
ブックマーク / page-spread.com (5)

  • Jost Hochuli Part 1 | SPREAD

    [wide][/wide] Jost Hochuli Part 1, Bookdesign from St. Gallen, he is a famous graphic designer and writer of detail in typography and designing books. He is also designer of all books published by VGS St.Gallen. Furthermore, he initiated the Typotron-Heft series, where he was responsible not only for the design but also for the content.

    schrift 2018/03/25
  • Alex Wollner: Brasil Design Visual | SPREAD

    instagram Hardcover: 324 pages Publisher: Ernst Wasmuth Verlag Language: English, German ISBN-10: 3803032148 ISBN-13: 978-3803032140 Product Dimensions: 25.7 x 26.2 x 2.8 cm Release Date: 2014 Price: sold こちらのSTORES.JPでも送料無料で購入できます。 This publication accompanies the exhibition at the Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, September 21st 2013 until February 2nd 2014 Alexandre Wollner, born in 1

    Alex Wollner: Brasil Design Visual | SPREAD
    schrift 2014/12/12
  • TM SGM RSI 5/1986 | SPREAD

    [/wide] Swiss Typographic Monthly Magazine Journal for Typographic Composition, Design, Communication, Printing and Production. Published by the Printing and Paper Union Switzerland for the advancement of education in the profession. Handwriting : Taro Yamamoto Helmut SchmidとWolfgang Weingartの往復書簡が掲載されています。 Helmut SchmidとWolfgang Weingart: 日タイポグラフィ年鑑に端を発した往復書簡 – 親愛なるヘルムート 先週の土曜日、またチューリヒでTM誌の選考委員が

    schrift 2014/06/11
    Helmut SchmidとWolfgang Weingartの往復書簡。すばらしい内容だった。
  • TM SGM RSI 1951 / 1 Years Bind up | SPREAD

    instagram TM SGM RSI 1951 / 1 Years Bind up (issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/6, 7/8, 9, 10, 11/12) Each cover is not including. Hardcover: 546 pages Language: German Product Dimensions: 31.3 x 23.3 x 3.2 cm Release Date: 1951 Price: $180 USD (¥19,800 JPY) Condition: good (Pre-owned) Each cover is not including. 日国内の方は下のボタンからご購入いただけます。 コンディション: 可(カバーがなく、裁断して綴じ直しているものなので状態は写真のとおりです。) *国内のみゆうぱっく発送にて送料無料となります 銀行

    schrift 2014/04/13

    schrift 2012/07/25
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