Dan Doel's talk at the Boston Haskell Meetup, Sept 17, 2014 Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Kkr1O1jFwcRmhxbzBMR1Ntb3c/edit?usp=sharing
Abstract With the rise of domain-specific languages (DSLs), research in language implementation techniques regains importance. While DSLs can help to manage the domain’s complexity, it is rarely affordable to build highly optimizing compilers or virtual machines, and thus, performance remains an issue. Ideally, one would implement a simple interpreter and still reach acceptable performance levels.
Haskellを書いていて、久しぶりに言語自体について不可解な挙動にぶち当たった。普段Haskellを書いていて、言語について「なんだこれ」と思うことはまずない。ところが、今回の疑問点は自分の理解を遥かに超える内容だった。最初はTwitterで質問してみたのだが、誰にも答えて頂けなかったので、stackoverflowで質問した。すると、見事に解決しまったので紹介する。 質問が長い。でも丁寧に書いたつもり。下の方に和訳も用意した。英語を読むのが面倒な人はそっちを読んでほしい。(自分が書いた英語を和訳するとか意味が分からんね。) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25958007/ Why ghc changes the evaluation way due to the optimisation flag? Hello, I've encountered
An introduction to Rust: the modern programming language to develop safe and ...Claudio Capobianco
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Send feedback Solving an LP Problem Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. The following sections present an example of an LP problem and show how to solve it. Here's the problem: Maximize 3x + 4y subject to the following constraints: x + 2y ≤ 14 3x - y ≥ 0 x - y ≤ 2 Both the objective function, 3x + 4y, and the constraints are given by linear expres
News April 12, 2024: Revised editions of two important books documenting Edison cylinder recordings have been published by UCSB’s American Discography Project. April 7, 2022 The UCSB Library launches the Early Recordings Initiative (ERI) aimed at preserving our earliest recorded heritage. January 1, 2022 Thousands of cylinder recordings made before January 1, 1923 enter the public domain. UCSB Cyl
Computer history, restoring vintage computers, IC reverse engineering, and whatever I decided to see how practical it would be to mine Bitcoin with pencil and paper. It turns out that the SHA-256 algorithm used for mining is pretty simple and can in fact be done by hand. Not surprisingly, the process is extremely slow compared to hardware mining and is entirely impractical. But performing the algo
A couple say goodbye as he leaves on the Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train from Tokyo. Photograph: Kimimasa Mayama/EPAAfter the war Tokyo was in ruins, but its rebuilding progressed without any master plan. As industries gravitated to the city, young people flocked to Tokyo to work; and as they started families they were encouraged to buy homes. The only land they could afford, however, was outside t
A Fresh Look at Rust written on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 I have been programming with Rust for quite a long time now but that does not mean much. Rust has been changing for years now in such dramatic ways that coming back after two months feels almost like working in a different language. One thing however never changed: the trajectory. With every update, with every modification the whole thing
What Is It? The Neurokernel Project aims to build an open software platform for the emulation of the entire brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster on multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Spotlights! Fruit Fly Brain Hackathon 2019 will be held at Columbia University on March 20, 2019. Please see the Event page for more details. The Fruit Fly Brain Observatory, a sister project of Neur
This package implements extensible effects, an alternative to monad transformers. The original paper can be found at http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/extensible/exteff.pdf. The main differences between this library and the one described in the paper are that this library does not use the Typeable type class, does not require that effects implement the Functor type class, and has a simpler API for hand
History of CPAN CPAN History Version 0.3 This document is a history of the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, or CPAN. CPAN is a collection of open source Perl libraries, contributed by 6000+ developers over a period of 19 years. The archive is mirrored on 250+ servers around the world. But this is also a history of the other services that make up the CPAN ecosystem, and the people who made it al
At ICFP a few weeks ago a hot topic in the corridors and in a couple talks was the issues surrounding packaging and “Cabal Hell.” Fortunately we were not just discussing problems but solutions. Indeed I think we have a pretty good understanding now of where we want to be, and several solutions are in development or have reasonably clear designs in peoples’ heads. I want to explain what’s going on
Yesod is a Haskell web framework for productive development of type-safe, RESTful, high performance web applications. September 30, 2014By Greg WeberView source on Github We are happy to announce the release of Yesod 1.4. This includes: Releases of all Yesod packages to support version 1.4.The book content on yesodweb.com is completely updated for Yesod 1.4, with all snippets confirmed to compile
Peter Bailis :: Highly Available, Seldom Consistent Data management, distributed systems, and beyond Linearizability versus Serializability 24 Sep 2014 Linearizability and serializability are both important properties about interleavings of operations in databases and distributed systems, and it’s easy to get them confused. This post gives a short, simple, and hopefully practical overview of the d