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Have you ever had the need to figure out how to survive a Javascript Zombiecodepocalipse? Have you ever dreamt about loads of living legacy code and the urge to run away from it? Hundreds of lines of code tightly coupled and hardly understandable there were trying to catch you? I’ve been there and I’m a survivor because I learned the art of refactoring. This talk is about how to deal with features
"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." - H. G. Wells (1866-1946) "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever." - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) "The fundamental cause of trouble in the world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) "Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake." - Chessmaster Savielly Grigoriev
先日JSHint 1.1.0がリリースされ、そのリリースノートに気になる記述がありました。 Adds new option gcl to make JSHint style checks compatible with Google Closure Linter. うそーまじでーなにそれヤバイ! 普段は仕事でClosureにどっぷりなせいもあってClosure Linterを使っているんですが、Closure LinterってJSDocとかお作法的なとこはチェックしてくれるけど、他のLintツールが当たり前にチェックしてくれるとこはやってくれないんですよね。たとえばvarの付け忘れとか。 Closure Compilerを使ってコンパイル時にチェックすることもできるけど、規模が大きくなってくるとその結果が出るまでに10分とか待たないといけなくっていやな感じー。Closure Linterと
Why a new system?Medium to Large web applications require a robust system to manage their dependencies. While module loaders excel at interoperating with external libraries, they can become difficult to work with when used as dependency systems. A new system should allow the code to be easily tested, debuged and get out of the way after the build process. Meet Mantri! Why use Mantri?Harder, Better
Introducing Rendr: Run your Backbone.js apps on the client and server Rendr is a JavaScript library that allows Backbone.js applications to run on both the client and server sides. It provides common classes and logic that can be reused across both environments, such as BaseView, BaseModel, and routers. On the server, it renders the HTML output using the same application logic. On the client, it h
Beautiful JavaScript Charting Library HTML5 JavaScript Charting Library with a Simple API and 10x Performance – makes your dashboards fly! Simple JavaScript Charting API 10X Performance 30+ Chart Types Well Documented Supports Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, IE8+ Support Directly from Developers Our HTML5 Charts work with all the popular Libraries & Frameworks like React, Angular, jQuery, ASP.Net,
Toru Hosokawa twitter:@anton0825 facebook:toru.hosokawa1 github:hosokawa0825 blog: 2012.10.1 ATNDページ JavaScriptのMVCフレームワークが増えている Backbone.js, Angular.js, Spine, etc… FWを選ぶのが大変! FWの調査手順−1 作るアプリの要件を洗い出す 規模 複雑度 特殊な要件(特殊なUI、リアルタイム通信など) 各FWの特徴を一覧にまとめる FWの特徴一覧を後でお見せします 情報元:Journey Through The JavaScript MVC Jungle FWの調査手順−2 FW間の比較、アプリの要件とFWの機能の比較(Fit Gap分析)を行い、候補を数個まで絞る 以
This free book is what I wanted when I started working with single page apps. It's not an API reference on a particular framework, rather, the focus is on discussing patterns, implementation choices and decent practices. I'm taking a "code and concepts" approach to the topic - the best way to learn how to use something is to understand how it is implemented. My ambition here is to decompose the pr Analyzing the performance of large-scale JavaScript applications requires a distinct…
3月12 ブラウザのデコード機能を利用した Shift JIS などの読み込み はじめに JavaScript でバイナリから文字列を取り出したら Shift JIS だったなんてことよくありますよね。 そういう文字列もさっと表示したいことがあります。 読み込む方法はいくつかある これらの文字列を読み込む方法はいくつかあって、自分が把握してるだけでも以下のものがあります。 Shift JIS と UTF-16 の対応表をつくる ぽりごんさんの文字コード変換ライブラリ Blob, File API を使って読み込む 右京さんの javascriptのnative APIで任意の文字コードからutf8に変換 script, Data URL を使って変換 1, 2 の方法についてはそれぞれ解説や実装があるのですが、3 の方法については見当たらなかったので説明してみます。 準備 念のため 2 段
log console.log with style Github Console Sources topDefault levels log.js:19 Bold & italics log.js:19 this is italic and this is bold. log.js:19 Inline code log.js:19 this is code: a == b == c log.js:19 Color log.js:19 this is red. this is green. log.js:19 Learn more log.js:19
Swift is the best programming language you should learn and make your dream app easily. Swift programming is a powerful yet easy-to-learn coding language created by Apple. It's frequently used for developing iOS and macOS applications, as well as tvOS and watchOS apps. While you can use other languages to create Apple apps, Swift is the preferred language, and it's recommended because its code is