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seriousの検索結果1 - 23 件 / 23件


seriousに関するエントリは23件あります。 security健康表現 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『『ジョーカー』  ”Why so serious?” それでいいわけ、本当に?』などがあります。
  • 『ジョーカー』  ”Why so serious?” それでいいわけ、本当に?

    『ジョーカー』  ”Why so serious?” それでいいわけ、本当に? 2019年11月14日 18時01分 カテゴリ: ★無料記事 • 天使のレビュー →公式サイトより →『皆殺し映画通信』新年会のお知らせ 『ジョーカー』 監督 トッド・フィリップス 出演 ホアキン・フェニックス “Why so serious?”と思ったのである。見終わって、まず最初に。 もちろん、そう言ったのはジョーカー(ヒース・レジャー)である。『ダークナイト』でのことだ。 知ってのとおり(だと思うが)ぼくはあの映画のことはそれほど高く評価しているわけではない。ヒース・レジャーが良かっただけだろ、とあちこちですでに語っている。それでも思わずそのセリフを思い出してしまうくらいにはうんざり、というか疲れてしまったのだ。いくらなんでもちょっぴりクソ真面目すぎませんか、と。 それに関してはThe Wrapに載った監

      『ジョーカー』  ”Why so serious?” それでいいわけ、本当に?
    • ゴアFPS『Serious Sam 4』のハーピー、乳首出てるか出てないか問題。有翼獣の乳房をめぐり激論勃発 - AUTOMATON

      ホーム ニュース ゴアFPS『Serious Sam 4』のハーピー、乳首出てるか出てないか問題。有翼獣の乳房をめぐり激論勃発 今年8月に発売を控える人気FPSシリーズ最新作『Serious Sam 4』。まずPC(Steam/Stadia)向けにリリースされ、Stadiaの時限独占期間終了後にPS4/Xbox Oneでも発売されることがアナウンスされている(関連記事)。過激なゴア表現に定評のある同シリーズだが、夏のリリースを控えた今、「ある描写」についてバトルが繰り広げられている。槍玉に上がっているのは、過去作から継続して登場している敵キャラクターの「Scythian Witch-Harpy(スキタイ魔女のハーピー、以下ハーピー)」だ。有翼の女性のような異形のモンスターで、シリーズを通して露出度の高いデザインを特徴としている。議論が白熱しているのはずばり「『Serious Sam 4』で

        ゴアFPS『Serious Sam 4』のハーピー、乳首出てるか出てないか問題。有翼獣の乳房をめぐり激論勃発 - AUTOMATON
      • KrØØk: Serious vulnerability affected encryption of billion+ Wi-Fi devices

        Award-winning news, views, and insight from the ESET security community ESET Research KrØØk: Serious vulnerability affected encryption of billion+ Wi-Fi devices ESET researchers uncover a previously unknown security flaw allowing an adversary to decrypt some wireless network packets transmitted by vulnerable devices ESET Research has published its latest white paper, KrØØk - CVE-2019-15126: Seriou

          KrØØk: Serious vulnerability affected encryption of billion+ Wi-Fi devices
        • A serious vulnerability deep inside Wi-Fi encryption | ESET

          Kr00k – formally known as CVE-2019-15126 – is a vulnerability in Broadcom and Cypress Wi-Fi chips that allows unauthorized decryption of some WPA2-encrypted traffic. The vulnerability affects all unpatched devices with Broadcom and Cypress FullMac Wi-Fi chips. These are the most common Wi-Fi chips used in today's client devices, made by well-known manufacturers including Amazon (Echo, Kindle), App

            A serious vulnerability deep inside Wi-Fi encryption | ESET
          • 'Don't scream and be serious' Japan theme park tells rollercoaster riders

            Fuji Q-Highland asks riders to "scream inside your heart" to minimise spread of droplets.

              'Don't scream and be serious' Japan theme park tells rollercoaster riders
            • 4 Serious Health Issues From Sitting Too Long (And How to Avoid Them)

              Sitting too long at your desk or on your couch is a modern epidemic. Here are four deadly risks to a sedentary lifestyle. Many of us have jobs that require us to stay in one position for long hours. Though you may get up for lunch, drinks, or the restroom, it's too easy to sit down for long periods of time. We can't solely blame careers either: look at how addictive gaming can be. But we all know

                4 Serious Health Issues From Sitting Too Long (And How to Avoid Them)
              • Patch now: Serious Linux kernel security hole uncovered

                The Zero Day Initiative originally rated this Linux 5.15 in-kernel SMB server, ksmbd, bug a perfectly awful 10. isak55 -- ShutterstockJust what every Linux system administrator wants just before the holidays: A serious Linux kernel security bug. The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI), a zero-day security research firm, announced a new Linux kernel security bug. This hole allows authenticated remote users t

                  Patch now: Serious Linux kernel security hole uncovered
                • Why the Mauritius oil spill is so serious

                  The location of the Mauritian oil spill means the environmental consequences could be long-lasting.

                    Why the Mauritius oil spill is so serious
                  • Gender disparity in the rate of partner abandonment in patients with serious medical illness - PubMed

                    The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

                      Gender disparity in the rate of partner abandonment in patients with serious medical illness - PubMed
                    • World Health Organization (WHO) on Twitter: ""Once again, our key message is: test, test, test. This is a serious disease. Although the evidence we have sugge… https://t.co/exdViSy0OA"

                      "Once again, our key message is: test, test, test. This is a serious disease. Although the evidence we have sugge… https://t.co/exdViSy0OA

                        World Health Organization (WHO) on Twitter: ""Once again, our key message is: test, test, test. This is a serious disease. Although the evidence we have sugge… https://t.co/exdViSy0OA"
                      • Why so serious, Inc.(ワイソーシリアス)

                        ゲームを作ることは「遊び」であり、人間にとって「遊び」以上にシリアスな営みはありません。 個⼈クリエイターの力を最大化する「遊び」を作り、世界を「遊び場」とすることを目指すインディーゲームレーベルです。

                          Why so serious, Inc.(ワイソーシリアス)
                        • Color.js: Let’s get serious about color • Color.js

                          Fully color space aware Each color belongs to a color space; operations are color space agnostic. Modules for a wide variety of color spaces, including Lab/LCh, OKLab/OKLCh, sRGB and friends (HSL/HSV/HWB), Display P3, Jzazbz, REC.2100 and many more. Doesn't gloss over color science Actual gamut mapping instead of naïve clipping, multiple DeltaE methods (76, CMC, 2000, Jz), multiple chromatic adapt

                          • 【自衛隊式】まじで全身筋肉痛!!自衛隊体操トレーニングやったら短期間で超痩せる。【ダイエット】Serious muscle pain!! Self-defense exercises training

                            【600万回再生!本当にありがとうございます】 ❗️全身筋肉痛になります。超痩せます。😳 自粛太りしたあなたへ…すぐ痩せたくありませんか。 元自衛隊員が、手っ取り早い方法「自衛隊体操」を教えます!! 私と一緒に頑張りませんか…!🌸 ※現職の自衛官の方は、体校の体操動画がおすすめです。 【情報解禁】 いつも動画を見てくださっている皆様のおかげで、 宝島社さんから初の書籍を出版することになりました…! 2021年 1/12(火)発売です。 「YouTubeで超人気! 元女性自衛官かざりの即やせダイエット個人授業」 こちらから予約できます。何卒…🙇‍♀️ ▼Amazon予約ページ https://amazon.co.jp/dp/4299012585 ◎公式Twitter https://twitter.com/kazariri ◎公式Instagram https://www.ins

                              【自衛隊式】まじで全身筋肉痛!!自衛隊体操トレーニングやったら短期間で超痩せる。【ダイエット】Serious muscle pain!! Self-defense exercises training
                            • Raspberry Pi With Some Serious Graphical Muscle

                              [Jeff Geerling] routinely tinkers around with Raspberry Pi compute module, which unlike the regular RPi 4, includes a PCI-e lane. With some luck, he was able to obtain an AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT GPU card and decided to try and plug it into the Raspberry Pi 4 Compute Module. While you likely wouldn’t be running games with such as setup, there are many kinds of unique and interesting compute-based wor

                                Raspberry Pi With Some Serious Graphical Muscle
                              • Warning of Serious DDoS Blackmail Campaigns Attributed to Fancy Bear Group - Link 11 - Take your cybersecurity to the next level

                                Blog / Threat Landscape / Warning of Serious DDoS Blackmail Campaigns Attributed to Fancy Bear Group Since mid-October 2019, companies in the payment, entertainment and retail sectors have been receiving DDoS extortion and blackmail emails which claim to come from the Fancy Bear cyber espionage group. The Link11 Security Operation Center is warning organizations about the DDoS attacks launched by

                                  Warning of Serious DDoS Blackmail Campaigns Attributed to Fancy Bear Group - Link 11 - Take your cybersecurity to the next level
                                • serious breakfast - fourth artisan

                                  何だとっ! それは一体どういうことだ!! そう言い放った旦那様が食卓に拳を叩きつけた途端、これまでの和やかな談笑ムードが一変。 瞬く間に厳粛な空気が張り詰めた。 かつてない緊張感が皆の顔をこわばらせる。 互いにチラリチラリと目を合わせつつ、 未だ不明の原因を探ろうと必死なのだ。 分からない・・・ どこが間違っていたというのか・・・。 『グラノーラで朝食を』2017年作 (原題:Great misunderstanding) ・主演:私 ・脚本:私 ・監督:私 ■作品のあらすじ(ネタバレ注意!) いや、だから、 オギャーと産まれ以来ずぅーっと、 シリアルをシリアスだと思ってたんだとさ。 知らんがな! (※5年前までの羞恥。実話。)

                                    serious breakfast - fourth artisan
                                  • Android's Bluetooth latency needs a serious overhaul

                                    If it wasn’t annoying enough that Android has some issues with sound quality differences of Bluetooth audio codecs, it seems as if there’s a latency problem as well. While it’s not an issue for music playback, Bluetooth latency is an important factor when watching movies, making calls, and playing games. You’ve probably already noticed it yourself when pausing music or skipping to the next track.

                                      Android's Bluetooth latency needs a serious overhaul
                                    • serious tableware - four dramatic factory

                                      今日はえらくヒマだったので、 真面目に夕食を準備しました。 ・・・と、申しますか、 いつもはこんな感じでキチンと食器に盛りつけず大きなボウルめがけて手当たり次第ブチ込んだと思いきや全体的なまとまりを持たせるため納豆と生卵を加えてぐちゃぐちゃの状態で食べてしまうのが私スタイルだけどちゃんとすればちゃんとした料理であるということを知って頂きたかったのです。 shigekihashimoto.com shigekihashimoto.com やはり、器が違うと味も全然違う。 ・・・ような気がする? shigekihashimoto.com shigekihashimoto.com shigekihashimoto.com

                                        serious tableware - four dramatic factory
                                      • TreadBands | Non-Slip Headbands For the Serious Athlete


                                          TreadBands | Non-Slip Headbands For the Serious Athlete
                                        • Harvard Reischauer Institute Notes ‘Serious Concerns’ Over Prof. Ramseyer’s ‘Comfort Women’ Article | News | The Harvard Crimson

                                          UPDATED: March 22, 2021 at 2:45 p.m. Harvard’s Reischauer Institute for Japanese Studies issued a statement last week calling on the publishing journal to “fully address” concerns raised around Harvard Law professor J. Mark Ramseyer’s contentious article on “comfort women,” and condemning online harassment that has stemmed from the controversy. Since Ramseyer’s forthcoming article in the Internati

                                            Harvard Reischauer Institute Notes ‘Serious Concerns’ Over Prof. Ramseyer’s ‘Comfort Women’ Article | News | The Harvard Crimson
                                          • Google researchers find serious privacy risks in Safari’s anti-tracking protections

                                            When Apple introduced powerful anti-tracking protections to Safari in 2017, advertisers banded together to say they were “deeply concerned” it would sabotage ad-supported content. Now, there’s new information showing that Safari users had good reason for unease as well. Known as Intelligent Tracking Prevention, the mechanism uses machine learning to classify which websites are allowed to use brows

                                              Google researchers find serious privacy risks in Safari’s anti-tracking protections
                                            • Pfizer and BioNTech Confirm High Efficacy and No Serious Safety Concerns Through Up to Six Months Following Second Dose in Updated Topline Analysis of Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Study | Pfizer

                                              Analysis of 927 confirmed symptomatic cases of COVID-19 demonstrates BNT162b2 is highly effective with 91.3% vaccine efficacy observed against COVID-19, measured seven days through up to six months after the second doseVaccine was 100% effective in preventing severe disease as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and 95.3% effective in preventing severe disease as defined

                                              • Roman Hryshchuk on Twitter: "Okay, we need to talk serious about this performance on Russian TV. https://t.co/lAnu3QtzZg"

                                                Okay, we need to talk serious about this performance on Russian TV. https://t.co/lAnu3QtzZg

                                                  Roman Hryshchuk on Twitter: "Okay, we need to talk serious about this performance on Russian TV. https://t.co/lAnu3QtzZg"
