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                                                                    At the end of 2019, I traded in my two-year-old 15-inch MacBook Pro, sold off some older Apple gear (an iPad and older iPhones), and decided to spring for one of the newer 16-inch laptops. I had used a loaner device for a month, and it was quite an upgrade from my old laptop. My current daily life doesn’t necessarily require a laptop. My day to day work is done on an iPad Pro, with a nice Logitech

                                                                      MacBook Pro 16 Has a Fan Problem
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                                                                        EDIT 4: CONFIRMED BY TMZ (Contains NSFW Images). ​ There’s multiple photos and videos of the rapper after apparently being shot and killed. It's said to have happened outside of a club in Houston, Texas, over a dice game. Quavo was apparently present during the shooting. It's unclear as to whether he was he also shot, but media is circulating of him stood over the late rapper at the scene of the i

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                                                                                Astrea is a DICE-deck-building roguelike that flips the script on deckbuilders by using dice instead of cards and an unique dual “damage” system: Purification vs Corruption. Build a dice pool strong enough to purify Astrea's out-of-control corruption and save the Star System.

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                                                                                • 「富江の人肉アイテム」が買える!

                                                                                  この泣きぼくろは確かに…。 いまや日本のホラー漫画といえば、海外でも知名度が高い伊藤潤二氏の名が一番に挙がることと思います。2023年1月19日からは、Netflixで20本の名作をアニメ化した『マニアック』が配信されることになっています。 Video: Netflix Japan/YouTube代表作にして代表的なキャラクター『富江』最も有名なのは、やっぱり何度も実写化された『富江』でしょうね。彼女は美しくも妖艶な美少女で、その美貌に虜にされ、独占欲や嫉妬に駆られた男たちに殺されるのですが…たとえバラバラにされても再生し、元の美しいまま復活します。美しさを鼻にかけた高飛車な性格ですが、そこが魅力でもあるんですよね。 妖艶で美しい「富江の人肉アイテム」そんな富江の肉片を具現化したような、キモ美しいガジェット「富江の人肉アイテム」が爆誕。12月26~1月16日まで、代官山の蔦屋書店にて開催さ
