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Sign up for a Google Workspace account. Create a Google Cloud project. Enable the following APIs for Google Workspace APIs Admin SDK API (optional, if enabling Google Groups as document approvers) Google Docs API Google Drive API Gmail API People API Also, to enable searching for users, the Google Workspace domain admin needs to enable external directory sharing. See more details: https://support.
How Good Documentation Can Improve ProductivityGood documentation has many benefits, but first and foremost it boosts engineers’ productivity. Here are a few tips to encourage a strong writing culture. When I joined Shopify last year, I knew its engineering culture was top class. What I didn’t know was the company’s documentation culture was even more developed than I previously experienced. Simpl
We can do so much to help tech writers scale their efforts and help developers learn! I know, I know, the current hammer du jour is “GPT for X“. It behooves us to explore how a promising new technology can help us, and I believe there are two large reasons we should do so: We (industry wide!) need all the help we can get to scale quality developer docs, so using these tools to help anyone writing
Introduction# A package is a folder tree described by a package.json file. The package consists of the folder containing the package.json file and all subfolders until the next folder containing another package.json file, or a folder named node_modules. This page provides guidance for package authors writing package.json files along with a reference for the package.json fields defined by Node.js.
Vue 2 has reached EOL and is no longer actively maintained. Upgrade to Vue 3 or learn more about | Vue 2 EOL. Vue 2 LTS, EOL & Extended SupportExpecting to stay on Vue 2? If you expect to be using Vue 2 beyond the EOL date (Dec. 31st, 2023), and still need a maintained version that can satisfy security and browser compatibility requirements, make sure to check out HeroDevs’ NES (Never-Ending Suppo
こんにちは、エンジニアのkinoppydです。本日は、SmartHRが公開したOSSガイドラインに関してご紹介します。 github.com SmartHR OSS ガイドライン SmartHRでは、すべてのサービスでOSSが使用されています。Ruby、Ruby on Rails、React、TypeScriptは必ずすべてのサービスで使われていますし、その他にもたくさんのOSSがSmartHRのサービスを構成しています。これらOSSによってSmartHRのサービスは支えられているので、我々もOSSに対してなにか貢献をすることができると良いなと思っています。しかし、現在社内には業務時間中のOSS活動に関する明示的な文章が存在せず、業務としてOSSにコミットする労務/法務的なルールが不明でした。また、OSS文化に対する経験が浅い人にとっては貢献する方法などもよくわからず、ハードルが高いと感じ
Node-pressure EvictionNode-pressure eviction is the process by which the kubelet proactively terminates pods to reclaim resources on nodes. Note:The split image filesystem feature, which enables support for the containerfs filesystem, adds several new eviction signals, thresholds and metrics. To use containerfs, the Kubernetes release v1.32 requires the KubeletSeparateDiskGC feature gate to be ena
Security Best Practices Intent This document intends to extend the current threat model and provide extensive guidelines on how to secure a Node.js application. Document Content Best practices: A simplified condensed way to see the best practices. We can use this issue or this guideline as the starting point. It is important to note that this document is specific to Node.js, if you are looking for
Webhooks are the foundation of modern API development. They enable us to react to changes in our systems, an incoming text message, a successful payment, or that latest pull request no matter our stack. While webhooks are universal in concept, they are unstandardized API contracts with few organizations paying attention to their design, security controls, and overall operational experience. Webhoo
Rust is an incredible powerful programming language. It is fast, compiled, without a runtime and it brings new concepts of safety to programming. It is the most beloved language for five years in a row in Stack Overflow users pool. To learn Rust go through the following content in the listed order, the majority of the content is free. Why Developers Love Rust https://ibraheem.ca/posts/why-devs-lov
こんにちは、READYFORでVP of Engineeringをしております、いとひろです。 この度、めでたくREADYFORのOSSポリシーをGitHub上で公開しましたので、共有いたします 👏👏👏 github.com OSSポリシー策定の背景 READYFORでは、息をするようにOSSにコントリビュートをしている @kotarella1110(React Hook Formコアコントリビュータ)や @yuji_developer(自作gem多数、OSSにPRやissueで貢献)や @ksss(CRubyやmrubyに貢献、最近はRBS関連の活動多し)をはじめとする多くのエンジニアがOSS活動を行なっています。 かくいう私自身も、かつてはEclipse CollectionsというJavaのOSSライブラリのリード・コミッターをしていたこともあり、OSS活動に対しては非常に前向