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321 - 360 件 / 923件

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programming gameの検索結果321 - 360 件 / 923件

  • What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong

    This is my closing talk (video) from the GopherConAU conference in Sydney, given November 10, 2023, the 14th anniversary of Go being launched as an open source project. The text is interspersed with the slides used in the presentation. What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong INTRODUCTION Hello. Let me start by thanking Katie and Chewy for the giving me the honor of presenting the closing talk for the

      What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong
    • Kotlin のコレクションとシーケンス

      .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads 71 Ads API 10

        Kotlin のコレクションとシーケンス
      • GitHub - zesterer/tao: A statically-typed functional language with generics, typeclasses, sum types, pattern-matching, first-class functions, currying, algebraic effects, associated types, good diagnostics, etc.

        You can now test Tao in the browser! A statically-typed functional language with polymorphism, typeclasses, generalised algebraic effects, sum types, pattern-matching, first-class functions, currying, good diagnostics, and much more! For more example programs, see... hello.tao: Hello world input.tao: Demonstrates a more complex example of IO effects calc.tao: A CLI calculator, demonstrating parser

          GitHub - zesterer/tao: A statically-typed functional language with generics, typeclasses, sum types, pattern-matching, first-class functions, currying, algebraic effects, associated types, good diagnostics, etc.
        • Deep learning isn’t hard anymore

          In the not-so-distant past, a data science team would need a few things to effectively use deep learning: A novel model architecture, likely designed in-houseAccess to a large, and likely proprietary, data setThe hardware or funds for large-scale model trainingThis had the effect of bottlenecking deep learning, limiting it to the few projects that met those conditions. Over the last couple years,

            Deep learning isn’t hard anymore
          • Ladies and Gentlemen…Cloudflare TV!

            I'm excited to announce the upcoming launch of Cloudflare TV. A 24x7 live television broadcast, streamed globally via the Cloudflare network. You can tune in to the pre-broadcast station and check out the upcoming schedule at: cloudflare.tv I'm kicking off the first live broadcast starting at 12:00pm Pacific (1900 UTC) on Monday, June 8 with a conversation with Chris Young (add to calendar). Chris

              Ladies and Gentlemen…Cloudflare TV!
            • その部分、コピーすべからず

              .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

              • Functorio

                You might have heard people say that functional programming is more academic, and real engineering is done in imperative style. I’m going to show you that real engineering is functional, and I’m going to illustrate it using a computer game that is designed by engineers for engineers. It’s a simulation game called Factorio, in which you are given resources that you have to explore, build factories

                • Unlocking new use cases with 17 new models in Workers AI, including new LLMs, image generation models, and more | The Cloudflare Blog

                  Recently, COBOL has been in the news as the State of New Jersey has asked for help with a COBOL-based system for unemployment claims. The system has come under heavy load because of the societal effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This appears to have prompted IBM to offer free online COBOL training. As old as COBOL is (60 years old this month), it is still heavily used in information management syst

                  • Sending Udp Multicast Messages From Container To Host

                    Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 4344 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 16 Sending Udp Multicast Messages From Container To Host CrosswordI have a container based on a Ubuntu 16.04 image running on my Mac, and I would like to send UDP messages to UDP Multicast group at. Multicast message delivery provides the fastest means of delivering messages to a large set of receivers. Low Latency Messaging

                      Sending Udp Multicast Messages From Container To Host
                    • Room 収納術: メソッド一つで事前データ入りのデータベースを実現

                      .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

                        Room 収納術: メソッド一つで事前データ入りのデータベースを実現
                      • Visual Studio Code November 2023

                        Version 1.87 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from February. November 2023 (version 1.85) Update 1.85.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.85.2: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the November 2023 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this v

                          Visual Studio Code November 2023
                        • Getting Better at Linux With 10 Mini-Projects

                          How do you advance your Linux skills when you are already comfortable with the basics? My solution was to come up with 10 subjects to learn and create an accompanying mini-project. All the source code for the projects can be found in this GitHub repository. 1. UNIX - Recat The first thing I wanted to learn more about was UNIX since Linux is a UNIX-like operating system. I also never really felt th

                            Getting Better at Linux With 10 Mini-Projects
                          • The state of Rust GUI libraries - LogRocket Blog

                            Solomon Esenyi Python/Golang developer and Technical Writer with a passion for open-source, cryptography, and serverless technologies. Editor’s note: This article was updated on 3 January 2024 to add Yew and Xilem to the list of Rust GUI libraries. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) provide an intuitive visual frontend for interacting with computers. GUIs use visual indicators like icons, windows, a

                              The state of Rust GUI libraries - LogRocket Blog
                            • Chrome 80: Content Indexing、ES Module など

                              .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

                                Chrome 80: Content Indexing、ES Module など
                              • Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQL - EXPLAIN EXTENDED

                                Translations: Russian This year, the talk of the town was AI and how it can do everything for you. I like it when someone or something does everything for me. To this end, I decided to ask ChatGPT to write my New Year's post: "Hey ChatGPT. Can you implement a large language model in SQL?" "No, SQL is not suitable for implementing large language models. SQL is a language for managing and querying d

                                  Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQL - EXPLAIN EXTENDED
                                • Tesseractocr-for-mac/chop.plo At Master Angushardie

                                  Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 5360 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 11 Walter Drake apple master peeler/corer/slicer peels, cores and slices in one easy motion. Apple peeler can pare, core and slice all at once.'Then I hope your master gets the parts soon. In the meantime, I'll make sure the girls are on our guard.' Obi-Wan nodded. 'You do that. Angus Hardie: Thank you for your review. I'm t

                                    Tesseractocr-for-mac/chop.plo At Master Angushardie
                                  • GitHub - woodrush/lisp-in-life: A Lisp interpreter implemented in Conway's Game of Life

                                    Lisp is a language with a simple and elegant design, having an extensive ability to express sophisticated ideas as simple programs. Notably, the powerful feature of macros could be used to modify the language's syntax to write programs in a highly flexible way. For example, macros can be used to introduce new programming paradigms to the language, as demonstrated in object-oriented-like.lisp (whic

                                      GitHub - woodrush/lisp-in-life: A Lisp interpreter implemented in Conway's Game of Life
                                    • Rustのリンク集 - Qiita

                                      Rustのリンク集です。学習や書くときに参照するページ等をまとめています。 公式ドキュメントの和訳のリストを見たい場合はRustの日本語ドキュメントにまとめられています。 学習 入門 The Rust Programming Language (和訳: プログラミング言語Rust日本語版): 略してTRPLと呼ばれることが多いRust公式の入門書です。2020/09現在、日本語版もほぼ最新の内容に追従しているようです。PDF版もあります。 実践Rust入門: 日本発のRust入門書です。破壊的変更後のRust (2018 edition) に対応しています。著者の一人による紹介もあります。 teratail, スタック・オーバーフロー: プログラミングに関する質問をする日本語のサイトです。あなたが困っていることは他のRustユーザーも困っているので、是非ここで質問してRustに貢献しましょ

                                        Rustのリンク集 - Qiita
                                      • So you want to build an embedded Linux system? - Jay Carlson

                                        A primer on how embedded Linux systems are developed, plus an exploration of the hardware and software ecosystems of ten different commonly-available CPUs After I published my $1 MCU write-up, several readers suggested I look at application processors — the MMU-endowed chips necessary to run real operating systems like Linux. Massive shifts over the last few years have seen internet-connected devi

                                          So you want to build an embedded Linux system? - Jay Carlson
                                        • Time to upgrade your monitor

                                          Time to upgrade your monitor Illustration by Julia Litvin Translations: Chinese Russian I am a programmer. I do not deal with digital painting, photo processing, video editing. I don’t really care for wide gamut or even proper color reproduction. I spend most of my days in a text browser, text editor and text terminal, looking at barely moving letters. So I optimize my setup to showing really, rea

                                            Time to upgrade your monitor
                                          • 0.10.0 Release Notes ⚡ The Zig Programming Language

                                            Tier 4 Support § Support for these targets is entirely experimental. If this target is provided by LLVM, LLVM may have the target as an experimental target, which means that you need to use Zig-provided binaries for the target to be available, or build LLVM from source with special configure flags. zig targets will display the target if it is available. This target may be considered deprecated by

                                            • Matlab vs. Julia vs. Python | Toby Driscoll

                                              I’ve used MATLAB for over 25 years. (And before that, I even used MATRIXx, a late, unlamented attempt at a spinoff, or maybe a ripoff.) It’s not the first language I learned to program in, but it’s the one that I came of age with mathematically. Knowing MATLAB has been very good to my career. However, it’s impossible to ignore the rise of Python in scientific computing. MathWorks must feel the sam

                                                Matlab vs. Julia vs. Python | Toby Driscoll
                                              • Type system of Fortnite's Verse language - BAM Weblog

                                                Epic Games released an initial public implementation of the Verse programming language. Verse has been designed by some people who really know what they’re doing: Lennart Augustsson Joachim Breitner Koen Claessen Ranjit Jhala Simon Peyton Jones Olin Shivers Tim Sweeney It’s amazing to see a CEO help design a programming language but Tim Sweeney has been advocating for functional programming in gam

                                                • Interview with curl creator and Swedish software developer Daniel Stenberg

                                                  nixCraft → Interview → Interview with curl creator and Swedish software developer Daniel Stenberg Even if you do not use the curl command daily, the chances are high that you are still using curl and don’t know. IoT and tons of other services on the Internet depend upon libcurl for network operations. Daniel Stenberg is a Swedish software developer, recipient of the Polhem Prize 2017, on cURL. Rec

                                                    Interview with curl creator and Swedish software developer Daniel Stenberg
                                                  • Android のコルーチン(パート III): 実際の処理

                                                    .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads 71 Ads API 10

                                                      Android のコルーチン(パート III): 実際の処理
                                                    • コードは不要: ワールドクラスの高速な WordPress サイトを構築する

                                                      .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

                                                        コードは不要: ワールドクラスの高速な WordPress サイトを構築する
                                                      • Implementing cosine in C from scratch

                                                        Implementing cosine in C from scratch 7/19/2020 Update 7/20: See the discussion of this post on Reddit. Update 3/22: See more discussion of this post on Hacker News and Reddit. Update 6/23: See even more discussion of this post on Hacker News. TL;DR: I explored how to implement cosine using a few different approaches. One of the implementations is nearly 3x faster than math.h if you are ok with 4

                                                          Implementing cosine in C from scratch
                                                        • A Tale of Yak Shaving: Accidentally Making a Language, for an Engine, for a Game

                                                          A Tale of Yak Shaving: Accidentally Making a Language, for an Engine, for a Game It's a wise saying, because we game developers have so much fun making the underlying foundations, that we never get around to adding the actual gameplay. This is an article about how badly I disregarded that advice, and what happened because of it. As you can guess, I made my own game engine. It was an gloriously unw

                                                          • DirectStorage is coming to PC - DirectX Developer Blog

                                                            Earlier this year, Microsoft showed the world how the Xbox Series X, with its portfolio of technology innovations, will introduce a new era of no-compromise gameplay. Alongside the actual console announcements, we unveiled the Xbox Velocity Architecture, a key part of how the Xbox Series X will deliver next generation gaming experiences. We’re excited to bring DirectStorage, an API in the DirectX

                                                              DirectStorage is coming to PC - DirectX Developer Blog
                                                            • The state of web development on mobile

                                                              Let me ask you a question - what kind of a machine do you code on? I bet it’s one of desktop, laptop, or maybe even a remote server with SSH connection. That’s the standard these days, but I think that there are some passionate (and crazy in a sense) people (like me) who’d like to stretch it even further. Those who’d like to be able to code literally anywhere, no matter what kind of a device they

                                                                The state of web development on mobile
                                                              • Android エコシステムにおけるアクセシビリティの改善

                                                                .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

                                                                  Android エコシステムにおけるアクセシビリティの改善
                                                                • Where Programming, Ops, AI, and the Cloud are Headed in 2021

                                                                  In this report, we look at the data generated by the O’Reilly online learning platform to discern trends in the technology industry—trends technology leaders need to follow. But what are “trends”? All too often, trends degenerate into horse races over languages and platforms. Look at all the angst heating up social media when TIOBE or RedMonk releases their reports on language rankings. Those repo

                                                                    Where Programming, Ops, AI, and the Cloud are Headed in 2021
                                                                  • Casinos Near Quapaw Ok Online Poker For Mac

                                                                    Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 5626 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 18 Casinos Near Quapaw Ok Online Poker For Mac DownloadFor online poker players from the United States looking to play poker on their Mac, we've got some good news: There are a variety of options for you to choose from, including some of the largest online poker sites that still serve players from the US. That's not to say t

                                                                      Casinos Near Quapaw Ok Online Poker For Mac
                                                                    • The Tao of Programming

                                                                      Translated by Geoffrey James Note: I copied this from http://misspiggy.gsfc.nasa.gov/tao.html and stripped out all of the IMHO extraneous formatting. ---Alex BOOK 1 The Silent Void Thus spake the Master Programmer: "When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave." 1.1 Something mysterious is formed, born in the silent void. waiting alone and un

                                                                      • GitHub - nanochess/bootOS: bootOS is a monolithic operating system in 512 bytes of x86 machine code.

                                                                        _ _ ____ _____ | | | | / __ \ / ____| | |__ ___ ___ | |_| | | | (___ | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| | | |\___ \ | |_) | (_) | (_) | |_| |__| |____) | |_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|\____/|_____/ bootOS operating system in 512 bytes (boot sector) by Oscar Toledo G. Jul/22/2019 http://nanochess.org https://github.com/nanochess/bootOS It's compatible with 8088 (the original IBM PC). If you want to assemble it, you

                                                                          GitHub - nanochess/bootOS: bootOS is a monolithic operating system in 512 bytes of x86 machine code.
                                                                        • Rust is a hard way to make a web API

                                                                          Rust is an amazing language. It has enabled excellent CLI tools like ripgrep and exa. Companies like Cloudflare are using Rust for their own systems and encouraging people to write Rust to run microservices. Rust makes it possible to write really fast software that’s secure, tiny, and more concise than C++ or C. If I were writing a geocoder, a routing engine, a real-time messaging platform, a data

                                                                          • アプリやビジネスの原動力となる地図を Google はどのように構築しているのか

                                                                            .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

                                                                              アプリやビジネスの原動力となる地図を Google はどのように構築しているのか
                                                                            • The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI

                                                                              Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we build, debug, and optimize code, and it’s happening at an unprecedented pace. As a long-time Ruby and Rails developer, I’m participating in these developments with excitement via my startup and my new book and open-source projects. The good news I want to share is: not only will Ruby and Rails survive this AI revolution, Rubyists will pioneer

                                                                                The Future of Ruby and Rails in the Age of AI
                                                                              • 画像から位置情報サービスを強化する

                                                                                .app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads

                                                                                • 「VJ x DJ = XJ !?」ジェネラティブアートをインタラクティブにPythonで楽しむ方法 - karaage. [からあげ]

                                                                                  ジェネラティブアートをインタラクティブに楽しむ 最近、AI関係のソフトを創るのにも、少し行き詰まりを感じていました。 「ライブラリのAPIを叩くばかりじゃなくて、アルゴリズム自体に直接触れるもっとプリミティブなコードを書きたいな」 という気持ちも沸々と湧いてきたので、気分転換に自分の原点(と勝手に考えている)メディアアートよりなことをしてみることにしました。そんな中、ふとTwitterのフォロワーさんのツイートをみて、衝動買いしたのが「数学から創るジェネラティブアート」でした。 数学から創るジェネラティブアート - Processingで学ぶかたちのデザイン 作者:巴山 竜来技術評論社Amazon 数学から創るジェネラティブアート。Processingで学ぶ かたちのデザイン。表紙も中身もバリかっこよい。なんで数式こんなにかっこいいのできるんや。うわー、すげぇ作りたい。。著者は巴山竜来さん

                                                                                    「VJ x DJ = XJ !?」ジェネラティブアートをインタラクティブにPythonで楽しむ方法 - karaage. [からあげ]