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  • Docker on MacOS is slow and how to fix it

    Thanks to the DALL·E 2, we finally have a very nice graphic representation of the feelings of a Docker container inside a macOS environment, I will try with this article to make this poor container safe to the coast. TL;DR Link to headingAt the time of writing, the only viable option to have a decent performance and a good DX are: VirtioFS to share the filesystem (Docker Desktop, Rancher Desktop,

    • Vite 3.0 is out! | Vite

      Vite 3.0 is out! ​ July 23, 2022 - Check out the Vite 4.0 announcement In February last year, Evan You released Vite 2. Since then, its adoption has grown non-stop, reaching more than 1 million npm downloads per week. A sprawling ecosystem rapidly formed after the release. Vite is powering a renewed innovation race in Web frameworks. Nuxt 3 uses Vite by default. SvelteKit, Astro, Hydrogen, and Sol

        Vite 3.0 is out! | Vite
      • BPFAgent: eBPF for Monitoring at DoorDash - DoorDash Engineering Blog

        Patrick RogersPatrick Rogers is a software engineer at DoorDash since early 2019. Initially a member of the merchant integrations and order platform teams, he now works on the Observability team with a focus on leveraging eBPF and distributed tracing data to improve understanding & reliability of DoorDash's distributed systems. Author's Linkedin As DoorDash experienced rapid growth over the last f

          BPFAgent: eBPF for Monitoring at DoorDash - DoorDash Engineering Blog
        • PyTorch 2.0

          Get Started Select preferences and run the command to install PyTorch locally, or get started quickly with one of the supported cloud platforms. Overview Introducing PyTorch 2.0, our first steps toward the next generation 2-series release of PyTorch. Over the last few years we have innovated and iterated from PyTorch 1.0 to the most recent 1.13 and moved to the newly formed PyTorch Foundation, par

            PyTorch 2.0
          • Rails 6.1 RC2: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!

            Rails 6.1 RC2: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more! The second release candidate for Rails 6.1 has been released and brings a more robust experience for those already trying this version. We’ve been hard at work tweaking and adjusting the nobs to have so using this version is a smooth ride to everyone. The final re

              Rails 6.1 RC2: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!
            • How RocksDB works - Artem Krylysov

              Introduction # Over the past years, the adoption of RocksDB increased dramatically. It became a standard for embeddable key-value stores. Today RocksDB runs in production at Meta, Microsoft, Netflix, Uber. At Meta RocksDB serves as a storage engine for the MySQL deployment powering the distributed graph database. Big tech companies are not the only RocksDB users. Several startups were built around

              • How does Sidekiq work? | Mike Perham

                2024-02-04 This article was originally published on DanSvetlov.me and is republished here with permission of the author. This article is relevant to Sidekiq v7. Sidekiq is one of the most ubiquitous1 Ruby background job processors out there. To anybody who has worked with Ruby on and off Rails, it needs no introduction. Sidekiq has a 10+ year track record of being an efficient, battle-tested and s

                • Algebraic Effects for React Developers

                  It’s in words that the magic is—Abracadabra, Open Sesame, and the rest—but the magic words in one story aren’t magical in the next. The real magic is to understand which words work, and when, and for what; the trick is to learn the trick. - John Barth, Chimera It’s been quite some time since Hooks were officially stabilized in React 16.8, and with them came a fundamentally different way of underst

                    Algebraic Effects for React Developers
                  • PostgreSQL WALログの仕組みとタイミングを理解したい

                    普段はアプリケーションレイヤの仕事をしているため、「データベースはデータを入れておくただの箱」という発想でした。が、さすがにこれはまずいだろう、と思いたち、勉強中です。 とくにデータベースが専門領域というわけではないので、間違いがあれば教えてください。 検証バージョンPostgreSQL 10.5 自前ビルドはじめにPostgeSQL におけるデータの実態はファイル。 言うまでもないが、ディスクに書きこむことでデータを永続化する。 しかし、メモリと比較してディスクへの読み書きは非常に遅い。 参考 プログラマーが知っておくべき「PC内部の通信速度」 そのため、ディスクアクセスをできる限り減らして、より高速にアクセスできるメモリで処理しておき、ある程度まとめてディスクに書き出せば早いじゃないか。(No Force = コミット 時にディスクへ書き込まない。いつか誰かがやる。) しかしこの仕組み

                      PostgreSQL WALログの仕組みとタイミングを理解したい
                    • The Zen of Go

                      Ten engineering values for writing simple, readable, maintainable Go code. Presented at GopherCon Israel 2020. Each package fulfils a single purpose A well designed Go package provides a single idea, a set of related behaviours. A good Go package starts by choosing a good name. Think of your package’s name as an elevator pitch to describe what it provides, using just one word. Handle errors explic

                      • Open-Sourcing Metaflow, a Human-Centric Framework for Data Science

                        by David Berg, Ravi Kiran Chirravuri, Romain Cledat, Savin Goyal, Ferras Hamad, Ville Tuulos tl;dr Metaflow is now open-source! Get started at metaflow.org. Netflix applies data science to hundreds of use cases across the company, including optimizing content delivery and video encoding. Data scientists at Netflix relish our culture that empowers them to work autonomously and use their judgment to

                          Open-Sourcing Metaflow, a Human-Centric Framework for Data Science
                        • Uncovering a 24-year-old bug in the Linux Kernel

                          As part of our standard toolkit, we provide each developer at Skroutz with a writable database snapshot against which she can develop. These snapshots are updated daily through a pipeline that involves taking an LVM snapshot of production data, anonymizing the dataset by stripping all personal data, and transferring it via rsync to the development database servers. The development servers in turn

                            Uncovering a 24-year-old bug in the Linux Kernel
                          • Announcing Rust 1.68.0 | Rust Blog

                            The Rust team is happy to announce a new version of Rust, 1.68.0. Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. If you have a previous version of Rust installed via rustup, you can get 1.68.0 with: $ rustup update stable If you don't have it already, you can get rustup from the appropriate page on our website, and check out the detailed release notes

                              Announcing Rust 1.68.0 | Rust Blog
                            • Highlights from Git 2.36

                              EngineeringOpen SourceHighlights from Git 2.36Another new release of Git is here! Take a look at some of our highlights on what's new in Git 2.36. The open source Git project just released Git 2.36, with features and bug fixes from over 96 contributors, 26 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.35 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here’s GitHub’

                                Highlights from Git 2.36
                              • Vector databases (4): Analyzing the trade-offs

                                Choosing the right vector DB solution#Welcome back! In the previous post in this 4-part series, we looked at the different types of indexes typically used in vector DBs. However, indexing is just a small part of the bigger elephant in the room when it comes to vector databases. Recall that in part 2, we described what a vector database is. To distinguish between the various vector DB offerings out

                                • Claude-3でアニメーション書かせてみた!AIアニメ新時代|shi3z

                                  学校の先生の皆さんに朗報です。 もうアニメーションをパワポで頑張って作る必要はないかもしれません。 まあ別のことを頑張らなければなりませんが。 Claude-3は、Pythonでアニメーションを生成するプログラムを生成できます。 「こんな感じのアニメーションを作るPythonコードを書け」と言えば作ってくれます。 まず百聞は一見にしかず。こちらをご覧あれ これはニューラルネットの基本中の基本である「三層パーセプトロン」の動作をアニメーション化したものです。これは便利。今までKeynoteとかのアニメーション機能を駆使して作っていたのですが、できることとできないことがあり、どうしても妥協するしかありませんでした。 このアニメーションのように、パーセプトロンの上をどのように信号が流れていくかを可視化するのは専用のプログラムを書かなくてはならず、非常に面倒でした。仕事でなければやってらんねえ。

                                  • What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong

                                    This is my closing talk (video) from the GopherConAU conference in Sydney, given November 10, 2023, the 14th anniversary of Go being launched as an open source project. The text is interspersed with the slides used in the presentation. What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong INTRODUCTION Hello. Let me start by thanking Katie and Chewy for the giving me the honor of presenting the closing talk for the

                                      What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong
                                    • Full accessibility tree in Chrome DevTools  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                      Chrome DevTools is launching a full accessibility tree making it easier for developers to get an overview of the whole tree. In this post find out how this tree is created and how to use it in your work. What is the accessibility tree? Assistive technology such as screen readers use Chromium’s accessibility API to interact with web content. The underlying model of this API is the accessibility tre

                                      • Get your work recognized: write a brag document

                                        There’s this idea that, if you do great work at your job, people will (or should!) automatically recognize that work and reward you for it with promotions / increased pay. In practice, it’s often more complicated than that – some kinds of important work are more visible/memorable than others. It’s frustrating to have done something really important and later realize that you didn’t get rewarded fo

                                        • iPhone14、A15など一部でiPhone13と同じパーツを使用も性能は向上へ:リーカー - こぼねみ

                                          Appleが9月の発売に向けて準備を進めている新型「iPhone 14」シリーズについて。 iPhone 14の標準モデルは、現行iPhone 13と同じA15 Bionicチップを搭載しているにもかかわらず、iPhone 13よりも性能が向上していることをリーカーShrimpApplePro氏はツイートしています。 新しいiPhoneのイメージ著名なAppleアナリストMing-Chi Kuo氏は3月に、iPhone 14 ProモデルのみA16チップを搭載し、iPhone 14とiPhone 14 Maxの標準モデルにはiPhone 13と同じA15チップが搭載されると主張していました。BloombergのMark Gurman氏もまた同様の報告をしていました。 このことは、すべての最新iPhoneに同じチップを搭載してきたAppleのこれまでの戦略とは異なるものです。たとえば、現行の

                                            iPhone14、A15など一部でiPhone13と同じパーツを使用も性能は向上へ:リーカー - こぼねみ
                                          • Trends in Natural Language Processing: ACL 2019 In Review - Mihail Eric

                                            This week I had the great fortune to attend the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2019 held in wonderful Florence in an old Medici family fortress. Conferences are some of my favorite events to attend because in a very short amount of time you are able to tap into the stream-of-consciousness of a community, to learn what people are thinking and where the field i

                                              Trends in Natural Language Processing: ACL 2019 In Review - Mihail Eric
                                            • Durability: Linux File APIs (evanjones.ca)

                                              [ 2020-October-12 10:26 ] As part of investigating the durability provided by cloud systems, I wanted to make sure I understood the basics. I started by reading the NVMe specification, to understand the guarantees provided by disks. The summary is that you should assume your data is corrupt between when a write is issued until after a flush or force unit access write completes. However, most progr

                                              • 週刊Railsウォッチ: Railsコンソールが最新のIRB APIに移行、assertionless_tests_behaviorほか(20240513前編)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                                こんにちは、hachi8833です。以下のお知らせに先ほど気づきました🎉。 💎Kaigi on Rails 2024 公式サイト オープン!💎 オンラインとオフラインのハイブリット開催です! 日程:2024.10.25 (Fri.) - 26 (Sat.) 有明セントラルタワーホールhttps://t.co/Jwk5Zro27S#kaigionrails — Kaigi on Rails (@kaigionrails) May 7, 2024 週刊Railsウォッチについて 各記事冒頭には🔗でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までメンションをいただければ確認・対応いたします🙏 Te

                                                  週刊Railsウォッチ: Railsコンソールが最新のIRB APIに移行、assertionless_tests_behaviorほか(20240513前編)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                                • HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS)とは?

                                                  はじめに Webサイトがどのように表示されるのかを知るために『What happens when...』を読みました。 しかし、HSTSが何なのか理解できず、かなり最初の方でつまづいてしまったので、今回の記事では自分が調べたことをまとめたいと思います。 「HSTSをチェックする」 以下が『What happens when...』で書かれていた説明です。 ブラウザは"preloaded HSTS(HTTP Strict Transport Security)"リストを調べます。これはHTTPSでのみリクエストを送るように求めているウェブサイトの一覧です。 もしそのウェブサイトがリストにあれば、ブラウザはHTTPではなくHTTPSでリクエストを送ります。なければ最初のリクエストはHTTPで送られます。ウェブサイトは、HSTS一覧になくてもHSTSポリシーを利用可能であることに注意してください

                                                    HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS)とは?
                                                  • ミドルウェアのソースコードリーディングのすすめ - freee Developers Hub

                                                    この記事は freee Developers Advent Calendar 2020 の 21 日目です。 プロダクト基盤本部で本部長をしています浅羽と申します。プロダクト基盤は文字通りプロダクトの基盤を作っており、SRE、アカウントアグリゲーション基盤、セキュリティ、アプリケーションの基盤、品質、Eng企画と多岐にわたるチームになっています。普段は組織運営であったり困ったことに相談乗ったり、暇を見つけてコード書いたりしています。よろしくおねがいします! freeeではサービスの安定稼働を重視しており、SREではデプロイの高速化やカナリアリリースなどのような「仮にまずいリリースがでてもすぐに引っ込める」仕組みの開発をしています。もちろんサービス障害が発生しないようにQAチーム中心に対策していますが、失敗はある前提の元でいかにリカバリを素早くできるかも大切にしています。これはこれでどこかで

                                                      ミドルウェアのソースコードリーディングのすすめ - freee Developers Hub
                                                    • PHP 8: Attributes - stitcher.io

                                                      PHP 8: Attributes As of PHP 8, we'll be able to use attributes. The goal of these attributes, also known as annotations in many other languages, is to add meta data to classes, methods, variables and what not; in a structured way. The concept of attributes isn't new at all, we've been using docblocks to simulate their behaviour for years now. With the addition of attributes though, we now have a f

                                                        PHP 8: Attributes - stitcher.io
                                                      • Error Handling In Rust - A Deep Dive | Luca Palmieri

                                                        Error Handling In Rust - A Deep Dive May 13, 2021 8550 words 43 min This article is a sample from Zero To Production In Rust, a hands-on introduction to backend development in Rust. You can get a copy of the book at zero2prod.com. TL;DR To send a confirmation email you have to stitch together multiple operations: validation of user input, email dispatch, various database queries. They all have one

                                                          Error Handling In Rust - A Deep Dive | Luca Palmieri
                                                        • Etsy Engineering | Developing in a Monorepo While Still Using Webpack

                                                          When I talk to friends and relatives about what I do at Etsy, I have to come up with an analogy about what Frontend Infrastructure is. It’s a bit tricky to describe because it’s something that you don’t see as an end user; the web pages that people interact with are several steps removed from the actual work that a frontend infrastructure engineer does. The analogy that I usually fall to is that o

                                                            Etsy Engineering | Developing in a Monorepo While Still Using Webpack
                                                          • Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQL - EXPLAIN EXTENDED

                                                            Translations: Russian This year, the talk of the town was AI and how it can do everything for you. I like it when someone or something does everything for me. To this end, I decided to ask ChatGPT to write my New Year's post: "Hey ChatGPT. Can you implement a large language model in SQL?" "No, SQL is not suitable for implementing large language models. SQL is a language for managing and querying d

                                                              Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQL - EXPLAIN EXTENDED
                                                            • Why I’m building a new async runtime | Stjepan’s blog

                                                              Rust has a relatively new async/await system, and one of its peculiarities is that it doesn’t have a runtime baked in like many other programming languages do. To write an async program, you have to pick a library like async-std or tokio, or implement a runtime on your own. The apparent competition between async-std and tokio to become the one true runtime has created the dreaded ecosystem split,

                                                              • Diagnosing Packet Loss in Linux Network Virtualization Layers: Part 1 - IBM Blog

                                                                Packet loss is the most common and the most serious issue in networks. Sometimes it takes weeks or even months for network administrators and developers to diagnose packet loss. Diagnosis becomes even more difficult in a cloud infrastructure, where the network is highly virtualized by multiple layers — from an application and a guest operating system to the host operating system and a network card

                                                                  Diagnosing Packet Loss in Linux Network Virtualization Layers: Part 1 - IBM Blog
                                                                • Topics API Developer's Guide  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers

                                                                  Topics API Developer's Guide Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Learn how to work with the API, including how to use Chrome flags for testing. Implementation status The Topics API has completed the public discussion phase and is currently available to 99 percent of users, scaling up to 100 percent. To provide your feedback on the Topics API, crea

                                                                    Topics API Developer's Guide  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers
                                                                  • Poor Disk Performance

                                                                    Recent posts: 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netflix End of Series 1 09 Apr 2022 » TensorFlow Library Performance 19 Mar 2022 » Why Don't You Use ... 26 Sep 2021 » The Speed of Time 06 Sep 2021 »

                                                                    • Deployment reliability at GitHub

                                                                      EngineeringDeployment reliability at GitHubLast week, we described how we improved the deployment experience for github.com. When we describe deployments at GitHub, the deployment experience is an important part of what it takes to ship applications to production, especially at GitHub's scale, but there is more to it: the actual deployment mechanics need to be fast and reliable. Welcome to another

                                                                        Deployment reliability at GitHub
                                                                      • Build in-browser WordPress experiences with WordPress Playground and WebAssembly  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                        Build in-browser WordPress experiences with WordPress Playground and WebAssembly Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. When you first see WordPress Playground, it seems like an ordinary site–maybe except for the colorful background. It's anything but. What you're actually looking at is an entire WordPress tech stack, including PHP and a database, ru

                                                                        • HSTS が原因で、ウェブサイトが勝手にhttps接続しないようにする

                                                                          参考 6.4.7. 307 Temporary Redirect | RFC 7231 – HTTP/1.1: Semantics and Content2. HSTS の問題点このHSTS、以下のようなことが起きるとかなり面倒です。 ある期間、example.com というドメインのウェブサイトを運営しているウェブサーバーが Strict-Transport-Security というレスポンスヘッダを返すよう設定されていました。その期間中にそのウェブサーバーにアクセスしたブラウザは、ブラウザ内の「HSTS適用ドメイン」に example.com を追加します。しばらくして、このウェブサイトにおいて「 https でアクセスされると何らかの問題が起きる」ことが発覚したとします。サイト運営者は http でもアクセスできるように、example.com のウェブサーバーが、Strict-Tr

                                                                            HSTS が原因で、ウェブサイトが勝手にhttps接続しないようにする
                                                                          • Write a time-series database engine from scratch

                                                                            Write a time-series database engine from scratch July 1, 2021 This blog post walks you through how to implement a time-series database engine based on what I’ve learned from my experience of writing a lightweight one from scratch. While it is written in Go, it mostly covers language-agnostic. Motivation I’ve been working on a couple of tools that handle a tremendous amount of time-series data. One

                                                                              Write a time-series database engine from scratch
                                                                            • Kafka Without ZooKeeper: A Sneak Peek At the Simplest Kafka Yet

                                                                              At the heart of Apache Kafka® sits the log—a simple data structure that uses sequential operations that work symbiotically with the underlying hardware. Efficient disk buffering and CPU cache usage, prefetch, zero-copy data transfers, and many other benefits arise from the log-centric design, leading to the high efficiency and throughput that it is known for. For those new to Kafka, the topic—and

                                                                                Kafka Without ZooKeeper: A Sneak Peek At the Simplest Kafka Yet
                                                                              • Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01

                                                                                Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01August 12, 2023 Linux kernel is often mentioned as a overwhelmingly large open source software. As of this writing, the latest version is v6.5-rc5, which consists of 36M lines of code. Needless to say, Linux is a fruit of hard work of many contributors over the decades. However, the first version of Linux, v0.01 was pretty small. It consisted of only 10,239 li

                                                                                  Exploring the internals of Linux v0.01
                                                                                • Achilles: Small chip, big peril. - Check Point Software

                                                                                  Search Geo Menu Choose your language... English (English) Spanish (Español) French (Français) German (Deutsch) Italian (Italiano) Portuguese (Português) Russian (Русский) Japanese (日本語) Chinese (中文) Czech (čeština) Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) Korean (한국어) Dutch (Nederlands) Polish (Polszczyzna) Turkish (Türkçe) Taiwan (繁體中文) Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) Products Quantum Quantum Maestro Quantum Lights

                                                                                    Achilles: Small chip, big peril. - Check Point Software