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  • Migrating Millions of Concurrent Websockets to Envoy - Slack Engineering

    Ariane van der Steldt Staff Software Engineer, Site Reliability Slack has a global customer base, with millions of simultaneously connected users at peak times. Most of the communication between users involves sending lots of tiny messages to each other. For much of Slack’s history, we’ve used HAProxy as a load balancer for all incoming traffic. Today, we’ll talk about problems we faced with HAPro

      Migrating Millions of Concurrent Websockets to Envoy - Slack Engineering
    • 【レポート】セルフハンズオン AWS ではじめるデータ分析〜データレイクハンズオン〜はデータ分析を始めたいあなたにぴったりのセッションです #AWSSummit | DevelopersIO

      【レポート】セルフハンズオン AWS ではじめるデータ分析〜データレイクハンズオン〜はデータ分析を始めたいあなたにぴったりのセッションです #AWSSummit 最近寒くなってきましたね。"そんな秋にはデータ分析を始めたい"エンジニアの方にはぜひ取り組んでいただきたい、気軽にデータの可視化まで実践できてしまうハンズオンでした! "データ分析始めてみたいぞ、でも何からしたらいいかわからん。"そんな方はいませんか。私も同じです、新卒エンジニアのたいがーです? ”AWS ではじめるデータ分析〜データレイクハンズオン〜”は、そんなデータ分析を始めたい!あなたの悩みを解決してくれる、入門者にとても易しいセッションでした。最後まで取り組むことでデータの可視化も行うことができます。早速、取り組んでいきましょう! ハンズオンの動画についてはこちらからご覧ください。 セッション概要 冒頭に、データ分析の概要

        【レポート】セルフハンズオン AWS ではじめるデータ分析〜データレイクハンズオン〜はデータ分析を始めたいあなたにぴったりのセッションです #AWSSummit | DevelopersIO
      • Applied-ML Papers

        Curated papers, articles, and blogs on machine learning in production. Designing your ML system? Learn how other organizations did it. Star Table of Contents Data QualityData EngineeringData DiscoveryFeature StoresClassificationRegressionForecastingRecommendationSearch & RankingEmbeddingsNatural Language ProcessingSequence ModellingComputer VisionReinforcement LearningAnomaly DetectionGraphOptimiz

          Applied-ML Papers
        • 人間の脳は連想によって様々な思考の要素を結びつけていく。脳と同じような機能をもつ機械、「メメックス(Memex)」とは?|Sangmin Ahn

          こんにちは、Choimirai School のサンミンです。 00  はじめにメメックス(memex)とは、MEMory EXtender の略で、記憶拡張機の意味です。この言葉は、1945年に当時アメリカの戦争技術開発の科学面で最高責任者(率いたのは約6000人の研究者)であったヴァネヴァー・ブッシュ(Vannevar Bush)氏が書いた As We May Think で初めて紹介されています。 Bush氏は「As We May Think」の中で人間の脳は連想によってさまざまな思考の要素を結びつけていくと説明し、それと同じような機能をもった、機械を提唱し、「メメックス(memex)」と名づけています。 背景には第二次世界大戦が終わる頃で、米国の科学技術政策の転換を促す流れが… In this significant article he holds up an incentive

            人間の脳は連想によって様々な思考の要素を結びつけていく。脳と同じような機能をもつ機械、「メメックス(Memex)」とは?|Sangmin Ahn
          • Adding Sorbet to a Rails Monolith

            After writing Java for six years at my previous job, onboarding to Flexport’s large Rails monolith was a daunting task. Flexport’s domain — international logistics — is complex. Our operations span the globe and diverse business units from finance and customs to trucking and ocean freight. Even with a perfect codebase with zero incidental complexity the amount of inherent complexity would still be

              Adding Sorbet to a Rails Monolith
            • 7 Things to Do Before Selling Your Old Android Phone

              The average lifespan of a smartphone is usually about three years. After that, the battery life becomes bothersome and most OEMs stop providing software updates. That's also when most people ditch their old phone to upgrade to a new model. If you're looking to sell your Android phone but are unsure how to go about it, this guide will help you through the whole process. Simply follow the steps belo

                7 Things to Do Before Selling Your Old Android Phone
              • Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes

                Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes Dennis Yurichev Untitled/unsorted collection of math notes Dennis Yurichev May 18, 2023 Contents 1 Unsorted parts 1 1.1 Fencepost error / off-by-one error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 GCD and LCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1

                • Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!

                  Most communication on the modern Internet is encrypted to ensure that its content is intelligible only to the endpoints, i.e., client and server. Encryption, however, requires a key and so the endpoints must agree on an encryption key without revealing the key to would-be attackers. The most widely used cryptographic protocol for this task, called key exchange, is the Transport Layer Security (TLS

                    Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!
                  • Go support for AWS X-Ray now available in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry | Amazon Web Services

                    AWS Open Source Blog Go support for AWS X-Ray now available in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry In this blog post, AWS interns Wilbert Guo and Kelvin Lo share their experience in enhancing the OpenTelemetry Go SDK to support sending traces to AWS X-Ray. These enhancements are also available in the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry. AWS X-Ray is a service that collects data and provides tools that allow us

                      Go support for AWS X-Ray now available in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry | Amazon Web Services
                    • dbs-002.dvi

                      Foundations and Trends R � in Databases Vol. 1, No. 2 (2007) 141–259 c � 2007 J. M. Hellerstein, M. Stonebraker and J. Hamilton DOI: 10.1561/1900000002 Architecture of a Database System Joseph M. Hellerstein1 , Michael Stonebraker2 and James Hamilton3 1 University of California, Berkeley, USA, hellerstein@cs.berkeley.edu 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 3 Microsoft Research, USA Abstra

                      • Kubernetes best practices for monitoring and alerts

                        Guest post originally published on the Fairwinds blog by Sarah Zelechoski, VP of engineering at Fairwinds The truth is Kubernetes monitoring done right is a fantasy for most. It’s a problem magnified in a dynamic, ever-changing Kubernetes environment. And it is a serious problem. While organizations commonly want availability insurance, few monitor their environments well for two main reasons: It’

                          Kubernetes best practices for monitoring and alerts
                        • Out of the Tar Pit [pdf]

                          Out of the Tar Pit Ben Moseley ben@moseley.name Peter Marks public@indigomail.net February 6, 2006 Abstract Complexity is the single major difficulty in the successful develop- ment of large-scale software systems. Following Brooks we distinguish accidental from essential difficulty, but disagree with his premise that most complexity remaining in contemporary systems is essential. We identify comm

                          • How we migrated our PostgreSQL database with 11 seconds downtime – Government Digital Service

                            GOV.UK Notify is hosted on the GOV.UK Platform as a Service (PaaS). The PaaS is being retired, so we are migrating all of our infrastructure into our own Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. This blog post explains how we migrated our PostgreSQL database with minimal downtime. Migrating our database The PaaS provides a database for us and we use it to store all of our data - from data about each not

                              How we migrated our PostgreSQL database with 11 seconds downtime – Government Digital Service
                            • Tobira Records

                              Quickview {"id":8414068048122,"title":"Flord \u0026 Weirdvin \/\/ Oyster EP 12\"","handle":"flord-weirdvin-oyster-ep-12","description":"\u003cp\u003eスウェーデン・ストックホルムのテクノ作家FlordとWeirdvinが、2024年4月にFlord主宰レーベルLyssna Recordsからリリースした共作12\"です。\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eミニマルファンク〜ミニマル・テックハウス〜アンビエント・テクノ4曲を収録。\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ciframe src=\"https:\/\/w.soundcloud.com\/player\/?url=https%3A

                                Tobira Records
                              • using rr with rust

                                rr-with-rust.md using rust with rr rr is a great debugging tool. it records a trace of a program's execution, as well as the results of any syscalls it executes, so that you can "rewind" while you debug, and get deterministic forward and reverse instrumented playback. it works with rust, but by default if you try it out, it could be pretty ugly when you inspect variables. if this bothers you, conf

                                  using rr with rust
                                • Plan 9 Desktop Guide

                                  PLAN 9 DESKTOP GUIDE INDEX What is Plan 9? Limitations and Workarounds Connecting to Other Systems VNC RDP SSH 9P Other methods Porting Applications Emulating other Operating Systems Virtualizing other Operating Systems Basics Window Management Copy Pasting Essential Programs Manipulating Text in the Terminal Acme - The Do It All Application Multiple Workspaces Tiling Windows Plumbing System Admin

                                  • Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Vaccine Candidate Against COVID-19 Achieved Success in First Interim Analysis from Phase 3 Study | Pfizer

                                    Vaccine candidate was found to be more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection in the first interim efficacy analysisAnalysis evaluated 94 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in trial participants Study enrolled 43,538 participants, with 42% having diverse backgrounds, and no serious safety concerns have been observed; Safety and additional

                                    • 精神分析を患う国|フリー・グーグルトン

                                      ■ 20世紀で最も並外れた知的信用詐欺 1960年にノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞した生物学者、ピーター・メダワーはかつて「精神医学の被害者(Victims of Psychiatry)」と題した書評において、精神分析を「20世紀で最も並外れた知的信用詐欺(the most stupendous intellectual confidence trick of the 20th century)」と表現した。*1書評の対象は、アメリカの神経外科医I.S.クーパーの著作『The victim is always the same』で、変形性筋ジストニア(DMD)の若い患者が、それが神経筋疾患であるにもかかわらず精神疾患と誤診され、フロイト派の精神分析医によって行われる医学的にも倫理的にも不適当な「治療」を受けさせられる悲劇が描かれている。*2 精神医学における精神分析は前世紀半ばまでは隆盛を誇

                                      • Quickly build high-accuracy Generative AI applications on enterprise data using Amazon Kendra, LangChain, and large language models | Amazon Web Services

                                        AWS Machine Learning Blog Quickly build high-accuracy Generative AI applications on enterprise data using Amazon Kendra, LangChain, and large language models June 2023: This post was updated to cover the Amazon Kendra Retrieve API optimized for RAG use cases, and Amazon Kendra retriever now being part of the LangChain GitHub repo. This revision also updates the instructions to use new version samp

                                          Quickly build high-accuracy Generative AI applications on enterprise data using Amazon Kendra, LangChain, and large language models | Amazon Web Services
                                        • AWS Japan FAQ's

                                          For questions and answers about Amazon AWS Japan and the changes you are experiencing, please read through our FAQs below. 1. アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社とは何ですか? 2022 年 2 月 1 日より、アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社(AWS Japan) が、Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS Inc.) に代わり、日本国内の全てのアカウントに対する新しい AWS クラウドサービスの契約当事者となります。したがって、日本国内のすべてのアカウントは AWS Inc. ではなく、AWS Japan からクラウドサービスを購入することになります。日本国内の請求書払いのアカウントは、2021 年 11 月 1 日に、

                                            AWS Japan FAQ's
                                          • SSH agent restriction

                                            Author: Damien Miller <djm@openssh.com> Last modified: 2022-01-10 TLDR OpenSSH 8.9 will include the ability to control how and where keys in ssh-agent may be used, both locally and when forwarded (subject to some limitations). Background The OpenSSH SSH protocol implementation includes the ssh-agent authentication agent. This tool supports two overlapping uses: a safe runtime store for unwrapped p

                                            • BPF ring buffer

                                              There is now a new BPF data structure available: BPF ring buffer. It solves memory efficiency and event re-ordering problems of the BPF perf buffer (a de facto standard today for sending data from kernel to user-space) while meeting or beating its performance. It provides both perfbuf-compatible for easy migration, but also has the new reserve/submit API with better usability. Also, both synthetic

                                              • Static TypeScript

                                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Static TypeScript An Implementation of a Static Compiler for the Typ

                                                • お盆に向けて感染予防対策についての市長コメント(2022年8月10日)|つくば市公式ウェブサイト

                                                  市民の皆様におかれましては、日頃より新型コロナウイルスの感染防止対策にご理解とご協力をいただき、心より御礼を申し上げます。 新型コロナウイルスのオミクロン株の亜型であるBA5による第7波は、これまでの感染の勢いをはるかに上回るスピードで、全国的に急拡大しています。つくば市においても8月5日には感染者数が、これまでで最多となる540人を記録するなど、感染の急拡大が続いています。 第7波の感染急拡大に伴い、茨城県内でも医療従事者の感染などにより、発熱外来や救急医療が非常にひっ迫しています。市民の皆様におかれましては、限りある医療資源を有効に活用し、真に必要とする方に医療を届けるために、適切な医療機関の受診や救急要請(119番通報)へのご理解とご協力をお願いいたします。 これからお盆を迎え、人と会う機会が多くなる時期を迎えますので、改めまして、基本的な感染対策である「手洗い」や「こまめな換気」、

                                                  • 小室哲哉の使用機材 - Wikipedia

                                                    小室哲哉の使用機材(こむろてつやのしようきざい)は、日本のミュージシャン、小室哲哉の制作の際に使用する機材とそれらによって生まれた方向性についてのまとめである。 使用機材[編集] Sequential Circuits Prophet-600[1] Pearl PolySensor PPG WAVE 2.2[2] Prophet VS[3] E-mu Emulator II 小室は「鍵盤の左端が弾き辛い」「ディスクの入れ替えをやってる余裕がない」「見栄が悪い」「小さいキーボードから、色々な音色が『声』から『オーケストラ』まで出てくると皆が不思議がってくれる」という理由から、YAMAHA DX7とMIDIで接続されてあり、小泉洋のコントロールでDX7自体の音色と切り替えながら弾き分けていた[4]。 小室はライブでの演奏と動きに徹していて、物理的に操作に関与することが不可能なため、ステージ上で

                                                    • What's New In DevTools (Chrome 78)  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                      Multi-client support in the Audits panel You can now use the Audits panel in combination with other DevTools features like Request Blocking and Local Overrides. For example, suppose that your Audits panel report says that your page's performance score is 70 and one of your biggest performance opportunities is eliminating render-blocking resources. Figure 1. The initial Performance score. Figure 2.

                                                      • A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist

                                                        Even with big ambitions, only a small percentage of startups make it. Mercury Raise is here to change that. Introducing the comprehensive founder success platform built to remove roadblocks at every step of the startup journey. Looking to fundraise? Get your pitch in front of hundreds of the right investors with Investor Connect. Craving the company of people who get it? Join our Slack community o

                                                          A24: The Rise of a Cultural Conglomerate | The Generalist
                                                        • Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System?

                                                          Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System? Andrew Crotty Carnegie Mellon University andrewcr@cs.cmu.edu Viktor Leis University of Erlangen-Nuremberg viktor.leis@fau.de Andrew Pavlo Carnegie Mellon University pavlo@cs.cmu.edu ABSTRACT Memory-mapped (mmap) file I/O is an OS-provided feature that maps the contents of a file on secondary storage into a program’s address spac

                                                          • MaxCDN and SecureCDN are Retiring; Here's What It Means for You

                                                            Take A Short Walk With Me Through StackPath History In 2016, MaxCDN (the company) became a part of StackPath, and MaxCDN (the service) was the underpinnings for SecureCDN, the first StackPath-branded service, released the same year. In 2017, Highwinds (the company) joined the family, and in 2018 we merged the capabilities and legacies of MaxCDN/SecureCDN into Highwinds CDN to create StackPath CDN.

                                                              MaxCDN and SecureCDN are Retiring; Here's What It Means for You
                                                            • Introducing PyTorch Forecasting

                                                              I am pleased to announce the open-source Python package PyTorch Forecasting. It makes time series forecasting with neural networks simple both for data science practitioners and researchers. Why is accurate forecasting so important?Forecasting time series is important in many contexts and highly relevant to machine learning practitioners. Take, for example, demand forecasting from which many use c

                                                                Introducing PyTorch Forecasting
                                                              • The container orchestrator landscape [LWN.net]

                                                                Did you know...?LWN.net is a subscriber-supported publication; we rely on subscribers to keep the entire operation going. Please help out by buying a subscription and keeping LWN on the net. Docker and other container engines can greatly simplify many aspects of deploying a server-side application, but numerous applications consist of more than one container. Managing a group of containers only ge

                                                                • Using Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing: A Step-by-Step Guide

                                                                  outbound-email-with-cloudflare.md Using Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing: Step-by-Step Guide Learn how to send emails through Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing in this comprehensive guide. Step 1: Enable 2-Factor Authentication To proceed with this method, ensure that you have enabled two-factor authentication for your Google account. If you haven't done so already, you can follow t

                                                                    Using Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing: A Step-by-Step Guide
                                                                  • ETL and ELT design patterns for lake house architecture using Amazon Redshift: Part 1 | Amazon Web Services

                                                                    AWS Big Data Blog ETL and ELT design patterns for lake house architecture using Amazon Redshift: Part 1 New: Read Amazon Redshift continues its price-performance leadership to learn what analytic workload trends we’re seeing from Amazon Redshift customers, new capabilities we have launched to improve Redshift’s price-performance, and the results from the latest benchmarks. Part 1 of this multi-pos

                                                                      ETL and ELT design patterns for lake house architecture using Amazon Redshift: Part 1 | Amazon Web Services
                                                                    • Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2023-23397 | Microsoft Security Blog

                                                                      February 15, 2024 update – On January 20, 2024, the US government conducted a disruption operation against infrastructure used by a threat actor we track as Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM), a Russian state-sponsored threat actor, as detailed here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-conducts-court-authorized-disruption-botnet-controlled-russian December 4, 2023 update – Microsoft has ide

                                                                        Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2023-23397 | Microsoft Security Blog
                                                                      • CSS Creator Håkon Wium Lie Interview by Evrone

                                                                        Index / Blog / Håkon Wium Lie: "Maybe we're in the metaverse already. If so, we don't need another one." Read an interview with Håkon Wium Lie, who is most notably recognized for his work in the development of CSS while collaborating with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN. From his early computer experiences in Norway to his role at CERN, Håkon Wium Lie shares insights on the evolution o

                                                                          CSS Creator Håkon Wium Lie Interview by Evrone
                                                                        • How SQLite helps you do ACID

                                                                          How SQLite helps you do ACID Author Name Ben Johnson @benbjohnson @benbjohnson Image by Annie Ruygt Fly.io runs apps close to users around the world, by taking containers and upgrading them to full-fledged virtual machines running on our own hardware around the world. Sometimes those containers run SQLite and we make that easy too. Give us a whirl and get up and running quickly. When database vend

                                                                            How SQLite helps you do ACID
                                                                          • React Authentication & Access Control | CSS-Tricks

                                                                            Authentication and access control are required for most applications, but they often distract us from building core features. In this article, I’ll cover a straightforward way to add auth and access control in React. Instead of adding a static library that you have to keep up to date or re-research each time you build a project, we’ll use a service that stays up to date automatically and is a much

                                                                              React Authentication & Access Control | CSS-Tricks
                                                                            • iCloud Private Relay: information for Cloudflare customers

                                                                              iCloud Private Relay: information for Cloudflare customers2022-03-02 This post is also available in Español. iCloud Private Relay is a new Internet privacy service from Apple that allows users with iOS 15, iPadOS 15, or macOS Monterey on their devices and an iCloud+ subscription, to connect to the Internet and browse with Safari in a more secure and private way. Cloudflare is proud to work with Ap

                                                                                iCloud Private Relay: information for Cloudflare customers
                                                                              • SourceHut will (not) blacklist the Go module mirror

                                                                                Update 2023-01-31: Russ Cox of the Go team reached out to us to address this problem. After some discussion, an acceptable plan was worked out. The Go team is working on deploying an update to the “go” tool to add a -reuse flag, which should substantially reduce the traffic generated by this system for all users of Go. In the meantime, the automated refresh traffic from proxy.golang.org was disabl

                                                                                • Porting 58000 lines of D and C++ to jai, Part 0: Why and How

                                                                                  Porting 58000 lines of D and C++ to jai, Part 0: Why and How In this series of blogposts, I will document my experience of porting the game that I am currently working on to the jai programming language. It’s currently written in mostly D and some C++ and comes in at exactly 58,620 lines of code (excluding libraries). I’ve planned on doing this for a long time and want to keep some sort of record