南西諸島のモズは臆病 進出先、天敵を回避 国立科博など調査 南西諸島で繁殖するモズは、同諸島を除く九州地方以北にすむ個体より臆病で、人間などが近づくと早く飛び立って逃げる傾向があるとの研究成果を、国立科学博物館などの研… (2020年8月12日 12:30) コロナで閉幕の展覧会が再展示 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受け、展覧会の会期中に突然の閉幕を余儀なくされた一部の美術館が、会期を改めて同じ内容での再展示を模索している。 東京・渋谷のBu… (2020年08月12日 12:18) 「最後の砦」エクモ習熟者増やせ コロナ対策で注目も人材不足 京都で講習会 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に備えて、京都府内の医療従事者を対象にした体外式膜型人工肺(ECMO=エクモ)の講習会が9日、京都市上京区の府立医科大で開かれた。… (2020年08月12日 10:49)
An image of debris ejected from Cabeus Crater and into the sunlight, about 20 seconds after the LCROSS impact. The inset shows a close-up with the direction of the Sun and the Earth Scientists studied the full results of an experiment that smashed a rocket and a probe into a lunar crater last year. The impacts kicked up large amounts of rock and dust, revealing a suite of fascinating chemical comp
Carbon-rich organic molecules, which serve as the building blocks of life, may be present on Mars after all, say scientists - challenging a widely-held notion of the Red Planet as barren. When Nasa's two Viking landers picked up and examined samples of Martian soil in 1976, scientists found no evidence for carbon-rich molecules or biology. But after the Phoenix Mars Lander discovered the chlorine-
THE week before last, a falcon was launched into space: Elon Musk's privately financed Falcon 9 heavy-lifting rocket. This week a different falcon returned from the void. On June 13th Hayabusa, as the bird is known in Japanese, streaked through the night sky of southern Australia to deliver to Earth what researchers hope will be the first sample of rock collected from the surface of an asteroid.
A capsule thought to contain the first samples grabbed from the surface of an asteroid has returned to Earth. The Japanese Hayabusa container hit the top of the atmosphere just after 1350 GMT, producing a bright fireball over southern Australia. It had a shield to cope with the heat of re-entry and a parachute for the final drop to the ground. A recovery team later reported they had identified the