Thousands of documents detailing some of the most shameful acts and crimes committed during the final years of the British empire were systematically destroyed to prevent them falling into the hands of post-independence governments, an official review has concluded. Those papers that survived the purge were flown discreetly to Britain where they were hidden for 50 years in a secret Foreign Office
食料増産のため、静岡県に「陸軍農耕勤務隊」として動員された朝鮮半島出身兵士の名簿。本籍や氏名、所属先などが記録されている=竹内康人さん提供(一部画像を加工しています) 太平洋戦争中に朝鮮半島から動員された軍人・軍属約26万人の全配属部隊と配置先が、近代史研究家の竹内康人さん(54)=浜松市=の調査で明らかになった。日本政府が韓国政府に引き渡した軍人・軍属関係の名簿を調査した。朝鮮半島出身の軍人・軍属は人数や配属地など詳細が不明だったが、アジア・太平洋全域に配備された全体像が初めて判明した。多くの犠牲者を出したニューギニア戦線で朝鮮半島出身者が配属された全部隊名と人数など、初めて明らかになった事実も多い。【扇沢秀明】 竹内さんが調査した名簿は、旧陸軍「留守名簿」(16万148人)▽「工員名簿」(2102人)▽「軍属船員名簿」(7046人)と、旧海軍「軍人軍属名簿」(10万778人)。旧陸海軍
In 1975 my father, then working for the UN in Zambia, visited the spot where Dag Hammarskjöld's plane crashed outside Ndola. He talked about the crash to a worker there, Dickson Mwewa, who offered him a metal plate found buried at the site, telling him it was a piece of the crashed DC6. My father told the Swedish authorities about the plate at the time but they showed no interest. I discovered the
New evidence has emerged in one of the most enduring mysteries of United Nations and African history, suggesting that the plane carrying the UN secretary general Dag Hammarskjöld was shot down over Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) 50 years ago, and the murder was covered up by British colonial authorities. A British-run commission of inquiry blamed the crash in 1961 on pilot error and a later UN inv