
SFと同性愛に関するcinefukのブックマーク (1)

  • Slash fiction - Wikipedia

    Slash fiction (also known as "m/m slash" or slashfic) is a genre of fan fiction that focuses on romantic or sexual relationships between fictional characters of the same sex.[1][2][3] While the term "slash" originally referred only to stories in which male characters are involved in an explicit sexual relationship as a primary plot element, it is now also used to refer to any fan story containing

    Slash fiction - Wikipedia
    cinefuk 2020/12/03
    #Slashfiction 文化が「カーク / スポック(K / S)」で開花したとされるのは有名だけど、日本オタクコミュニティで「百合」と称される文化を #femslash あるいは #saffic(サフィック:サッフォーフィクション)と呼ぶんだな
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