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  • The Black code style - Black 24.4.2 documentation

    The Black code style¶ Code style¶ Black aims for consistency, generality, readability and reducing git diffs. Similar language constructs are formatted with similar rules. Style configuration options are deliberately limited and rarely added. Previous formatting is taken into account as little as possible, with rare exceptions like the magic trailing comma. The coding style used by Black can be vi

    • Functional table-driven tests in Go

      There are numerous blog posts about table-driven tests in Go. In this blog post, I want to show a technique we have recently started using in our unit tests. I saw it the first time when my friend Matt Layher introduced it to me at work, and since then, I gradually started using it in places where it's suitable. This technique comes especially handy for large structs with multiple nested fields. F

        Functional table-driven tests in Go
      • Accessible Font Sizing, Explained | CSS-Tricks

        The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), an organization that defines standards for web content accessibility, does not specify a minimum font size for the web. But we know there’s such a thing as text that is too small to be legible, just as text that can be too large to consume. So, how can we make sure our font sizes are accessible? What sort of best practices can we rely on to make for

          Accessible Font Sizing, Explained | CSS-Tricks
        • Pythonの準備 — Pythonプログラミング入門 documentation

          Python¶ Pythonは、フリー・オープンソースのインタプリタ・スクリプト言語です。 ウェブサーバなどの各種のシステム構築に用いられますが、 データ分析、機械学習、数値計算、最適化、画像・信号処理、可視化などの科学技術計算にも広く用いられています。 設計思想は「シンプルで読みやすいコード」です。 The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Specia

          • アプリの体験改善・DX改善がミッション Android版「LINEアプリ」開発の現場

            LINEのAndroid開発はどのように行われているのか——。LINEの7事業でそれぞれ募集するAndroid開発について、横断的に紹介する採用イベントで、岡本雄三氏が「LINEアプリ」のAndroid開発について詳細を紹介しました。 LINEのAndroidアプリ開発体制 岡本雄三氏:モバイルエクスペリエンス開発室の岡本です。LINEアプリのAndroid開発について紹介いたします。まずは自己紹介します。モバイルエクスペリエンス開発室副室長兼マルチデバイスエクスペリエンス開発チームマネージャーの岡本と言います。よろしくお願いします。 2011年、私は当時のネイバージャパンに入社し、リリース直後のLINEアプリのAndroid開発エンジニアとして開発に参加しました。その後ユーザー数の増大に伴ってエンジニアも増えていき、開発チーム分割時にマネージャーに就任しました。 そして2021年に入って

              アプリの体験改善・DX改善がミッション Android版「LINEアプリ」開発の現場 
            • Why was the caret used for XOR instead of exponentiation?

              Although there were older precursors, the influential French mathematician Rene Descartes is usually credited for introducing superscripted exponents (ab) into mathematical writing, in his work Geometrie which was published in 1637. This is the notation still universally used in mathematics today. Fortran is the oldest programming language widely used for numerical computations that provides an ex

                Why was the caret used for XOR instead of exponentiation?
              • Microsoft Powerpoint X For Mac - alliancebond

                Visiteurs depuis le 25/01/2019 : 1610 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 91 Microsoft Powerpoint For Mac 2011Microsoft Powerpoint For MacOffice for Mac applications provide a native app experience on the macOS platform. Each app is designed to work in a variety of scenarios, including states when no network access is available. When a machine is connected to a network, the applications automatica

                  Microsoft Powerpoint X For Mac - alliancebond
                • Code Reviews at Google are lightweight and fast - Dr. McKayla

                  Code reviews at Google play an important role as an engineering practice and have been adopted already in the early days of Google. Still today, they are used to keep the code base clean, coherent and to ensure no arbitrary code is committed. Even though the code review process looks similar to code reviews at Microsoft, there are some Google specifics that allow for a particular lightweight code

                    Code Reviews at Google are lightweight and fast - Dr. McKayla
                  • Why We Use Julia, 10 Years Later

                    Exactly ten years ago today, we published "Why We Created Julia", introducing the Julia project to the world. At this point, we have moved well past the ambitious goals set out in the original blog post. Julia is now used by hundreds of thousands of people. It is taught at hundreds of universities and entire companies are being formed that build their software stacks on Julia. From personalized me

                      Why We Use Julia, 10 Years Later
                    • PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code | peps.python.org

                      PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>, Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Active Type: Process Created: 05-Jul-2001 Post-History: 05-Jul-2001, 01-Aug-2013 Table of Contents Introduction A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds Code Lay-out Indentation Tabs or Spaces? Maximum Line Length Shoul

                        PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code | peps.python.org
                      • Communicating with Interactive Articles

                        Examining the design of interactive articles by synthesizing theory from disciplines such as education, journalism, and visualization. Computing has changed how people communicate. The transmission of news, messages, and ideas is instant. Anyone’s voice can be heard. In fact, access to digital communication technologies such as the Internet is so fundamental to daily life that their disruption by

                          Communicating with Interactive Articles
                        • daScript - The High Performance Programming Language

                          News As of May 1st, 2023, version 0.4 of daScript has been released. The development team is currently working on the next major release, which will include a fully featured JIT compiler. This JIT compiler is currently available as a preview. daScript now happily runs in the web browser. Check it out. We now have an official blog November 18th, 2021: version 0.3 released. September 5th, 2020: vers

                          • 58 rules for beautiful UI design

                            Crafted to be your ultimate roadmap in the journey of UI design. Whether you are a seasoned designer looking to refresh your approach or a novice eager to learn the ropes, these rules are tailored to help you create interfaces that are not just visually appealing but also intuitively functional. To navigate this complex terrain, I have compiled 58 rules across eight categories, collectively formin

                              58 rules for beautiful UI design
                            • Common Go Mistakes - 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

                              Go Mistakes Book Details Common Go Mistakes This page is a summary of the mistakes in the 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them book. Meanwhile, it's also open to the community. If you believe that a common Go mistake should be added, please create an issue. Jobs Is your company hiring? Sponsor this repository and let a significant audience of Go developers (~1k unique visitors per week) know abou

                                Common Go Mistakes - 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
                              • キーボードから手を離さない 3 [Mac][Reeder5] - T’s blog

                                RSSリーダーなど今時、毎朝読んでいるのも珍しいとは思うのですが私にとっては貴重な情報源です。お気に入りのブログやニュースの類を登録してあって更新されると自動的に配信されてきます。RSSリーダーには古くからReederを使ってきました。はじめはiPhone版でしたが最近はMac版で閲覧しています。 Macの” Reeder3”を方向キーだけで操作する - tomi_kun’s diary Reeder 5. Silvio Rizziニュース¥1,220 ReederをMacで読むようになったのには理由があって、iPhone版ではブラウザ表示した時に画面が小さくて読みにくいのとMac版で閲覧すればマウスやトラックパッドを使わずに殆どの操作が方向キーだけで出来てしまうからです。Reederでブログなどを閲覧していて直接ブラウザ表示で読みたくなってもショートカットキー 「B」だけでデフォルトの

                                  キーボードから手を離さない 3 [Mac][Reeder5] - T’s blog
                                • The maze is in the mouse

                                  What ails Google. And how it can turn things around. “There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief” <All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan, the true “bard” of the modern age> I joined Google just before the pandemic when the company I had co-founded, AppSheet, was acquired by Google Cloud. The acquiring team and executives welcom

                                    The maze is in the mouse
                                  • #10 Ruby on Rails, Basecamp & HEY - Craft of Open Source Podcast | Flagsmith

                                    Ruby's first mission is to be the programmer's best friend. It puts the programmer first. Check out our open-source Feature Flagging system - Flagsmith on Github! I'd appreciate your feedback ❤️ Episode OverviewOn this episode of The Craft of Open Source, I was able to interview one of the most influential characters of the open source community, David Heinemeier Hansson. David's work has been wel

                                    • 後方互換性のあるGoだからこそ実装依存なコードに気をつけたい話

                                      \スニダンを開発しているSODA inc.の Advent Calendar 2023 21日目の記事です!!!/ そして今日はIPAデータベーススペシャリスト試験の合格発表日でもあります! 無事合格してました!(これを書いているときはまだ発表前なので未来の記憶です) はじめに Goの大きな特徴として後方互換性が保たれているので、言語のバージョンアップのハードルが低いというメリットがありますよね。 ですが、そんなGoでも完全な互換性を保証しているわけではありません。特定のケースにおいてバージョンアップによってプログラムを壊す可能性があるのです。 実際に遭遇することは少ないかもしれませんが、どういうケースでそれが起こるのか、どうすれば回避できるのか、実際にあった過去の事例を交えて知っておくと、バージョンアップ時の漠然とした不安を減らし後方互換性の恩恵を最大化できるようになると思います。 実際

                                      • 0.5.0 Release Notes · The Zig Programming Language

                                        Tier System § Tier 1 Support § Not only can Zig generate machine code for these targets, but the standard library cross-platform abstractions have implementations for these targets. Thus it is practical to write a pure Zig application with no dependency on libc. The CI server automatically tests these targets on every commit to master branch, and updates the download page with links to pre-built b

                                        • Mojo CSS · The Atomic CSS Framework for crafting gorgeous UIs without shipping any CSS.

                                          Mojo CSS Next-Gen CSS Framework The Atomic CSS Framework for crafting gorgeous UIs without shipping any CSS. Get Started Watch Intro One Tiny Core is All You Need Instant On-Demand CSS 1. Write the code class="" 2. Mojo compiles it <style> .bg-c-blue { ... } </style> 3. Voila! Coding Experience Redefined Less Code, More Readability Then class="bg-red-400 px-5 hover:bg-red-600 hover:px-8 " Now clas

                                          • 16 little UI design rules that make a big impact - Adham Dannaway

                                            A UI design case study to redesign an example user interface using logical rules or guidelines User interface design is hard. With so many options to choose from regarding layout, spacing, typography, and colour, making design decisions can be overwhelming. When you add usability, accessibility, and psychology to the mix, it gets even harder. Luckily, UI design doesn’t have to be so hard. Over nea

                                              16 little UI design rules that make a big impact - Adham Dannaway
                                            • Technical Writing for Developers | CSS-Tricks

                                              HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, C++, Dart — there are so many programming languages out there and you may even be totally fluent in several of them! But as we aim to write more and better code, the way we write and communicate in everyday language becomes more and more important… and perhaps even overlooked. The way we write about and around code is arguably as important as the code itself. An

                                                Technical Writing for Developers | CSS-Tricks
                                              • [レポート] SQL用リンター「SQLFluff」 #dbtcoalesce | DevelopersIO

                                                大阪オフィスの玉井です。 12月7日〜11日の間、Fishtown Analytics社がcoalesceというオンラインイベントを開催していました(SQLを触っている方はピンとくるイベント名ではないでしょうか)。 「Fishtown Analytics社って何やってる会社?」という感じですが、dbtというツールを開発しているベンダーです。dbtについては、下記をご覧ください。 今回は、その中からPresenting: SQLFluffセッションを受講したので、レポートを記します。 イベント概要 公式 Coalesce 2020 online - December 7-11, 2020 Presenting: SQLFluff - Coalesce 2020 online - December 7-11, 2020 登壇者 Alan Cruickshank, Head of Data wi

                                                  [レポート] SQL用リンター「SQLFluff」 #dbtcoalesce | DevelopersIO
                                                • GitHub - snakers4/silero-models: Silero Models: pre-trained speech-to-text, text-to-speech and text-enhancement models made embarrassingly simple

                                                  Silero Models: pre-trained enterprise-grade STT / TTS models and benchmarks. Enterprise-grade STT made refreshingly simple (seriously, see benchmarks). We provide quality comparable to Google's STT (and sometimes even better) and we are not Google. As a bonus: No Kaldi; No compilation; No 20-step instructions; Also we have published TTS models that satisfy the following criteria: One-line usage; A

                                                    GitHub - snakers4/silero-models: Silero Models: pre-trained speech-to-text, text-to-speech and text-enhancement models made embarrassingly simple
                                                  • PSR-12: Extended Coding Style - PHP-FIG

                                                    Extended Coding Style Guide¶ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. Overview¶ This specification extends, expands and replaces PSR-2, the coding style guide and requires adherence to PSR-1, the basic coding standard. Like PSR-2, the intent of th

                                                      PSR-12: Extended Coding Style - PHP-FIG
                                                    • Dependency Injection in Swift using latest Swift features

                                                      Dependency Injection is a software design pattern in which an object receives other instances that it depends on. It’s a commonly used technique that allows reusing code, insert mocked data, and simplify testing. An example could be initializing a view with the network provider as a dependency. There are many different solutions for dependency injection in Swift, which all have their own pros and

                                                        Dependency Injection in Swift using latest Swift features
                                                      • Prompt engineering - Wikipedia

                                                        Prompt engineering is the process of structuring text that can be interpreted and understood by a generative AI model.[1][2] A prompt is natural language text describing the task that an AI should perform.[3] A prompt for a text-to-text language model can be a query such as "what is Fermat's little theorem?",[4] a command such as "write a poem about leaves falling",[5] or a longer statement includ

                                                        • Modern Python performance considerations [LWN.net]

                                                          This article brought to you by LWN subscribersSubscribers to LWN.net made this article — and everything that surrounds it — possible. If you appreciate our content, please buy a subscription and make the next set of articles possible. There is a lot of work going on right now on speeding up Python; Kevin Modzelewski gave a presentation at PyCon 2022 on some of that work. Much of it has implication

                                                          • GitHub - mcinglis/c-style: My favorite C programming practices.

                                                            These are my favorite C programming practices. Some rules are as trivial as style, while others are more intricate. I follow a few rules religiously, and others I use as a guideline. I prioritize correctness, readability, simplicity and maintainability over speed because premature optimization is the root of all evil. Write correct, readable, simple and maintainable software, and tune it when you'

                                                              GitHub - mcinglis/c-style: My favorite C programming practices.
                                                            • 週刊Railsウォッチ: Ruby 3.4から暗黙の"it"ブロック変数が導入されるほか(20231222)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                                              週刊Railsウォッチについて 各記事冒頭には🔗でパーマリンクを置いてあります: 社内やTwitterでの議論などにどうぞ 「つっつきボイス」はRailsウォッチ公開前ドラフトを(鍋のように)社内有志でつっついたときの会話の再構成です👄 お気づきの点がありましたら@hachi8833までメンションをいただければ確認・対応いたします🙏 TechRachoではRubyやRailsなどの最新情報記事を平日に公開しています。TechRacho記事をいち早くお読みになりたい方はTwitterにて@techrachoのフォローをお願いします。また、タグやカテゴリごとにRSSフィードを購読することもできます(例:週刊Railsウォッチタグ) 🔗Rails: 先週の改修(Rails公式ニュースより) 公式更新情報: Ruby on Rails — Allow object_id as a colu

                                                                週刊Railsウォッチ: Ruby 3.4から暗黙の"it"ブロック変数が導入されるほか(20231222)|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                                              • How to Extract Wikipedia Data in Python - The Python Code

                                                                Extracting data and searching in Wikipedia, getting article summaries, links, images and more using Wikipedia library in Python. Abdeladim Fadheli · 4 min read · Updated jul 2022 · Web Scraping · Application Programming Interfaces Want to code faster? Our Python Code Generator lets you create Python scripts with just a few clicks. Try it now! Wikipedia is no doubt the largest and most popular gene

                                                                  How to Extract Wikipedia Data in Python - The Python Code
                                                                • React Context API: A deep dive with examples - LogRocket Blog

                                                                  Editor’s note: This article was last updated on 24 March 2023 to compare the process of using React Context with class-based components vs. functional components. Check out this article to ensure that you don’t overuse React Context. Despite React’s popularity, one of the biggest obstacles developers face when working with the library is components re-rendering excessively, slowing down performanc

                                                                    React Context API: A deep dive with examples - LogRocket Blog
                                                                  • Data Manipulation: Pandas vs Rust

                                                                    Introduction Pandas is the main Data analysis package of Python. For many reasons, Native Python has very poor performance on data analysis without vectorizing with NumPy and the likes. And historically, Pandas has been created by Wes McKinney to package those optimisations in a nice API to facilitate data analysis in Python. This, however, is not necessary for Rust. Rust has great data performanc

                                                                    • What I learned from making a DNS client in Rust

                                                                      Over the last few weeks I built my own DNS client. Mostly because I thought dig (the standard DNS client) was kinda clunky. Partly because I wanted to learn more about DNS. So here's how I built it, and how you can build your own too. It's a great weekend project, and I learned a lot from finishing it. Why? Julia Evans gave me the idea of making a DNS client. She's one of my favourite tech blogger

                                                                        What I learned from making a DNS client in Rust
                                                                      • Bashō | BashōJS

                                                                        Lazy JavaScript Evaluator for Shell Scripts Bashō lets you to write complex shell tasks using plain JavaScript. It mixes well with shell commands and scripts; so you can mix them with JavaScript in the same line. Installation Install Bashō first. Requires node 14 or above. npm install -g basho You can use the npx command to try basho without installing. # For example, Prints 100 npx basho -j 100 B

                                                                        • Generalizing 'jq' and Traversal Systems using optics and standard monads

                                                                          Hi folks! Today I'll be chatting about Traversal Systems like jq and XPath; we're going to discover which properties make them useful, then see how we can replicate their most useful behaviours in Haskell using (almost entirely) pre-ols!existing standard Haskell tools! Let's go! What's a Traversal System? First off I'll admit that "Traversal System" is a name I just came up with, you probably won'

                                                                          • Node.js — Node v15.0.0 (Current)

                                                                            Notable Changes Deprecations and Removals [a11788736a] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: remove --build-v8-with-gn configure option (Yang Guo) #27576 [89428c7a2d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: drop support for VS2017 (Michaël Zasso) #33694 [c25cf34ac1] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: move DEP0018 to End-of-Life (Rich Trott) #35316 [2002d90abd] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: deprecation warning on recursive rmdir (Ian Sutherland) #35

                                                                              Node.js — Node v15.0.0 (Current)
                                                                            • Where Do I Find Microsoft Office For Mac

                                                                              Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 7247 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 It's not just the that generates never-ending no comments from Microsoft officials. Microsoft execs also have been keeping mum on when the company plans to field its next on-premises/local versions of Office client and Office servers for Windows systems, as well as Office for Mac. This week, Microsoft officials did drop a

                                                                                Where Do I Find Microsoft Office For Mac
                                                                              • Kotlin: Fun with “in”

                                                                                I’m a big fan of determinism. It’s part of why I love Kotlin as a programming language. I like pushing problems to the compiler. I like using types for expressiveness and safety. And I really like sealed classes for representing state. One of the tools in Kotlin that allows us to achieve greater determinism is the language’s when expression. Most programmers working in Kotlin are pretty familiar w

                                                                                  Kotlin: Fun with “in”
                                                                                • New HTTP standards for caching on the modern web

                                                                                  If you run any large public-facing website or web application on the modern web, caching your static content in a CDN or other caching service is super important. It's also remarkably complicated and confusing. Fortunately, the HTTP working group at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is working to define new HTTP standards to make this better. There's been a lot of work here recently to la

                                                                                    New HTTP standards for caching on the modern web