Several Japanese business were reportedly damaged during protests in some Chinese cities Japan's prime minister, Naoto Kan, has expressed regret over anti-Japanese protests in China in the last two days. Mr Kan said he had requested protection for Japanese companies in China after reports said several company premises had been damaged. Speaking in parliament, he said both sides needed to try to ha
Japanese nationalists marched on the Chinese embassy in Tokyo Demonstrations have been held in China and Japan about islands claimed by both countries in the East China Sea. In Tokyo, demonstrators rallied against China's claim to the islands and delivered a note to China's embassy. In China, protesters chanted anti-Japanese slogans in three cities. The long-running row erupted into a full-blown d
China accused of invading disputed islands By the CNN Wire Staff
(CNN) 尖閣諸島沖での中国漁船衝突事件をめぐり、日本では東京など7都市で2日、中国に対する抗議デモが行われた。 参加者らは日の丸を掲げ、「中国の領海侵犯を許さない」などと主張した。 デモを主催した田母神俊雄・元航空幕僚長は、尖閣諸島は日本固有の領土だとの立場から、日本が防衛しなければ中国はこれを取り上げる行動に出ると述べ、中国側を非難した。デモに参加したある男子学生は中国への強い怒りを示し、衝突で破損した日本の巡視船の修理費用は中国側が支払うべきだと語った。一方、55歳の女性参加者は、中国よりも日本政府の「弱腰」外交を批判したいと話し、「私たちは国としての誇りを取り戻すべきだ」と主張した。 事件では、日本が逮捕した中国人船長を釈放したが、中国側は日本に謝罪と補償を要求。日本側はこれを拒否している。日中関係の悪化は政府間外交や民間交流、観光の分野にも及んでいる。 【関連記事】
People take to the streets in Paris to protest against the Roma deportations Thousands of people have attended rallies in Paris and 130 other French towns to protest at the government's policy of deporting Roma people. Police say turnout across France was slightly more than 77,000 while organisers put the figure nearer 100,000. With polls suggesting at least 65% of French people back the policy, t
Thirteen people were arrested after far-right activists threw missiles and smoke bombs during last weekend's rally in Bradford by the English Defence League, police said yesterday. But, with politicians and community leaders, police today praised the calmness of residents during the protest, which drew 700 EDL activists. Alison Rose, the chief superintendent, said: "The people of Bradford should b
Page last updated at 11:25 GMT, Wednesday, 7 April 2010 12:25 UK People have been killed in clashes between police and protesters outside President Kurmanbek Bakiyev's offices in Kyrgyzstan. There are reports police fired live rounds after failing to disperse people with tear gas and stun grenades. Opposition leaders had called for Wednesday to be a day of national action against the government, b
Page last updated at 15:57 GMT, Wednesday, 7 April 2010 16:57 UK BBC correspondent Rayhan Demytrie reports from the main square in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on the violence that has left 17 people dead. Protesters attacked the government building and stormed TV and radio offices. Police reportedly fired live rounds at protesters. President Kurmanbek Bakiyev declared a state of emergency in affected are
The government in Kyrgyzstan is struggling to retain power as deadly clashes escalate between police and thousands of protesters. Officials say at least 40 people died in the capital, Bishkek, as protesters stormed government and TV offices. The protesters are angry at rising prices and accuse President Kurmanbek Bakiyev of failing to curb corruption. A key opposition leader has said the governmen