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1 - 40 件 / 88件

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specificationの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 88件

  • Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL

    GraphQL is an incredible piece of technology that has captured a lot of mindshare since I first started slinging it in production in 2018. You won’t have to look far back on this (rather inactive) blog to see I have previously championed this technology. After building many a React SPA on top of a hodge podge of untyped JSON REST APIs, I found GraphQL a breath of fresh air. I was truly a GraphQL h

    • 祝🎉 POSIX.1-2024 (Issue 8) 改定!16年ぶりの大幅改定でシェルスクリプトはどう新しくなるのか? - Qiita

      FreeBSD では 2024-05-31 に 200112 から 200809 への変更がようやく行われました(一度間違えて 200808 と書いてしまっていますが)。 https://cgit.freebsd.org/src/commit/?id=2e30926a68 https://cgit.freebsd.org/src/commit/?id=6e0278408e macOS は FreeBSD のユーザーランドのコマンドを使用しているため、そのせいで 200112 のままだった可能性も考えられますが、シェルやカーネルは FreeBSD のものではないため、FreeBSD が変更になったからと言って macOS が更新されるとは限らないでしょう。Solaris 10 と 11 ではディレクトリごとに準拠バージョンが異なるバイナリが配置されており以下のようになります。Solaris

        祝🎉 POSIX.1-2024 (Issue 8) 改定!16年ぶりの大幅改定でシェルスクリプトはどう新しくなるのか? - Qiita
      • TypeScript 5.5 で追加された正規表現構文チェックを理解する

        TypeScript 5.5で、@graphemeclusterさんによって正規表現リテラルの構文チェックが導入されました🎉 この構文チェックによって、正規表現に間違いがあった場合、事前にTypeScriptがエラーを出力してくれます。 この機能について、次のことが気になったので調べてみました。 どんな構文がエラーになるか なぜ導入されたか どうやってチェックしているか JavaScriptで実行できるがTypeScriptでエラーになる構文はあるか ESLintとのカバー範囲の違い 本記事に関して、誤り等があれば指摘いただけると嬉しいです。 どんな構文がエラーになるか TypeScript 5.5では、正規表現に関するエラーメッセージが40個程度追加されています。 例えば、下記のような構文は、5.5でエラーになります。 // 存在しないフラグ var re = /a/b; // エラー

          TypeScript 5.5 で追加された正規表現構文チェックを理解する
        • Go1.23で導入予定のイテレータを完全理解する✌️

          イテレータについて完全理解するぞ!!!! 皆さん、Go1.23で導入予定のイテレータすごい楽しみですよね? 筆者はすごい楽しみです。Go1.18でジェネリクスが導入されて書き方の幅が広がったように、今回のイテレータもGoの書き方の幅を広げる機能になるのではと予想しております! https://github.com/golang/go/issues/61405 を見ると分かるように「add range over int, range over func」の機能はGo1.23のマイルストーンに積まれています。 「range over int」の機能についてはGo1.22で既に実装されています[1] 。「range over func」は来たるGo1.23に実装予定だと思われます。このブログでは、導入予定の型/関数とその使い方を深ぼっていきたいと思います! このブログの中では「range ove

          • Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript

            Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.5! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like typos, issues with null and undefined, and more. Types also power TypeScript’s edi

              Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
            • Connect RPC joins CNCF: gRPC you can bet your business on

              Authored by Derek Perez Connect RPC, Buf’s family of fully protocol-conformant and battle-tested alternatives to Google’s gRPC project, has joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. We joined the CNCF to demonstrate our deep commitment to sustainably and responsibly growing Connect as a well-governed and community-led open source project. Today, Connect integrates seamlessly with gRPC systems

                Connect RPC joins CNCF: gRPC you can bet your business on
              • [PDF]文字包摂ガイドライン

                デジタル庁デジタル社会共通機能グループ地方業務システム基盤チーム 2024/5 【監修】 笹原宏之(早稲田大学 社会科学総合学術院 社会科学部 教授) 山下真里(熊本大学 大学院人文社会科学研究部 准教授) 文字包摂ガイドライン 目次 1.文字包摂ガイドラインの目的................................................. 1 2.用語の解説 ................................................................ 2 3.文字同定作業の手順・予備知識・留意点....................................... 7 4.包摂可能な部首の字形について............................................... 9 5.包摂可能な基準につい

                • News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta

                  The last year has been a great one for WebKit. After unveiling Safari 17 beta at WWDC23, we’ve shipped six releases of Safari 17.x with a total of 200 new web technologies. And we’ve been hard at work on multiple architectural improvement projects that strengthen WebKit for the long-term. Now, we are pleased to announce WebKit for Safari 18 beta. It adds another 48 web platform features, as well a

                    News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta
                  • Announcing TypeScript 5.5 RC - TypeScript

                    Today we are excited to announce the availability of the release candidate of TypeScript 5.5. To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or through npm with the following command: npm install -D typescript@rc Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 5.5! Inferred Type Predicates Control Flow Narrowing for Constant Indexed Accesses Type Imports in JSDoc Regular Expression Syn

                      Announcing TypeScript 5.5 RC - TypeScript
                    • So You Want To Build A Browser Engine

                      Eyes Above The Waves Robert O'Callahan. Christian. Repatriate Kiwi. Hacker. Archive 2024 June So You Want To Build A Browser Engine Real-Time Settlers Of Catan April Auckland Waterfront Half Marathon 2024 Whanganui River Journey 2024 2023 December Rees-Dart Track 2023 Caples/Routeburn Track 2023 Abel Tasman Kayaking November Mount Pirongia 2023 Blog Migrated April Why I Signed The "Pause" Letter A

                      • CSS Length Units | CSS-Tricks

                        Overview Many CSS properties accept numbers as values. Sometimes those are whole numbers. Sometimes they’re decimals and fractions. Other times, they’re percentages. Whatever they are, the unit that follows a number determines the number’s computed length. And by “length” we mean any sort of distance that can be described as a number, such as the physical dimensions of an element, a measure of tim

                          CSS Length Units | CSS-Tricks
                        • This is why you should never use parser combinators and PEG

                          Let me tell you why you should (nearly) never use PEG (parsing expression grammars). Nearly everything I will say applies to parser combinators (parsec in Haskell, nom in Rust), too. So, don't use PEG. Use CFGs (context-free grammars) instead. They are more natural. I feel that CFGs more naturally represent how we think. Thus when you have some language in your head and you try to write it down as

                            This is why you should never use parser combinators and PEG
                          • Zen 5 CCDとX870とRyzen AI、AMDのCOMPUTEX講演にいくつかの補足情報

                            事前資料によるレポートと基調講演のUpdateがすでに掲載されているが、いくつか判らない事に関してAMDのDavid McAfee氏(Photo01)とJack Ni氏(Photo02)にお話しを伺う機会に恵まれたので、ちょっと補足情報をお届けしたい。ちなみにZen 5ベースのRyzen 9000シリーズとかRyzen AI 300シリーズに関しては、7月の発売に先立ってTech Dayが開催され、そこで細かい情報が開示されるという事だそうで、現時点では例えばZen 5コアの内部構造の詳細といった話はまだ開示されていない。 Photo01: おなじみDavid McAfee氏(CVP&GM, Ryzen channel business)。 Photo02: Jack Ni氏(Sr. Director, AI Product Management, Making AI pervasive

                              Zen 5 CCDとX870とRyzen AI、AMDのCOMPUTEX講演にいくつかの補足情報
                            • F# developer stories: how we've finally fixed a 9-year-old performance issue - .NET Blog

                              Programming language authors have to think about many things at once: overall language design, runtime dangers, possible feature misuse, backward compatibility, forward compatibility, and so on. All these aspects, together with communication hiccups and time constraints, might get in the way of some seemingly clear and manageable problems. The Bug The story began in the summer of 2015 with this is

                                F# developer stories: how we've finally fixed a 9-year-old performance issue - .NET Blog
                              • Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discussion #5828

                                It's been some time since we gave any update on the Browser Mode, and Vitest 2.0 seems like a good time to explain how we feel about it. And we have a lot of plans! The initial purpose of Vitest was to allow running tests without a complex Jest setup but with the battle-tested Jest API everyone is already familiar with. This also meant faking the browser environment (with jsdom or happy-dom). With

                                  Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discussion #5828
                                • An origin trial for a new HTML <permission> element  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                  There are a number of imperative methods for asking for permission to use powerful features like location access in web apps. These methods come with a number of challenges, which is why the Chrome permissions team is experimenting with a new declarative method: a dedicated HTML <permission> element. This element is in origin trial from Chrome 126, and ultimately we hope to standardize it. Imperat

                                    An origin trial for a new HTML <permission> element  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers
                                  • Useful CSS Tips And Techniques — Smashing Magazine

                                    The times for CSS have probably never been more exciting than today. In this quick read, we’ve got some useful CSS tips and techniques for you that you can apply to your work right away. Let’s dive deeper into self-modifying CSS variables, hanging punctuation, and more. If you’ve been in the web development game for longer, you might recall the days when CSS was utterly confusing and you had to co

                                      Useful CSS Tips And Techniques — Smashing Magazine
                                    • Introducing the Advanced Python Wrapper Driver for Amazon Aurora | Amazon Web Services

                                      AWS Database Blog Introducing the Advanced Python Wrapper Driver for Amazon Aurora Building upon our work with the Advanced JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Wrapper Driver, we are continuing to enhance the scalability and resiliency of today’s modern applications that are built with Python. The ability to scale is critical to handle millions of users on demand, and with stateful applications such

                                        Introducing the Advanced Python Wrapper Driver for Amazon Aurora | Amazon Web Services
                                      • rust is not about memory safety

                                        01 june, 2024 most of rust discussions nowadays revolve around memory safety, and how it is safer than C / C++ / zig / go / whatever language is being trashed on twitter that day. while yes, that is true - not that the bar for most of these is particularly high - what I think is the main point of the language is always glossed over: correctness. when one tries to criticize any of the aforementione

                                          rust is not about memory safety
                                        • 標準化システム データ連携についてAWSでの実装を考えてみた FTP編【ガバメントクラウド】 - サーバーワークスエンジニアブログ

                                          こんにちは、Enterprise Cloud部 ソリューションアーキテクト1課 宮形 です。 2023年から地方自治体様を中心としたガバメントクラウドにかかわるプリセールスやプロジェクトを担当しております。最近多くなってきたのが「標準化システム同士のデータ連携機能をAWSでどのように実装すればよいか?」というご相談です。本BLOGではAWSでの実装アーキテクチャ案についてご紹介したいと思います。 注意: 本BLOGは私の個人的な考察と、弊社有志のメンバーより頂いた知見より記載した内容となっております。 動作を保証するものではなく、また地方自治体様の業務内容によってはご利用いただけないことも十分考えられます。 各省庁から示される機能の標準仕様の合致についてもお約束できるものではありません。ご承知いただき、参考情報としてご覧いただけると幸いです。 AWSで実装した場合のアーキテクチャ図 機能要

                                            標準化システム データ連携についてAWSでの実装を考えてみた FTP編【ガバメントクラウド】 - サーバーワークスエンジニアブログ
                                          • Conditionals on Custom Properties - Geoff Graham

                                            Saw this from Lea being passed around yesterday: A historical day for CSS 😀🎉 If you write any components used and/or styled by others, you know how huge this is! background: if(style(–variant: success), var(–green)); Even if you don’t, this will allow things like: padding: if(var(–2xl), 1em, var(–xl) or var(–m),… pic.twitter.com/cXeqwBuXvK — Lea Verou (@LeaVerou) June 13, 2024 Whoa, right?! Seei

                                            • WebAssembly JSPI has a new API · V8

                                              WebAssembly’s JavaScript Promise Integration (JSPI) API has a new API, available in Chrome release M126. We talk about what has changed, how to use it with Emscripten, and what is the roadmap for JSPI. JSPI is an API that allows WebAssembly applications that use sequential APIs to access Web APIs that are asynchronous. Many Web APIs are crafted in terms of JavaScript Promise objects: instead of im

                                              • 268% Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects, Study Finds

                                                268% Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects, Study Finds Study consisting of 600 UK and US software engineers finds projects adopting Agile Manifesto practices are 268% more likely to fail than those which do the opposite.Research demonstrates how Agile software project failure rates can be cut 6.5x using a new Impact Engineering methodology.Adopting Impact Engineering could save $115bn

                                                  268% Higher Failure Rates for Agile Software Projects, Study Finds
                                                • Askar Safin

                                                  This is why you should never use parser combinators and PEG June 2, 2024 Let me tell you why you should (nearly) never use PEG (parsing expression grammars). Nearly everything I will say applies to parser combinators (parsec in Haskell, nom in Rust), too. So, don't use PEG. Use CFGs (context-free grammars) instead. They are more natural. I feel that CFGs more naturally represent how we think. Thus

                                                  • Heuristics - The Tester's Guidestick

                                                    This is a search field with an auto-suggest feature attached. Today is your first day of switching to a new project. You have been testing your previous application for almost a year and you are not an expert but an advocate of the application. However, today you are going to be an apprentice in this new project. The first thing you would do is explore the application to get an insight into how it

                                                      Heuristics - The Tester's Guidestick
                                                    • Improving Web Accessibility with Web Platform Tests

                                                      Last year, a colleague introduced me to the Interop Accessibility project. I immediately resonated with its charge to “improve the state of accessibility across the entire web, regardless of which platform, browser, or assistive technology.” The project’s mission was compelling but it also represented, from my perspective, a transformative example of shifting accessibility to the level of web plat

                                                      • Inline conditionals in CSS, now? • Lea Verou

                                                        The CSS WG resolved to add if() to CSS, but that won’t be in browsers for a while. What are our options in the meantime? A couple days ago, I posted about the recent CSS WG resolution to add an if() function to CSS. Great as it may be, this is still a long way off, two years if everything goes super smoothly, more if not. So what can you do when you need conditionals right now? You may be pleased

                                                          Inline conditionals in CSS, now? • Lea Verou
                                                        • Mastering Node.js Performance Hooks

                                                          Node.js includes a built-in module called performance hooks for precise performance measurement. But why use it when you can simply log timestamps and calculate the difference between two dates? At least because it is precise. The module uses a monotonic clock that allows you, as a user, to make performance measurements and be sure that they are not corrupted. At first, I struggled to understand h

                                                            Mastering Node.js Performance Hooks
                                                          • Use context-free grammars instead of parser combinators and PEG | Hacker News

                                                            Parsing is an application domain where I'd expect more hard logic and less soft feelings than in this article."I feel that CFGs more naturally represent how we think" but "All this doesn't apply to situations where you trying to parse some language, whose specification explicitly says that the language is based on PEG formalism" A terrible context free grammar (with left and right recursion, not a

                                                            • [アップデート] Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator が Dockerfile の設定不備を検出するようになりました #AWSreInforce | DevelopersIO

                                                              [アップデート] Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator が Dockerfile の設定不備を検出するようになりました #AWSreInforce Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator が Dockerfile の設定不備を検出するようになりました。 Inspector Scan API を利用して詳細を確認できます。 こんにちは! AWS 事業本部コンサルティング部のたかくに(@takakuni_)です。普段は趣味で Amazon Inspector の追っかけをしています。 フィラデルフィアで開催されている AWS re:Inforce 2024 に参加しています。 Keynote や What's new の裏側で Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator が Dockerfile の設定不備を検出するようにな

                                                                [アップデート] Amazon Inspector SBOM Generator が Dockerfile の設定不備を検出するようになりました #AWSreInforce | DevelopersIO
                                                              • The quest continues

                                                                The quest continues Published on Friday 31st May 2024 It has been nearly a year since the last post so thought it would be good to do a much-needed status of the project! While not production-ready yet there has been some great recent progress in the last year. The project has passed 2000 stars, 10 external contributions and it now passes over 200 checker tests. If you haven't heard of it yet, Ezn

                                                                  The quest continues
                                                                • ECMAScript 2024 features: resizing and transferring ArrayBuffers

                                                                  ECMAScript 2024 features: resizing and transferring ArrayBuffers In this blog post, we examine ArrayBuffer features that were introduced in ECMAScript 2024: “In-place resizable ArrayBuffers”, proposed by Shu-yu Guo “ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer and friends” proposed by Shu-yu Guo, Jordan Harband and Yagiz Nizipli What are ArrayBuffers?  # The following classes provide an API for handling binary

                                                                  • What Are CSS Container Style Queries Good For? — Smashing Magazine

                                                                    What are these CSS Container Style Queries, and why should you use them? Juan Diego Rodríguez delves deeply into style queries, and not at the syntax level, but at what exactly they are solving and what sort of use cases you would find yourselves reaching for them in your work if and when they gain browser support. We’ve relied on media queries for a long time in the responsive world of CSS but th

                                                                      What Are CSS Container Style Queries Good For? — Smashing Magazine
                                                                    • OpenAPI を実装する Go サーバー oapi-codegen と ogen を比較

                                                                      はじめに コードなんて人間が書かなければ書かないほどいいもんです。第二弾です。 第一弾 ↓ 今回は OpenAPI を活用したサーバー実装におけるコード自動生成ライブラリを触ってみて比較をしたのでメモとして残しておきます。 OpenAPI The OpenAPI Specification provides a formal standard for describing HTTP APIs. OpenAPI を活用することで HTTP API を定義することができます。 ライブラリ 今回 OpenAPI の定義を解釈してコードを自動生成してくれるツールとして oapi-codegen と ogen を比較します。 OpenAPI からコードを自動生成するツールとしてスター数がもっとも多い openapi-generator がありますが、多様な言語に対応してくれるフレームワークという感じ

                                                                        OpenAPI を実装する Go サーバー oapi-codegen と ogen を比較
                                                                      • Zig's New CLI Progress Bar Explained - Andrew Kelley

                                                                        Zig's New CLI Progress Bar Explained Sometimes, programming projects are too easy and boring. Sometimes, they're too hard, never ending or producing subpar results. This past week I had the pleasure of completing a project that felt like maximum difficulty - only possible because I am at the top of my game, using a programming language designed for making perfect software. This problem threw every

                                                                        • Rust Foundation

                                                                          DOVER, DELAWARE, USA, June 12, 2024 – The Rust Foundation, AdaCore, Arm, Ferrous Systems, HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH, Lynx Software Technologies, OxidOS, TECHFUND, TrustInSoft, Veecle, and Woven by Toyota are thrilled to jointly announce the Safety-Critical Rust Consortium. The primary objective of this group will be to support the responsible use of the Rust programming language in safety-critical

                                                                            Rust Foundation
                                                                          • Masonry and reading order – Rachel Andrew

                                                                            I recently wrote a post about the CSS masonry proposal on the Chrome for Developers blog. I was keen not to muddy the waters with anything that wasn’t the main point of that post—which was to explain why the Chrome team felt that masonry should be specified outside of grid. Since then, a couple of people have mentioned the content reordering issue that masonry presents, notably Andy Bell in his po

                                                                            • 架空の「ガバメントクラウド認定試験」 #1~#4|はちみつ

                                                                              はじめに本記事に掲載されている「ガバメントクラウド認定試験」は、公式なものではありません。これは筆者が個人的に作成した架空の試験問題であり、ジョークとしてお楽しみいただくことを目的としています。 ガバメントクラウドや自治体システムの標準化に興味がある方々向けに作成していますが、難易度はすでにガバメントクラウドの検討に着手されている方を対象としており、一部の用語の説明は省略している場合があります。 なお、本内容は投稿日時点の情報に基づいている点にご注意ください。標準仕様書やガバメントクラウド関連文書群は随時更新されていますので、最新の正確な情報については、必ず公式の資料をご確認ください。 問題それでは、「ガバメントクラウド認定試験」の問題に挑戦してみましょう。 第1問ガバメントクラウドにおいて、クラウドとオンプレミスを組み合わせてデータを処理・保存する利用形態(ハイブリッド構成)については、

                                                                                架空の「ガバメントクラウド認定試験」 #1~#4|はちみつ
                                                                              • CEL(Common Expression Language) - Carpe Diem

                                                                                概要 CEL(Common Expression Language)とは、Google によって開発された軽量で高速な式評価言語です。 そのシンプルさと効率性から、セキュリティポリシー、リソースフィルタリング、データ検証などに使われます。 例えばプロダクションでは以下のような利用例があります。 IAM Conditionsとして Kubernetesのセキュリティポリシー定義として 今回はCELの説明と簡単な使い方を紹介します。 環境 go v1.22.1 cel-go v0.20.1 CELとは CELは以下の特徴を持ちます。 非チューリング完全言語 軽量 静的型付けを採用しており、コンパイル時にエラーを検出できる 多数の組み込み関数をサポート ユーザー定義関数やカスタム型を使って拡張できる 具体的には次のようなことができます。 // リソース名がグループ名で始まっているかどうかをチェッ

                                                                                  CEL(Common Expression Language) - Carpe Diem
                                                                                • Lukas Diekmann

                                                                                  UB or not UB: How gcc and clang handle statically known undefined behaviour 25 June 2024 Recently, we had a discussion in our team about undefined behaviour (UB) in C. For those unfamiliar: We say that a program has undefined behaviour when we write code where the language specification doesn't define what should happen during execution. That means compilers can do whatever they like if they encou