
2016年3月17日のブックマーク (1件)

  • How AlphaGo Works

    This document provides a brief history of chess and an overview of chess engine programming fundamentals. It discusses: - Key developments in computer chess from the 18th century to modern champions like AlphaZero and StockFish. - Core concepts like bitboards, evaluation functions, minimax algorithm, move generation, alpha-beta pruning, and transposition tables. - Additional techniques such as ope

    How AlphaGo Works
    shino-sun 2016/03/17
    How AlphaGo Works Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × How AlphaGo Works 1. Presenter: Shane  (Seungwhan)  Moon PhD  student Language  Technologies  Institute,  School  of  Computer  Science Carnegie  Mellon  University 3/2/2016 How  it  works 2. Tags: from Pocket March 17, 2016 at 12