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  • A 3D-printed key that can’t be copied

    KEYS have been around for a long time. The earliest, made from wood, date back 4,000 years, to the ancient Egyptians. The Romans improved them a bit by making them from metal. But there, more or less, they have stayed. Electronic card-keys aside, a key is still, basically, a piece of metal sporting a series of grooves, teeth and indentations which, when inserted into a keyway, line up to move pins

    A 3D-printed key that can’t be copied
    tsukamotch 2017/04/19
  • How Nintendo told gamers to get lost

    How Nintendo told gamers to get lost“Super Mario” propelled players through a one-directional world. “The Legend of Zelda”, at last let them wander at will ON MARCH 3rd, along with a new game console, Nintendo released “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”, the latest instalment in a storied series of video games. “Breath of the Wild” marks 30 years since the release of the first “Legend of Ze

    How Nintendo told gamers to get lost
    tsukamotch 2017/03/07
  • Fifty years of Jimi Hendrix

    tsukamotch 2016/12/16
  • Temples of doom

    FAR from preaching abstinence from earthly pleasures, the Buddhist priests behind the counter of Vowz, a Tokyo bar, encourage the opposite. There are different paths to Buddha, says Yoshinobu Fujioka, the head priest, as he pours a gin and tonic for a customer. “Spiritual awakening can come in any conversation. We provide that opportunity.” Such are the doctrinal contortions that Buddhists in Japa

    Temples of doom
    tsukamotch 2015/10/31
  • What lies beneath?

    What lies beneath?A tantalising clue to the location of a long-sought pharaonic tomb NOTHING has inspired generations of archaeologists like the discovery in 1922 of the treasure-packed tomb of Tutankhamun. What if another untouched Egyptian trove lies buried, not in a distant patch of desert, nor even nearby amid the overlapping tomb-shafts of Luxor’s Valley of the Kings, but instead just a milli

    What lies beneath?
    tsukamotch 2015/08/13
  • Poisoned legacy

    “DO YOU have a radiation meter?” asks Emilkhan Osekeeva, a family doctor, as she walks up a dirt lane called Engels Street. “The woman here died of stomach cancer,” she says, nodding at a mud-brick home on the right. “Her youngest son died of leukaemia before his 30th birthday. On the left, the mother also died of stomach cancer. Up there the woman died of uterine cancer.” Dr Osekeeva’s 38 years p

    Poisoned legacy
    tsukamotch 2015/07/11
  • Jobs 2.0

    Jobs 2.0A new book attempts to reconstruct one of the world’s most celebrated inventors Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader. By Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli. Crown Business; 464 pages; $30. Sceptre; £25. “NEAR-DEATH experiences can help one see more clearly sometimes,” said Steve Jobs. He was speaking about struggling companies. Yet he could easily

    Jobs 2.0
    tsukamotch 2015/04/26
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