
ブックマーク / www.kaourantin.net (3)

  • kaourantin.net: 64-bits

    Today we announced the availability of the Adobe Flash Player browser plugin for x86_64 Linux distributions. It is a preview release which has known bugs but should be fit initial testing by the community. With this release we are tackling one the most requested feature ever for the Linux version of the Flash Player, even before windowless mode support. My personal hope though is that the constant

    takunama 2008/11/18
    nspluginwrapper の現状に対する苦言あり (このアルファ版ではコンフリクトするとも)。"I hope that browser vendors will eventually come up with a better architecture to wrap plugins without sacrificing performance, stability and functionality."
  • kaourantin.net: New File Extensions and MIME Types

    takunama 2008/02/29
    2007-10-31 のポストだけど、MP4 な Flash 動画ファイルの拡張子は f4v にするとか。Flash Player が対応するのは MP4 のサブセットなので、対応するものは拡張子を変えておくとわかりやすいからって。
  • kaourantin.net: The quest for a new video codec in Flash 8

    Here and there I sometimes see disappointed comments about the fact that we did not pick H.264/AVC as our next generation codec. This in their opinion would have provided the ultimate video quality based on a widely adopted industry standard. Every time I feel compelled to explain the long process we went through to find a better video codec. Quality and standards are just two criterias we used an

    takunama 2007/03/27
    Flash 8 が H.264/AVC でなく On2 VP6 を採用した理由 (2005-08-13)。
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