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441 - 480 件 / 547件

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testingの検索結果441 - 480 件 / 547件

  • インサイトテクノロジー、SQLテストソフト「Insight SQL Testing」に生成AIによるSQL修正提案機能を搭載した新版をリリース

      インサイトテクノロジー、SQLテストソフト「Insight SQL Testing」に生成AIによるSQL修正提案機能を搭載した新版をリリース
    • GitHub - Songmu/gotesplit: Splits the testing in Go into a subset and run it. It is useful for the CI environment.

      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

        GitHub - Songmu/gotesplit: Splits the testing in Go into a subset and run it. It is useful for the CI environment.
      • Fast Parallel Testing at Databricks with Bazel

        Unified governance for all data, analytics and AI assets

          Fast Parallel Testing at Databricks with Bazel
        • Agile Testing Days 参加報告 #D3QA #AgileTD / Report on Agile Testing Days

          D3イベント『海外テスト系カンファレンス参加報告』での発表資料です。 https://d-cube.connpass.com/event/155527/

            Agile Testing Days 参加報告 #D3QA #AgileTD / Report on Agile Testing Days
          • GitHub - pschanely/CrossHair: An analysis tool for Python that blurs the line between testing and type systems.

            An analysis tool for Python that blurs the line between testing and type systems. THE LATEST NEWS: The new CrossHair VSCode extension can work in the background and provide in-line errors when it finds a counterexample, just like a linter or type-checker. Try it out and tell me what you think! If you have a function with type annotations and add a contract in a supported syntax, CrossHair will att

              GitHub - pschanely/CrossHair: An analysis tool for Python that blurs the line between testing and type systems.
            • COVID-19 Testing Project

              Team We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers and physicians at UCSF, UC Berkeley, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, and Innovative Genomics Institute. Project overview Antibody tests for prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus are urgently needed. We are performing head-to-head comparisons of commercially available lateral flow assays (also known as rapid serology tests) and ELISA immunoassays. Importantl

              • Testing your Fastly config in CI

                Testing your Fastly config in CIAutomated testing is a critical part of all modern web applications.  Our customers need the ability to test VCL configurations before they push them to a live service. It has long been possible, using our API, to set up a service and push VCL via automation tools, then run a test request and examine the results. However, this has suffered from a few inconveniences:

                  Testing your Fastly config in CI
                • Testing with Test Doubles?

                  Test Doubles A Test Double is an object that can stand-in for a real object in a test, similar to how a stunt double stands in for an actor in a movie. As I wrote in “The importance of the Tests in our Software”, there are several types of tests. They are also known as Test Doubles instead of “Mocks”. The five types of Test Doubles are: Dummy: It is used as a placeholder when an argument needs to

                  • React Component Testing

                    In our last article, we have introduced the usage of Jest to test our JavaScript code Start Testing Your JavaScript Code with Jest. We are going to further extend the topic to introduce how do we use React Testing Library and Jest to test our React components. React Testing Library and Jest are provided out-of-the-box support with create-react-app and we do not need to install them separately. Rea

                      React Component Testing
                    • Introducing Distributed Load Testing v1.2

                      Distributed Load Testing on AWS helps you easily simulate thousands of users connecting to your application so that you can better understand your application performance under load. The solution launches and configures containers on AWS Fargate to generate a specified number of transactions per second without having to provision servers. This update adds support for JMeter plugins and JMeter inpu

                        Introducing Distributed Load Testing v1.2
                      • dbt-unit-testing を使ってモデルのロジックテストを実装する

                        dbt のテストというとデータそのものの品質などをテストするのが主な目的で、モデルのロジックそのものをテストするにはあまり適していなかったりします。 ロジックテストを良しなにできないか調査したところ dbt-unit-testing というパッケージが良さげだな~と思ったので今回はこちらを触ってみます。 TL;DR dbt-unit-testing はモデルのロジックテストに使えるパッケージ 依存モデルにモックデータを仕込むことができる モックデータは select 文または表形式で定義可能 テスト結果が表形式でわかりやすい モデルの結合テストにも対応 使ってみる dbt のサンプルプロジェクトを使ってユニットテストを実装してみます。 初期設定 packages.yml に以下を追記し、dbt deps を実行します。 packages: - git: "https://github.co

                          dbt-unit-testing を使ってモデルのロジックテストを実装する
                        • 統計検定2級 PBT(Paper Based Testing) 解説 - あつまれ統計の森

                          統計検定$2$級のPBT(Paper Based Testing)に実際に出題された問題の解答や解説を出題年や出題トピックごとに取りまとめました。解答例は「統計の森」オリジナルのコンテンツであり、統計検定の公式とは一切関係ないことにご注意ください。 ・統計検定$2$級対応 「統計学入門」 https://www.hello-statisticians.com/stat_basic 出題年度別目次 $2021$年$6$月 問1~問12 問13~問22 $2019$年$11$月 問1~問10  問11~問18 $2019$年$6$月 問1~問9  問10~問18 $2018$年$11$月 問1~問10  問11~問18 $2018$年$6$月 問1~問8 問9~問16 $2017$年$11$月 問1~問8 問9~問16 $2017$年$6$月 問1~問8 問9~問15 $2016$年$11$月

                            統計検定2級 PBT(Paper Based Testing) 解説 - あつまれ統計の森
                          • Blackfire.io: Continuous Performance Testing

                            Blackfire APM Observability From Development to ProductionMonitor, profile and test your application even before it is released in production. Get actionable insights to improve your code rather than spend time figuring out what’s wrong. Ensure optimal performance and user experience for your web applications. Actionable InsightsObservability is powerful when it lets development, Ops and IT teams

                            • Documentation testsの恩恵 / Documentation testing benefits

                              TSKaigi 2024の発表資料です

                                Documentation testsの恩恵 / Documentation testing benefits
                              • Tavern API Testing — Tavern 2.10.3 documentation

                                Tavern API Testing¶ Tavern is an advanced pytest based API testing framework for HTTP, MQTT or other protocols. Note that Tavern only supports Python 3.4 and up. At the time of writing we test against Python 3.8-3.10. Python 2 is now unsupported. Why Tavern¶ Choosing an API testing framework can be tough. Tavern was started in 2017 to address some of our concerns with other testing frameworks. In

                                • GitHub - A-poc/RedTeam-Tools: Tools and Techniques for Red Team / Penetration Testing

                                  RedTeam-Tools This github repository contains a collection of 125+ tools and resources that can be useful for red teaming activities. Some of the tools may be specifically designed for red teaming, while others are more general-purpose and can be adapted for use in a red teaming context. 🔗 If you are a Blue Teamer, check out BlueTeam-Tools Warning The materials in this repository are for informat

                                    GitHub - A-poc/RedTeam-Tools: Tools and Techniques for Red Team / Penetration Testing
                                  • Merpay tech talk (e2e testing framework)

                                    IoTやデジタル活用で価値を生み出すための開発手法 ~BtoBでも、ChatOps等のモダンな開発・運用ができる!~

                                      Merpay tech talk (e2e testing framework)
                                    • Step CI — Open-source API-Testing Framework

                                      Open-source API Test Automation framework Security. Performance. Load Testing

                                      • Google、Webアプリケーションのテストと自動化用途に特化した「Chrome for Testing」を発表

                                        一般ユーザーの利用するChromeは、自動更新機能を備えており、最新のWebプラットフォーム機能、ブラウザ機能、バグ修正を含む最新かつ安全なバージョンが提供されている。 一方で開発者にとっては、繰り返しのテスト実行で一貫性のある再現可能な結果が必要であるものの、ブラウザの実行可能ファイルまたはバイナリが2回の実行の間に更新された場合、繰り返しのテスト実行ができなくなる可能性がある。また、特定のブラウザのバージョンを固定し、そのバージョン番号をソースコードリポジトリにチェックインして、古いコミットとブランチをチェックアウトし、その時点のブラウザバイナリに対してテストを再実行したいと考えている。 ほかにも、ユーザーがバージョン番号を気にすることなく、常に最新バージョンにできるだけ早く更新されるよう、Googleが意図的にバージョン付きのChromeを提供していないことから、特定バージョンのCh

                                          Google、Webアプリケーションのテストと自動化用途に特化した「Chrome for Testing」を発表
                                        • GitHub - kentcdodds/testing-workshop: A workshop for learning how to test JavaScript applications

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                                            GitHub - kentcdodds/testing-workshop: A workshop for learning how to test JavaScript applications
                                          • Testing React With Jest and OpenAPI mocks

                                            Viljami Kuosmanen for epilot Posted on Jun 12, 2020 • Updated on Sep 17, 2022 Kent C. Dodds recently wrote a very interesting post calling an end to mocking window.fetch when testing React applications: He was right. I just recently had to migrate a React project from a fetch based API client implementation to an axios based one where the tests heavily relied on mocking global.fetch. It very quick

                                              Testing React With Jest and OpenAPI mocks
                                            • Builtin Node.js Testing

                                              Builtin Node.js Testing As of Node.js 18, which became stable in April 2022, you can test your backend code without installing any dependencies. This works because of the new node:test package, along with the existing node:assert package—which is from the very first releases of Node. Here's the tl;dr. First, write a script like this, naming it e.g., "test.js": import test from 'node:test'; import

                                                Builtin Node.js Testing
                                              • TeCOT(海外渡航者新型コロナウイルス検査センター)Testing Center for Overseas Travelers (METI/経済産業省)

                                                ホーム 政策について 政策一覧 対外経済 貿易投資促進 TeCOT(海外渡航者新型コロナウイルス検査センター)Testing Center for Overseas Travelers 令和2年10月、新型コロナウイルスの影響により、国内の検査能力の確保が急務となる中、各国入国条件として本邦出国前検査証明の提示が求められているところ、経済産業省・厚生労働省は、日本に居住するビジネス海外渡航者向け検査能力の確保及びマッチングを主たる目的として、海外渡航者新型コロナウイルス検査センター(TeCOT)を立ち上げました。 設立から1年以上が経過し、日本国内の検査能力も医療機関の皆様のご協力もあって拡大し、また民間企業の取り組みにより、渡航者向け検査及び証明発行にかかる情報やサービスの提供も行われていることから、運営委員会での審議を踏まえ、TeCOTが提供する全てのサービスについて、一定の移行期間を

                                                • 【Techの道も一歩から】第33回「文献紹介:Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList」 - Sansan Tech Blog

                                                  こんにちは。 DSOC 研究開発部の高橋寛治です。 社内の論文読み会で紹介した評価に関する文献である「Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList」について簡単に所感を交えて*1紹介したいと思います。 なお、本文内での図表は基本的に文献から引用したものとなります。 Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CHECKLIST 文献情報 Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Tongshuang Wu, Carlos Guestrin, Sameer Singh. Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList, Association for Comput

                                                    【Techの道も一歩から】第33回「文献紹介:Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList」 - Sansan Tech Blog
                                                  • Getting Started with Cypress Component Testing (React)

                                                    As of Cypress 7.0, the new Component Test Runner is now bundled with Cypress! It builds on our learnings from the original component testing implementation, which was hidden behind the experimentalComponentTesting flag. In this blog post we will see how to set up the Cypress Component Test Runner in a new React app created via Create React App using TypeScript. You can get the source code for the

                                                      Getting Started with Cypress Component Testing (React)
                                                    • GitHub - cdk-team/CDK: 📦 Make security testing of K8s, Docker, and Containerd easier.

                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                        GitHub - cdk-team/CDK: 📦 Make security testing of K8s, Docker, and Containerd easier.
                                                      • GitHub - chanzuckerberg/axe-storybook-testing: Command line interface for testing Storybook stories for accessibility.

                                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                          GitHub - chanzuckerberg/axe-storybook-testing: Command line interface for testing Storybook stories for accessibility.
                                                        • Ensure Optimal Application Performance with Distributed Load Testing on AWS | Amazon Web Services

                                                          AWS Architecture Blog Ensure Optimal Application Performance with Distributed Load Testing on AWS As a modern enterprise, your customers expect 100% availability of your critical web and mobile applications. Unforeseen events such as COVID-19, have necessitated many customer engagements to become virtual. This has made web and mobile applications even more critical. Distributed Load Testing on AWS

                                                            Ensure Optimal Application Performance with Distributed Load Testing on AWS | Amazon Web Services
                                                          • BASHJAZZ / utest - unit testing for bash-scripts & functions

                                                            All sub-projects are under the BSD licence and are free for anyone to use and modify. DONATIONS would be much appreciated. INTRODUCTION With utest you can test any program's output, not just Bash scripts. What makes this library special is that you can also test Bash functions and nested functions. It is especially appealing when writing Bash scripts and there's just too much... DEPENDENCIES: Inte

                                                            • Fuzz Testing and Fuzz History

                                                              In 2016 I added a paragraph to the Wikipedia page on "fuzz testing." Later, the paragraph was edited out because it "lacked reference." The editor, however, suggested that I blog the paragraph and then use the blog as a reference, so the paragraph could be included. So, here's the paragraph: (Personal recollection from Gerald M. Weinberg) We didn't call it fuzzing back in the 1950s, but it was our

                                                                Fuzz Testing and Fuzz History
                                                              • (PDF) Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis

                                                                Traditionally believed to be the result of maladaptive development, bullying perpetration is increasingly being viewed as a potentially adaptive behavior. We were interested in determining whether adolescents who bully others enjoy a key evolutionary benefit: increased dating and mating (sexual) opportunities. This hypothesis was tested in two independent samples consisting of 334 adolescents and

                                                                  (PDF) Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis
                                                                • Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright Python

                                                                  Playwright enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps. Cross-browser. Playwright supports all modern rendering engines including Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox. Cross-platform. Test on Windows, Linux, and macOS, locally or on CI, headless or headed. Cross-language. Use the Playwright API in TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, .NET, Java. Test Mobile Web. Native mobile emulation of Google C

                                                                    Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright Python
                                                                  • James Shore: Testing Without Mocks: A Pattern Language

                                                                    Automated tests are important. Without them, programmers waste a huge amount of time manually checking and fixing their code. Unfortunately, many automated tests also waste a huge amount of time. The easy, obvious way to write tests is to make broad tests that are automated versions of manual tests. But they’re flaky and slow. Folks in the know use mocks and spies (I say “mocks” for short in this

                                                                    • Xcode 16 Betaの「Testing」の紹介 - 主に「Swift Testing」について|tarappo

                                                                      Xcode 16 Betaリリース今年もWWDC24の時期になり、Xcode 16 Betaのリリースノートが公開されました。 今回のリリースノートでは「Test Report」「Testing」「XCTest」という項目があります。 「XCTest」には新たに追加されたAPIについての話が記載されています。 この話もしたいところですが、今回の(私にとっての)最大の目玉は「Testing」に記載されている「Swift Testing」といっても過言ではないでしょう。 そこで、本記事ではpublicに公開されているリリースノートやドキュメントに記載された内容をベースに「Testing」の箇所について紹介していきます。 なお、正式リリース後に追加の記事を書きたいと思います。 「Testing」項目の抜粋Testingに記載されている内容を抜粋して書くと次のような感じです。 Xcode 16から

                                                                        Xcode 16 Betaの「Testing」の紹介 - 主に「Swift Testing」について|tarappo
                                                                      • Testing Figma Components

                                                                        Testing Figma Components: Overview | Visual Test Cases | The Review Have you ever made an awesome Figma component, recklessly published, garnered criticism, and realized you damaged a reputation a bit? I have. All those avoidable defects. A button shape that doesn’t grow with a label. A missing background color. A hardcoded style. The wrong name. Wacky prop defaults. An overlooked fixed width. An

                                                                          Testing Figma Components
                                                                        • Testing The Swag Store Cypress.io Course

                                                                          A couple of months ago I have announced a Cypress.io course Testing The Swag Store targeted at the beginners who want to learn web end-to-end and component testing using Cypress.io test runner. The short announcement video can be seen below It is hard to believe, but I have been on a roll creating lots and lots of lessons for this course. It now covers end-to-end testing, React component testing,

                                                                            Testing The Swag Store Cypress.io Course
                                                                          • Trace-based Testingというアイデアに感動した | Marginalia

                                                                            先日、Trace-based Testingなるテスト技法についてのブログを読んで感動した。(感動しただけでまだ試してはいない。) 何に感動したかというと、トレースによってシステムの振る舞いをテストするというアイデアは、僕がPHPカンファレンス福岡で発表したテストについての基本的な考え方とこの上なくマッチしていて、なおかつ具体的な技法としてトレースをテストに使うという発想は僕の中になかったからだ。あっぱれという感じだ。 PHPカンファレンス福岡では、テストの本質は開発者が安心を得るためのプロセスであり、したがって、「このテストが通るなら本番でも期待通りに動作するはずだ」と思えるようなテストが、テストとしてのパフォーマンスが高いと話した。 Trace-based Testingがもっともよく機能するのは、開発者がデプロイ後にシステムの正常動作を検証するために最も信頼しているものがトレースであ

                                                                              Trace-based Testingというアイデアに感動した | Marginalia
                                                                            • アジャイルテスティングが倒せない / I can't beat agile testing

                                                                              10年ぐらいアジャイルコーチを経験してきて、営業とマーケ > PO > 開発 > テスト > リリース > CSやCX とプロセスを一通り経験してある程度、改善を進められるようになったのですが、アジャイルテスティングがなかなか倒せません!(現在約5年目に突入) よって、ちょっと心を落ち着けて、倒せない敵がどういったものなのかを考えるセッションです。 XP祭り 2021 発表資料。 https://confengine.com/conferences/xp2021/proposal/15521

                                                                                アジャイルテスティングが倒せない / I can't beat agile testing
                                                                              • next/headを使ったmetadataを React Testing Library でテストする

                                                                                Next.jsでmetaタグに仕込んだテキストをテストする時にちょっと詰まったのでメモ。 要約 next/head をモック化すればOK。 jest.mock('next/head', () => { return { __esModule: true, default: ({ children }: { children: Array<React.ReactElement> }) => { return <>{children}</>; }, }; });

                                                                                  next/headを使ったmetadataを React Testing Library でテストする
                                                                                • Mutation Testing

                                                                                  TotT 95 GTAC 61 James Whittaker 42 Misko Hevery 32 Anthony Vallone 27 Code Health 25 Patrick Copeland 23 Jobs 18 Andrew Trenk 12 C++ 11 Patrik Höglund 8 JavaScript 7 Allen Hutchison 6 George Pirocanac 6 Zhanyong Wan 6 Harry Robinson 5 Java 5 Julian Harty 5 Alberto Savoia 4 Ben Yu 4 Erik Kuefler 4 Philip Zembrod 4 Shyam Seshadri 4 Adam Bender 3 Chrome 3 Dillon Bly 3 John Thomas 3 Lesley Katzen 3 Ma

                                                                                    Mutation Testing