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  • curl is 23 years old today | daniel.haxx.se

    curl’s official birthday was March 20, 1998. That was the day the first ever tarball was made available that could build a tool named curl. I put it together and I called it curl 4.0 since I kept the version numbering from the previous names I had used for the tool. Or rather, I bumped it up from 3.12 which was the last version I used under the previous name: urlget. Of course curl wasn’t created

    • オープンメタバースの必要性|前半

      はじめにどの大手テック企業のCEOが注目しているトピックがある、それは「メタバース」。次世代インターネットと言われているメタバースに関わることは、未来の経済に参加することに等しい。特に最近では、フォートナイトがゲーム領域以外でも人気になり、Robloxの上場によって「メタバース」という単語が飛び交うようになった。下記のグラフは、Pulsarによる2020年1月〜11月までに「メタバース」についての言及数。 引用:Packy McCormick最初に訂正しておくと、バズワードになり始めている「メタバース」は使われ方が間違っているケースが多くなっている。説明しづらいものだからこそ、フワッと使われるケースが多く、「〇〇がメタバースだ」みたいな発言も多く見る。実際はほとんどの「メタバース」の単語が使われる時はメタバースではなく、ビデオゲームやオンラインの体験の話にしか過ぎない。それはFaceboo

      • フォートナイトの新ツール「Unreal Editor for Fortnite」でマリオカートやマインクラフト、パスファインダーなど他ゲームを超クオリティで再現する猛者が続々登場

        人気バトルロイヤルゲームの「フォートナイト」を開発するEpic Gamesが、独自に開発しているゲームエンジン「Unreal Engine」の多くの機能を使える新しいフォートナイト向けのクリエイターツール「Unreal Editor for Fortnite(UEFN)」を発表しました。このUEFNを使ってマリオカートやマインクラフトなどの別ゲームを再現する猛者がさっそく登場しています。 Fortnite Players Are Already Making Incredible Things With Unreal https://kotaku.com/fortnite-2-0-creative-map-unreal-epic-minecraft-mario-1850259046 2023年3月23日、Epic Gamesは新しいクリエイターツールの「Unreal Editor for

          フォートナイトの新ツール「Unreal Editor for Fortnite」でマリオカートやマインクラフト、パスファインダーなど他ゲームを超クオリティで再現する猛者が続々登場
        • Before Genshin Impact: A brief history of Chinese RPGs

          If you were interested in learning about movies, music, poetry, or any art form from China, you could easily find hundreds of books, articles, documentaries, essays, and videos on the subject. Sadly, if you’re interested in Chinese video games, the story is quite different. Asian game markets outside of Japan have long been ignored, not only historically, but still in modern days — you hear all th

            Before Genshin Impact: A brief history of Chinese RPGs
          • The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN

            The Top 100 Video Games of All TimeOur first refresh since 2019 features some big changes. IGN’s Top 100 games list encompasses the best of the best throughout history, spanning generations of consoles, PCs, handhelds, and more. Our list last saw a major update back in 2019, and since then, there have been several games released that deserved to be added. Just as importantly, we looked at the tota

              The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN
            • Dead Channel JP - the Sci-Fi writers association in Chiba City

              The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. Neuromancer —— William Gibson About Our People Dead Channel JP is an association of professional Sci-Fi writers who have relationships with Chiba City. Sci-fi writers may qualify for membership in any of the following ways. Born in Chiba City. Living or having lived in Chiba City. Working or attending school / having work

                Dead Channel JP - the Sci-Fi writers association in Chiba City
              • Download Banished For Mac

                Visiteurs depuis le 25/01/2019 : 4933 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 26 It did, but not in the last few builds. Now constant random crashes mods or not. Irrelevant of compatibility settings, DX settings, reinstall. Banished for Mac Games › Strategy Banished by Shining Rock Software LLC is a game based on resource management where players have to build and maintain a small village. Custom Sear

                  Download Banished For Mac
                • [GDC 2024]Epic Gamesのキーマンに聞く「Unreal Engine 5.4」の新機能の見どころはこれだ!

                  [GDC 2024]Epic Gamesのキーマンに聞く「Unreal Engine 5.4」の新機能の見どころはこれだ! ライター:西川善司 GDC 2024会期中の米国時間2024年3月20日に行われたEpic Gamesの開発者向けイベント「State of Unreal 2024」において,同社のゲームエンジン「Unreal Engine」の2024年最新版「Unreal Engine 5.4」(以下,UE 5.4)に実装される新しいグラフィックス機能についての説明が行われた(関連記事)。 本稿では,Epic GamesのCTO(最高技術責任者)であるKim Libreri氏への単独インタビューで得た情報と合わせて,これら新機能のポイントについて紹介したい。 Epic GamesのCTOを務めるKim Libreri氏(右,Chief Technology Officer,Epic

                    [GDC 2024]Epic Gamesのキーマンに聞く「Unreal Engine 5.4」の新機能の見どころはこれだ!
                  • Rpg Games For Mac

                    Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 3658 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 15 I just downloaded the ultimate version of Dragon Age: Origins from Direct to Drive. If you want a non MMO RPG, that is the one! I am running a 2.53 unibody Macbook Pro. Rpg Games For MacWith the 9400M the game runs smooth as silk on low settings. When I boot into the 9600gt card, I can run it at high detail and it's still

                      Rpg Games For Mac
                    • Objectively comparing Unity and Unreal Engine

                      I have read from Unity Blog long time ago that talks about project stripping, explaining reproduce steps, making it easier for the QA team to make it... It's scary. If you are Unity devs, you know the feeling of checking Unity Hub every morning for update, and hope that it will randomly fix your years old bug, while introducing the less amount of new bugs as possible. It really make you sweats ner

                        Objectively comparing Unity and Unreal Engine
                      • The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, and Who Will Build It — MatthewBall.co

                        The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, and Who Will Build It Note: This essay was released in January 2020, expanding on a piece I wrote in 2018. In June 2021, I released a nine-part update, 'The Metaverse Primer'. In July of 2022, W. W. Norton publishes my book “The Metaverse and How It Will Revolutionize Everything”. In the spirit of openness, I’ve kept all my old essays up. But I would lo

                          The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, and Who Will Build It — MatthewBall.co
                        • GitHub - blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE: articles

                          -1- 3 Ways Extract Password Hashes from NTDS.dit: https://www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-extract-password-hashes-from-ntds-dit -2- 3 ways to Capture HTTP Password in Network PC: https://www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-to-capture-http-password-in-network-pc/ -3- 3 Ways to Crack Wifi using Pyrit,oclHashcat and Cowpatty: www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-crack-wifi-using-pyrit-oclhashcat-cowpatty/ -4-BugBou

                            GitHub - blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE: articles
                          • Market Map of the Metaverse

                            NOTE: this article is now on my Substack, where my blog continues; please read it there! In my article on the value-chain of the metaverse, I described the seven layers of the ecosystem. In this article I’m going to focus-in on three of the most important metaverse companies — Unity, Epic Games and Roblox — and describe the commonalities and differences. Let’s start with where companies (and some

                              Market Map of the Metaverse
                            • Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ!

                              The Blog of Scott Aaronson If you take nothing else from this blog: quantum computers won't solve hard problems instantly by just trying all solutions in parallel. You’ve seen the stories—in the Financial Times, Technology Review, CNET, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, or elsewhere—saying that a group at Google has now achieved quantum computational supremacy with a 53-qubit superconducting device. Whil

                                Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ!
                              • Products I Wish Existed, 2020 Edition

                                Below is a list of products or startups that I am keeping an eye out for. I skipped listing things I wish existed that can *not* be implemented with today's technology in strong form - for example, the Young Lady's Illustrated Primer - although weak forms of this may be possible today. A number of these may also turn out to be terrible businesses, and this is not meant as a "trends" or "what's hot

                                  Products I Wish Existed, 2020 Edition
                                • Cloud Gaming: Why It Matters, What It Can’t Yet Be, and the ‘New’ Types of Games It Will Create — MatthewBall.co

                                  Cloud Gaming: Why It Matters, What It Can’t Yet Be, and the ‘New’ Types of Games It Will Create There is a tremendous amount of confusion around cloud gaming: what it is, why it matters, what it will allow, who can deliver it, how much it will grow the market, etc. This is further complicated by misunderstandings around how online multiplayer works in the first place and what will and won’t change

                                    Cloud Gaming: Why It Matters, What It Can’t Yet Be, and the ‘New’ Types of Games It Will Create — MatthewBall.co