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Omanに関するScatterbrainのブックマーク (4)

  • インドネシア:「奴隷だった」オマーンから帰国の元家政婦 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

    中東オマーンで雇用主のに受けた暴力について語る元家政婦ルスナニさん。あごにナイフで傷つけられた跡が残る=インドネシア・東ジャカルタで、佐藤賢二郎撮影 サウジアラビアで雇用主を殺害したインドネシア人家政婦が6月中旬、死刑となったのをきっかけに、出稼ぎ労働者に対する虐待への批判が高まるインドネシア。「まさに奴隷だった」。2カ月前に中東オマーンから帰国した元家政婦ルスナニさん(47)は毎日新聞の取材に、その実態を証言した。【ジャカルタ佐藤賢二郎】 サウジ、クウェート、オマーン。ルスナニさんはこれまでに計3回、中東諸国に出稼ぎに行った。「雇用主や家族の暴力は当たり前。サウジで斬首刑になった女性と私の境遇はとてもよく似ている」と打ち明けた。 3人の子供の教育費を稼ぐためだった。夫とは離婚。いずれの国でも、雇用主から虐待を受けたり、給与の不払いを経験した。「何度も復讐(ふくしゅう)したいと思ったが、

  • Oman's Sultan Qaboos: a classy despot | Brian Whitaker

    Sultan Qaboos, Oman's absolute ruler, is a man of culture. He plays the organ and the lute, composes music and has his own highly regarded symphony orchestra. The vulgarity of Dubai and the brutality of Iran are simply not his style. He is also a long-standing friend of the west, and of Britain in particular. In his younger days he served in the British army and later donated sports pavilions bear

    Oman's Sultan Qaboos: a classy despot | Brian Whitaker
  • Rallies in Oman Steer Clear of Criticism of Its Leader (Published 2011)

    MUSCAT, Oman � Thousands of demonstrators spent Tuesday marching down the manicured streets of this modern seaside capital by day and speeding around in caravans of honking cars by night. Unlike the protesters in Tunisia, Egypt and Bahrain who have demanded that their leaders step down, the large crowds here chanted praise for their sultan, Qaboos bin Said, who has ruled for nearly 41 years. “We w

    Rallies in Oman Steer Clear of Criticism of Its Leader (Published 2011)
  • Oman's Renaissance Man

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    Oman's Renaissance Man
    Scatterbrain 2011/03/02
    Qaboos has single-handedly brought the country from the throes of anarchy and rebellion to being a strong and modern country with the minimum of repression. I have never encountered a place in the Arab world so well-governed as Oman, and in such a quiet and understated way.
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