
ObamaとOBLに関するScatterbrainのブックマーク (3)

  • U.S. Was Braced for Fight With Pakistanis in Bin Laden Raid (Published 2011)

    U.S. Was Braced for Fight With Pakistanis in Bin Laden Raid Leon E. Panetta, left, the C.I.A. director, will reportedly talk soon with his Pakistani counterpart, Lt. Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha, right.Credit...Alex Brandon/Associated Press, left; Pakistan Press Information Department, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images This article is by Eric Schmitt, Thom Shanker and David E. Sanger. WASHINGTON —

    U.S. Was Braced for Fight With Pakistanis in Bin Laden Raid (Published 2011)
    Scatterbrain 2011/05/10
    President Obama insisted that the assault force hunting down Osama bin Laden last week be large enough to fight its way out of Pakistan if confronted by hostile local police officers and troops, senior administration and military officials said Monday.
  • ビンラディン容疑者殺害:少年がオバマ氏にやり方“苦言” - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

    6日付の米大衆紙ニューヨーク・ポストは、ニューヨークの米同時多発テロ跡地で5日行われた献花式で、犠牲者遺児の10歳の少年がオバマ大統領に、国際テロ組織アルカイダ指導者ウサマ・ビンラディン容疑者の殺害について「もうちょっとひどくないやり方はなかったの」と“苦言”を呈したと報じた。 殺害が適切だったかどうか内外で疑問の声が上がる中、オバマ氏は子どもからも厳しい声を突き付けられた。 少年は、生後10カ月だった01年9月11日に発生した同時テロで消防隊員だった父を亡くしたクリストファー・カニザーロ君。献花を終えたオバマ氏にビンラディン容疑者が死亡したことを「どう思う」と聞かれ、率直な感想を語ったという。(ニューヨーク共同)

    Scatterbrain 2011/05/08
  • What bin Laden's death really means

    Scatterbrain 2011/05/07
    But this "achievement" was not solely his doing. Had the Bush administration been smarter, and focused on counter-terrorism rather than a misguided campaign of "regional transformation," we might have found him sooner and at less financial, human, and reputational cost.
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