
ブックマーク / news.uci.edu (1)

  • UCI, fellow chemists find a way to unboil eggs

    Irvine, Calif., Jan. 23, 2015 – UC Irvine and Australian chemists have figured out how to unboil egg whites – an innovation that could dramatically reduce costs for cancer treatments, food production and other segments of the $160 billion global biotechnology industry, according to findings published today in the journal ChemBioChem. “Yes, we have invented a way to unboil a hen egg,” said Gregory

    shuzo_kino 2015/08/02
    例のゆで卵を生卵に戻す云々のソース。一応、文中で「Yes, we have invented a way to unboil a hen egg」とか書いてある。実際にはリゾチウムという一部のタンパク質を取り出すことに成功したそうな。完全復元ではないらしい
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