反体制派との内戦でシリアのアサド政権が揺らぐ中、シリアと同盟関係にあるイスラム教シーア派国家・イランが隣国イラクとの関係強化を進めている。シーア派の聖地・イラク中部ナジャフでの大型建設計画への巨額投資などを通じ、80年代のイラン・イラク戦争での恩讐(おんしゅう)を超え、イラク政府や国民に浸透を図っている。中東地域で新たな「反米シーア派連合」を構築する狙いもあるとみられる。【ナジャフ(イラク中部)で鵜塚健】 ナジャフ中心部の礼拝所アリモスク。内部にはシーア派初代イマーム(宗教指導者)のアリの聖廟(せいびょう)があり、シーア派を国教とするイランから巡礼者が訪れる。イラン人の巡礼は両国関係が悪かった旧フセイン・イラク政権時代には困難だったが、03年の政権崩壊後に可能になった。 昨秋、モスクの隣で大規模事業の工事が始まった。博物館などを併設した宗教施設で、敷地面積約5万4000平方メートル、総工費
Syrians crossed into Qaim, in Iraq’s Anbar Province, last week.Credit...Karim Kadim/Associated Press QAIM, Iraq — Muhammed Muafak decided he had had enough when Syrian Army mortar shells struck near his house while his family was having the iftar meal to end the daily Ramadan fast. He packed up his 10-member household in Bukamal, the Syrian border town where they lived, and fled here to this Iraqi
We now know the US also used thermobaric weapons in its assault on Falluja, where up to 50,000 civilians remained The media couldn't have made a bigger pig's ear of the white phosphorus story. So, before moving on to the new revelations from Falluja, I would like to try to clear up the old ones. There is no hard evidence that white phosphorus was used against civilians. The claim was made in a doc
At the Facebook Cafe in Baghdad, customers use the Internet. Fewer than 3 percent of Iraqi households are online.Credit...Michael Kamber for The New York Times PARIS — Iraq, cut off from decades of technological progress because of dictatorship, sanctions and wars, recently took a big step out of isolation and into the digital world when its telecommunications system was linked to a vast new under
WASHINGTON — At the nation’s top spy agency, the ghosts of Iraq are never far away. One C.I.A. analyst who had helped develop some of the intelligence about Saddam Hussein’s supposed weapons of mass destruction had a breakdown months after the Iraq war began; he had participated in the post-invasion hunt there that found the weapons did not exist. When he eventually was given a new assignment asse
The Arab League summit that opens in Baghdad tomorrow is the first since the Arab spring revolts began in Tunisia more than one year ago, and the first to be hosted by Iraq for more than 20 years. The much-delayed meeting is likely to be dominated by Syria, whose embattled president is not invited. But it may also serve as an unintended showcase for the deep political and religious divisions bedev