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internalsの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 311件

  • Perl Internalsについて - Unknown::Programming

    実は、Perl 5.8以降では、Internals::SvREADONLY()という関数がuseなしで使えるようになっていて、Internals::SvREADONLY($scalar, 1)で$scalarをREADONLY flagをonに、Internals::SvREADONLY($scalar, 0)でoffにできます。 404 Blog Not Found:perl - Const released -- True Readonly SUGEEEE、ってかそんなのあるなんて知らなかった。まぢで?まぢで?早速試してみた。 my $foo = 10; Internals::SvREADONLY($foo, 1); eval { $foo = 'WRYYYYYY' }; # エラーになるはず print $@ ? "error! $@" : 'not error!'; Interna

      Perl Internalsについて - Unknown::Programming

      メッセージがとり得る可能な状態の一覧: + はファイルが存在すること、 - はファイルが存在しないこと、 ? はどちらもありうること をしめす。 S1. -mess -intd -todo -info -local -remote -bounce S2. +mess -intd -todo -info -local -remote -bounce S3. +mess +intd -todo -info -local -remote -bounce S4. +mess ?intd +todo ?info ?local ?remote -bounce (queued) S5. +mess -intd -todo +info ?local ?remote ?bounce (preprocessed) 保証事項: もし mess/457 があれば、そのinode番号は457である。 3. メッセー

      • Golang Internals, Part 1: Main Concepts and Project Structure

        Inside the Go compilerAs we mentioned above, the architecture-independent part of the Go compiler is located in the /src/cmd/gc/ folder. The entry point is located in the lex.c file. Apart from some common stuff, such as parsing command line arguments, the compiler does the following: Initializes some common data structures.Iterates through all of the provided Go files and calls the yyparse method

          Golang Internals, Part 1: Main Concepts and Project Structure
        • Flex Internals 1 ~MXML 再入門~

          How to read →, Space Next Page ←, Shift + Space Prev Page [0-9] + Enter Jump to the page

          • PostgreSQL 14 Internals

            This book is for those who will not settle for a black-box approach when working with a database. Briefly touching upon the main concepts of PostgreSQL, the book then plunges into the depths of data consistency and isolation, explaining implementation details of multiversion concurrency control and snapshot isolation, buffer cache and write-ahead log, and the locking system. The rest of the book c

            • The internals and the latest trends of container runtimes (2023)

              Last week I had an opportunity to give an online lecture about containers to students at Kyoto University. The slide deck can be found here (PDF): 1. Introduction to containersWhat are containers?Containers are a set of various lightweight methods to isolate filesystems, CPU resources, memory resources, system permissions, etc. Containers are similar to virtual machines in many senses, but they ar

                The internals and the latest trends of container runtimes (2023)
              • Mac OS X and iOS Internals

                Book Description Powering Macs, iPhones, iPads and more, OS X and iOS are becoming ubiquitous. When it comes to documentation, however, much of them are shrouded in mystery. Cocoa and Carbon, the application frameworks, are neatly described, but system programmers find the rest lacking. This indispensable guide illuminates the darkest corners of those systems, starting with an architectural overvi

                  Mac OS X and iOS Internals
                • Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals

                  Tigran Aivazian tigran@veritas.com7 August 2002 (29 av 6001) 訳: Hiroshi Miura miura@da-cha.org22 May 2003 この文書はLinux 2.4カーネルの手引きです。原文の最新版は、以下のURLからダウンロードできます。 http://www.moses.uklinux.net/patches/lki.sgml また、訳文の最新版は、 http://www.da-cha.org/ にて配布されます。 このガイドは、現在では、LDP (Linux Documentation Project)の一部となっており、 http://www.linuxdoc.org/guides.html から様々なフォーマットでダウンロードできます。 また、最新版は http://www.moses.uklinux.n

                  • Windows Internals II - 課題・講義資料

                    Windows Internals II - 課題・講義資料 講義資料・課題資料など 講義用資料 Windows Internals II - Projects WindowsKernelOverview KernelExtensions WindowsDriverModel WindowsDriverFoundation ObjectManagerLPC x86TrapsInterruptsExceptions VirtualMachineArchitecture ProcessesThreadsVM AdvancedFileSystems Monad 課題のための補足資料(日本語) 課題の概要(提出方法など) Project I -- Kernel-mode extensions Project II -- Writing OS subsystems Project III -- NT

                    • Sledge Internals

                      ソースを見るのが一番早く、正確に理解ができると思うのですが、その前のとっかかりとしてSledgeの内部について少し書いてみたいと思います。 SledgeにはSledge::Pages::Baseというモジュールがあり、このモジュールにはSledgeのライフサイクルの根幹となるメソッド群が定義されています。Sledgeの内部を調べたりAPIを調べる際には、まずここから調べ始めるべきです。 Sledgeのライフサイクルをものすごく単純にすると、下記のような感じになります。 init [AFTER_INIT] dispatch init_dispatch [BEFORE_DISPATCH] post_dispatch_foo dispatch_foo [AFTER_DISPATCH] output_content [AFTER_OUTPUT] このライフサイクルでなにが行なわれているかというと、

                      • Flex Internals1 〜MXML 再入門〜 発表資料 - てっく煮ブログ

                        flexFlex2勉強会第20回@大阪工業大学 で発表してきました。発表資料はこちらです。Flex Internals 1 〜MXML 再入門〜ソースコード (156KB)MXML の裏側がどうなっているかを掘り下げています。もっとマニアックに行く予定だったのですが、作っているうちに、結局初心者向けになってしまいました。注目してほしいのは後半に出てくる「インスペクタ」。今年のお正月に作ったまま放置してたものを、この機会に発掘してみました。ソースコードの中にインスペクタのソースも入っているので、興味がある人は見てください。あまり Flex を理解していない時代の作品なので、Flex っぽくないソースになってますが…。第2回はどうしようかと色々悩んだのですが、次回はてら子と共催ということで、レイアウトネタにしてみようかな、と構想中です。以下、スライド作りの苦労話今回は、Flex 勉強会というこ

                        • Top (GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals)

                          This file documents the internals of the GNU compilers. Copyright © 1988-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being “Funding Free Software”, the Front-Cover Texts being (a)

                          • WebKit Internals API - latest log

                            WebKit をデバッグビルドすると、UnitTest用と思われる隠しAPIが利用可能になります。 window.internals.xxx() を実行することで… 一時停止できないはずのKeyFrameアニメーションを一時停止したり 各種ハードウェア/ソフトウェアの状態を取得したり メモリキャッシュ/ページキャッシュをクリアしたり スタイルを強制的に再計算したり(リフロー) GC 発生を知ることができたり(GC observe) などが可能になるようです。 隠しAPIは250個以上あるようなので、寝れない夜に眺めると良いかもしれません。

                              WebKit Internals API - latest log
                            • php.internals: Changes to Git commit workflow

                              Hi everyone, Yesterday (2021-03-28) two malicious commits were pushed to the php-src repo [1] from the names of Rasmus Lerdorf and myself. We don't yet know how exactly this happened, but everything points towards a compromise of the git.php.net server (rather than a compromise of an individual git account). While investigation is still underway, we have decided that maintaining our own git infras

                              • GNU C Compiler Internals/Print version - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

                                What this book is: a guide to GCC internals for extension programmers. GEM framework for developing modular extensions is introduced. What this book is not: a programming language reference, GCC installation manual. GNU C Compiler Architecture. Compiling an Expression An Overview of GCC Architecture. Compilation of an expression. This section is based on a Red Hat magazine article [1]. The GNU Com

                                • Git Internals part 1: The git object model

                                  This is the first of several posts exploring how git works under the hood. While lots of programmers are familiar with using git, I wanted to do a deep dive into how git is implemented. git employs many clever ideas to optimize common version control operations. I'm a big fan of trying to understand software by playing around with it rather than reading lots of documentation. To that end, I've wri

                                    Git Internals part 1: The git object model
                                  • Go compiler internals: adding a new statement to Go - Part 1 - Eli Bendersky's website

                                    Updated (2023-05-08): the Go compiler keeps evolving and it takes time to keep up with changes. While the general gist of this post remains true and it's worth reading to understand how the compiler works on a high level, the details of the modifications are slightly different now. To see up-do-date changes that work with the latest Go (in-development version 1.21 at the time of this update), chec

                                    • iPhone 5s/c and iMac Internals Wallpapers | iFixit News

                                      Internal-exposing wallpapers galore! Now that we’ve cooled down and recovered from four teardowns in a week, here’s one of the awesome results: sweet internals wallpapers that let you peer right through the LCD on your new iPhone 5s or 5c, or iMac 21.5″ or 27″. Cropped to double the native resolution of the 5s and 5c for all of the extra pixels you could need, these wallpapers are perfectly sized

                                        iPhone 5s/c and iMac Internals Wallpapers | iFixit News
                                      • Flutter - Flutter internals

                                        IntroductionWhen I started up my journey into the fabulous world of Flutter beginning 2018, very little documentation could be found on Internet compared to what exists today. Despite the number of articles that have been written, very few talk about how Flutter actually works. What are finally the Widgets, the Elements, the BuildContext ? Why is Flutter fast and why does it sometimes work differe

                                          Flutter - Flutter internals
                                        • 2d Index Internals — MongoDB Manual

                                          General InformationDocumentationDeveloper Articles & TopicsCommunity ForumsBlogUniversity

                                            2d Index Internals — MongoDB Manual
                                          • Perl 5 internals の世界にようこそ - daisuke maki

                                            Shibuya Perl Mongersテクニカルトーク#9マイリスト: mylist/7281253発表資料など: http://mt.endeworks.jp/d-6/2008/06/shibuyapm-9.html

                                              Perl 5 internals の世界にようこそ - daisuke maki
                                            • Understanding JVM Internals | CUBRID blog

                                              Every developer who uses Java knows that Java bytecode runs in a JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The most important element of the JRE is Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which analyzes and executes Java byte code. Java developers do not need to know how JVM works. So many great applications and libraries have already been developed without developers understanding JVM deeply. However, if you understan

                                                Understanding JVM Internals | CUBRID blog
                                              • GitHub - teh-cmc/go-internals: A book about the internals of the Go programming language.

                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                  GitHub - teh-cmc/go-internals: A book about the internals of the Go programming language.
                                                • Firefox mobile for android internals

                                                  Web Technology features with Firefox 3.6 / Gecko 1.9.2� and later

                                                    Firefox mobile for android internals
                                                  • Dynamic certificate internals with ngx_mruby #nagoyark03

                                                    Talk for Nagoya Ruby Kaigi 03 (http://regional.rubykaigi.org/nagoya03/) by OKUMURA Takahiro. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - …

                                                      Dynamic certificate internals with ngx_mruby #nagoyark03
                                                    • Git's database internals II: commit history queries

                                                      Avoiding the expensive commit parsing results in a nice constant factor speedup (about 6x in these examples), but we need something more to get even better performance out of certain queries. Reachability indexes One of the most important questions we ask about commits is “can commit A reach commit B?” If we can answer that question quickly, then commands such as git tag --contains and git branch

                                                        Git's database internals II: commit history queries
                                                      • Philip Guo - CPython internals: A ten-hour codewalk through the Python interpreter source code

                                                        Here are nine lectures walking through the internals of CPython, the canonical Python interpreter implemented in C. They were from a dynamic programming languages course that I taught in Fall 2014 at the University of Rochester. The format isn't ideal, but I haven't seen this level of detail about CPython presented online, so I wanted to share these videos. Here are nine lectures I gave on CPython

                                                        • YappoLogs: Internals::SvREADONLY

                                                          Internals::SvREADONLY 404 Blog Not Found:perl - Const released -- True Readonly 実は、Perl 5.8以降では、Internals::SvREADONLY()という関数がuseなしで使えるようになっていて、Internals::SvREADONLY($scalar, 1)で$scalarをREADONLY flagをonに、Internals::SvREADONLY($scalar, 0)でoffにできます。知らなかった! SvREADONLYはwakaponが解説してるよ! これは universal.c にて実装されていて、使い方は lib/Internals.t を見るべし。 Hash::Utilでも使われてるよ。 danさんの ただし、これではscalarしかflagをいじれません。というわけで、同様の

                                                          • Welcome to V8 Crankshaft Internals’s documentation! — V8 Crankshaft Overview 1.3 documentation

                                                            V8 Crankshaft Overview 1.3 documentation Welcome to V8 Crankshaft Internals’s documentation!

                                                            • Ruby Internals

                                                              Talk @ RubyConfIndia 2012. Ruby is a pure object oriented and really a beautiful language to learn and practice. But most of us do not bother to know or care about what happens behind the scene when we write some ruby code. Say creating a simple Array, Hash, class, module or any object. How does this map internally to C code ? Ruby interpreter is implemented in C and I will talk about the Interpre

                                                                Ruby Internals
                                                              • React Internals Explorer | Deep Dive Into React

                                                                React Internals Explorer to easily inspect React internals, created by JSer.

                                                                  React Internals Explorer | Deep Dive Into React
                                                                • Understanding JDBC Internals & Timeout Configuration | CUBRID blog

                                                                  What We Write Understanding JDBC Internals & Timeout Configuration An application with a proper JDBC timeout can cut down the failure time. In this article we would like to talk about different kinds of timeout values and recommended timeout application methods when you import values from DBMS. Web Application Server became unresponsive after a DDos attack one day (This is a close reconstitution o

                                                                    Understanding JDBC Internals & Timeout Configuration | CUBRID blog
                                                                  • Perl 5 Internals - Books

                                                                    This series contains material adopted from the Netizen Perl Training Fork, by kind permission of Kirrily Robert. [edit] Preliminaries Welcome to NetThink's Perl 5 Internals training course. This is a three-hour course which provides a hands-on introduction to how the perl interpreter works internally, how to go about testing and fixing bugs in the interpreter, and what the internals are likely to

                                                                    • Git Internals PDF Open Sourced

                                                                      EngineeringGit Internals PDF Open SourcedOver 5 years ago, shortly after GitHub initially launched, Chris pointed out on one of our earliest blog posts this Peepcode PDF on Git internals that I had just written:… Over 5 years ago, shortly after GitHub initially launched, Chris pointed out on one of our earliest blog posts this Peepcode PDF on Git internals that I had just written: Well, today Plur

                                                                        Git Internals PDF Open Sourced
                                                                      • 書籍『Windows Internals』 - ブルー スクリーンを別の色にする

                                                                        概要 『Windows Internals, 5th edition (英語)』は、『インサイド Microsoft Windows 第 4 版』の改訂版で、Windows Vista と Windows Server 2008 (32 ビット版および 64 ビット版) について扱っています。執筆者は、マイクロソフトの Windows Core Operating System Division のテクニカル フェローである Mark Russinovich と、オペレーティング システムの専門家で、Windows 内部についての講師でもある David Solomon (英語) です。また、OS の内部とセキュリティを専門とする Alex Ionescu が寄稿しています。 第 5 版は、第 4 版よりも内容が 25% 増えており、PatchGuard、Hyper-V のサポート、カーネ

                                                                          書籍『Windows Internals』 - ブルー スクリーンを別の色にする
                                                                        • Prestogres internals

                                                                          Prestogres is a PostgreSQL protocol gateway for Presto that allows Presto to be queried using standard BI tools through ODBC/JDBC. It works by rewriting queries at the pgpool-II middleware layer and executing the rewritten queries on Presto using PL/Python functions. This allows Presto to integrate with the existing BI tool ecosystem while avoiding the complexity of implementing the full PostgreSQ

                                                                            Prestogres internals
                                                                          • Netty Internals - Optimizations everywhere

                                                                            Talk given at Line Dev Meetup 2018 in Tokyo and Netty Meetup @ Google in March 2018

                                                                              Netty Internals - Optimizations everywhere
                                                                            • AngularJS’ Internals In Depth — Smashing Magazine

                                                                              When approaching AngularJS for the first time, the interaction between scopes, directives and controllers is what immediately becomes (and remains) confusing for most. After the confusion sets in, you start learning about the advanced concepts, which are mind-blowingly complex as well. In this article, Nicolas Bevacqua will navigate the salt marsh that is AngularJS scopes and the lifecycle of an A

                                                                                AngularJS’ Internals In Depth — Smashing Magazine
                                                                              • Welcome to OpenJDK Internals’s documentation! — OpenJDK Internals 1.0 documentation

                                                                                第4回 x86最適化勉強会¶ Hotspotのことで発表させて頂きました。 スライドはslideshareにあげています。 http://www.slideshare.net/nothingcosmos/x86hotspotjit

                                                                                • Constant Database (cdb) Internals

                                                                                  Constant Database, known as cdb, is an elegant data structure proposed by D. J. Bernstein. It is suitable for looking up static data which is associated with arbitrary byte sequences (usually strings). Although DJB already explained this in his cdb page, it is not easy to implement this because his document lacks some important information such as the number of each subtable. Here I tried to illus