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161 - 200 件 / 1284件

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nowの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 1284件

  • Open source maintainer pulls the plug on npm packages colors and faker, now what? | Snyk

    On January 8, 2022, the open source maintainer of the wildly popular npm package colors, published colors@1.4.1 and colors@1.4.44-liberty-2 in which they intentionally introduced an offending commit that adds an infinite loop to the source code. The infinite loop is triggered and executed immediately upon initialization of the package’s source code, and would result in a Denial of Service (DoS) to

      Open source maintainer pulls the plug on npm packages colors and faker, now what? | Snyk
    • コロナのNOW0426.pdf


      • Network Load Balancer now supports security groups

        Network Load Balancers (NLB) now supports security groups, enabling you to filter the traffic that your NLB accepts and forwards to your application. Using security groups, you can configure rules to help ensure that your NLB only accepts traffic from trusted IP addresses, and centrally enforce access control policies. This improves your application's security posture and simplifies operations. NL

          Network Load Balancer now supports security groups
        • QUIC and HTTP/3 Support now in Firefox Nightly and Beta – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

          tl;dr: Support for QUIC and HTTP/3 is now enabled by default in Firefox Nightly and Firefox Beta. We are planning to start rollout on the release in Firefox Stable Release 88. HTTP/3 will be available by default by the end of May. What is HTTP/3? HTTP/3 is a new version of HTTP (the protocol that powers the Web) that is based on QUIC. HTTP/3 has three main performance improvements over HTTP/2: Bec

            QUIC and HTTP/3 Support now in Firefox Nightly and Beta – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
          • PlanetScale is now generally available

            It has been an incredible six months since we released our product in beta. From the outset, we focused on creating a platform that would delight developers, built on top of the only open source database proven at hyper scale, Vitess. For years, our technology has allowed companies like Square, GitHub, and YouTube to scale their database and, in turn, their businesses. Our mission is to bring this

              PlanetScale is now generally available
            • 楽天は現代の祭りであり、日本のアイデンティティである - NOW HERE

              楽天の通販ページはおそらく、日本人に染みついている口上芸、啖呵売の流れを組んでるんだろうなあ。 昔、楽天のえらい人に「楽天の通販ページはなんであんなにゴチャゴチャしてんの?」って聞いたら「ABテストを死ぬほど繰り返しても、結局ああいうスタイルの売上が一番高い」って言われたの思い出すな。 もちろん、そういうページを好きな人が楽天のメイン顧客だからってバイアスの可能性も認めてた。 https://t.co/jiP4n50uYh — ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) 2020年2月12日 おそらくここまで商売と密接に関わっている芸ってのは世界でも稀だろうと思う。 雰囲気まんま楽天じゃん。 www.youtube.com 縁日なんかで出ている屋台は、単なる仮設店舗とは違う商売をしている。 海外なんかだと寺院の修復なんかは信者の寄付で賄うんだろうけど、日本では古くから祭りをやって、関連業者の売り

                楽天は現代の祭りであり、日本のアイデンティティである - NOW HERE
              • AWS SDK for Rust is now generally available

                Today, AWS announces the general availability of the AWS SDK for Rust, allowing customers to now use this for production workloads. The AWS SDK for Rust empowers developers to interact with AWS services and enjoy APIs that follow Rust idioms and best practices. AWS SDK for Rust provides idiomatic, type-safe API and supports modern Rust language features like async/await, non-blocking IO, and build

                  AWS SDK for Rust is now generally available
                • Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery is now available as an early release!

                  Today, I’m excited to announce my new book! It’s called Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery, and it’s a comprehensive, hands-on guide to deploying and managing software in production, written for practitioners. Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery is now available as an early release! Readers of Terraform: Up & Running often asked me to recommend a general, comprehensive, practica

                    Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery is now available as an early release!
                  • GitHub - profclems/glab: The GitLab CLI tool. Archived: now officially adopted by GitLab as the official CLI tool and maintained at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cli. See https://github.com/profclems/glab/issues/983

                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                      GitHub - profclems/glab: The GitLab CLI tool. Archived: now officially adopted by GitLab as the official CLI tool and maintained at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cli. See https://github.com/profclems/glab/issues/983
                    • ソニーのストリーミングゲームサービス「PlayStation Now」、10月から18禁タイトル追加

                      ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメントのストリーミングゲームサービス「PlayStation Now」に、CERO Z(対象年齢18歳以上)タイトルが加わることになりました。9月30日をもって現行サービスをいったん停止し、10月以降は18歳以上限定のサービスに変更するとのことです。 PlayStation Nowは、プレイステーション3や4のゲームを、対応端末(PS4かWindows)上で遊べるクラウドサービス。現在のラインアップは400タイトル以上あり、今回の追加でさらに拡充されることになります。 内容変更を前に、9月17日をもって現行サービス用の利用権販売や7日間無料体験の提供は停止。9月30日のサービス停止以降も利用権の有効期間が残るユーザーには、利用権購入時の金額と同額を、10月上旬までにPlayStation Networkのウォレットへチャージする形で返還するとのことです。

                        ソニーのストリーミングゲームサービス「PlayStation Now」、10月から18禁タイトル追加
                      • BUNDLE_ONLY is now available

                        I recently added BUNDLE_ONLY option to Bundler. This is the long-awaited feature from 8+ years ago that allows you to install only the gem groups you need, available from bundler 2.3.19. https://github.com/rubygems/bundler-features/issues/59 https://github.com/rubygems/bundler/pull/4907 https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues/4048 https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/pull/5759 For example, in

                          BUNDLE_ONLY is now available
                        • Buy Discount Progestosol 100mg Online - Buying Progestosol Online Now - Ask Lesko and Friends

                          Buy Discount Progestosol 100mg Online - Buying Progestosol Online Now Can I Buy Progestosol Singapore, Cheap Progestosol Online Com, Cheap Progestosol Generic Progesterone Buy Cheap Progestosol 200 mg Online BUY Progestosol ONLINE! - CLICK HERE! cheap brand name progestosol canada 2019 generic progestosol purchase progestosol australia buy progesterone now online with bitcoin progestosol australia

                          • DALL·E now available in beta

                            DALL·E, the AI system that creates realistic images and art from a description in natural language, is now available in beta. Today we’re beginning the process of inviting 1 million people from our waitlist over the coming weeks. Every DALL·E user will receive 50 free credits during their first month of use and 15 free credits every subsequent month. Each credit can be used for one original DALL·E

                              DALL·E now available in beta
                            • GitHub Actions: Self-hosted runners now support Apple M1 hardware

                              GitHub Actions: Self-hosted runners now support Apple M1 hardware actions August 9, 2022 Actions runner support for Apple silicon hardware, such as the M1 chip, is now generally available. This provides teams with the capability to run self-hosted macOS workflows in a macOS ARM64 runtime. Now the Actions runner supports M1 and the ARM64 runtime meaning developers can run it on their own M1 or M2 h

                                GitHub Actions: Self-hosted runners now support Apple M1 hardware
                              • Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP/3 powered by QUIC

                                Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP version 3 (HTTP/3) requests over QUIC  for end user connections. HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a user datagram protocol (UDP) based, stream-multiplexed, secure transport protocol that combines and improves upon the capabilities of existing transmission control protocol (TCP), TLS, and HTTP/2. HTTP/3 offers several benefits over previous HTTP versions, including faster respo

                                  Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP/3 powered by QUIC
                                • Terraform Cloud no-code provisioning is now GA with new features

                                  TerraformInfrastructure as code provisioning​​​​‌‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‌‍​‌‌‌​‌‍‌‍​‌‍‌‌​​‍‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍​‍​‍​​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌‌​‌‌​‌​​‌​​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌‍​‌‌​‌‍‍​‌‍‍‌‌‍​‌‍‌​‍‌​​​‍‍‌‍​‌‌‍‌​‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍‍‌‍‌​‌‍​‌‌‌​‌‍‌‍​‌‍‌‌​​‍‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌‌​‌‍‌​‍​‍‌‍‍‌‌‌​‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌​‌‍‌‌​​‌‍‌‌‌​​‍‌‌‍‌​‌‍

                                    Terraform Cloud no-code provisioning is now GA with new features
                                  • Both Sides Now : 素晴らしい日々〜Splendid days

                                    Both Sides Now 今日もこのブログに訪問して下さりありがとうございます!😊 僕の心の琴線に触れる曲に出会った、 もしかしたら生まれてからこれまでの僕の人生のなかで、 一番のおおきなインパクトだったかも知れない。 ただ、 遠い昔に耳にしたことがある曲だった。 あのときにも、 心惹かれたものの、 英語の曲だったし、 その時は、 曲の名前も調べることができなかった。 のだが… きっかけになったのは、 先日、手嶌葵さんのコンサートに行ったときに、外国の映画音楽をメドレーで歌ってくれた中に、この曲があったのだった、 曲名の紹介はなかったが、 映画の名称の紹介があった中に、 「コーダあいのうた」 とたしか言っていた。 実は、この「コーダあいのうた」は、 Netflixで次に観るために マイリスト登録していたものだった。 そうか…近くに来ていたんだね… という感じがした。 「コーダあいのう

                                      Both Sides Now : 素晴らしい日々〜Splendid days
                                    • Now and Next Generation of CSS Cascading Model | ドクセル

                                      Now and Next Generation of CSS Cascading Model araya @arayaryoma FRONTEND CONFERENCE OKINAWA 2023 araya @arayaryoma - FRONTEND CONFERENCE OKINAWA 2023 自己紹介 araya / Ryoma Abe x.com/arayaryoma github.com/arayaryoma bsky.app/profile/araya.dev Web standardsやBrowser APIが好き 今日はCSSの新しめの仕様について 話します araya @arayaryoma - FRONTEND CONFERENCE OKINAWA 2023 2020年4月 日経入社 日経電子版のWeb開発

                                        Now and Next Generation of CSS Cascading Model | ドクセル
                                      • 岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, MSc, PhD, FACP, FIDSA, CIC, CTH on Twitter: "Now it is time to admit we G7 countries, and most other EU nations as well, failed the fight against COVID-19. I he… https://t.co/SahnY5UShl"

                                        Now it is time to admit we G7 countries, and most other EU nations as well, failed the fight against COVID-19. I he… https://t.co/SahnY5UShl

                                          岩田健太郎 K Iwata, MD, MSc, PhD, FACP, FIDSA, CIC, CTH on Twitter: "Now it is time to admit we G7 countries, and most other EU nations as well, failed the fight against COVID-19. I he… https://t.co/SahnY5UShl"
                                        • Laravel 9 is Now Released! - Laravel News

                                          Laravel 9 will receive bug fixes until February 2023 and security fixes until February 2024. Here are some of the major features that we’ve covered in detail in our A look at what is coming to Laravel 9 post: PHP 8 is the minimum version in Laravel 9 New Design for routes:list New test --coverage option displays coverage directly in the terminal Anonymous Stub Migrations are now the default New Qu

                                            Laravel 9 is Now Released! - Laravel News
                                          • 1カ月プランはなんと従来の半額以下!「PS Now」、価格改定を実施 「ゴッド・オブ・ウォー」や「GTAV」などを期間限定でラインナップ

                                              1カ月プランはなんと従来の半額以下!「PS Now」、価格改定を実施 「ゴッド・オブ・ウォー」や「GTAV」などを期間限定でラインナップ
                                            • Amazon Aurora now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g instances

                                              Amazon Aurora now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g database instances. Graviton2 T4g database instances deliver a performance improvement of up to 49% over comparable current generation x86-based database instances. You can launch these database instances when using Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition. T4g instances provide a baseline level of CPU

                                                Amazon Aurora now supports AWS Graviton2-based T4g instances
                                              • 【PHP】Carbon::now()は誰のnow? - Hajimari Tech Blog| 株式会社Hajimari

                                                こんにちは、毎日暑いですね。エンジニアの三宅です。 最近、仕事でPHPのコードリーディングを少ししたので、その過程を記載します! Carbon::now()はOSの現在のシステム時刻 Carbonとは PHPの時間操作 コードリーディング方針 WEBでコードリーディング実践 Carbonクラスのコードリーディング DateTimeクラスのコードリーディング ちなみにWindowsのようなOSの場合はどうなるのか?? まとめ Carbon::now()はOSの現在のシステム時刻 結論はこれです。OSのシステム時刻を持ってきています。 これ以降の内容は、コードを見ながら本当にシステム時刻から取ってきているのかを確認するためのものです。 Carbonとは 今回扱っているCarbonはPHPのDateTimeクラスを継承し、時間操作を簡易化したり便利化したものを提供する拡張クラスになります! ca

                                                  【PHP】Carbon::now()は誰のnow? - Hajimari Tech Blog| 株式会社Hajimari
                                                • Elasticsearch Service is now available on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in Japan

                                                  Search and analytics, data ingestion, and visualization – all at your fingertips.

                                                    Elasticsearch Service is now available on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in Japan
                                                  • AWS CodeBuild now supports managed GitHub Action runners

                                                    AWS CodeBuild now supports managed GitHub Action self-hosted runners. Customers can configure their CodeBuild projects to receive GitHub Actions workflow job events and run them on CodeBuild ephemeral hosts. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages ready for deployment. This feature allows GitHub Actions t

                                                      AWS CodeBuild now supports managed GitHub Action runners
                                                    • Store and Access Time Series Data at Any Scale with Amazon Timestream – Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services

                                                      AWS News Blog Store and Access Time Series Data at Any Scale with Amazon Timestream – Now Generally Available Time series are a very common data format that describes how things change over time. Some of the most common sources are industrial machines and IoT devices, IT infrastructure stacks (such as hardware, software, and networking components), and applications that share their results over ti

                                                        Store and Access Time Series Data at Any Scale with Amazon Timestream – Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services
                                                      • Amazon Linux 2 AMI is now available with kernel 5.10

                                                        Amazon Linux 2 is now available with an updated Linux kernel (5.10) as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Kernel 5.10 brings a number of features and performance improvements, including optimizations for Intel Ice Lake processors and AWS Graviton2 processors powering the latest generation Amazon EC2 instances. Live patching for Kernel 5.10 is supported in Amazon Linux 2 for both x86 and ARM architectu

                                                          Amazon Linux 2 AMI is now available with kernel 5.10
                                                        • Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics is now generally available

                                                          Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) announces the general availability of Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics, a new feature that supports monitoring your REST APIs, URLs, and website content every minute, 24x7, and alerts you when your application endpoints don’t behave as expected. CloudWatch Synthetics enables you to continually verify your customer experience even when there is no customer traffic on your

                                                            Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics is now generally available
                                                          • In Pulling Trump’s Megaphone, Twitter Shows Where Power Now Lies (Published 2021)

                                                            On Friday night, pro-Trump Republicans raged, claiming Twitter’s move was an example of Silicon Valley’s tyrannical speech controls. And while many liberals cheered Twitter’s decision as an overdue and appropriate step to prevent more violence, some also cringed at the thought of so much control resting in so few hands. “We understand the desire to permanently suspend him now,” Kate Ruane, a lawye

                                                              In Pulling Trump’s Megaphone, Twitter Shows Where Power Now Lies (Published 2021)
                                                            • The Beatles - Now And Then - The Last Beatles Song (Short Film)

                                                              Now and Then's eventful journey to fruition took place over five decades and is the product of conversations and collaborations between the four Beatles that go on to this day. The long mythologised John Lennon demo was first worked on in February 1995 by Paul, George and Ringo as part of The Beatles Anthology project but it remained unfinished, partly because of the impossible technological chall

                                                                The Beatles - Now And Then - The Last Beatles Song (Short Film)
                                                              • AWS Fargate Spot Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services

                                                                AWS News Blog AWS Fargate Spot Now Generally Available Today at AWS re:Invent 2019 we announced AWS Fargate Spot. Fargate Spot is a new capability on AWS Fargate that can run interruption tolerant Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Tasks at up to a 70% discount off the Fargate price. If you are familiar with EC2 Spot Instances, the concept is the same. We use spare capacity in the AWS c

                                                                  AWS Fargate Spot Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services
                                                                • 【今日の一曲:第238回】The Cranberries / All Over Now - 社会不適合の音楽。

                                                                  www.youtube.com 先月末から個人的に忙しくなりだんだんコメントなど残せなくなってます…正直、震えちゃうっていうくらい忙しく(笑)変な汗でオイニーも激しくなっていないかと心配(笑)とは言えフリーで在宅やってる身としてはありがたいことですが…。コメントなど残せてませんがブログを見て回る事は癒しになってます。読んだらスターやブクマを残しておきます。いつもコメント下さる方も多いので本当に申し訳ないです…m(_ _)m 今朝、PCに入った音楽をランダムに再生していると1曲目に流れた音楽です。 The Cranberries にとって最後のアルバムに収録された「All Over Now」 シンプルな演奏に綺麗な声が自分はとても好きでした。 専門学校を退学して家業を手伝う傍らバンド活動をしていた時にボーカルの女の子から「The Cranberries のようなを目指している」と面と向かって

                                                                    【今日の一曲:第238回】The Cranberries / All Over Now - 社会不適合の音楽。
                                                                  • GitHub Copilot Chat in GitHub Mobile is now generally available

                                                                    Developers are constantly coming up with new ideas, exploring new skills, and collaborating with other developers on work and personal projects. At GitHub, we understand that all this collaboration doesn’t always happen from behind desks and computers. Developers increasingly use their mobile devices to learn, understand, and perform important tasks in the software development process. Today, we’r

                                                                      GitHub Copilot Chat in GitHub Mobile is now generally available
                                                                    • 加藤一二三@音声サービスNow Voice一日一話更新中 on Twitter: "62年ぶりの記録更新に関して、記録は破られるために存在すること、そして今日まで陽の当たることのなかった将棋界に華やかな光を当てて戴けることの喜びが勝るので寂しさは感じないものの、寂しいと仰って下さったファンの皆様の温かくお優しいお… https://t.co/zqrXSk1oyA"

                                                                      62年ぶりの記録更新に関して、記録は破られるために存在すること、そして今日まで陽の当たることのなかった将棋界に華やかな光を当てて戴けることの喜びが勝るので寂しさは感じないものの、寂しいと仰って下さったファンの皆様の温かくお優しいお… https://t.co/zqrXSk1oyA

                                                                        加藤一二三@音声サービスNow Voice一日一話更新中 on Twitter: "62年ぶりの記録更新に関して、記録は破られるために存在すること、そして今日まで陽の当たることのなかった将棋界に華やかな光を当てて戴けることの喜びが勝るので寂しさは感じないものの、寂しいと仰って下さったファンの皆様の温かくお優しいお… https://t.co/zqrXSk1oyA"
                                                                      • NVIDIAのクラウドゲームサービス「GeForce NOW」ソフトバンク版3月29日にサービス終了へ。以降はKDDIのみが国内運営 - AUTOMATON

                                                                        ソフトバンクは1月9日、NVIDIAのクラウドゲーミングサービス「GeForce NOW Powered by SoftBank」の提供を、3月29日をもって終了すると発表した。なお本日1月9日には、NVIDIAはイベントCESにおいてGeForce NOWに関する各種発表をおこない、このなかで同社は日本ではKDDIと提携し、新たに同サービスの提供を今春から開始すると告知している。 GeForce NOWは、NVIDIAが提供するクラウドゲーミングサービスだ。GeForce RTX 4080 GPUを搭載するサーバー側でPCゲームを実行し、ユーザーのPC/スマホ/タブレットとの間で操作入力とゲーム映像をやり取りすることで、同デバイス上にてゲームをプレイできる。GeForce NOW自体からはゲームは提供されず、SteamやEpic Gamesストアなど外部のデジタルストアと連携し、ユーザー

                                                                          NVIDIAのクラウドゲームサービス「GeForce NOW」ソフトバンク版3月29日にサービス終了へ。以降はKDDIのみが国内運営 - AUTOMATON
                                                                        • Mutual TLS now available for Workers

                                                                          In today’s digital world, security is a top priority for businesses. Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a startup just taking off, it’s essential to implement security measures in order to protect sensitive information. Security starts inside an organization; it starts with having Zero Trust principles that protect access to resources. Mutual TLS (mTLS) is useful in a Zero Trust world to secu

                                                                            Mutual TLS now available for Workers
                                                                          • Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards now supports sharing

                                                                            You can now share your Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards with users who do not have direct access to your AWS account. Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards enable you to create re-usable graphs of data from your AWS resources and custom metrics and logs, so that you can quickly monitor operational status and identify issues at a glance. With this new capability you can share dashboards across teams, with stake

                                                                              Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards now supports sharing
                                                                            • React 18 Alpha is out! Now what?

                                                                              Hello! They kept us in Suspense long enough, but HECK React developers have some new features to play with!! The best part: Almost all of the benefits of the upgrade don't require major code changes. The New Root API React has always had to have some kind of root. You're probably used to seeing something like this at the top level of your applications: import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import App

                                                                                React 18 Alpha is out! Now what?
                                                                              • AWS Fargate now delivers faster scaling of applications

                                                                                AWS Fargate, the serverless compute engine for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), now enables customers to scale applications faster, improving performance and reducing wait time. We have made several improvements over the last year that enable you to scale applications up to 16X faster, making it easier to build and run applications at a larger sca

                                                                                  AWS Fargate now delivers faster scaling of applications
                                                                                • GitHub Copilot Enterprise is now generally available

                                                                                  ProductGitHub Copilot Enterprise is now generally availableOur most advanced AI offering to date is customized to your organization’s knowledge and codebase, infusing GitHub Copilot throughout the software development lifecycle. Since the early days of GitHub Copilot, our customers have asked us for a copilot that is customized to their own organization’s code and processes. Developers spend more

                                                                                    GitHub Copilot Enterprise is now generally available