Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...
The Evolution of Flux Frameworks — Mediumを読んだ。自分がここ3ヶ月~半年くらい考えてたことと殆ど一緒で、若干の安心感を得たり。実装論の話も概ね同意ではあるのだけれど、自分は必ずしも同意しかねる面がある。 今のメモリマネージド言語のトレンド、特にクライアントアプリケーションの存在を想定したアーキテクチャは、C#が筋道を立てた実践理論に追随してる面があるので、過程はどうあれ、彼らの先端スタイルに近づいていくことになると思うのよね。 Fluxパターンの話をすると、あれが偉かったのは「疎結合すると色々楽になるから、オブザーバーパターンにして、コマンドパターン使って、コマンドは単方向にすると破綻しにくい割に弄りやすいよ」ってのを、フレームワーク症候群に陥っていた凡百なWebクライアントサイドに、一発、投げつけた辺り(というのは半年くらい前に書いたな……)。
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The web frontend scene is witness to many new frameworks and ways of working. It can be quite annoying when software becomes legacy quicker than ever. But actually, it's just good old innovation happening as it should, because the opportunities for improvement are there. Frameworks come and go, but what remains are the good ideas that they brought to the world. We're going to talk about the good i
Introduction Welcome to the third installment of the Learning React series. Today we will be learning about how Facebook’s Flux Architecture works, and how to use it in your own projects! If you haven’t already, I strongly recommend you check out the first two installments in this series, Getting Started & Concepts and Building a Real-Time Twitter Stream with Node and React. They aren’t a hard pre
There are many dermatologists that recommend yogurt for acne. The reasoning is that, if you choose the right yogurt that contains probiotics, then it can fight the bad bacteria that is partly responsible for the cause of acne. Dermatologists obviously aren’t going to tell you to get those fake sugary yogurt substitutes with a bunch of chemicals, artificial sweeteners and corn syrup (why not just u
This blog site has been archived. Go to react.dev/blog to see the recent posts. This round-up is a special edition on Flux. If you expect to see diagrams showing arrows that all point in the same direction, you won’t be disappointed! React And Flux at ForwardJS Facebook engineers Jing Chen and Bill Fisher gave a talk about Flux and React at ForwardJS, and how using an application architecture with
edit: ワウ〜 この記事は思ったより人気ですね。いつもReactのことは人気だし、 update oct-19: After using Flux for quite a while, I've started to become less annoyed by the amount of boilerplate used because in the end, it's MUCH harder to reason about React applications that use multiple component states. I may write about Flux again in an updated article, but only really to stress how centralized application state is what makes F