米紙ワシントン・ポスト(電子版)は25日、民間の内部告発ウェブサイト「ウィキリークス」が近く公開する機密文書には、トルコの反政府武装組織クルド労働者党(PKK)への米政府による支援や、トルコが国際テロ組織アルカーイダのイラク国内の勢力を支援していたことを示す内容が含まれていると報じた。ロンドンのアラブ紙アルハヤトの報道として伝えた。 ロイター通信は、米外交文書が公開された場合に備えて、米国務省が外交ルートを通じ英国、オーストラリア、カナダ、デンマーク、ノルウェーに対して事前に説明したと報じた。外交関係への打撃を最小限に抑えるのが目的とみられる。(共同)
Hold the moules et frites: Belgium has joined Portugal, Spain and Italy on the hit list of countries that may be heading for financial crisis. In the bars of Antwerp and the cafes of Bruges, the talk is less of Christmas markets and hot chocolate than of the rising cost of financing a national debt which stands at 100% of annual national income. Like Ireland, struggling to fend off criticism of it
Interviewer: How would you handle a situation like the one that just developed in North Korea? Palin: Well, North Korea, this is stemming from a greater problem, when we're all sitting around asking, 'Oh no, what are we going to do,' and we're not having a lot of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do. So t
British-based men of Afghan origin are spending months at a time in Afghanistan fighting Nato forces before returning to the UK, the Guardian has learned. They also send money to the Taliban. A Taliban fighter in Dhani-Ghorri in northern Afghanistan last month told the Guardian he lived most of the time in east London, but came to Afghanistan for three months of the year for combat. "I work as a m
It's impossible to overstate the influence of Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson, who died in his sleep yesterday, aged just 55. As a founding member of Throbbing Gristle, he was part of one of the most experimental and notorious British groups of all time. The first industrial band, their music covered everything from machine-like noise to almost quaintly melodic electro-pop. I can still remember the
中途半端な英語使いが英国からのニュースを東京で読み、あちこちふらふらうろうろ。時々嘘。 はてブ = http://b.hatena.ne.jp/nofrills Twitter = http://twitter.com/nofrills Twitterのログ = http://twilog.org/nofrills ◆「なぜ、イスラム教徒は、イスラム過激派のテロを非難しないのか」という問いは、なぜ「差別」なのか。(2014年12月) ◆「陰謀論」と、「陰謀」について。そして人が死傷させられていることへのシニシズムについて。(2014年11月) ◆知らない人に気軽に話しかけることのできる場で、知らない人から話しかけられたときに応答することをやめました。また、知らない人から話しかけられているかもしれない場所をチェックすることもやめました。あなたの主張は、私を巻き込まずに、あなたがやってください
Battersea Dogs and Cats Home is celebrating its 150th anniversary. The animal refuge in south-west London started in a stableyard in north London in 1860 and has gone on to care for more than three million cats and dogs. The home was founded by Mary Tealby in 1860, external and run by volunteers. It now employs 310 staff on three sites. To mark the anniversary, the home has been holding a celebrit
Adoption rates increased among dogs involved in similar programmes The first prison-based dog training scheme in the UK is being introduced at Polmont Young Offenders Institute near Falkirk. Young male inmates will be paired with dogs with behavioural problems which need to be trained and rehabilitated in order to be rehomed. Elizabeth Ormerod said the scheme had proven successful among prisoners