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  • 台風19号は「カテゴリー6」に相当するのか、冷静と情熱のあいだ - ネットロアをめぐる冒険

    台風の備えは万全ですかみなさん? 今日はみんな大好きスポニチの記事。 米国内の気象専門家からは「存在しない6に相当する」という意見も出始めている。 (中略) あまりに急速に発達したため、最初にあった台風の目の周囲に“2つめの目”ができたことが確認されており、進路になっている日本にとっては脅威をもたらす存在になりそうだ。 地球史上最大級か? 台風19号の勢力に世界が注目 衛星写真に騒然(スポニチアネックス) - Yahoo!ニュース 「地球史上最大級」「2つめの目」「存在しない6」など、みなさんの心をくすぐるワードで盛り上がっているようですが、スポニチですよスポニチ。ちょっと落ち着いて読み込んでいきましょうよ。 【目次】 「カテゴリー5」はいつになるか カテゴリー6は今回の台風のことではない 2つの目をもつ台風は珍しいのか 急速に発達していることは正しい 今日のまとめ *** 「カテゴリー5

      台風19号は「カテゴリー6」に相当するのか、冷静と情熱のあいだ - ネットロアをめぐる冒険
    • Speculation in JavaScriptCore

      This post is all about speculative compilation, or just speculation for short, in the context of the JavaScriptCore virtual machine. Speculative compilation is ideal for making dynamic languages, or any language with enough dynamic features, run faster. In this post, we will look at speculation for JavaScript. Historically, this technique or closely related variants has been applied successfully t

      • The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari ❧ Current Affairs

        Watch videos of Yuval Noah Harari, the author of the wildly successful book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and you will hear him being asked the most astonishing questions. “A hundred years from now, do you think we will still care about being happy?” — Canadian journalist Steve Paikin, on the “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” “What I do, is it still relevant, and how do I prepare for my futu

          The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari ❧ Current Affairs
        • 感染・伝播性の増加や抗原性の変化が懸念される 新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)の新規変異株について (第6報)

          国立感染症研究所 2021年2月12日18:00時点 PDF 要約 ウイルスのヒトへの感染性・伝播のしやすさや、すでに感染した者・ワクチン接種者が獲得した免疫の効果に影響を与える可能性のある遺伝子変異を有する複数の新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)の新規変異株として、特にVOC-202012/01, 501Y.V2, 501Y.V3の流行が懸念されている。いずれも感染性・伝播のしやすさに影響があるとされるN501Y遺伝子を有するが、特にVOC-202012/01については、2次感染率の増加や、死亡リスクの増加の可能性が疫学データから示唆されている。501Y.V2と501Y.V3については、さらに抗原性に影響を与える可能性があるE484K変異も有する。特に501Y.V2については、過去の感染によって得られた免疫や承認されているワクチンによって得られた免疫を回避する可能性が指摘されてお

          • 【コラム】スケーリーフット研究小史<トピックス<海洋研究開発機構

            【インド洋での深海熱水発見】 今では生命誕生の最有力候補地と考えられている深海底熱水噴出孔ですが、発見されたのは意外と最近の1977年で、インド洋ではじめて発見されたのは2000年のことでした。東京大学海洋研究所(当時)の観測船「白鳳丸」が1993年に得た観測結果をもとに実施されたJAMSTECの深海調査研究船「かいれい」及び無人探査機「かいこう」の調査航海によって、インド洋海域で初となる熱水域「Kaireiフィールド」が中央インド洋海嶺において発見されました(2000年12月14日既報) (Hashimoto et al. 2001)。しかし残念ながら、この航海ではスケーリーフットの存在をみつけることはかないませんでした。 【スケーリーフットという奇妙な形態の生物の発見】 インド洋最初の熱水域「Kaireiフィールド」が見つかって7ヶ月後(2001年)、米国の観測船「Knorr」と無人探

            • A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines

              custom_game_engines_small_study.md CUSTOM GAME ENGINES: A Small Study A couple of weeks ago I played (and finished) A Plague Tale, a game by Asobo Studio. I was really captivated by the game, not only by the beautiful graphics but also by the story and the locations in the game. I decided to investigate a bit about the game tech and I was surprised to see it was developed with a custom engine by a

                A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines
              • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                  The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                • Macroprudentialism


                  • Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid

                    The story of Babel is the best metaphor I have found for what happened to America in the 2010s, and for the fractured country we now inhabit. Something went terribly wrong, very suddenly. We are disoriented, unable to speak the same language or recognize the same truth. We are cut off from one another and from the past. It’s been clear for quite a while now that red America and blue America are be

                      Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid
                    • The Most Common Last Name in Every Country - NetCredit Blog

                      “What’s in a name?”[1] When a pining Juliet made her famous speech in Romeo and Juliet, she may have been thinking of the field of onomastics. Onomastics is the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of names. The origins and usage of our surnames reveal extraordinary insights into the history and culture of different societies. According to legend, surnames were first used in China in 28

                        The Most Common Last Name in Every Country - NetCredit Blog
                      • The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari ❧ Current Affairs

                        Watch videos of Yuval Noah Harari, the author of the wildly successful book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and you will hear him being asked the most astonishing questions. “A hundred years from now, do you think we will still care about being happy?” — Canadian journalist Steve Paikin, on the “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” “What I do, is it still relevant, and how do I prepare for my futu

                          The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari ❧ Current Affairs
                        • New evidence shows that the key assumption made in the discovery of dark energy is in error

                          New evidence shows that the key assumption made in the discovery of dark energy is in error by Yonsei University Figure 1. Luminosity evolution mimicking dark energy in supernova (SN) cosmology. The Hubble residual is the difference in SN luminosity with respect to the cosmological model without dark energy (the black dotted line). The cyan circles are the binned SN data from Betoule et al. (2014)

                            New evidence shows that the key assumption made in the discovery of dark energy is in error
                          • ミラーテスト - Wikipedia

                            鏡を覗き込むヒヒ ミラーテスト、マークテストまたは鏡像自己認知テスト(mirror self-recognition test:MSR)とは、1970年に心理学者のゴードン・ギャラップJr.(Gordon Gallup Jr.)が開発した動物の行動研究であり、人間以外の動物が視覚的な自己認知(self-recognition)の能力を持っているかどうかを確かめるための手段として用いられている[1]。ミラーテストは、自己認識(self-awareness)の有無を確かめる手法としては長い歴史を持っているが、その妥当性については意見が分かれている。 古典的なミラーテストでは、研究の対象となる動物に麻酔をかけ、通常自分では見る事のできない体の部位に、塗料やステッカーなどのマークを付ける。その後、動物が意識を回復すると、鏡を見られる環境に移される。もしその動物がマークに触れたり、調べるなどすれば、

                              ミラーテスト - Wikipedia
                            • CARBIS BAY G7 SUMMIT COMMUNIQUÉ | The White House

                              We, the leaders of the Group of Seven, met in Cornwall on 11-13 June 2021 determined to beat COVID-19 and build back better.  We remembered everyone who has been lost to the pandemic and paid tribute to those still striving to overcome it. Inspired by their example of collaboration and determination, we gathered united by the principle that brought us together originally, that shared beliefs and s

                                CARBIS BAY G7 SUMMIT COMMUNIQUÉ | The White House
                              • Announcing Internet Computer “Mainnet” and a 20-Year Roadmap

                                The Internet Computer is the world’s first blockchain that runs at web speed and can increase its capacity without bound. DFINITY Status Update, New Year 2021I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS.On December 18, 2020, a crucial initial stage of Internet Computer blockchain’s decentralization occurred. This means that the Internet Computer’s mainnet now exists, and is hosted by standardized “node machines” tha

                                  Announcing Internet Computer “Mainnet” and a 20-Year Roadmap
                                • Introducing the 2022 State of Crypto Report - a16z crypto

                                  *NEW*: State of Crypto 2023 is now live. Check out the report — or explore web3 adoption, DeFi and NFT activity, and more in our new interactive index. A lot has changed in the state of crypto since we started investing in the area nearly a decade ago. This report is the first of what will be an annual overview of trends in the crypto industry, shared through the a16z crypto vantage point of both

                                    Introducing the 2022 State of Crypto Report - a16z crypto
                                  • Statement on the fifteenth meeting of the IHR (2005) Emergency Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic

                                    Home/ News/ item/ Statement on the fifteenth meeting of the IHR (2005) Emergency Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic The WHO Director-General has the pleasure of transmitting the Report of the fifteenth meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee regarding the coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) pandemic, held on Thursday 4 May 2023, from 12:00 to 17:00 CET. Dur

                                      Statement on the fifteenth meeting of the IHR (2005) Emergency Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic
                                    • 感染・伝播性の増加や抗原性の変化が懸念される 新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)の新規変異株について (第7報)

                                      国立感染症研究所 2021年3月3日14:00時点 PDF 要約 ウイルスのヒトへの感染性・伝播のしやすさや、すでに感染した者・ワクチン接種者が獲得した免疫の効果に影響を与える可能性のある遺伝子変異を有する複数の新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)の新規変異株として、特にVOC-202012/01, 501Y.V2, 501Y.V3の流行が懸念されている。これら3つの変異株を本文書では"VOC"と総称する。いずれも感染性・伝播のしやすさに影響があるとされるN501Y変異を有するが、特にVOC-202012/01については、2次感染率の増加や、死亡リスクの増加の可能性が疫学データから示唆されている。501Y.V2と501Y.V3については、さらに抗原性に影響を与える可能性があるE484K変異も有する。特に501Y.V2については、過去の感染によって得られた免疫や承認されているワクチンに

                                      • Family and Kids-Friendly Places and Activities in Tokyo (and Japan)

                                        (Picture: African Safari in Oita, Japan. Picture courtesy: Japan National Tourism Organization) Visiting or coming to live in Japan is a completely new experience for many foreigners. Visiting another country needs a lot of planning. Moreover, if you are visiting with family, especially kids, you would like to check on the family and kids-friendly places to visit in Japan. This guide discusses the

                                          Family and Kids-Friendly Places and Activities in Tokyo (and Japan)
                                        • Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee December 10, 2020 Meeting Briefing Document- FDA

                                          Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting December 10, 2020 FDA Briefing Document Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Sponsor: Pfizer and BioNTech Table of Contents List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. 3 List of Figures .....................................................

                                          • Simon Peyton Jones

                                            Recorded 2022-02-01. Published 2022-03-25. Simon Peyton Jones is interviewed by Andres Löh and Joachim Breitner. Simon is the creator of Haskell and in this episode he talks about his new position at Epic, the origins of Haskell and why “it feels right”, and the (extra)ordinary Haskell programmers. Andres Löh: Hello Simon. Thank you so much for joining us today. Simon Peyton Jones: Hi Andres, hi J

                                            • 9500万年前の「足のあるヘビ」の化石が進化の定説を覆す

                                              9500万年前に生息していた「足のあるヘビ」の頭蓋骨が、極めてよい状態で発見されました。この発見により、これまで信じられてきた「ヘビの祖先」の姿が否定され、新たな仮説が浮上しています。 New skulls and skeletons of the Cretaceous legged snake Najash, and the evolution of the modern snake body plan | Science Advances https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/11/eaax5833 Extraordinary skull fossil reveals secrets of snake evolution https://theconversation.com/extraordinary-skull-fossil-revea

                                              • OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China | 31 August 2022

                                                1 OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China 31 August 2022 2 Contents Page I. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1-3 II. Background .......................................................................................

                                                • Bullshit Jobs

                                                  Notes: ISBN 978-1-5011-4331-1, ISBN 978-1-5011-4334-2 (ebook); Most names and many identifying characteristics have been changed.; Interior design by Carly Loman; Jacket design by David L Itman To anyone who would rather be doing something useful with themselves. Preface: On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs In the spring of 2013, I unwittingly set off a very minor international sensation. It all be

                                                    Bullshit Jobs
                                                  • Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ!

                                                    The Blog of Scott Aaronson If you take nothing else from this blog: quantum computers won't solve hard problems instantly by just trying all solutions in parallel. You’ve seen the stories—in the Financial Times, Technology Review, CNET, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, or elsewhere—saying that a group at Google has now achieved quantum computational supremacy with a 53-qubit superconducting device. Whil

                                                      Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ!
                                                    • 感染・伝播性の増加や抗原性の変化が懸念される 新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)の新規変異株について (第5報)

                                                      国立感染症研究所 2021年1月25日18:00時点 PDF 要約 ウイルスのヒトへの感染性・伝播のしやすさや、すでに感染した者・ワクチン接種者が獲得した免疫の効果に影響を与える可能性のある遺伝子変異を有する複数の新型コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)の新規変異株が世界各地から報告されている。特に、VOC-202012/01と501Y.V2については、最初に報告された英国、南アフリカのみならず、日本を含む世界各地で検出されている。また、日本は検疫において、ブラジルからの渡航者から新たな変異株501Y.V3を検出した。この変異株は、VOC-202012/01と501Y.V2と共通の遺伝子変異を一部で認める。ブラジル・アマゾナス州で検出されているほか、いくつかの国でブラジルからの渡航者から検出されている。VOC-202012/01と501Y.V2は、ウイルスの感染性が増加している可能性があ

                                                      • 2021 Logo Trend Report | Articles | LogoLounge Logo Design Inspiration and Logo Design Competition

                                                        2021 Logo Trend Report This year is about drama: comedy, tragedy and satire. A connection with the human experience. Preparing for this year’s LogoLounge Logo Trend Report, I couldn’t help but land on the word drama. No, not the flippant kind that plays out as passive aggressive jabs between partners, but more like the ancient Greek kind: comedies, tragedies and satire that help us fully connect w

                                                        • Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee December 17, 2020 Meeting Briefing Document- FDA

                                                          Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting December 17, 2020 FDA Briefing Document Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Sponsor: ModernaTX, Inc. 2 Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine VRBPAC Briefing Document Table of Contents List of Tables.................................................................................................................................3 List of Figures ...........

                                                          • Linknovate | Profile for Future Electronics

                                                            WT Microelectronics buys Future Electronics for $3.8bn Taiwan's WT Microelectronics has completed its acquisition of Canada's Future Electronics to create "a global electronic components distribution powerhouse". It's a bold claim, but the two firms can each boast considerable market strength. WT is a global top three electronic components distributor with reach across Asia Pacific, the Americas a

                                                              Linknovate | Profile for Future Electronics
                                                            • Designing for a changing world

                                                              Inside our mission to revamp the product for shifting consumer needs Fast facts: Airbnb consumer behavior has shifted and inspired product changes Frontline Stays, Monthly Stays, and Online Experiences were launched Lessons were learned about evolving product while being more nimble Community and connection are central to the Airbnb brand, and being mission-driven means that we design for a world

                                                                Designing for a changing world
                                                              • Cloudflare’s Disruption

                                                                From Protocol: Cloudflare is ready to launch a new cloud object storage service that promises to be cheaper than the established alternatives, a step the company believes will catapult it into direct competition with AWS and other cloud providers. The service will be called R2 — “one less than S3,” quipped Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince in an interview with Protocol ahead of Cloudflare’s announceme

                                                                  Cloudflare’s Disruption
                                                                • RIP: Kathleen Booth, the inventor of assembly language

                                                                  RIP: Kathleen Booth, the inventor of assembly language Obituary Professor Kathleen Booth, one of the last of the early British computing pioneers, has died. She was 100. Kathleen Hylda Valerie Britten was born in Worcestershire, England, on July 9, 1922. During the Second World War, she studied at Royal Holloway, University of London, where she got a BSc in mathematics in 1944. After graduating, s

                                                                    RIP: Kathleen Booth, the inventor of assembly language
                                                                  • The Octopus: An Alien Among Us

                                                                    Michael S. A. Graziano on the Evolution of Animal Consciousness Self-replicating, bacterial life first appeared on Earth about 4 billion years ago. For most of Earth’s history, life remained at the single-celled level, and nothing like a nervous system existed until around 600 or 700 million years ago (MYA). In the attention schema theory, consciousness depends on the nervous system processing inf

                                                                      The Octopus: An Alien Among Us