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161 - 200 件 / 577件

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heの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 577件

  • Suspect arrested in stabbing of 4 instructors from Iowa college in China, police say | CNN

    A suspect has been arrested in the stabbing of four US college instructors in a public park in the city of Jilin in northeastern China, police said Tuesday. Authorities identified the suspect only by his last name, Cui, who was describes as a 55-year-old man from the city’s Longtan District. Police said he “collided with a foreigner while walking” in Beishan Park, a popular green space in the city

      Suspect arrested in stabbing of 4 instructors from Iowa college in China, police say | CNN
    • Gaza war: Israel announces daily military pause along road to let in aid

      Israel is under pressure from its allies to enable sufficient aid to reach those living in Gaza The Israeli military says it will hold a daily "tactical pause of military activity" along a road in southern Gaza to enable more humanitarian aid to enter, but emphasised that there is no ceasefire and combat would continue in Rafah. The pauses, which are said to have begun on Saturday, will last from

        Gaza war: Israel announces daily military pause along road to let in aid
      • New Report; National Overviews on Sustaining Institutional Publishing In Europe; Event Summary: CHORUS Forum: Navigating the Future of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) in Scholarly Publishing; & More Headlines

        New Report; National Overviews on Sustaining Institutional Publishing In Europe; Event Summary: CHORUS Forum: Navigating the Future of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) in Scholarly Publishing; & More Headlines American Library Association (ALA) American Library Association (ALA) Releases Free “Partnering for Stronger Programming: A Toolkit for Libraries” CHORUS Event Summary: CHORUS Forum: Navigating

        • Biden v Trump: What are they thinking in Moscow, Beijing and Delhi?

          What Moscow, Beijing and Delhi think of Biden v Trump rematch When Americans choose their next president, the contest is always closely watched around the world. There are countless ways US foreign policy - and the actions of the White House - has an impact on different parts of the globe. American influence abroad is sure to play a part in the first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump on Th

            Biden v Trump: What are they thinking in Moscow, Beijing and Delhi?
          • Iteration and Sidekiq 7.3.0 | Mike Perham

            2024-07-03 Sidekiq is the most popular background job framework for Ruby and works really well if you follow the design guidelines: keep your jobs short and idempotent. What happens if you have a job which processes a large amount of data serially, the infamous long-running job? In that case, deployments can lead to the job failing mid-way because the job will not gracefully allow the Sidekiq proc

            • UN Security Council backs US Gaza ceasefire resolution

              By Ana Faguy, BBC News, Washington • Raffi Berg, BBC News The United Nations Security Council has voted to support a US resolution backing a ceasefire plan for the war in Gaza. The proposal sets out conditions for a "full and complete ceasefire", the release of hostages held by Hamas, the return of dead hostages' remains and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners. Fourteen of the 15 Security Counci

                UN Security Council backs US Gaza ceasefire resolution
              • Review: Moaan InkPalm Plus is weird, cheap, small, and my kind of e-reader

                The Moaan InkPalm Plus and the Kobo Clara HD. It is probably not surprising that I, John Moltz, the world’s leading iPhone mini superfan would also want to use a small e-reader. That’s just science. After spending years reading ebooks on my iPhones and iPads like an animal, I finally got a Kobo Clara HD three years ago. And I really like it. It’s reasonably small, reasonably priced, has a nice scr

                  Review: Moaan InkPalm Plus is weird, cheap, small, and my kind of e-reader
                • クジラの影響でWIFの価格が急落:Ansem氏の関与は事実か? - FIntCrypto

                  最近の仮想通貨市場は、特にミームコインの分野で挑戦的な時期を迎えています。 この週、多くのミームコインが価値を失い、その中にはDogwifhat(WIF)も含まれています。 今年の第1四半期に注目を集めたWIFは、大口投資家(クジラ)の取引活動により、価格が大きく下落しました。 特に、あるアドレスから仮想通貨取引所へと大量のWIFが移動されたことが、市場での憶測を呼んでいます。 この動きは、特にBinanceへの大規模なWIFの転送が報告された金曜日に、仮想通貨コミュニティの間で話題となりました。 報告によると、大量のWIFを保有するトップランクの投資家が、数百万ドル相当のWIFを取引所に移動したのです。 6月21日には、約1100万ドル(約17億5,803万円)相当の597万WIFが送金されました。 さらに、同じアドレスから4800万のトランプコイン(DJT)、約50万ドル相当が売却され

                    クジラの影響でWIFの価格が急落:Ansem氏の関与は事実か? - FIntCrypto
                  • “RegreSSHion” vulnerability in OpenSSH gives attackers root on Linux

                    Researchers have warned of a critical vulnerability affecting the OpenSSH networking utility that can be exploited to give attackers complete control of Linux and Unix servers with no authentication required. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-6387, allows unauthenticated remote code execution with root system rights on Linux systems that are based on glibc, an open source implementation of th

                      “RegreSSHion” vulnerability in OpenSSH gives attackers root on Linux
                    • Gachiakuta Anime Series Teaser PV/Set for Release in 2025

                      Website: https://gachiakuta-anime.com/en/ X: https://x.com/gachiakuta_PR Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gachiakuta_PR TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gachiakuta_PR YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gachiakuta_PR Gachiakuta Anime Series Set for Release in 2025! ■About Gachiakuta Crawl back from the abyss of Hell to change this lousy world! Rudo lives in the slums of a floating town, where

                        Gachiakuta Anime Series Teaser PV/Set for Release in 2025
                      • From Infocom to 80 Days: An oral history of text games and interactive fiction

                        Enlarge / Zork running on an Amiga at the Computerspielemuseum in Berlin, Germany. You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. That simple sentence first appeared on a PDP-10 mainframe in the 1970s, and the words marked the beginning of what we now know as interactive fiction. From the bare-bones text adventures of the 1980s to the heartfelt hypertext works of Twine creato

                          From Infocom to 80 Days: An oral history of text games and interactive fiction
                        • Watching the watchdogs: Palestinians resist unprecedented silencing

                          In the past nine months, national and local authorities in the United States have tried to suppress and criminalise Palestinian activism and expressions of identity. This crackdown has affected various sectors, including politics, business, civil society, higher education, culture and others. Security forces have quelled peaceful protests, officials have made sweeping accusations of anti-Semitism

                            Watching the watchdogs: Palestinians resist unprecedented silencing
                          • Ubisoft CEO Condemns ‘Hateful Acts’ Against Developers Following AC Shadows Backlash - IGN

                            Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has spoken out about "malicious and personal online attacks" that have been directed at his employees and partners, citing it as one of his major concerns in the games industry at the moment. Guillemot gave a wide-ranging interview that was posted on the Ubisoft website on Thursday, speaking about various topics including the future of Assassin's Creed, XDefiant, and mor

                              Ubisoft CEO Condemns ‘Hateful Acts’ Against Developers Following AC Shadows Backlash - IGN
                            • Linux's DRM Panic "Screen of Death" Sees Patches For QR Code Error Messages - Phoronix

                              Linux's DRM Panic "Screen of Death" Sees Patches For QR Code Error Messages Written by Michael Larabel in Linux Kernel on 3 July 2024 at 02:05 PM EDT. 40 Comments Linux 6.10 introduces DRM Panic for providing a new panic screen in case of kernel errors and situations where the VT support may be disabled. This new kernel functionality is akin to Windows' Blue Screen of Death or thanks to open-sourc

                                Linux's DRM Panic "Screen of Death" Sees Patches For QR Code Error Messages - Phoronix
                              • Keir Starmer: From indie kid to prime minister

                                Three years ago Sir Keir Starmer seriously considered quitting as Labour leader. It was 2021 and his party had just lost the Hartlepool by-election to Boris Johnson’s Conservatives. It was the first time Labour had ever lost the seat. Three short years feel like a political lifetime ago now. Sir Keir has become only the fifth person in British history to take Labour from opposition to power. His p

                                  Keir Starmer: From indie kid to prime minister
                                • 【GPTs超え!?】Claude3.5最強アプデ!「Projects」機能を徹底レビュー【プロンプトテンプレ付き】

                                  動画をご覧いただきありがとうございます。 本日はClaude最新アプデ。GPTsを超える「Projects」が搭載されたので徹底レビューしていきます。 参考になったらいいね!とチャンネル登録お願いします♪ ✅0から始めるChatGPT・プロンプトエンジニアリング&画像生成AI DALL-E3マスター講座〜GPTを活用してビジネスの業務効率を最大化する〜 https://www.ririanschool.com/courses/0-chatgpt ✅プロンプトテンプレ配布(公式Line) 以下のキーワードを公式LINEにお送りください。(キーワードのみをお送りください) キーワード:「プロジェクト」 https://liff.line.me/2002090331-7n8Wl5d4/landing?follow=%40540dlsgo&lp=EhB1HE&liff_id=200209033

                                  • 心に留めたい言葉をそっと置いていく✍️① 今の日本人に必要とされるものなのかもしれないな - Thoughts and Healing

                                    アルバート・アインシュタイン(アメリカ 物理学者) なんだかお久しぶりになってしまったので雑談などから始めてみる。最近はアウトプットするよりインプットしたくなって、本を読んだりドラマや映画を見たりしてました。ガザの情勢は悲しくも変わらずですね。日本政府も相変わらずですね。7月7日の都知事選、注目してます。都民としては責任感じます。都民のみんな、ともに投票行こうね。お祭り気分でもいいと思う。今後の政権にも影響するかなり大きな意味のある選挙だと思うしね。一票いれると選挙特番も楽しく見れます。ところで最近ずっと膝が痛くて運動できてないんですけど(言い訳じゃないよ)お酒は飲まなくなって明日で50日!体重減ってます!そして6月13日はBTSデビュー11周年でした。ジンが兵役から戻ってきて休暇をとって集まった7人の写真も見れてほんっとに幸せな気持ちになりました。韓国に徴兵制があること、休戦中であること

                                      心に留めたい言葉をそっと置いていく✍️① 今の日本人に必要とされるものなのかもしれないな - Thoughts and Healing
                                    • The dual protagonists of Assassin's Creed Shadows enabled the series' jump to feudal Japan

                                      At a GlanceCreating two protagonists in a game can create extra work—but it was a perfect fit for Assassin's Creed Shadows.By making African-born samurai Yasuke and shinobi Naome dual leads, Ubisoft Quebec can solve design and marketing challenges.The studio had good reason to try this tactic: it created dual protagonists for 2015's Assassin's Creed Syndicate. One of the main hooks of the Assassin

                                        The dual protagonists of Assassin's Creed Shadows enabled the series' jump to feudal Japan
                                      • France election: Far right hails lead and seeks majority

                                        First-round victory was sweet for Marine Le Pen and her National Rally party France’s far right is in pole position after the first round of parliamentary elections that confirmed their dominance in French politics and brought them to the gates of power. Supporters of Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration National Rally (RN) cheered as she said the president’s “Macronist bloc has been all but wiped out

                                          France election: Far right hails lead and seeks majority
                                        • バイデン政権の政策変更(武器使用条件緩和)とロシア<br>-核戦争への第一歩-

                                          <バイデン政権の政策変更> (新政策) バイデン政権は5月31日、ウクライナがアメリカ提供の武器を使用する条件を緩和する決定を行いました。同日付のスプートニク通信は、米国務省スポークスマンが声明で同通信に対し、バイデンはロシア領土に対する反撃を目的とするアメリカ提供武器の使用を許可したこと、ただし、ATACMSを含む射程の長いミサイルの使用は許可していないことを明らかにしたと報じました。同日のウォールストリート・ジャーナル紙(WSJ)は今回の政策変更の内容を次のように紹介しています。 新しい政策はウクライナ軍に対し、ロシア軍がウクライナ北東部のハルコフに対する攻撃に使用しているロシア国内の指揮所、武器庫その他の資産(command posts, arms depots and other assets on Russian territory that are being used by

                                          • The search for the random numbers that run our lives

                                            The static from a old radio is a form of random interference caused by electromagnetic activity in the atmosphere (Credit: Getty Images) Our world runs on randomly generated numbers and without them a surprising proportion of modern life would break down. So, why are they so hard to find? The friends did their best to explain what they were looking for – a really crackly radio. You know, the kind

                                              The search for the random numbers that run our lives
                                            • Left alliance celebrates as France's far right faces surprise defeat

                                              Jean-Luc Mélenchon, France Unbowed party: 'We are allowed to love our country' France's far-right National Rally was widely expected to win this snap election, but instead they were beaten into third place. A left-wing alliance called New Popular Front won the most seats, after a highly charged and abbreviated election called only four weeks ago by a weakened President Emmanuel Macron. National Ra

                                                Left alliance celebrates as France's far right faces surprise defeat
                                              • Amazon Kindle book downloads were broken, but now they’re back

                                                Amazon/Tech/GadgetsAmazon Kindle book downloads were broken, but now they’re back Amazon Kindle book downloads were broken, but now they’re back / Amazon says an issue that prevented Kindle devices from downloading ebooks has been resolved. By Andrew Liszewski, a senior reporter who's been covering and reviewing the latest gadgets and tech since 2011, but has loved all things electronic since he w

                                                  Amazon Kindle book downloads were broken, but now they’re back
                                                • Japanese ‘Peso’ Making Joe Biden’s 2024 Even Harder

                                                  Nor have Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki’s rather milquetoast and perfunctory comments about possible intervention passed the giggle test. That’s because, let’s face it, after 25-plus years of weak yen policies, Japan is having a difficult time dropping the strategy. The policy has more cons than pros for Asia’s second-biggest economy. The yen is down 7.6% so far this year. If a weak exchange rat

                                                    Japanese ‘Peso’ Making Joe Biden’s 2024 Even Harder
                                                  • Nuseirat, anatomy of Israel’s massacre in Gaza

                                                    It was hailed as a great Israeli success. A bloody ambush that turned into a massacre of nearly 300 displaced people. Suddenly, they were “descending into the depths of hell”, Al Jazeera’s Maram Humaid wrote on June 8. Keep reading list of 3 itemslist 1 of 3Like Sri Lanka once did, Israel has turned ‘safe zones’ into killing fieldslist 2 of 3Collateral genocide in Nuseiratlist 3 of 3US Gaza aid pi

                                                      Nuseirat, anatomy of Israel’s massacre in Gaza
                                                    • Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media Platforms

                                                      The U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, announced on Monday that he would push for a warning label on social media platforms advising parents that using the platforms might damage adolescents’ mental health. Warning labels — like those that appear on tobacco and alcohol products — are one of the most powerful tools available to the nation’s top health official, but Dr. Murthy cannot unilateral

                                                        Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media Platforms
                                                      • TVアニメ「時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん」番宣CM|2024年7月3日(水)放送開始

                                                        TVアニメ「時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん」 ▶︎2024年7月3日(水)より全国24局にて放送開始! TOKYO MX BS日テレ サンテレビ KBS京都 メ~テレ  HTB北海道テレビ RKB毎日放送 テレビ新広島 ミヤギテレビ  テレビ静岡 新潟放送 テレビ山梨 テレビユー福島 あいテレビ  長崎放送 IBC岩手放送 チューリップテレビ 北陸放送 福井テレビ  テレビユー山形 琉球放送 日本海テレビ 鹿児島放送 AT-X ▶︎7月3日(水)23:30〜各配信サイトにて順次配信開始 【見放題サイト】 ABEMA dアニメストア NETFLIX U-NEXT アニメ放題 バンダイチャンネル Hulu Lemino DMM TV TELASA J:COM STREAM milplus 見放題パックプライム Amazon Prime Video FOD 【都度課金サイト】

                                                        • Gren 0.4: New foundations | Gren

                                                          Published: 2024-06-24Gren is a pure functional programmming language that aims to be easy to learn and to reason about, while remaining powerful and portable enough for real-world use. The core packages have been updated with new functionality and quality-of-life improvements. The compiler has started its transition from Haskell to Gren. The book has seen a face lift, and Zulip has been replaced b

                                                          • 数学とAIの未来: 数学者がAIと融合する日|エワルド

                                                            皆さんこんにちは。エワルドといいます。普段は数学専攻の大学生として数学を勉強しているのですが、周りの数学者や数学専攻の学生の発言を聞いているうちに、AI が数学研究に与える影響があまりに過小評価されているのではないかと感じ、このような記事を書いてみることにしました。 従って、本記事は数学をやっている人間の平均的な意見では全くないと思いますが、シンギュラリタリアンの数学徒がどんなことを考えているのか、参考になれば幸いです。 概要今後数十年以内、おそらくは2020年代のうちに、生身の人間による数学は終わりを迎えるだろう。これは一見悲しむべきことに見えるかもしれないが、実は数学の世界をを探求したいと願うすべての人にとっての福音である。人類は AI を用いて、そして AI と融合することによって、これまで以上の厳密性を実現すると同時に数学的直観を拡張し、未だ手つかずの領域を開拓できるようになる。数

                                                              数学とAIの未来: 数学者がAIと融合する日|エワルド
                                                            • Nuneaton serial burglar jailed for four years

                                                              A sneak thief who has appeared in court for the fourth time as a ‘three strikes’ burglar has been jailed. Anthony Bray had denied carrying out the burglary at a house in Arbury Road, Nuneaton, but changed his plea to guilty on the day he had been due to stand trial. Sentencing was then delayed because Bray was facing an unconnected allegation of witness intimidation, of which he has since been cle

                                                              • World faces ‘staggering’ excess of oil by end of decade, warns IEA

                                                                Producers are still ploughing investment into additional capacity despite a looming glut Credit: Igors Aleksejevs/iStockphoto The world will face a “staggering” excess of oil by the end of the decade, the International Energy Agency has said, as producers continue to plough money into new projects despite the shift to net zero. The IEA said an “unprecedented” glut of oil by 2030 would disrupt atte

                                                                  World faces ‘staggering’ excess of oil by end of decade, warns IEA
                                                                • Meta is connecting Threads more deeply with the fediverse

                                                                  Threads/Meta/TechMeta is connecting Threads more deeply with the fediverse Meta is connecting Threads more deeply with the fediverse / You’ll now be able to like and see replies from other platforms right inside Threads. By Jay Peters, a news editor who writes about technology, video games, and virtual worlds. He’s submitted several accepted emoji proposals to the Unicode Consortium.

                                                                    Meta is connecting Threads more deeply with the fediverse
                                                                  • TVアニメ「時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん」メインPV第二弾|7月3日(水)放送開始

                                                                    7月3日(水)より放送開始のTVアニメ『時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん』 (通称、『ロシデレ』)のメインPV第二弾が公開! 更科茅咲(CV.河瀬茉希)、剣崎統也(CV.石川界人)のキャラボイスも初公開! また、花譜 × ズーカラデルによるコラボ曲『秘密の言葉』 アーリャ(CV:上坂すみれ)ver.も初公開! 花譜さん・ズーカラデルさんよりお祝いコメントも到着いたしました。 花譜 ===================== アニメ放送前のビックプレゼント!!大好きなズーカラデルさんとの組曲、「秘密の言葉」。 アーリャさんを演じた上坂すみれさんだからこそ、声に込められるときめきやあたたかさみたいなものを切実に感じる歌唱で、とても素敵でした…! 放送が待ち遠しいです!!楽しみだ〜! ===================== ズーカラデル =================

                                                                    • What Meta should change about Threads, one year in

                                                                      It’s been a year since Meta pushed out Threads in an attempt to take on the platform now known as X. At the time, Mark Zuckerberg said that he hoped it would turn into “a public conversations app with 1 billion+ people on it.” Meta’s timing was good. Threads launched at a particularly chaotic moment for Twitter, when many people were seeking out alternatives. Threads saw 30 million sign-ups in its

                                                                        What Meta should change about Threads, one year in
                                                                      • How to think in writing

                                                                        The reason I've spent so long establishing this rather obvious point [that writing helps you refine your thinking] is that it leads to another that many people will find shocking. If writing down your ideas always makes them more precise and more complete, then no one who hasn't written about a topic has fully formed ideas about it. And someone who never writes has no fully formed ideas about anyt

                                                                          How to think in writing
                                                                        • Immunity Ruling Escalates Long Rise of Presidential Power

                                                                          The Supreme Court’s decision to bestow presidents with immunity from prosecution over official actions is an extraordinary expansion of executive power that will reverberate long after Donald J. Trump is gone. Beyond its immediate implications for the election subversion case against Mr. Trump and the prospect that he may feel less constrained by law if he returns to power, the ruling also adds to

                                                                            Immunity Ruling Escalates Long Rise of Presidential Power
                                                                          • X Window System At 40

                                                                            X11R1 on Sun Techfury90 CC0 I apologize that this post is a little late. On 19th June the X Window System celebrated its 40th birthday. Wikipedia has a comprehensive history of the system including the e-mail Bob Scheifler sent announcing the first release: From: rws@mit-bold (Robert W. Scheifler) To: window@athena Subject: window system X Date: 19 June 1984 0907-EDT (Tuesday) I've spent the last

                                                                              X Window System At 40
                                                                            • Masked men who abused refugees likely worked ‘in concert’ with Greece

                                                                              Athens, Greece – Last summer, a shocking video of asylum seekers cable-tied and blindfolded in the back of a van on a Greek holiday island went viral online. At the time, the veracity of the video was questioned and Theodosis Nikitaras, the mayor of Kos, filed a defamation case against the NGO that published it. Keep reading list of 4 itemslist 1 of 4The EU-Mauritania migration deal is destined to

                                                                              • Tired man thought what songs he had listend in the first half of the year. - あかりぱぱの徒然なるままに

                                                                                脈略なく・・・ "おやつだわーん!” 土曜日。 平日の疲れが抜けなくて、ゆっくり過ごした土曜日。 akari-papa.hatenadiary.jp そんな土曜日に、フト考えた、今年になって聞いた曲。 最近は、The mourning Widows の アルバムを良く聴いていますが、今年に入ってから何を聴いていたのだろう。 Too Late Mourning Widows ロック ¥153 provided courtesy of iTunes Paint the Town Red Mourning Widows ロック ¥153 provided courtesy of iTunes True Love In the Galaxy Mourning Widows ロック ¥153 provided courtesy of iTunes Apple Musicに、"Reply”という機能が

                                                                                  Tired man thought what songs he had listend in the first half of the year. - あかりぱぱの徒然なるままに
                                                                                • Coca-Cola ad in Bangladesh sparks backlash for ‘denying ties with Israel’

                                                                                  Dhaka, Bangladesh – A 60-second Coca-Cola advertisement in Bangladesh has caused a storm of criticism for the beverage giant over its attempt to distance itself from Israel amid the war on Gaza. Since October 7, when Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip began, dozens of companies, including Coca-Cola, have seen a decline in sales in Muslim-majority countries, with consumers calling for a boycott of