夜の海に潜水して、水中で照明を消すと、全くの漆黒の闇になる。無重力の世界なので、体が逆立ち状態にあるのかも、どっちが海面か海底なのかも、わからない。道しるべは、自分が吐く息の気泡。それが上昇していく方向が海面だ。だが今の世界は、海面に出る道しるべさえなく、もがいているように見える。 20世紀には、「文明は時間とともに進歩する」という認識があった。「民主主義が広がるのはよいことだ」「圧政に対決する正義は常に正しい」「経済発展は世界に繁栄をもたらす」と。そうした信念も、今世紀には漂流し始めた。 たしかに「アラブの春」は民主化を広げたが、ムバラク崩壊後のエジプトは過激化し、40年続いた中東の平和すら揺らぎそうだ。民主主義の重要な定義は、「自由選挙が行われること」だった。しかし、パレスチナの自由選挙でハマスが勝ち、イランでアフマディネジャド大統領が勝てば、アメリカはこれを民主主義とは認めない。一方
The UN says more than 5,000 people have been killed since the uprising in Syria began Syrian security forces have reportedly opened fire to stop tens of thousands of protesters holding rallies in front of visiting Arab League observers. Activists say at least 35 people were killed in flashpoint cities like Hama, Deraa and Homs, all of whom were being visited by League monitors. Running battles wer
Report by Anthony H. Cordesman Published December 30, 2011 There is nothing new about Iran’s threat to close the Gulf, but it does need to be put in context. Iran is reshaping its military forces to steadily increase the threat to Gulf shipping and shipping in the Gulf of Oman, It also is gradually increasing its ability to operate in the Indian Ocean. This increase in Iranian capability is almost
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Tens, and possibly hundreds, of thousands of people defied a continuing government crackdown to fill the streets of several Syrian cities on Friday, intent on showing visiting monitors from the Arab League the extent of opposition to President Bashar al-Assad. As thousands marched in Idlib, Homs, Hama and in the suburbs of the capital, Damascus, violence flared at several of the
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the monolithic corporation that controls all electric power in Greater Tokyo, and runs the Fukushima Daichii nuclear plant that experienced a triple meltdown following the March 11 earthquake, is on the brink of nationalization according to Japanese government sources. The official reason is that the firm may not be able to handle the massive compensation paym