. One way that Git scales to the largest monorepos is the sparse-checkout feature, which allows you to focus on a subset of the files. This is supposed to make it feel like you are actually in

                                            Make your monorepo feel small with Git’s sparse index
                                          • Object structure in JavaScript engines

                                            Object structure in JavaScript enginesFrom a developer's perspective, objects in JavaScript are quite flexible and understandable. We can add, remove, and modify object properties on our own. However, few people think about how objects are stored in memory and processed by JS engines. Can a developer's actions, directly or indirectly, impact performance and memory consumption? Let's try to delve i

                                              Object structure in JavaScript engines
                                            • Terraform v1.7.0で久々にアップデートのあったグラフ機能でイイ感じにTerraformを可視化したい人生だった - APC 技術ブログ

                                              はじめに こんにちは、ACS事業部の安藤です。 この記事は エーピーコミュニケーションズAdvent Calendar 2023の14日目の投稿です。 すでに成熟しつつあるTerraformですが、ここ半年ほどimportブロックやmovedブロック、 terraform test コマンドなど新機能をリリースしており、我々もアップデートに注目しています。 そんなTerraformですが、先日v1.7.0のbeta1がリリースされました。 github.com ※ 昨日v1.7.0-beta2もリリースされました。 注目ポイントとしては、やはり新機能のremovedブロックになるでしょうか。 元々 terraform state rm コマンドで対応したものが正式にHCLで書けるようになることで、.tfのコード内で削除アクションを完結させられるようになったのが強みだと思います。 CI/CD

                                                Terraform v1.7.0で久々にアップデートのあったグラフ機能でイイ感じにTerraformを可視化したい人生だった - APC 技術ブログ
                                              • Webpack App

                                                • The origin private file system  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                  The origin private file system Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The File System Standard introduces an origin private file system (OPFS) as a storage endpoint private to the origin of the page and not visible to the user that provides optional access to a special kind of file that is highly optimized for performance. Browser support The origin

                                                    The origin private file system  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                                  • Democratizing data analysis with Google BigQuery

                                                    Infrastructure Democratizing data analysis with Google BigQuery Every day, over a hundred million people come to Twitter to find out what’s happening in the world and talk about it. Every Tweet and user action generates an event that we make available for internal data analysis at Twitter. Hundreds of employees analyze and visualize this data, and improving their experience is a top priority for t

                                                      Democratizing data analysis with Google BigQuery
                                                    • Decoded: GNU coreutils – MaiZure's Projects

                                                      Helpful background for code reading The GNU coreutils has its foibles. Many of these utilities are approaching 30 years old and include revisions by many people over the years. Here are some things to keep in mind when reading the code: Tiny programs - These utilities are small, (mostly) single-source file programs designed to do one thing and do it well. They are not designed for long life or to

                                                      • Cheating is All You Need

                                                        Heya. Sorry for not writing for so long. I’ll make up for it with 3000 pages here. I’m just hopping right now. That’s kinda the only way to get me to blog anymore. I’ve rewritten this post so many times. It’s about AI. But AI is changing so fast that the post is out of date within a few days. So screw it. I’m busting this version out in one sitting. (Spoiler alert: There’s some Sourcegraph stuff a

                                                          Cheating is All You Need
                                                        • How we built a serverless SQL database

                                                          What is CockroachDB Serverless? If you’ve created a database before, you probably had to estimate the size and number of servers to use based on the expected traffic. If you guessed too low, your database would fall over under load and cause an outage. If you guessed too high or if your traffic came in bursts, you’d waste money on servers that are just sitting idle. Could there be a better way? Se

                                                            How we built a serverless SQL database
                                                          • Mermaid | Diagramming and charting tool

                                                            MermaidDiagramming and charting tool JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that renders Markdown-inspired text definitions to create and modify diagrams dynamically.

                                                            • GistPad - Visual Studio Marketplace

                                                              Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter. GistPad 📘 GistPad is a Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to edit GitHub Gists and repositories from the comfort of your favorite editor. You can open, create, delete, fork and star gists and repositories, and then seamlessly begin editing files as if they were local, without ever cloning, pushing or pulli

                                                                GistPad - Visual Studio Marketplace
                                                              • How Stripe builds interactive docs with Markdoc

                                                                At Stripe, our product docs are designed to feel like an application rather than a traditional user manual. For example, we incorporate a user's own API test key into code samples, making it possible to copy and paste code that seamlessly works with the user's own account. We have client-side interactivity, like checklists and collapsible sections. We tailor the content to the individual user, con

                                                                  How Stripe builds interactive docs with Markdoc
                                                                • Medical Diagram 外国語様アクセント症候群の法則 | ファーマスタイルWEB

                                                                  ノルウェー人がドイツ人に、日本人が中国人に変身 世の中には不思議な病気があるもので、「外国語様アクセント症候群(foreign accent syndrome:FAS)」は、その一例といえます。FASは、たとえばイギリス人がフランス語訛りの英語を話すといったように、同じ母国語を使用する第三者が「外国語のようだ」と違和感を持つような発話になってしまう障害です。その特徴として、音の高低や強弱、リズムなどのイントネーションの異常がみられ、一方で語彙・文法機能はほぼ正常に保たれています。 最初の報告は1919年で、左脳卒中によってポルトガル語訛りになったチェコ人男性のケースでした1)。しかし、詳細な検討は行われておらず、病巣や言語所見についての学術的な検討を行った初期代表例としては、ノルウェーの神経学者であるMonrad-Krohnが1947年に発表した報告が挙げられます2)。同報告で紹介されてい

                                                                  • GitHub - excalidraw/excalidraw: Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams

                                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                      GitHub - excalidraw/excalidraw: Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
                                                                    • Structuring Rust Project for Testability

                                                                      Photo by timJ on UnsplashIn this article, we will see how to structure a Rust project so that it’s easily testable. We will build a simple authentication module that is exposed via REST API while storing the data to PostgreSQL and Redis. We will use actix-web for handling the REST API part, sqlx for interacting with PostgreSQL, and redis-rs for interacting with Redis. We will see how the applicati

                                                                        Structuring Rust Project for Testability
                                                                      • A peek behind Colossus, Google’s file system | Google Cloud Blog

                                                                        Colossus under the hood: a peek into Google’s scalable storage system You trust Google Cloud with your critical data, but did you know that Google also relies on the same underlying storage infrastructure for its other businesses as well? That’s right, the same storage system that powers Google Cloud also underpins Google’s most popular products, supporting globally available services like YouTube

                                                                          A peek behind Colossus, Google’s file system | Google Cloud Blog
                                                                        • Chapter 12 - Introducing Non-Abstract Large System Design, Google SRE Book

                                                                          Introducing Non-Abstract Large System Design By Salim Virji, James Youngman, Henry Robertson, Stephen Thorne, Dave Rensin, and Zoltan Egyed with Richard Bondi With responsibilities that span production operations and product engineering, SRE is in a unique position to align business case requirements and operational costs. Product engineering teams may not be aware of the maintenance cost of syste

                                                                          • The Netflix Cosmos Platform

                                                                            by Frank San Miguel on behalf of the Cosmos team IntroductionCosmos is a computing platform that combines the best aspects of microservices with asynchronous workflows and serverless functions. Its sweet spot is applications that involve resource-intensive algorithms coordinated via complex, hierarchical workflows that last anywhere from minutes to years. It supports both high throughput services

                                                                              The Netflix Cosmos Platform
                                                                            • A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks

                                                                              Neural networks have been adapted to leverage the structure and properties of graphs. We explore the components needed for building a graph neural network - and motivate the design choices behind them. Hover over a node in the diagram below to see how it accumulates information from nodes around it through the layers of the network. Authors Affiliations Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling Google Research E

                                                                                A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
                                                                              • [Flutter]Flutterでの依存関係図の自動生成が便利だった件について - Qiita

                                                                                こんにちは。いせりゅーです😃 「視覚的に理解しやすく、効率的にコードの構造や流れを把握する」ということは開発においてとても助けになると思っています。特に複雑なアーキテクチャや多数のコンポーネントを持つフレームワーク、例えばFlutterのようなものを使用する場合、依存関係の把握は必須となりますが、把握をするのが難しかったり、時間がかかったりすると思います。 実際に、社会人になり研修課題をしている中でriverpod_graphを勉強し、それがとても便利だったので、アウトプットのために書いていこうと思いました。 riverpod_graphとは、 ↑こちらから引用しています。 riverpodの作成者が作成したツール providerとwidget間の相互作用のグラフを生成し、可視化できるもの 手順を踏むとと自動生成ファイルが生成される(今回は、graph.mdに生成する) グラフは、d2

                                                                                  [Flutter]Flutterでの依存関係図の自動生成が便利だった件について - Qiita
                                                                                • Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14

                                                                                  This year’s A14 chip includes the 8th generation in Apple’s 64-bit microarchitecture family that had been started off with the A7 and the Cyclone design. Over the years, Apple’s design cadence seems to have settled down around major bi-generation microarchitecture updates starting with the A7 chipset, with the A9, A11, A13 all showcasing major increases of their design complexity and microarchitec

                                                                                    Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14