「千年に一度の災害にどう備えるのか?」 という問いを耳にします。今回の東日本大震災、確かに稀な規模「想定外」の天災に被災地が襲われたことは間違いありません。しかしそれは本当に「千年に一度の災害」なのか?津波災害の本質を、少し角度を変えて考えてみたいと思います。今回からのお話の骨子は、地球・惑星科学の茅根創・東京大学理学部教授にご教示頂きましたが、本稿の文責は100%伊東にあり、もし内容に瑕疵があれば、その責は一身に僕が負うものであることを、最初に記しておきたいと思います。 一枚の古い地図から・・・ 最初に、一枚の古い地図を見ていただきたいと思います。 この地図は、元来は大正2(1913)年に測量された国土地理院発行5万分の1「盛」と「気仙沼」を、昭和8(1933)年時点の土地利用にあわせて改めた原図と、今回の震災を受けて日本地理学界災害対策本部・津波被災マップ作成チームが作った「2011年
Officials are monitoring the empty vessel in case it becomes an obstruction to other shipping A Japanese fishing vessel swept away by the March 2011 tsunami has been spotted adrift off the west coast of Canada. An aircraft patrolling the seas off British Columbia saw the vessel, which is about 50-metre (164ft) long, floating 275km (170 miles) from the Haida Gwaii islands on Friday. It is believed
江東区南砂3丁目にある海面の高さなどを示す標識。男性が指さしている白い輪の高さが海抜0メートル。一番高い輪の位置が堤防の高さだ=2012年2月23日 東日本大震災を招いた超巨大地震を契機に、東京湾の津波についても「最悪の可能性」を見極めようという動きが急だ。心配される東海、東南海、南海の3連動地震や、首都直下地震が起きたら首都の海はどう変貌するのか。【宮田哲】 ◇ゼロ地帯-荒川周辺氾濫 M9.0規模なら高さ2~3メートル 防潮堤壊れ、地下鉄流入も グラウンドの隣に巨大な串団子のようなポール。荒川に近い東京都南砂町地盤沈下観測所わきには、この土地の高度を示す標識が立っていた。地面近くの印は干潮時の海面。その上は平均海面(海抜0メートル)。つまり、この土地は常に海面より低い。そのはるか上に1949年の台風の際の高潮の高さが示されている。「当時は小学校入学前でした。天井裏に上がって一晩過ごしたん
“The dead bodies are the most disturbing aspect of any disaster, and some people might not want to remember,” said the book’s author, Kota Ishii, who spent three months in Kamaishi and its environs in the wake of the disaster, chronicling Mr. Chiba’s work. “But this story is ultimately about how small acts of kindness can bring a little humanity, even in a tragedy that defies all imagination.” The
ON MARCH 11th, the first anniversary of the day that turned her world upside down, 13-year-old Wakana Yokoyama will be performing a rice-planting dance for her fellow villagers. It will be a happy occasion, because she will be with old school friends she rarely sees any more. But it will be tinged with sadness, too; because although there are still villagers, there is no longer a village.
The trickle of visitors to Okawa primary school began soon after dawn. Three men in dark overcoats, their shaved heads exposed to the freezing elements, stepped out of their black sedan and bowed before a makeshift shrine that has come to symbolise the most distressing episode of the Japan tsunami disaster. Later, a woman arrived and lit sticks of incense, shielding them from the wind, then linger
Japan tsunami: the recovery, one year on - interactive Press agencies have been gathering pictures from some of the worst-hit areas of Japan showing how communities are slowly repairing their towns. In a series of montages they have combined pictures taken during or just after the tsunami hit, with images taken up to a year later. Photographs: AP, AFP, Getty
Documentary describing the 3:11 Tsunami / nuclear disaster of 2011 in interviews with children. in no way do i claim or infer responsibility of ownership or authorship of this program. nor 100% copyright infringement, it is posted here for educational purposes only on the 1st anniversary of the tragic events. we pay a BBC Tv licence fee here in U.K so it seems fair we post it here for our Japanes
A taxi driver, who did not want to be named, added that he was unwilling to stop in certain parts of the city that were badly damaged in the tsunami for fear of picking up a customer who is a spirit of the dead Credit: Photo: AFP Numerous reports of ghost sightings have reportedly been made by residents in the city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture, home to nearly a fifth of all tsunami fatalitie
Two days after the Japanese tsunami, after the waves had left their destruction, as rescue workers searched the ruins, news came of an almost surreal survival: Miles out at sea, a man was found, alone, riding on nothing but the roof of his house. Michael Paterniti tells his astonishing tale Later, lost far at sea, when you're trying to forget all you've left behind, the memory will bubble up unbid
Japan Earthquake: Six Months Later Alan Taylor September 12, 2011 34 Photos In Focus Yesterday, the world commemorated the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States, but Sunday had another significance for Japan. It marked six months since the massive earthquake and tsunami on March 11, a date now seared in the country's national consciousness. At 2:46 that afternoon, a 9.0 magnitu
450,000 people were made homeless by the powerful earthquake and massive tsunami that devastated Japan in March. Five months on many people are still living in shelters and temporary accommodation. Affected residents admit that they "must endure" the hard times ahead. In part two of our series, BBC Breakfast's Jenny Hill returned to Japan to see how the country has been coping after the disaster.
飼い主と津波に流された犬まる子 帰らぬ家族、残る思い 震災後、2カ月半ぶりに見つかったまる子 津波で流された家の跡地に立つ美砂子さん。まる子はここで一家の帰りを待っていた=6月下旬、東松島市大塚 東日本大震災の津波で大きな被害を受けた宮城県東松島市の大塚地区で、飼い主一家と一緒に家ごと流され、2カ月半ぶりに見つかった犬がいる。家のあった場所に戻り、飼い主が戻るのを待っていたという。一家4人は津波で死亡・行方不明となり、この犬は親類に引き取られた。 犬は雑種で、名前は「まる子」。大塚地区で酒屋を営んでいた佐々木亀悦さん(65)一家に飼われていた。7年前、生後すぐ保健所に持ち込まれたが、動物愛護ボランティアの佐々木美砂子さん(54)=塩釜市=に助けられ、亀悦さんの家に引き取られた。 「丸々と太っていたのが名の由来。娘のようにかわいがられていた」と美砂子さん。 3月11日の大津波で、亀悦さ